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First-Person glitch/bug.


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I made a video of myself expiriencing the First-Person bug,

at the moment I don't know what it is causing this bug yet! But I hope to find out soon enough.

Because Personally I like it being First person. and would love to see a option for it.


WARNING: This is RAW footage therfore there might be some inappropiate language

by one of my friends during the video I apologize.

Edited by SantaCruZ3r
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This is not the first person bug, but your character is invisible. I've had this too.

You're half-right: It's not true first-person, and your character is completely invisible to you. However, the camera positioning isn't normal - look at the position relative to the camera of the sword swipes in my video of the bug (http://www.shados.ne..._person_bug.mp4) and compare them to normal; they're significantly closer and more centered with the bug in effect.

Basically, it seems like your character model is invisible + the camera is (more?) centered and closer to the character.

Oh, and yeah, we probably swear a lot in the video.

Edited by Shados
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