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Spaceninja Vets: Top 3 Frames & Why?

(XBOX)Jak Riddle

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They are surely not the best, but I am (currently) having the most fun with:


Valkyr, with a tough Warcry build and a Scindo prime. Buff me, buff my mates, then wreck face.

Ember, again a fairly tough build, combined with a bunch of weapons modded for corrosive (or viral) and fire damage

Atlas, because Atlas Punch! The frame isn't actually good, but I AM HAVING SO MUCH FUN PUNCHING THINGS!!!

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frost p: brilliant for defence, awesome at being on the attack and can survive for a long time. 


excal: the poster boy and a true sword... no wait i ment ninja. capable of slashing many foes with his awesome exalted blade.


valkyr: capable of surviving longer in t4 survival longer than others (if u dont believe me check out tactical potato's 2 hour valkyr game play) and also u build her for warcry and her 4th then you will never die and you will have a never ending warcry.

Edited by crimsonspartan1
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Mirage- She's just fun to play with, you don't need a prism build to destroy with her, just pop out the clones and Dakka everything to death.


Loki- Invisibility or disarm, either way if you do it right you wont be taking many bullets.


Volt- Speeeeeeeeed and an invincible shield that boosts damage.  I'm so glad I chose him as my starter xD




With these thee frames modded right you can beat nearly any mission in the game.  This is also the order I consider them in.



Atlas is a good contender with his mix between volt and nekros.

Edited by (PS4)gamerpie12
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My top three favorite warframes huh?


My third favorite frame is Atlas, cuz who doesn't like turning into John Cena/The Rock/One Punch Man. He's a fun, simple frame that can tank and "One Punch" pretty much anything on the star chart. I didn't like him much at first, but he grew on me a lot. I usually build him for strength and range, just to make his punches hit that much harder.


My second favorite frame is Chroma. I know some people really don't like him, mostly because of his looks, which they didn't bother me that much. I wasn't as hyped over a "dragon" frame all that much when they announced it. I don't judge too many things on looks and mechanics unless I can actually get my hands on it first, unlike some people. I usually build him or either for the cold or fire elements when I play with him. I do use the others once in a while though. He's a great tanky frame with some superb damage dealing, and to tell you the truth, I actually adore the way he looks. 


And my most favorite frame... is... Rhino/Prime. I know that some people think Rhino is well... for nooby players, and don't get me wrong, it can be one of the first non-starter frames you can get. Way back when, when U10 just came out and I made this account, I knew absolutely nothing about the game. My brother just recommended it to me. We played together for some time, which was when we found out that we could get other frames and not have to pay for it with plat, which took a load off. We directed our attention to Venus. Once I finally took him from my foundry and started using him, I got called a pleb here and there, but Rhino was the frame I had the most fun with. The thought of covering your exterior in Iron to protect you was a concept I enjoyed.


I may not have continued to play the game because of not being able to progress, Rhino helped me with that. I didn't have much plat at the time, so I couldn't get warframe slots, so I ran Rhino for most of the star chart and some void missions, he held up pretty well. When I saw that he was getting primed and his Iron skin would be gold, I was super hyped, even against my better judgment. I couldn't help it. Now that his new Palatine skins (don't forget the buffs in U18) are out, he looks much more amazing. Big thanks to the artist who made my favorite frame look like something out of Crysis 3. :D


TL;DR Rhino may not be the best frame out there, but he holds a huge amount of sentimental value in my heart. I will never stop using him.

Edited by PUR3K1LL3R
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Loki, Nekros, Equinox.


Loki for invis - killer survivability and quick affinity gains from stealth runs.

Nekros for loot amplification.

Equinox for CC and death aura on low level stuff.  Killing stuff by merely being near them is a funny power trip.

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I just started on getting Rhino, bc I am noob yey. I've heard good things tho. Not usually a fan of tanks, but something about this game makes melee just so frkn satisfying.

rly wanting Chroma. I like unlikable things. My favorite color is the color I objectively like least (yellow). huehue.

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I just started on getting Rhino, bc I am noob yey. I've heard good things tho. Not usually a fan of tanks, but something about this game makes melee just so frkn satisfying.

rly wanting Chroma. I like unlikable things. My favorite color is the color I objectively like least (yellow). huehue.

With the changes that are coming to his iron skin in U18, it'll be even more tanky and will scale better! :D I can't wait.


Rhino haters were pretty rampant when I started out, not so sure now though.


Some people ask why I play him for the majority of my 2+ years on warframe, I just answer them with "He's mah FAVORITE!"


Edited by PUR3K1LL3R
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Not my favourite, but Frost is probably the best all-round frame. Can do Defence-type missions easily, great CC with all 4 of his abilities, great damage, and tanky.


My favourite, Trinity, is an amazing tank, support, and nuker. Whether your squad wants you to give them energy, prevent them from dying, or insta-killing enemies regardless of their level (and regardless of whether they have a finisher animation), Trin's got you covered. You can even strip armour in solo runs.


Third spot is a toss-up between Loki and Mirage. I prefer Loki because he's more convenient, but Mirage is equally powerful. Loki is the king of stealth and his Disarm is an amazing CC ability. Mirage, on the other hand, can do a ton of damage and has probably the best CC ability in the game with her Prism - you can use it to stealth through missions but it's not as convenient as Loki's invisibility. Even her Sleight of Hand can be useful in locking down Corpus maps.

Edited by stoybot
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1. Volt/Prime: Versatile, he's got everything yet does not shine at anything (tbh I love that)-1. Useful stun, 2. Speed boost, always welcome; 3. Invulnerable shield, a nice panic button/buff for a player who prefers guns over melee; and 4. Decent CC and pretty good from medium to high level. If you like to use all your abilities, Volt is a nice option.

2. Excalibur: This is my favourite for melee (no EB), he's good really nice augments (all focused into melee gameplay) and has got a huge survivability.

3. Nyx/Prime: a CC monster, what else can I say? She fits pretty well with range weapons like snipers, bows, thrown melee, etc.

Edited by Izurisah
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Saryn, my all time favorite.

She got the looks, the powers and dat &#!.


Valkyr, I love how she can rage and melee everything to death and how tanky she is.


Loki (Prime), Invisible speed demon. They never know what hits them.

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Ash - because he is really mobile and it works great with his abilities, teleport finishers, and damage overall is nice.

Loki - his 4th ability just makes the whole battlefield in to punching bags

Excali-bruh - Radiant Finish, need i say more? get blinded and you are dead, like super dead.

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Excal--> proto+rift+orokin colors=golden boy plus with the new one coming out so more flavors on the way


Rhino--> Rubedo, Patatine+rift=2 flavors


andddddd.....hmm hard to say but i guess


Limbo, the untouchable gentleman~just being able to bolt from one side to the other without anything being able to stop you while also in a tux and having these epic moustaches which imo were completely made for limbo for the diabolical old villain look~


Comes a point that after the lvls, forma and burnout that you stop caring for stats and effectiveness since you can effectively nuke things without much effort. You stop caring about how much you can do but instead how much flair you can have while doing it. Least for me anyway~

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Trinity - my main, my favorite...used for any mission not named defense, interception, spy, excavation, or mobile defense.

Loki - my second favorite...used for spy missions.

Frost - my third favorite...used for defense, mobile defense, and excavation missions.


Honorable Mention: Atlas...used for interception missions.

Edited by (PS4)Magician_NG
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From a (mostly) soloing point of view of which frames I find the most useful:


Loki - Stealth characters make missions like Rescue and Spy a breeze, especially Loki. Ash is an honorable mention here too, but Loki's Decoy and Switch Teleport is too awesome on stuff like Corpus Spy missions, allowing you to skip all kinds of difficult parkour obstacles.


Frost - Defensive missions like Defense, Mobile Defense, Excavation etc, well Frost is pretty much unmatched for soloing these missions.


Ash - While Ash is not as awesome for Rescue and Spy missions as Loki is, he is great for missions that require lots of mobility AND good killing power, such as Interception missions. Sidenote: Ash is my general go-to Warframe for any missions were I don't think Loki or Frost are better suited for the tasks at hand.


I'm a little bit biased towards stealth-characters though, have that in mind :)

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