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I find that from time to time I'm instagibbed by one guy who threw a grenade between my eyes. Even if I don't get instakilled, they are unavoidable if the guy who threw them didn't completely miss and hit the wall in front of him.

My issue here is that dodging would only be useful if you could see the grenade coming, and for that we need grenade markers. I read somewhere that those were being worked on and that's cool, but there is another problem and that is: grenades explode too quickly. The dodge animation takes quite a while and grenades explode first even if you pressed shift before the grenade hit the ground (or you).

This is one of the very few things that I've experienced so far that feel unfair in Warframe. (the worst being how fast bosses get their shields back)

So I think it would be more fun if grenades worked as a way to flush you out of cover instead of being guaranteed hits when you are behind a corner.

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It needs a countdown like a real grenade. They can keep doing massive amounts of damage (enough to keep one shotting someone) but give people a chance to escape them. 3 seconds, and/or possibly add an alert animation to show you to GTFO.

The broken friends list is the number one problem of this game, followed by absurd dependancy on alerts that will never allow casuals to have upgraded Frames without dropping real money, and then finally grenades.


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Just view the grenades as the enemy's "Skills", they don't throw them at you every 2 seconds either. I honestly never had a problem with them though, they don't seem to instantkill me.

Something changed with them since the last week or so. It feels that way at least.

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The thing is, they always have this procedure before throwing a grenade.

Firstly, look out, and scan the area. If he looks out, without shooting, just pops the head out, then swiftly goes back again, you will see a grenade coming your way, because the next thing he wops out is his arm.

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I think this could be fixed if there was a brief moment of invincibility while dodging (rolling, backflips) ala Devil May Cry and God of War. This way, pulling those ninja moves become a lot more fun and useful.

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I have less problem with grenade as I progress through the game. This is my observation.

1. Grenade, when thrown, does not have noticeable effect apart from enemy throwing animation which is an inaccurate way to see where the grenade will drop.

2.Once touch the surface, it explode without warning or fuse mechanic.

3. No grenade indicator.

Fixing grenade problem can be done in multiple ways. The most used method in most games is adding grenade indicator when you're near one. Another way is add some effect on grenade - make it more visible like beeping red light with fuse mechanic. Allow players to react to it in a timely fashion.

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I have less problem with grenade as I progress through the game. This is my observation.

1. Grenade, when thrown, does not have noticeable effect apart from enemy throwing animation which is an inaccurate way to see where the grenade will drop.

2.Once touch the surface, it explode without warning or fuse mechanic.

3. No grenade indicator.

Fixing grenade problem can be done in multiple ways. The most used method in most games is adding grenade indicator when you're near one. Another way is add some effect on grenade - make it more visible like beeping red light with fuse mechanic. Allow players to react to it in a timely fashion.

1. It will fly towards you. Always.

2. It actually sticks to the surface for a very short duration before exploding

3. No. And preferably it will stay that way. It wouldn't even help, as the grenades would come flying, and sure, you would see them, but they would explode almost instantaniously when landing, making you see the indicator about .5s before explosion.

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If anything I feel the grenades they throw when they explode should be treated as an exploding barrel and hurt them too. I've seriously had incidents where I'm shooting a a group of guys while advancing and watch one of them out of cover and out in the open throw a grenade right at it's feet and have it go off.

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I just got nearly KO'd by a grenade a few minutes ago. It felt unavoidable and really harsh.

Grenades could be bright yellow bulbs of impending death crackling with energy. The minute an enemy primes one, you could see it a mile away. This would also give them an opportunity to show off some of that fancy dynamic lighting they seem to love so much. The highlights on a Grineer's armor would look fancy.

Give a second or so of it rolling about after that first impact. Grenades should serve to punish you for holing up somewhere and preying on the stupidity of the AI to walk into you. It should be a tool for driving players out of cover, not quick damage with little warning. If they want to go the quick damage route they should make them look and sound like the red rubber balls we used to throw at each other in Gym class. Because that's sorta' what they feel like at the minute.

Have them hit with a loud, distinctive "CLONK/PHWOONZ" Sound. So that if it was thrown to or from behind you, you're aware that somewhere, somebody has unleashed a tiny ball of nuclear pain in your general direction.

I agree that we don't need a marker, but something would be nice.

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the warframe can soak up millions of bullets but a few shrapnels from a grineer grenade is an insta kill? csb

also, the "make it glow" suggestions are silly. the las tthing weapon designers want is a grenade that's easy to spot. just give it the appropriate amount of damage. done deal. why make it needlessly complex?

Edited by johncage
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Given how the grenade explosion effects look I highly doubt they launch shapnel like a frag grenade. Atleast the effect I see in game when they go off is a concussive energy blast similar to the orbs dropped by the minelayer ospreys. The damage does seem to be around the same as an exploding barrel to me. The difference is they take no damage from it.

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the warframe can soak up millions of bullets but a few shrapnels from a grineer grenade is an insta kill? csb

also, the "make it glow" suggestions are silly. the las tthing weapon designers want is a grenade that's easy to spot. just give it the appropriate amount of damage. done deal. why make it needlessly complex?

That's the entire point of this thread though. Nobody likes that grenades are an instant "screw you" to whoever they end up near. Everything in any game needs a wind up, a chance for the player to react, and an outcome.

Right now grenades are just outcome and people are frustrated by it.

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Grenades at the moment are nigh-invisible instagibs to lower-level players, which is not how they should work. Now, I have quite the distaste for grenade markers, due to them "casualising" or making the game require less situational awareness or what have you, but one game I found to have excellent grenade mechanics while forgoing markers was Halo: Reach. Grenades made a slight hissing noise, a fairly loud clink when they hit a surface, and had a small light trail. Even if one landed in your lap, you still had a split second to react before your lap got blown into a million fleshy bits.Any one of those solutions would make them better than they are at the moment, and another thing to look at would be teaching Grineer to throw straight before giving them self-damage.

Though, seeing a Marine freak out cause he hit the wall in front of him before being vaporised would be fun I think.

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I came here to rage on the grenades and then I saw this post. Just got instagibbed twice in the same mission with Rank 8 Ember. It ripps of 175 Shield and 150 health. This Halo suggestion would work, or something like the creaking noise when you open a trapped chest in some games. Anything but the random blue blast of death.

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