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Are You Guilty. Of Playing A Frame More Beacuse Its Not As Popular As Big Margin Of Players


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I stopped playing Loki when Irradiating Disarm was released, I thought it was stupid to give the main part of another warframe (Chaos) to a warframe that already had so much power. I still think that mod should not exist. So I decided to not be part of that abuse.


I always loved Trinity, played her a lot when not many wanted to cover that spot. Now I don't play her anymore I'm sick of people on recruit chat asking for EV Trinity like there's no other way to do things.


Other than that, I mostly rotate what I play to not be bored. Lately I've been playing Banshee a lot, sometimes summoning Nekros having fun when people ask me if I'm desecrating, Volt with Shock's augment to buff everyone, old style blinding Excalibur since I don't like what he has become (still waiting for him to be a melee focused frame, which is not). And I always keep Nyx or Vauban at hand for when I want to play long survivals/defenses.

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I personally proved my clans preconceptions wrong by playing my limbo, saving there arses and carrying missions time and time again.


Only problem is that unlike a lot of other frames im fighting not just the opinnions of the randoms i meet. i fight the full Steriotype of limbo players  (in short me being an A****** and useless player, just because of my frame choice.)


Being denied access to t4 missions because they dont like my frame is kind of a $&*^ move on there end.


This is true, you are definitely fighting a stigma developed by players not being really sure how to use him. Especially in a team environment. In all the ones I have encountered, I've only played with two that really knew how to use him. If you were on PS4, I'd burn keys just to let you run bud!


As for the original question. I main what I like which happens to be Nekros most of the time. I do have frames set up specifically for team play such as Nova, Trinity, and Mirage. I like them and it doesn't bother me that they are mainly used in team environments. Frost Prime I set up for me, though he is sought after and I also use him with teams. I ran Excalibur before Exalted Blade, and still do play him. It all depends on my mood, what I'm doing and whether or not something is needed in a team. But at the end of the day I play what I like, others be damned.

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Although I want to totally retch and rip my skin off every time i see his clones. I still main Ash and Ash prime. I have mained him since before the inception of the dreaded clones. and As much i i hate them he's still my favorite frame. Bladestorm to me is the best ult in the game and Although its not as it once was. With it's loss of true damage and 20 second animation it still rocks. I hope by the lotus the what i heard last dev stream will not happen yet i know it will that there are plans to take it away from Ash/prime and give it to the clones while you just watch it go by you. and occationally throw out your bone daggers. This to me would be Ash's death. ( not quotes exact words but it how i interpreded it.)

Edited by Ookami_Nihonto
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Loki as starter frame back in U8. I loved him even though everyone claimed him to be the worst frame in the game. He turned out to be good. Now guess what? Everyone is abusing this frame. Too bad.

...loki was never a bad frame. Ever. even before closed beta was closed beta. People claiming that he was the worst frame was because they couldn't figure out how to play him.

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...loki was never a bad frame. Ever. even before closed beta was closed beta. People claiming that he was the worst frame was because they couldn't figure out how to play him.


Which proceeds to happen to this day. Beginners just fail to see his end-game potenial. I've been here a long time, and the "Master Race" thing has always been there.


Granted, he didn't become completely absurd until U9 (I think?) when Corrupted Mods came out, since he was so powerful with Fleeting, Overextended, and Narrow-Minded.

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...loki was never a bad frame. Ever. even before closed beta was closed beta. People claiming that he was the worst frame was because they couldn't figure out how to play him.

if i remember correctly back then there was a psa in the first frame selection saying that he was not for novice players. Even though he wasa starter frame.

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Go to frames are Oberon, Hydroid, Vauban, and Atlas, but I've got all of the frames.

Most of my frames are used between 1-3%. Outliers are Ash at 4%(Falling fast), Excalibur at 6%(From Draco Repfarming), Mag at 7% (First Frame), Oberon at 13%, Volt at 15% (Gotta go fast), and Hydroid at 19%.

144/165 Challenges

1543 Hours

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A non desecrate nekros. Yeah no, it doesn't work so well. Things like uber long cast animations, desecrate being balanced around a build for desecrate spam, crappy shadow AI and etc really hold him down from not just being viable, but fun.

Rhino has one of the best CC aerial ultimates, never was bad, just people can't get over not being invincible with iron skill.

Pre rework melee Saryn was quite bad.

Mag vs non corpus. Really bad.

Night form Equinox. Pretty good actually, doesn't require more than the base power strenght to function, has a cheap spammable CC and a cheap channeling damage reduction. Managed to go 60 minutes in a T4 solo once, if they make her night ult actually useful I might even main her.


Although I want to totally retch and rip my skin off every time i see his clones. I still main Ash and Ash prime. I have mained him since before the inception of the dreaded clones. and As much i i hate them he's still my favorite frame. Bladestorm to me is the best ult in the game and Although its not as it once was. With it's loss of true damage and 20 second animation it still rocks. I hope by the lotus the what i heard last dev stream will not happen yet i know it will that there are plans to take it away from Ash/prime and give it to the clones while you just watch it go by you. and occationally throw out your bone daggers. This to me would be Ash's death. ( not quotes exact words but it how i interpreded it.)

So what do you mean by it's loss of true damage and 20 second animations? It currently does finisher damage (basically armor ignore that does double damage to heavy units) and is pretty much the highest damage dealing ultimate in the game. Also I'm guessing you preferred watching a broken animation play on loop for 20 seconds instead of seeing ash preform it 2-4 times while the clones kill the rest in 5 seconds?

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A non desecrate nekros. Yeah no, it doesn't work so well. Things like uber long cast animations, desecrate being balanced around a build for desecrate spam, crappy shadow AI and etc really hold him down from not just being viable, but fun.

Rhino has one of the best CC aerial ultimates, never was bad, just people can't get over not being invincible with iron skill.

Pre rework melee Saryn was quite bad.

Mag vs non corpus. Really bad.

Night form Equinox. Pretty good actually, doesn't require more than the base power strenght to function, has a cheap spammable CC and a cheap channeling damage reduction. Managed to go 60 minutes in a T4 solo once, if they make her night ult actually useful I might even main her.


So what do you mean by it's loss of true damage and 20 second animations? It currently does finisher damage (basically armor ignore that does double damage to heavy units) and is pretty much the highest damage dealing ultimate in the game. Also I'm guessing you preferred watching a broken animation play on loop for 20 seconds instead of seeing ash preform it 2-4 times while the clones kill the rest in 5 seconds?

now he does slash damage with a possible bleed chance. and I would rather see him kill all his targets than only one or two. and not bouce back and forth to target he already hit once and then still might not kill. to have to use my weapon. if i wanted to do that i would have just shot or stabbed them in the first place. And i still haven't seen him decapitate any one like he does in the warframe trailer.

Edited by Ookami_Nihonto
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I have played Saryn more since the rework than my combined time played with her before. When a frame is reworked I like to go in and try out all the different builds and see what works and what does not work. 


I also like to run a max duration/range Oberon and smite spam. 


If I am running a hosted game, my frame/build is up to the host.  (Raid, 60m T4S, ect) 

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now he does slash damage with a possible bleed chance. and I would rather see him kill all his targets than only one or two. and not bouce back and forth to target he already hit once and then still might not kill. to have to use my weapon. if i wanted to do that i would have just shot or stabbed them in the first place. And i still haven't seen him decapitate any one like he does in the warframe trailer.

He does finisher damage man, with a forced 100% chance to cause bleeding. If you're going to complain about something, at least make sure you have your facts right to begin with.



Edited by BattledOne
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This is true, you are definitely fighting a stigma developed by players not being really sure how to use him. Especially in a team environment. In all the ones I have encountered, I've only played with two that really knew how to use him. If you were on PS4, I'd burn keys just to let you run bud!



D..daium you are litteraly the first person to not just go ahead and blankly deny my claim just because limbo.  Its nice to see so hats off to you sir :)

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