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The Toaster Dilemma


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Okay, so your toaster has recently (as in yesterday) caught fire for no apparent reason.

Right now you are hungry and are craving for some toast with nutella but you are scared that the toaster may explode and burn your house down. What do you do?


This is totally not happening to me right now.

Edited by Tauxi
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As far as I know, toasters have no explosive elements in them, so there should be no risk of explosion. Catching fire, though might mean there's a short or there's some food stuck on the heating elements (eg. jaffa cake, coated waffles). Best to clean that - but make sure you've unplugged everything. If it's a short, you might want to take it in for repair or get a new one. Unlike Dr-Jelly, I personally, would not risk fires just for toast... :|

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As far as I know, toasters have no explosive elements in them, so there should be no risk of explosion. Catching fire, though might mean there's a short or there's some food stuck on the heating elements (eg. jaffa cake, coated waffles). Best to clean that - but make sure you've unplugged everything. If it's a short, you might want to take it in for repair or get a new one. Unlike Dr-Jelly, I personally, would not risk fires just for toast... :|

Okay, what if the toaster came with a warning not to use it anymore if it's been on fire before and that it will most likely explode?

Yes, cooked toast with nutella is not wirth the risk of local immolation.

You could put the bread under a grill for a few minutes though; that would get you toast, just the same.

...Cooked toast...? I don't even...

Well, yes, 'cooked toast' with nutella is worth a burnt down house if you're craving for it. (and when I say 'craving' I mean zombie wants to nom nom your face craving).

Uhm, I don't have a grill. ;_;

So wait, you're both fat and cowardly in this scenario?

Are you saying you will eat try to make toast?

(and no, I'm not fat. :c )

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The solution is obvious.

Grilled Nutella. Think Grilled Cheese, but instead of Cheese, Nutella.

If your toaster deserts you, put on the movie "The Brave Little Toaster", and make sure that your toaster understands that others could replace him very fast if he doesn't pony up.


"The Brave Little Toaster"

He better get back in line.

Edited by Ced23Ric
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Toasting and grilling taste very different.

Obviously, as toasting is heating up the baked dough, whereas grilling involves adding fat to amplify taste. We are thinking alternatives here. Sometimes, one has to make do with what is available. Sometimes, a man needs to grill his nutella bread.

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Okay, I'll try this. Will post results.

Uhm, I mean. That's a very good solution. I'm sure this will help anyone with this exact problem which I do not have.

Well, it's a slow day. Weird posts are bound to get *some* response. To anwser you question, if there's a warning, for goodness sake, don't do it! -_-

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