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Ivara. How Do You Feel About Her?


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My first impression she looks good for Spy Missionen for People they like to play stealth, but for other Mission her abilities looks not well.


I was really hope this Bow Frame get abilities like the cliche from Bow class from other Games to charge his arrow or shot one arrow upstairs and 100 arrows goes down, but actually i think she is useless.


They create a Warframe for stealth Mission, but Limbo,ash and Loki do it with only one ability better as ivara with all for 4 in my opinion. We will see how good she is, but i don't feel she is only a fun Frame.

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I really dont think its another mastery fodder. She can hide whole team (feels great for endless missions), attract enemies in def missions, play stealth missions, the only thing im uncertain is her ultimate BUT its multiple target attack (and it seems to be so) it will fit perfectly.


Knowing that bows have innate punch through and we can geather them in a group looks promising dmg wise:)

I have high hopes for this frame (and I love stealth apect of Warframe),


I only hoped another range specialist after mesa wont be female... oh well :((

Edited by Kripion
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My first impression she looks good for Spy Missionen for People they like to play stealth, but for other Mission her abilities looks not well.


I was really hope this Bow Frame get abilities like the cliche from Bow class from other Games to charge his arrow or shot one arrow upstairs and 100 arrows goes down, but actually i think she is useless.


They create a Warframe for stealth Mission, but Limbo,ash and Loki do it with only one ability better as ivara with all for 4 in my opinion. We will see how good she is, but i don't feel she is only a fun Frame.

I feel more like she would be another farmer like Nekros, but this one can keep enemies alive, then kill them and hey look there is a Nekros right in that corner, it would be good if he Desecrates now, So far she doesnt seem that usefull on high levels, and only for farming purposes

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I'd have liked if Willow won the name vote, BUT, can save that for a new Plant frame. :D


As for her abilities... they appear to be quite Amazing! I foresee Much play testing is ahead!

I'm hyped about Ivara, I haven't been for a frame, since when I heard about the plant frames abils and was hoping she'd win over equinox.  ;o; 

She's gonna make a great solo frame, and a fun frame to mess around with, those ziplines are gonna be shenaniganful  

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Uh, mesa requires farming rotten salad's coordinates from invasions that happen uncommonly, not to mention her horrible rng for her parts.

Chroma requires farming FOUR DIFFERENT FRAMES, with different parts of each frame.

Atlas was put behind a horrendous wall of a 10% chance of pherliac pods

And wukong was put behind clan research, which requires materials EXCLUSIVE from ALERTS

Need I go on?

my point,XD and you forgot equinox and her 8 craftable parts lol

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Mastery fodder, don't understand all the positive hype. Wukong is a great frame yet everyone calls him crap because he's from China but this warframe is good somehow??? I don't get it but whatever.


Now to get this out of the way, I'm not saying Wukong is bad, just keep that in mind.


What does Wukong actually add to the game in terms of an approach to combat?  What makes him distinct, unique, worth playing over another frame?  The simple thing about it is that Wukong doesn't do anything special or interesting.  Players who enjoy going with the same stuff as what other things already do can thoroughly enjoy Wukong since he does nothing special, but he does that nothing special really darn well.


Ivara however is another story.  I can say from first-hand usage that being able to launch a sleep-based ability (Equinox max range build) is shockingly effective.  However Ivara adds a wealth of other distinct options to the field of play through her kit.  I can also assure you without any semblance of worry or doubt that she'll be potent enough to hold up in higher level stuff, what we've seen is proof enough of that.


Additionally, while what she adds is definitely unique it exists in "common" realms of thought.  Ivara's abilities are that perfect mix of interesting and relatable which in turn creates this level of interest.  Even better we can also see, from the kit displayed, Ivara won't be a mindless 4 to win frame or something of the sort.


When playing Wukong I do indeed feel potent, but I feel uninteresting in a major way.  I do thing that he's well designed in an overarching sense, thematically and all as well as functionally.  But playing Wukong is like playing Chroma.  Go slow, do nothing of notably unique merit, and be practically immune to all forms of incoming death.

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She seems to be a great addition:


You can use a grenade launcher or any other AoE weapon with the lure/aggro arrow, put enemies to sleep to have some kind of CC, ziplines for mobility and both, team and self invisibility.


Gotta wait to see the numbers of her four ability, as it is, it seems like it haves a reasonable amount of critical chance while throwing multiple arrows per shot so not bad i think.


She has options and some interesting mechanics, definitely worth to try at least.

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Wanted a male ranger frame.....


She looks good and the abilities are exactly what i wanted a frame to be BUT IT'S A GIRL!!! *cries


No seriously this frame looks very useful i'm just hoping it's skills worked when seen by enemies because we didn't see much action gameplay and she might be kinda bad if her skills only work when te enemis dont know she is there, other than that i'm pretty hyped for that frame (im not calling it a her) 


yea but that 4 was kinda weak damage wise but we will see, now i have to make sure i can make it looks as much like a guy as possible


Then again she kinda looks like a guy and with nezha coming im sure i can get away with it lol

Edited by TheBlackishBoy
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I too don't really see a place for her in this game. Sure, she looks cool as hell, but seriously, putting some invisible cloak field, ziplines? I mean seriously, they created a frame thats based around stealth, but the game doesn't even have proper stealth in it.


Standing in place, mashing the first ability's key serveral times seems just clumsy, and really, she's just too slow to be in the game. Most of the time Rebecca was just standing still, doing some "strategic" crap, while in reality, most people will just mow them down with some other frame. I just don't see a place for her in Warframe.

Edited by Meice
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Seeing some discussion talked about Limbo and her....actually that made me think of pairing them up in the game.


Which could potentially good because they are both slow in nature, and the rift and invisibility just compensate each other's weakness:


Both of them are invisible and in rift, Ivara cast lure arrow in a catalysm and draw enemies inside then they can use explosive weapons to kill them all, she can even use her after-touch risk-lessly, without being seen, without the risk of being harm (drone's trap, the upcoming cat lady who can see through invisibility etc) and with the constant recover of energy.


I like her in general, just share the same doubt if the team could slow down to adjust her style..But I could use Night form equinox with no problem spamming rest so I think in fast pased battle her stun arrow would be of the greatest use of all.

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Very interesting and specialized. What I really dislike is how to obtain her. It's becoming really clear that DE wants to force people to buy newer frames with Platinum out of desperation. It's showing a lot on the way of getting the latest frames and how much effort it takes that it drives people to madness and just flat out buy platinum.


I mean sure, they are a business, they like money but...damn.

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From what I've seen, probably mastery fodder, but she does have a varied kit that might actually be quite decent in certain mission types so I'll wait and see for now. Other than that, it'll be a good addition to my fashionframe collection.

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The 4th bow looks visually underwhelming.

I for one am thankful for this. Certainly didn't want another blinding screen shake fest, nor would anything much fancier really fit her theme IMO.


Really hoping the lure arrow works on alerted enemies, otherwise it's literally unusable in Survival, Defense, Excavation, Mobile Defense, Interception, and any public game. Also hope Sleep+Lure have fairly decent base ranges, somewhere around 5m/15-20m base, affected by mods. Zipline + Stealth arrow will be fun for sure.


Aftertouch could be super useful for her 1 and a few weapons, and at the very least cool for the others. Not much else to say about this other than I hope it provides immunity of some kind while active, otherwise you have to setup somewhere safe to use it. While she has the kit to support that, it would probably get kind of tiresome with regular use.


3 looks great, I hope you can sprint/bullet jump with it active though.


4 I am unsure of. It can definitely red crit, meaning it likely scales at least partially off primary mods. Normal crits were in the 9-10k range, highest red crit I noticed was ~48k. They said something about it shooting a fan of arrows, but the only thing I noticed in the clip was a second instance of damage for like 300. Not clear on how the energy mechanic for it will work, but it seems to be a cost at initial cast and then a cost per shot instead of activation+drain, which is cool.


Base stats look good, 300 shields 50 armor 225 HP 262 power 1.15 sprint. I wish her base hp had been the more common 300 but minor complaint.



Overall, only gotten more excited for the frame since the NYCC reveal. Wednesday can't come soon enough lol

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I for one am thankful for this. Certainly didn't want another blinding screen shake fest, nor would anything much fancier really fit her theme IMO.

I don't want a "blinding screen shake fest". Just something that looks like a powerful bow unique to the frame instead of basically any other bow, for the same reason excalibur's ethereal skana doesn't just look like any other sword.


Well-crafted visual effects and sounds also dramatically change how powerful the ability and warframe feels in general.

Edited by AdunSaveMe
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