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Nerf The Hek


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This needs to be nerfed, it is the only gun people use. It needs to be nerfed so that the other weapons people slaved over making actually get used. or just buff a bunch of the other weapons. (dead serious about this)



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Counterpoint - Buff the other ones to make it so they have pros the hek doesn't.


I mean disregard that, that's bananas, nerf the hek into the stone age. In fact remake it into a slingshot, hek sounds like a noise a cave space ninja would make anyways.

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This needs to be nerfed, it is the only gun people use. It needs to be nerfed so that the other weapons people slaved over making actually get used. or just buff a bunch of the other weapons. (dead serious about this)



Nerf the Braton and Kunai please.

You do realize that the Hek has already been nerfed? Twice? Damn, all the crying these days.

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Nerf the MK1-Braton as well, because everyone uses it.


But wait, not everyone uses it. I see everyone with a Gorgon.


But wait, not everyone uses Gorgon anymore. Now I see everyone with a Latron Prime. Nerf that S#&$.


Wait, what about Dread? I see everyone with it! And Hate! So Overpowered? omfg get rid of it.


Rage rage rage quit quit cry cry.

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I see the Hek used FAR less than pre U8. I think polarisation has had a seriously positive effect on weapon selection. Now you can pretty much use what you want, how you want.


I haven't used mine in ages and used to use it above everything else (also i find it f ugly).

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Nerf the MK1-Braton as well, because everyone uses it.


But wait, not everyone uses it. I see everyone with a Gorgon.


But wait, not everyone uses Gorgon anymore. Now I see everyone with a Latron Prime. Nerf that S#&$.


Wait, what about Dread? I see everyone with it! And Hate! So Overpowered? omfg get rid of it.


Rage rage rage quit quit cry cry.

Sir you raged too much and didn't quit or cry enough. You broke it.

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Nerf the MK1-Braton as well, because everyone uses it.


But wait, not everyone uses it. I see everyone with a Gorgon.


But wait, not everyone uses Gorgon anymore. Now I see everyone with a Latron Prime. Nerf that S#&$.


Wait, what about Dread? I see everyone with it! And Hate! So Overpowered? omfg get rid of it.


Rage rage rage quit quit cry cry.

I agree, as much as I love the dread, it needs a nerf. and I see what you did thar, sarcasm is a wonderful thing.

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MoonicusMaximus, on 31 May 2013 - 9:46 PM, said:

Hek is a garbage weapon.

It's not and it's everything I wanted in a shooter, minus a bit about the aesthetics(I really love its long barrels though). Direct all comments about my taste in weapons to Uncle Hek.
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They only use it because its the only weapon that has higher mastery requirements, this way people can work up to it and brag about having it.

Since there are other new weapons in the dojo with higher mastery i bet everyone will wear them once they reach that mastery rank :)

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Everything is fine with the kunai and the HEK.

And I dont know how much you play, but I see a lot of player with something else that the HEK. I got the Hek and only use it for high level defences missions.


Still, I don't understand why people scream for nerf in a PVE game?? Frustration?? What does it change for you in a 4 player max game??? Oo

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I curently sticked to my Dread and i know that it less effective than Hek or Botlor in example and even Snipertron, but i like Dread i like to shoot things with prediction and ETC, it's make game more chalangable and enjoyable. So i think not only i play with funn weapons.

Edited by Keetsune
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ive not used a lot of weapons enough to give an objective answer yet, however, you said "please nerf the hek it is the only gun people use". this should never, NEVER, be used as a reason to nerf buff something, something being overused/underused is never a sensible reason for nerf/buffs. rather try to argue that it is just too much better than other guns. i will give my opininon, probably i wont bother with this thread again so its better than leaving nothing. from my experience a lot of things have a higher dps than hek, including boar, so its not the most useful weapon to use in every situation, something that would indeed make it overpowered. strun indeed seems weaker, but i think strun was just intented as a shotgun more accessible to new players, just like the lato or the skana the strong point of strun is accessibility, meant for use from new players/early game rather than advanced players/end game. again, i wont say my points are facts because i havent done testing but they are probably pretty close anyway.


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The people QQ for a Hek nerf are probably the ones too lazy to get to Rank 4 to get their own.

As to current guns in use, a lot of people are trying out / leveling the new guns. That is why we are now seeing a lot of Dreads, Latron Primes, Despairs, etc... In a month or so when a lot of people have tried out and leveled all the new guns, then we will see what the consences is.

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Hek is a garbage weapon.


I have a Hek level 28 potatoed..... I honestly don't like it. I have Damage maxed, every elemental mod and it's still not OP. Having to reload every couple of shots? God forbid you miss. Damage is reduced at mid range.


I think Hek is perfect for those who LOVE shotguns. If you're not a shotgun guy (like me) then you won't like the Hek. The people who say "Hek > All" are morons. The the damage % at the end of the mission speak for itself. Hek is balanced with the rest of the weapon already.


It's balanced even with the strun, which I've made to level 30. They both have their pros and cons so it could stay the way it is.


The good thing is now you can't snipe with Hek and that was the big issue.

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Hek is a great gun and I love it, but there's a reason why I carry the Lex and Amphis.

Hek like all other shotguns is USELESS after mid-range with its damage falloff

Unlike the Boar and Strun, Hek has bad crowd control with is low magazine size and ITS LONG BARRELS WHICH CAUSE THE GUN TO MISS IF THE ENEMY IS IN YOUR DAMN FACE(that's what melee is for)

Please only discuss a nerf after you've actually used the gun and ranked it to 30, not after you see other players use it in a more efficient way than you use your own guns.

Edited by Amistyrja
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The HEK requires mastery rank 4, which takes a while, and its damage at medium+ range has been massively reduced.


Given that it's a "high level" weapon, can only fire 4 shots before reloading, requires greater control (read: self restraint) and player accuracy than the other shotguns, and looks a bit like it should be shooting icecream at people (check out those sexy icecream nozzles aww yeah) ...there is nothing to nerf.



And judging by the tone of the replies here, I'd say this is the majority opinion.


In summary -



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