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Warframe "trial"


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I suggest there should be a way to "trial" warframes and/or weapons.

at least have it to where noobs can "test drive" the 3 starter warframes before they actually pick one. So they can judge which they truly might enjoy from the get-go.

This can be done in various ways. Be it though tutorial when explaining diffrent abilities, or the easy way: let them kill some dummy targets for a bit. Then let them choose.

Edited by Zenatsu
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I just want to emphisize that the idea is more or less focused on the tutorial. I can understand having the rest locke dup and leaving it to the player to research and 'experience' what other frames can do by watching other players.

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I suggest there should be a way to "trial" warframes and/or weapons.

at least have it to where noobs can "test drive" the 3 starter warframes before they actually pick one. So they can judge which they truly might enjoy from the get-go.

This can be done in various ways. Be it though tutorial when explaining diffrent abilities, or the easy way: let them kill some dummy targets for a bit. Then let them choose.

It won't give you a good idea of the strengths or weaknesses. Take the volt as an example

1)Shock:Troloololooool! I am a Sith Lord! ZAAAAP! Pretty easy to understand.

2)Speed:Can only be appreciated when you're at 15 seconds on the timed portion of a sabotage mission, or at 15 life and most of the cover/door to clear room is REALLY far away.

3)Shield:Bosses. Oh hai. You have a chaingun? 3/flip bird.

4)Overload: Bosses and when you get those really weird massive spawns that want to give each other hugs. Power is conditional on light fixtures(O_o) Volt used to work at Lamps Plus. He got fired. It was shocking.

It'd have to be more like tutorial movies to show each power under the circumstances where you'd actually want to use them.

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It won't give you a good idea of the strengths or weaknesses. Take the volt as an example...

It can go both ways, but for the convential player who has never played the game before, you really don't know what each of the frames -can- do.

When you first started the game, you had no idea how the volt would play out (I am assuming obvisouly). From what you seem to portray, you would have made a diffrent choice if you had known what the abilities did.

But allowing a player to cycle through the starting frames, and giving them dummy targets, is better then showing them a video. Because its hands on.

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This is proably a more feasable way of people trying the frames (I made a post about 'test driving' them for a few days, like games like Hawken does), but I think a simple tutorial or just open mode where you can just run about trying the abilities out would be far simpler and easier to impliment.

After all, there is abrief tutorial at the beginning and then we have the 'rank up' sections too, so something like that would be a nice 'already made' alternative. They just need to let us access it from the outset, so we can try the different frames.

I agree that we won't realy get the full potential of the frames abilities through a quick mode like this, but it's better than what we have.

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It'd have to be more like tutorial movies to show each power under the circumstances where you'd actually want to use them.

I have actually seen some games with this. I found them very cool and informative. Just like have a mouseover pop-up a movie of a warframe in action. This might be what decides which waframe to pick.

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I think this would be pretty helpful to newcomers. Would the trials include a fully upgraded frame? Also, I think it would also be a good idea to note that the fourth skill can only be acquired by supercharging.

Ex, a note that says:

"Skill four is not included, must be charged via finding rare artifact or purchasing."

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I think this would be pretty helpful to newcomers. Would the trials include a fully upgraded frame? Also, I think it would also be a good idea to note that the fourth skill can only be acquired by supercharging.

Ex, a note that says:

"Skill four is not included, must be charged via finding rare artifact or purchasing."

I believe you would be able to use the skills, aside from the 'ultimate skill' (where you would need to go pro).

so the answer is: yes, you can use the skills, except for the last one.

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