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Arsenal keeps "blinking"


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I have to say I'm not sure if this has been bough up before or if this is even the right place to suggest this, but here goes nothing:

The arsenal keeps blinking if your items have unspend points and this is a small problem since I and others play for free and therefore won't have our "pro" weapons which means that whenever a weapon is rank 16 or higher the arsenal will stay in a state where there's points to be used, but we can't.

So what I will suggest is that each weapon get's some "empty" slots where we can sepnd those points, of course these slots wouldn't give anything stats wise, they will just be there to "remove" those points which we can't use anyway.

This isn't anythigh important just something that I would like to see, or if you have any other idea as to what could be done about this, please do post it.

Edited by MvMArcher
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You can get reactors/catalysts through alerts, so you can potentially upgrade some of your weapons/frames. Don't jump too early.

I know, but it would just be nice to have a place to store those points until then, and I must have some bad luck because I haven't fund a single catalyst or buleprints for other weapons, even though I have completed all alerts (the alerts that are ativce while I'm on)

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Well, I get your point.. but I don't know, "wasting" the skill points doesn't really seem a nice way to fix the problem... maybe instead of making it blink when you have points to spend, make it blink when you have NEW points, so that it gets it toggled off once you have checked the item and the new points.

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Or simply making it so it won't flash if there are no nodes for you to unlock, even if you have spare points - or just not to flash if it's above level 15 and hasn't had a catalyst used on it. A simple enough check to code in, I should imagine.

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