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Weird Things Players Say


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What's the weirdest/dumbest/most awkward thing you've ever heard a random player/friend/clan mate say in Warframe?


One of the most cringiest thing I've ever saw was months ago when I entered a PUG with my girlfriend (can't remember exactly how the convo went) and one of the randoms said that he was "surprised that a girl had such skills playing Vauban". Like, sexist much? More recently, some Thai player in the Larunda Relay was talking bullS#&$ about how only the personal 'friends' of DE had Excalibur Prime and that you would have to meet them (the devs) in person and be their 'friend' for them to give you a code to 'download' Excal Prime.


/facepalm... The stupid things people say. What's the worst you've ever heard?

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Me: Uhh guys get the life support

Other guy: Sits next to life support while I'm on the other side of the map

Me: Get the damn life support

Other guy: brb (where at 20 life support because I was on the other side of the map leaving it to hin)

Me: Makes a mad dash for extraction because that idiot wouldn't grab life support



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-"You are a founder, we dont want your kind in our game"


-"How much plat do you want for your excalibur prime?"


-Me: "dont kill so far from the team, you get less xp that way, xp share range is 50m"

-Hallway Hero: "F*** you, you @(*()$ noob S#&$, everyone knows you get most xp from killing everything yourself"


-Me: "dont kill so far from the team, you get less xp that way, xp share range is 50m"

Another HH: lol, noob share what, you dont know S#&$.


-"Gammacor is nerfed rip endgame"


-"you are all noobs, worst party ever, I have to kill everything myself" (he finished at the end of the score boards)

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Something like.... "Get us!!!" while they're on the floor surrounded by 3 Cbombards 2 Cnullifiers and 2 CAncientHealers.


I'd be like.... omg something pushed me into the pit!! It's too late!!!

If it's def mission..... well....... let me..... grab some loots first.....



In Raid.....

"Pro must throw DA PIZZAS!!!"

uhhhh OK?

Edited by Volinus7
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*post add for Alliance in recruiting chat*

*gets a reply "how many girls are in your alliance" ... *

My fav is still, "I have more kills, so I'm better than you."

"you Noob" *and then the person who says that goes down.*

"I can do better on my own. Watch me. Your just a nekros, you can't do a thing. Etc etc." and in the end, il either not desecrate, or kill stuff.

And the ultimate for tlor, need mr18 players for a regular tlor. Why? You need 3 good players, and you can do with a squad of mr3s...

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*Running T4 Defense when I get downed by a laser*

Me: Please don't use lasers unless you have a mic so you can let everyone know which one is about to be used.

Turdburglar: F*** you f******, thats y they r there!

Me: Alright, let's play that game.

*I begin activating lasers exclusively while he is in their sector, he gets downed multiple times. I've already pm'd the other two on the team not to revive him*

Turdburglar: Dude wtf y u keep lasering me?!

Me: That's why they're there, amirite?

*He ragequits after he runs out of revives, leaving a massive slew of obscenities on chat in his wake*



I'm not normally a vindictive player, but when I politely ask you not to do a thing that is detrimental to the team's survival and your response is to basically slap your $&*^ on your keyboard in some perverse display of bravado and ignorance; don't be surprised when the team agrees that you deserve a taste of your own medicine.

Edited by (PS4)KestralSylver
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The weirdest thing that happened to me on the XB1 version was when I was playing a public match and some kid had his mic turned on. Before I managed to turn it off (cause in the loading screen), I had to listen to how his dad smacked him around and yelled at him like a lunatic.


That was quite..... traumatising .-.

Edited by DeathClawing
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All the ones that call the one that knows more about the game a noob makes me cringe.



After I had just finished a LoR I got these messages.

Me - MR19, Raid Host - MR12


Raid Host: f****** noob go watch youtube on raids

Raid Host: dont move core  we could have lost.

Me: *Thinking - Dude really, you could haved helped by STANDING on the plate in stead of sitting back at start*

Me: Had you helped me and not accused me of being a noob all would have gone smoothly…

Raid Host: This user is ignoring you.

Me: *Thoughts* Welp another day another person that does little to respect the ones that do stuff in this game…And actually know things about the game.

Edited by Firehead331
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