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Coming Soon: Devstream #64!


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1.Will there be a full animation overhault with every frame having it's own unique animations ? (movement,casting,sprint )

* What I want to see is Frost going into an ice slide animation after sprinting a bit.


2.Will swords and dual wield get any love?


3.Any plans on ading new mechanic to full melee like dash/dodge?


4.Can you give us more stage hazards and random encounters.?

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Here are some issues in general that slipped away in the big improvements:


- Level redesigns are needed, especially in case of the old tile-sets: The movement system changed multiple times since they were built in the original system in mind, now at places it is real painful to play on them. Invisible walls, unclimbable-jumpable surfaces are at many places... I started to screenshot them, but there are just too many. Players have much more freedom now to get around the maps, but the (old) tile-sets did not evolve accordingly, or at all.

- The same movement system changes brought on the fact that at some parts the auto-falloff-teleport is just simply annoying at places that are easily escapable now. It is a useful feature but it needs to be reconsedered where it is used.

- Similar thing with edges and surfaces, since walls are climbable-jumpable now... but the first two points are priority in this case.


- Dojo: "Conenction to Host lost, returning to menu"... I was laughing so hard on this. :) It does not deserve a bug ticket even. :-p


- Just a curious question: Why are the newer designs resemble bugs? The Valkyr skin was inspired by an ant it seams and got a tail attached to it, while Trinity Prime is obviously a bee-queen... they are not ugly at all and seem to be a logical choice, but still, weird. :)

- Valkyr pre-corpus skin: Its been a while, but is there any chance that the colours and reflections will get matched to the existing skins, so the helmets would actually fit with the new skin as well? it is kind of disappointing that the color scheme of the new skin is so different, the old helmets look straight up disappointing with it. In my view it is a serious design flaw.


- Any StarMap changes coming up? Here is why I ask:
New players joining the game - especially if they join up with friends already playing - will not have a route to follow in the game, since there is no story at all that would elad through the planets and missions. I can see it on my own friends that they only go to a planet or mission when they need something from it... and it is a waste for all the missions you spent time to build.

It is an old subject, but what happened with the old starmap? I skipped a lot of time unfortunately, but regarding the ability to lead through the missions it was designed much better.


I am sorry if it got too long. :)

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I Volunteer as tribute




1. How do you feel about the fact, to give players the opportunity to customize the layout by armor \ accessories on the character(warframe)?

2. After U18 - clan system, clan dojo, get any improvements?

2.1 Will developed the idea of clan clan equipment?(For example, any improvement of the characteristics of weapons with the help of clan technology or something like that)

3. Will I be able to buy items from "TennoGen" for platinum?

4. Any improves in the old types of missions? (DEF\MO\SURV etc.)?

5. What is the fate of the "Dark Sectors" at the moment?

6. Will improved "old" weapons?

Edited by STARL1GHT
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I don't see anything about questions being asked.

Well if you don't mind, i'd like to post my generic questions in case there is actualy time for some to be asked.

Q1. Are Baliffs and Guardsman supposed to be armed Grineer workers or some form of milita? Their concept art is labeled "labourer" and their bodies look rather makeshift.

Q2. Is there a reason (besides it being perhaps too much work) against replacing the current Skana and Lato as starter weapons with MK-1 variants and buff the regular version to a more mid tier position?

Q3. Will the current plans for the new star chart make it easier to introduce new locations (moons, colonies, asteroid clusters, etc.) in the solar system?

Q4. Once upon a time we had Grineer enemies in the game who used buzzsaws in their palms as weapons. I rather liked them. Any chance they might return some day or that we at least could get a Glaive style weapon based on that saw design?

Q5. Which other weapons are in for a visual makeover and how do you judge a weapon as being in need of it currently?

PS: How is the new Burston model progressing?

Q6. Just for fun (maybe as as last minute question). What are your favorit weapon names in warframe so far? Besides Grakata of course.

Q7. Any chance we might get some voiced Tenno NPCs in the future?

(Meaning non-combat oriented Tenno who might expand the Tenno as a faction beyond the Lotus. Like a weaponsmith, tactician, shaman, scientist, or something like this.)

Edited by Othergrunty
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in one of the previous devstream, you showed us what the iron skin for rhino with the palatine skin would look, would that come to use when rhino is reworked? also, are you planning on making his iron skin's color be affected by his energy color, i think most rhino users would really like that idea

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~When will we get the "second dream" teaser image as a wallpaper? i'm dying to have it!


~Looking at the archer frame's '1' ability, will other powers get the same 'sub-menu' treatment? I could personally imagine ash's shuriken being changed to have a similar feature. shuriken 1 could throw exploding shurikens. shuriken 2 could throw paralyzing shurikens, shuriken 3 could throw a shuriken that functions like vaubans's tesla augment. 


~Currently, Cloud Walker is both a duration and an energy drain ability. Ember's WoF was changed due to players not liking both a duration and energy draining ability. Why was Cloud Walker made into one? to me it would be perfectly fine if it were just duration based that could be canceled when you press the power button again.


~With bosses currently being reworked recently, it had me thinking, will Nef Anyo get his own personal tile set like Tyl Regor did? A futuristing Floating city would certainly befit his style imho. Tall buildings to parkour on, maybe some halfway built buildings we can fight in.


~Why do the Arbiters of Hexis constantly get 'boltor family' weapons? Is there some Boltor worshipping cult in DE? please don't give us Telos Boltace. plenty of other tenno weapons deserve the syndicate treatment.


~Who would win in a fight, Tyl Regor or Sargus Ruk?


~Seeing as the community in-joke of Clem was implemented, could we potentially see a certain prod wielding corpus hero in the near future?

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1. Up 18 > Archer y Warframe China : Nezha xD (What Excalibur Umbra ....?) 

2. Star Chart 3.0 ? LOL! 

3. Moon Orokin ?  :'v 

4. Carbrow ? ...:/ Cat xDjajajaja

5. Stalker ? :v khé 

6 . Devstream#38 Sigil Fire (DJNeonNight Thx) Yes :) 

7. ah [soon] Typhus LOL xD jajaj :v 

Edited by Death-Samurai
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