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Coming Soon: Devstream #63


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1. Dojo overhaul is being requested left and right, is there something in development for this? Or maybe even consider it? (Not even talking about the "build mode" but more of the legacy tilesets or perhaps new ones? Maybe even let us color the trees since everything is so red).

2.  Kubrows - Some people including me, would like to rename them and I honestly don't see why this shouldn't be a feature. It will save us 3 days of re-breeding the same thing just to give it a new name.

I mean, shouldn't we focus more on playing with them?

3. Can you please show us a chart on what is and what isn't coming on U18?

Edited by Oranji
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When will kavats be introduced to warframe as a sneak peak? A few devstreams ago it was mentioned they'd be seen before U18 came out as part of something special but no real word has been said about them yet since. I was curious if there was a planned date yet for their "Introduction"

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And i throw my old questions back into the hat.


Q1. Are Baliffs and Guardsman supposed to be armed Grineer workers or some form of milita? Their concept art is labeled "labourer" and their bodies look rather makeshift.

Q2. Is there a reason (besides it being perhaps too much work) against replacing the current Skana and Lato as starter weapons with MK-1 variants and buff the regular version to a more mid tier position?


Q3. Will the current plans for the new star chart make it easier to introduce new locations (moons, colonies, asteroid clusters, etc.) in the solar system?


Q4. Once upon a time we had Grineer enemies in the game who used buzzsaws in their palms as weapons. I rather liked them. Any chance they might return some day or that we at least could get a Glaive style weapon based on that saw design?


Q5. What was the motivation for making Archwing attachable thrusters for Warframes, rather than for example compact space fighters? Also why did you decided against Archwing secondary weapons?

Q7. Which other weapons are in for a visual makeover and how do you judge a weapon as being in need of it?

PS: How is the new Burston model progressing?

Q8. Just for fun (maybe as as last minute question). What are your favorit weapon names in warframe so far? Grakata doesn't count.


Q9. Any chance we might get some voiced Tenno NPCs in the future?
(Meaning non-combat oriented Tenno who might expand the Tenno as a faction beyond the Lotus. Like a weaponsmith, tactician, shaman, scientist, or something like this.)

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I have 3 questions; All about the Simulacrum.


My first question is will we ever get to add more than 20 enemies at a time? I feel as if only 20 spawns is not adequate enough for proper survivability testing when if you're actually going to the third rotation C and above it seems like you're facing way more enemies than that.


Secondly, will we ever have an entrance to the simulacrum from our liset? It's kind of a hassle to try different mod combinations and have to pop into a relay if you change one minor thing about your build and wanna go back.


And lastly, are arcanes not activating in the simulacrum a bug or is that by design?

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Q - Have anything to show us on that teased Ash rework?


Q - How will the Solar Map rework affect level distribution across planets?


Q - Neffy's been showing up for some time, how comes along his boss fight? Will the Sergeant that replaced him continue on as his own character?


Q - What is the best type of chili?

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A few questions.

1 - Why did you nerf Saryn's health? You want her to be a melee 'frame but she is as tanky as wet paper.

2 - Will we see any new syndicate weapon augments soon?

3 - Any plans to implement dedicated servers to raids and PvP?

4 - We have a flamethrower that can go through walls, why can't we pick up items while in the Rift? (not just Cataclysm, the WHOLE Rift)

5 - Any plans for Stealth 2.0?

6 - Any more Kubrow buffs?

7 - Why can we have millions of alloy plate but only 1 Kubrow Egg?

8 - Will there be an Ammo rework/Ammo 2.0?

9 - Can we have the ability to turn off the AI in the simularcrum? https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/557191-simulacrum-addition-killing-ai/

10 - Can we please be able to distill the old Arcane helmets and put the Arcane on a different helmet?

Hopefully some of these questions get answered.

Edited by DazDaSpazz
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Any plans to use the new mocap studio for improving movement animations?


Parkour 2.0 was developed because of a huge thread. The update did address the mechanics - movement restrictions the old parkour had, but did not improve the quality of animations.

Take a look at the gifs in the thread to see what I mean: 




And some other, general interest questions:


- How's the PvE balance pass coming?


- Details on Star Chart 3.0 please? It's still a mystery...


- Focus not dead? Any details?


- Separate color schemes for each cosmetic? When?

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Do you have/can you show any concept art for frosts deluxe skin?

Will deluxe skins ever be permanently available in the market? If not, when will they be coming back?

Are you going to rework/ abolish the antiAFK system?

Can you share some details about multishot rework and generally scaling rework?

Anything more on the snipers buff?

Any plans to rework archwing minimap to better fit 3d environment?

Anything more on starchart 3.0? When can we expect it?

Will we ever get access to arsenal in simulacrum?

Edited by Krak_Nihilus
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A question for Geoff (Geoff never gets asked anything):

Most other systems within warframe have had a 2.0 pass - Brining old techniques more in line with current industry standards - However, animation still seems to fall a bit behind the likes of more modern engines.


Is there any plan to revamp the animation systems to use a more procedural animation process (i don't know if that would be the correct terminology).


As an example: Currently in Warframe, if a Warframe's left foot stands on a curb(or slight elevation), the entire model is elevated to match the height of the curb, as opposed to the height of the left foot itself changing.


Second question to anyone in particular: Progress on old frame PBR? Will they be released in batches? If so, time frames? 



I just want to source my question, a while ago, i watched a video (provided) of an indie animator/developer who essentially did everything by hand himself, his movement set had a lot in common with Warframes movement set, but (IMHO) his were far superior (with no disrespect to the work done my DE) as he grounded a lot of his movement on the fly, and from what i gather, the time to create animations were significantly reduced.


GDC Conference video: http://www.gdcvault.com/play/1020583/Animation-Bootcamp-An-Indie-Approach

The specific part in question starts ~5:05

Edited by MillbrookWest
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Will T2 Keys from high level survival be removed? Getting a T2 key as a reward is just insulting they need to go. Was trying to farm T3 Capture keys on Nimus planet Eris but keep getting T2 keys as reward which is insulting espically on a high level missions. This will help a little bit with reduced grind hopefully, but T3 keys will still be random just T2 keys need to be removed.Infested are more annoying enough even more annoying when a t2 key is rewarded....

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I have a few questions that I had in mind:


Q1: Lately, I've seen people on the forums and in0game wanting another pair of dual prime pistols. Any plans for AkLex or AkVasto Prime?

Q2: About the Rhino deluxe skin - will there be an option to keep some of the gold bits like the last time when Rebecca showed (not sure if it was on the last devstream)


Q3: About the Rhino Hammer skin - is it possible for it to be applied to all the hammers and not to Jat Kitaag alone? Also Along with that are there any plans on buffing the Fragor and the Magistar?


Q4: Scythes - are there any plans for Scythe buffs and/or adding more, longer scythes?


Q5: After Rhino,Trinity, Banshee and Loki, which frame will be getting a deluxe skin? (I really hope for Frost to be next in line)


Q6: We seem to have a lot of prisma melee and primaries, but what about secondaries? And if we're most likely not getting one this week, can I suggest a derserving candidate to become Prisma-ed at a later date? My suggestion is Prisma AkLato (since by my opinion people really should return to these aesthetically awesome looking weapons)


Q7: TennoGen workshop skins - when will they be available on the market and how much will they cost?

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My first question is about the resource distilling extractors. On the star chart prior to what it is now you could claim your resources and leave your extractor deployed which gave it a greater chance to extract the rarer resources. This was great and unless it was damaged it made since. With the current star chart you now have to extract the extractor and then redeploy it. which is a tad annoying cause this causes your chances of getting the rarer resource resets. When the new star chart comes out in U18 will this be the same or will it be reverted to the prior mechanic?


Secondly, I would like to know if there are any future ideas of adding a secondary weapon slot to the Arch wing. If its a question of location as the primary and melee are stored under the wings. I've noticed a gap between the arch wing and the frame about where it attaches to the warframe so that would be a perfect placement for it. I just feel especially when your downed in combat you could still attack the enemies while waiting for you teammates to find you so they can revive you, like in regular missions.


Thirdly, I know that you are busy with fixing old content while at the same time as designing new content. but as a lore guy. I was wondering if you have any intentions of adding the missing lore from the game as well as the codex as it pertains to things that have been in the game since its inception all the way to U12. specifically Frames.


Forth, I'd like to know if your going to evolve the story line that was start in Vor's Prize with the Grineer Queens. Or has that fell by the way side.


Five. With the new star chart coming, its suggested that there will be fewer nodes. if this is the case. I know its a still a small amount but we gain or gained Affinity toward mastery from clearing those nodes and the individual planets systems. Will WE that have been playing for a while then loose that earned affinity and What compensation will be given to new players that wont be able to earn that affinity as the nodes for them wont be there. Was well I ask about the start chart in the past when new missions or new content was added sometimes new nodes were added that then made the planet or planets nolonger be cleared and we had to go back and clear them, will this also happen in the future star chart. This was really disappointing when it can to claiming resources and redeploying distilling extractors.

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1.) The AI behaviour of kubrows is befuddling, will there be any improvements and overhauls to their simplistic AI? I also find them to be lacking when it comes to animations, they seem like automated taxidermied creatures just lifelessly and mindlessly playing out the same animations ad nauseam. The running animation usually doesn't kick in and alot  of the time you see a really sped up version of the usual walking animation. Will there be some polish to Kubrows with the release of Kavats?


2.) Can we hear more about Kavats. Please dont give them kubrow AI, the pathfinding is horrid as well as a bunch of other behavioral issues.


3.) Will excalibro prime recieve a PBR update in the near future?


4.) Also I doubt this is happening but, did DE commission any alternate skin concepts for Excalibur from ignus Dei, the artist who worked on the rhino temple guardian skin ?

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