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Most Underrated And Most Overrated Weapons


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I'm gonna play the devils advocate and disagree that the Boltor is overrated. I get that there's taboo over it because everyone's on the bandwagon but it still doesn't change the fact that it's one of the best primaries in the game.


I keep hearing people throwing the term "well rounded" a lot on the forum. What exactly does it mean? Personally, "well rounded" makes it seem like it's a Jack of All Trades but Master of None. Personally, I'll take a weapon that's either awesome at crit or status over one that's well rounded in both. I kinda feel like it's a you can have your cake and eat it but without the frosting.

You're baiting right.

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Underrated primary: Tiberon, it's exactly how a Burst rifle should me IMO, and I would love a buff to this weapon (though whether or not it needs one is debateable)


Overrated Primary: that's an easy one; Boltor Prime. yes, it's an excellent gun statistically, but it's boring and dull. it's a gun you use because you NEED to, not because you WANT to.


Underrated Secondary: a tie between Vasto prime and AkMagnus. both of these guns hit extremely hard when modded, and look really good as well. Vasto Prime seems to be forgotten, and those who haven't used it seem to dismiss the AkMagnus as "Noob guns", when they actually kick butt.


Overrated Secondary: for me, it's the Lex Prime. I used to be a real fanboy for it, until I got the Vaykor Marelok, which seems to leave it dead in the water; more power, more ammo, faster and with Syndicate Proc effect.


Underrated Melee: now that's a tough one. out of the ones I've used recently, I'd say the Kestrel. granted, it isn't as powerful as a Glaive prime or a well modded Cerata, but it gets the job done for me and Entropy Flight helps out a lot.


Overrated Melee: after a long hard think, my vote goes to the Prisma Skana. it looks great, and everyone was hyping it when Excalibur got reworked, but before I got Crimson Dervish, I didn't enjoy using it, it was just too weak, even with Bright Purity on it. now that it has the better stance it's OK, but still not all it was cracked up to be.

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Overrated and overused primaries: Boltor P, Tonkor, Synoid Simulor, Sancti Tigris and normal Hek

Overrated and overused secondaries: Vaykor Marelok

Overrated and overused melee: D nikana, Orthos P and mios now


Underused: Everything else


Kinda off-topic, but the the majority of people i get in pugs are either playing mirage or valkyr.


Mios deserves its hype. The thing is an absolute monster. It's also hard to be overused when it's only been available for a week.


Anyway, for me:


Overrated/Overused - Tonkor, Dread, Orthos Prime and Scindo Prime


Underrated/Underused - Akmagnus, Redeemer

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Most underrated:

Strun, actually, most any shotgun, (I was going to say Tigris, but people would come back with its problematic one/two shot-reload) as everyone I play with usually seems to run with assault rifles or laser weaponry, but in my experience with Strun, its high damage capability coupled with its ability of hitting multiple foes with each shot (I know, all shotties can do this) makes it a reliable weapon, even in higher level runs. (Specifically its Wraith variant)

Aksomatis- High crit, mini LMGs, love them, and am surprised to not see many people using them.

Whip-type melee weapons, specifically Scoliac.





Edited by (PS4)Abyss_Raider
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Underrated? I would go with the Paracyst. Originally I tossed this thing out as a joke, but didn't actually sell it. I put it on for a gag on a low level mission, got attacked by Zanuka, and ripped it to shreds. After that I forma'd it up and had a go at the big time (T4 Survival) and surprisingly it held up pretty well. I'm out of forma now, but it was well spent in my opinion.

As for overrated weapons, I would go with the Quanta. It really isn't that good. Really.

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Vaykor marelok-

I don't understand why this weapon is so good either, in late game, it falls off just like the boltor prime. It has high status, but I prefer automatic status weapons. Yes, you can build it for both criticals and status, but it just kill things in late game.

Aren't all weapons in one way or another, built to kill? Anyways, Vaykor Marelok is extremely powerful because it has a very high base damage, good crit, and a high status chance. All these mean that it's a given that it's extremely ammo efficient. It also out dps's the Soma Prime, even without a heated charge. Finally, that syndicate proc is extremely nice as well. Soma Prime is not the only example, but since it's a primary - as well as considered by a large number to be one of the stronger ones - versus a secondary, I think this is more than a fair comparison.


Soma Prime: http://goo.gl/d9H8Dw

Vaykor Marelok (without Primed Heated Charge): http://goo.gl/kfXvpR

Vaykor Marelok with PHC: http://goo.gl/EgXKNU


The downside of course is the sheer expensiveness of such a Marelok build. However, the mods are available, and should be taken into consideration.

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Can't think of any, really. Every time people bring something else and i see little difference in performance.

Hell, haven't seen a boltor prime usernin a while.

From underrated i would definetly call out tiberon. It seems that many people hate it, but i think it's a good weapon, almost as good as Boltor Prime himself.

Overrated though... Nothing. Since, as i said, i pay little attention to what my teammates use, so for me it's almost like they all use the same thing, but that's not the case.

Though i definetly notice Tonkor when i see one, those things are hard to ignore and to confuse with more skill-based ogris (you know... the whole self-damage thing).

So yeah. Tonkor for overrated, Ogris for underrated.

And daikyu, though there is a legit reason why people hate that one. Mostly the utter uselesnes of status build on weapon that shoots 1 projectile every 2-3 seconds

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dunno about overrated, even less about most overrated 

also don't know about most underrated but i can think of some underrated ones:




-Vasto prime(not sure but don't see may ppl use it often)

-Burston Prime

-Quanta(but i think only lately, it used to be more in use, also i actually use the Vandal Quanta)


my list from what i see others play and what i play some times.

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overrated and absolutely overused: carrier

overrated :
orthos (if you care for range that much just use atterax)

akbronco prime (blast, electric and impact statuses gives you room to rev that stupid dog that got himself killed again)
prisma gorgon (slap stabilizer, drop heavy caliber and just go for those headshots with this beauty)
grinlok (crit/status marksman's rifle with syndicate proc, why so little love?)
and forementioned his majesty, akmagnus (yes, I've got thing for crit/status weapons)

Edited by 5HV3N
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- Supra (more damage per shot then soma prime)

- Burston Prime, love that gun

- Quanta, at 10k damage per 1 ammo, its insanely efficient. Alt fire for insane burst dps.

- Tiberon, rivaling the boltor prime in burst dps and damage per shot. Most people forget his gem because it's burst fire.

- Twin gremlins, not insanely good, but its one of the few "dual wield smg's/uzi's) with decent ammo economy.

- Tonbo, my most used melee weapon, people know about it, but i rarely come across other players using it.


- Soma prime, average damage per shot caps out around 1500, burst dps and damage are ok. To compare, the prisma gorgon can get up to 1350 average damage per shot. And about the same dps.

- Boltor prime, no need to explain this one realy.

- vaykor marelok, great gun, but i'd take my Telos Akbolto over it any time.

- Brakk, still not granted to me by the mercy of RNGESUS, i know its strong, but the spread is pretty bad, just like the Detron.


- Buzlok, its pretty decent, but needs some QoL love from DE. (accuracy, projectile speed and unique mechanic, damage is fine though.)

- Vasto Prime, never hear much about this gun.

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