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Group Loot?


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A question came up while playing with some friends, is the loot for credits in this game individual or group? For example, if we're playing and one of us is running around opening all the lockers and what not, is he the only one that gets credits or does it divi them up among the entire party?

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from what i have seen its dived for cash (i think) for all other loot you need to pick up yourself for example a mod is dropped you need to run over to get it. A sparkle is left at the place where it dropped aim at it and press g to mark the spot so others can get it too

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aim at it and press g to mark the spot so others can get it too

Yeah this is what we do in my group, but cash and the white affinity orbs seem to be the only things that only one person can pick up, so it was unclear whether or not you had to be the one to pick it up to get the money/affinity, or if it shares it with the entire group. At the moment since it never shows on anyone elses screen (from what I've seen) when someone else picks up money, we kind of fight over opening chests.

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