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What's Your Idea Of A Perfect Warframe Pvp?


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frame is a cosmetic choice, no powers, no armor, same hp/sh, same mobility; hp regenerates slowly, sh as is


snipers 1 shot, dmrs 2 shot, rifles 3 shot, lmgs 4 shot, smgs 5 shot, shotguns 1-3 shot depending on range/mechanic; more emphasis on recoil/weapon controllability


nightmare-style weapon mods only - add something, take something; no mods that modify frame


domination/interception game type


few dedicated servers - getting killed by melee that's 1 screen away is mildly annoying / host migrations - not many people play anyway, it would probably be equal to hosting 1 or 2 relays, wouldnt even mind queues tbh if it meant less lag

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A game mode whit npc and objectives like the old solar rail conflict. Obviously not every frame is suitable for direct confrontation. In order to keep differences in ehp/speed and warframe abilites, we need more then a simple death-match or capture the flag. 


Bigger maps, Automatic turrets team-/neutral "mobs" and ojectives like in mobas. Maybe areas that can be conquered and extended (see hord modus gow). Halo already did this in modified form. And I'm not talking about changing wf to a moba like game whit 3 lanes and stuff.

It's about giving warframes "missions" in pvp they are usefull for.

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Warframes pvp is unlike any other. Its concept blows all the other multiplayer shooter out of the water. Weapons, powers, and melee vs just grenade throwing and a rifle or rocket launcher. The one thing they definetely need to do is look at the sword and shield weapons with the stance final harbringer. Before it was the jat ki tag that everyone was spamming. Now its the ack and brunt ir the silva & aegis with the finank harbringer stance. Ive seen guys get 20-25 kills easy if FFA within 5 mins because u spij around almost invulnerable. Besides the lag which has already veeb addresed multiple times, the sword and shield weapons with thise stance are the only other unfair items that make the game not fun or enjoyable.

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First of all, fantastic banter. Since we are devaluing eachother here I feel i have every right to do the same


This is a game of me vs igo who ended up alone in a somewhat full PvP match. Igo runs away after each shot, so i plopped up my tabled and watched TL;DR while doing the following in the clip.

Considering my inactivy in conclave, this was a game where I was most likely not putting much effort into, most likely watching a Sargon Of Akkad video about liberalisim.

But i digress. In this current system, if i was stil lactively playing. Igo can probably beat me now, Is it because he is better then me? Perhaps? Maybe? Probably? Or maybe it's because the current system devalues me? Probably.

Now I played with your vectis often, and im so glad that you put this up, because it highlights the fundamental flaws of the sniper playstyle as a whole. To those who dont know the pivotal way to win with a sniper now especially with a vectis is to combo it with either a secondary or a power. You may ask which powers? Well based on what I have seen in this particular game here I would have to gamble on my memory that you were probably using nova, but the frame does not matter in this case.

Igo forcefully adapts to the game's current method of play, thus I can use him as a scape goat for this, and also answer the fundamental question of "why dont you see any snipers in this game anymore".

The reason why these scores are presented is because the sniper is only viable when comboing with either a homing power or a easy to use auto pistol after the first hit. There is no more of the "start with sniper, finish with sniper" attitude that we have had before, which punishes me because it is a much more rewarding and entertaining way to play the sniper in my honest opinion. Sure I can nullstar my target after the shot, but where's the enjoyment in that? Unfortunately with the recent changes the original vectis playstyle is not favoured which is why when the lie and wait nerf came along pretty much 90% of the hard core player based ceased from using snipers as a whole.

A sniper should solely depend on aim alone, especially the original vectis. As I have said multiple times, the vectis was never a op weapon that everyone use, it was just perfered by Veterans because it was the weapon they used for over 2+ years. Currently it is not favorable to play the original method, which is why the only realy sniper you see destroying is PhasedShifted, because phased its god with it. So "it's good if you are good with it" is subjective because currently the only viable method to use the vectis is to essentially pair it up with something easier to use or to cast. I may not be able to hold my claims of skill currently due to my inactivity, but I feel that i have used the weapon long enough to admit that there is no intergity, there is no value and there is no fun.

The new vectis promotes boring run away tactic and comboing. Things that were the actual problem when the snipers were "OP". Now it just promotes that method of play, which is universally the method of play for all classes, which is why me and many other players moved on.

You can say what you want about playlist populations, more people playing, better statistics. But when the players who truly adored and passionately adored your game are now moving on and leaving with spite and disgust. Then there isa fundamental problem in A) the vision of the game B) A lack of understanding of what made the game fun.

But to conclude:

You can claim that Im currently bad with the sniper all you want. That's good, I do suck, I barely play this game and havent been doing so for over a month (pvp wise) because of how lackluster and bland the current system is. But let's just remember that those 14 kills didn't say *player name* [Vectis] *player name* 12/14 times, and if that is how this game is going to play out then I want out.

Edited by Eureka.seveN
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Your clip is two months old. (September 28 to be exact) Its a pre nerf vectis. A spammable noob cannon that you only needed to hit once to get a kill. I had Vectis on all my 5 loadouts and completely got away with it even against most experienced players.



What's your problem with comboing? I only see it positive: more skillfull, more rewarding... It should be only encouraged.

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Your clip is two months old. (September 28 to be exact) Its a pre nerf vectis. A spammable noob cannon that you only needed to hit once to get a kill. I had Vectis on all my 5 loadouts and completely got away with it even against most experienced players.

What's your problem with comboing? I only see it positive: more skillfull, more rewarding... It should be only encouraged.

Yea you got away with it because you ran upon getting shot. The same applies now when you are forced to combo since it's unviable to make the second shot.

As for comboing, comboing was somewhat used back then. But with secondaries only. The problem with comboing now is that it is almost mandatory for people who use perscision weapons. This completely defeats the purpose of using a sniper at all. It simply takes it and makes it into a noon cannon, the vectis was not a noob cannon back then to those who used it solely because having to connect those two shots was difficult. But now all you have to do it hit once, switch and spray, or hit once switch and power you say there's less skill involved before yet it seems.to require a lot less skill now.

Comboing is the bane of perscision playstyles in this game because its the only way to make the snipers actually viable. It's okay to do some combing occasionally with secondaries. But the sniper should be able to hold on its own without doing it. Which is not the case here.

Many games have made snipers where you can both combo or use the sniper alone. In warfame a radically different beast, with high.movement variety and high ttk this is not the case.

You ask why the standard of combing is wrong now. Because it completely strays a way a from what made this game fun aand unique.

Hopefully privates come out soon I'm itching to play a real classic game of warframe pvp.

Edited by Eureka.seveN
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I actually like the way it is now.

Shure, some stuff still need balancing but i think we finally hit the point where having the right stuff isnt as important as having skill.

I like how fast it is, how you need to find that point between being fast enough to not get hit, and being too fast to score some hits yourself.

Some better rewards would be cool though.

More general stuff like credits, fusioncores or even resources, so its not that isolated anymore.

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I actually like the way it is now.

Shure, some stuff still need balancing but i think we finally hit the point where having the right stuff isnt as important as having skill.

I like how fast it is, how you need to find that point between being fast enough to not get hit, and being too fast to score some hits yourself.

Some better rewards would be cool though.

More general stuff like credits, fusioncores or even resources, so its not that isolated anymore.

In terms with how weapons coincide with each other its much better than before with exception to melee. The problem now is that because of this balancing Most weapon are not rewarding at all, in comparison to the movement.

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As for comboing, comboing was somewhat used back then. But with secondaries only. The problem with comboing now is that it is almost mandatory for people who use perscision weapons. This completely defeats the purpose of using a sniper at all. It simply takes it and makes it into a noon cannon, the vectis was not a noob cannon back then to those who used it solely because having to connect those two shots was difficult. But now all you have to do it hit once, switch and spray, or hit once switch and power you say there's less skill involved before yet it seems.to require a lot less skill now.



Comboing was broken with Vectis. I played Volt for Vectis+Shock combo that killed most frames. Now you need two shots against tanky frames before you should start combing.


Comboing is the bane of perscision playstyles in this game because its the only way to make the snipers actually viable. It's okay to do some combing occasionally with secondaries. But the sniper should be able to hold on its own without doing it. Which is not the case here.



It still two shots most frames. You only need comboing against high ehp frames like Frost or Ash.


Many games have made snipers where you can both combo or use the sniper alone. In warfame a radically different beast, with high.movement variety and high ttk this is not the case.


Like which? I can give example of a game there comboing with sniper rifle is highly recommended:


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I kinda like Morec0's idea of having trnnobonly weapons as it would make more sense. It's a whole lot easier to balance and manage.

As for my idea...

idc much about tenno conclave really.

What I want is an all out Syndicate war.

Srsly wearin my Veil costume vs Hexis should be super amazing. No tenno powers to worry about 6 syndicates with individual skills freshly made.

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Comboing was broken with Vectis. I played Volt for Vectis+Shock combo that killed most frames. Now you need two shots against tanky frames before you should start combing.

It still two shots most frames. You only need comboing against high ehp frames like Frost or Ash.

Like which? I can give example of a game there comboing with sniper rifle is highly recommended:

Warframe not UT it has nowhere near warframes movement flexibility.

Yes and now comboing the broken method is mandatory, and the sniper only play style is unfavorable. Great design choice.

Two shots is subjective with normal vectis you have to shoot reload and shoot again. By the time you are mid reloading the player

Runs away

Pick ups health

Recharges sheilds

Heal cast


Easily a player can become a 2 shot again. You are explaining the perfect scenario of the player you are shooting at is a turtle and or you hit both shots quickly and consequetively. Which from the games I used to play with players of equal or greater skill than me is never the case. Shots will miss, people of decent skill avoid and the snipers do not give any reward for that first shot

it was better before because even of the player let's say regen hisn sheild after you shot him you can still bit him and get the next shot kill to finish. I have seen countless times where I had to shoot a player 5 times with a medium build frame just because he flocked away and regained his HP.

Edited by Eureka.seveN
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-Variants have the same stats as their normal version, this goes for both weapons and Warframes


-TTK slightly faster


-Movement speed much faster


-Less HP orbs, or perhaps remove HP orbs and have a very slow HP regeneration


-Less CC effects (stuns, knockdowns, slow downs, ect.)


-EPH and movement speed much closer together for all frames, but not exactly the same


-Fixed hitboxes


-Proper P2P system or servers in all regions


-Private matches that allow you to add damage modifiers, speed modifiers, ban certain powers, weapons, or even Warframes, and choose a map and game mode (private matches are said to be coming later on, but this is still worth mentioning)


-The return of the old game mode where you had one life each round, return it as a 2v2 or 1v1 game mode (some powers would have to be banned from such a game mode, Mind Control comes to mind since it makes the effected person do no damage to Nyx)


-More balancing in general


-More weapon stats get balanced rather than just damage


-Removal of black energy


-Enemy powers casted are red but your energy you choose shows up as your color on your screen

Edited by Zerga-08
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Vectis has extremely short reload time. The only time people will be able to run away from is then you use heavy frame with low mobility. Thats why I use Vectis on Nova.




The best example that Vectis is balanced is that I can take it in to a game against high skill players and still be on top. I miss 90% of shots then I use Vectis and still manage to kill a lot of people with it. If I practice my aim just a bit no body will stand a chance.

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Vectis has extremely short reload time. The only time people will be able to run away from is then you use heavy frame with low mobility. Thats why I use Vectis on Nova.

The best example that Vectis is balanced is that I can take it in to a game against high skill players and still be on top. I miss 90% of shots then I use Vectis and still manage to kill a lot of people with it. If I practice my aim just a bit no body will stand a chance.

Mfw most of the highest skilled players quit. Regardless for the sake of argument leta say that is true. If everyone was at the same 2+ year enthuasist skill level im talking about 8 rexsol/venosis/PS in one game with different weapons. There isnno way in hell a sniper would win.there is no way in hell in the current state.

In order to make this claim correct you would have to be playing vers players who play a lot but not as much as you.

In other words in a equal high tier skilled situation meaning that if we cloned the players above gave them different weapons and put them in a game, I guarantee you that the sniper user would win once out of one hundred times

There is no way in hell with the current state that the vectis matches up with the other weapons.

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I want see skill baced PvP


Its mean:

Beter netcode

Delete all one shoot skills

Reduse all skills dmg

Add only one DMG type

Rebalanced move and strife speed per warframe (heavy (rhino, frost) slower - not heavy faster)

Faster spawn time (and "push button for spawn" after timer - not before)

Conclvave Access only after 2 (second) rank.



So after all this changes PvP stay skill baced - without laggs, and without chance for 12 years old kids kill u with one skill usage or skills procast.

Edited by SergeOvD
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Delete all one shoot skills


that moment when the only one shots are from a 3 second charged perfectly timed weapon that basically nobody uses. Other than that, you're talking about sniper/bow headshots, which are even harder to pull off. Do your research, and if you happen to be in a match with someone better than you, use it as a learning experience, not a chance to complain about whatever they're using.



So after all this changes PvP stay skill baced - without laggs, and without chance for 12 years old kids kill u with one one skill usage or skills procast.


That's just not a thing at all. Watch your health, and most likely you're already low if you're getting killed by skills.

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Mfw most of the highest skilled players quit. Regardless for the sake of argument leta say that is true. If everyone was at the same 2+ year enthuasist skill level im talking about 8 rexsol/venosis/PS in one game with different weapons. There isnno way in hell a sniper would win.there is no way in hell in the current state.

In order to make this claim correct you would have to be playing vers players who play a lot but not as much as you.

In other words in a equal high tier skilled situation meaning that if we cloned the players above gave them different weapons and put them in a game, I guarantee you that the sniper user would win once out of one hundred times

There is no way in hell with the current state that the vectis matches up with the other weapons.

^ Opinion...

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