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The Comprehensive Community Dojo Suggestions List


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Suggestions to improve the dojo beyond it's pretty bland state. If you have a good idea, post it and I'll add it to the OP if people agree with it. One major thread is better than a hundred little ones after all. Let's make this hot as hell.


- Buildable intercoms for rooms. (With a central Zordon-like intercom room like so: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/55884-dojo-idea-new-interactive-oracle/)
- Intercom speaks out announcements for events like alerts, finished projects etc.
- Intercom voice packs for plat (cuz DE gotta make dat $$$)
- Arriving at the dojo gives you a personal "Welcome home, Tenno"
- Resource bank rather than everyone pooling into projects. Clan leader and selected members can choose to allocate these resources where they see fit. Highest contributors to the resource bank are listed.
- Dojo map.
- Dojo local chat (from InfinitexL)
- Warframes are unequipped in the Dojo (because wearing a battlesuit in a safe place is stupid). Players look like this except in their own custom color scheme.
- Obstacle course with races and team races (everyone is leveled to the same speed) + leaderboards
- 2v2 duels 
- Placing bets for duels and races. (from Brahmastra)
- Cipher practice rooms
- Target practice and challenge rooms (accuracy challenges, speed shooting challenges amonst clan mates)
- Armory where you can try out all the weapons your clans builds or change your loadout.
- Ship hanger with a galactic map where you can choose a mission or alert and instantly roll out or wait for others to join you (from Blackjammer and SBlackman)
- Oracle is made useful (e.g. room full of computers where clan mates can interact with and play a certain mini-game (e.g. ciphers or w/e), doing so speeds up project speeds. The more people the larger the speed boost, but it's exponentially capped) Gives you the feeling the dojo is alive when you walk into a room and see people working machines like it's a CIA room.
- Clan boosts (experience, drop rate etc.) which can be obtained by fueling with resources. They last for hours or days. Gives a good resource sink.
- Clan specific alerts; clans must first construct a recon room, in which afterwards they can pool together resources and credits to find alerts in the system available for all clan members to participate in. Alerts with specific alerts can be sought out (e.g. forma). When a clan alert is initiated, the intercoms will exclaim "Suit up Tenno".
- Being able to make clan refinery where we can convert common resources into much less common ones. As an extension we should be able to obtain mines and/or factories through hostile takeover. This provides a resource income that can also be subject to attack by the other factions which we can attempt to defend against. (from Blackjammer)
- Able to sit on couches (highest priority)
- Dedicated servers.


More to be added
Edited by Tangerine
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+1 to all of these. Dojos are for player made content, so giving the players more control over what they want and what they receive would be a great idea. I'd imagine taking suits off would have to be optional, some players couldn't bare the world without it being through the eyes of their Black/Red ash.

On the stream it was stated a concern is having content take months to create that players snap up in a few days, but these ideas retain a lot of playability (especially the controls over pooling for clan-wide XP, credit boosts etc) that give a fresher, more community based benefit.


Of all those ideas, I like the one about finding specific alerts the most. While DE like to encourage the purchase of potatoes and such, at best they could give finding these items a cooldown, especially if it's a group-based resource/credit pool to get such blueprints. Could even add a rush option on the cooldown should they please.


Also, we need couches. I liked the previous ones just fine.

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The Dojo should also have something like a galaxy map where we can choose our missions instead of having to leave the dojo. Also, maybe an armory where you can store 2 extra warframes and up to 4 weps? I know you can buy slots but this just makes the dojo like more of a fort for the Tenno. Also, it may be worked out that after building the room you start with 2 wep slots and no warframe slots and the more resources your clan puts into the armory's expansion, the more slots available to its members. To make this idea seem less overpowered and to keep DE's cash flow from slot purchases with plats, there may be a rule where there can only be 1 armory in the whole dojo.

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How about being able to make clan refinery where we can convert common resources into much less common ones?

As an extension we should be able to obtain mines and/or factories through hostile takeover. This provides a resource income that can also be subject to attack by the other factions which we can attempt to defend against.

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How about being able to make clan refinery where we can convert common resources into much less common ones?

As an extension we should be able to obtain mines and/or factories through hostile takeover. This provides a resource income that can also be subject to attack by the other factions which we can attempt to defend against.


Good stuff. added.

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- Warframes are unequipped in the Dojo (because wearing a battlesuit in a safe place is stupid). Players look like this except in their own custom color scheme.


But, you can't get out of your frame. You are one with your frame. Have you seen the shapes of some of them? There's no way a normal human could wear that and not be getting crushed in places.

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But, you can't get out of your frame. You are one with your frame. Have you seen the shapes of some of them? There's no way a normal human could wear that and not be getting crushed in places.


Why do you defend 'Warframe cryopods' with human looking bodies inside them?

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But, you can't get out of your frame. You are one with your frame. Have you seen the shapes of some of them? There's no way a normal human could wear that and not be getting crushed in places.


It's perhaps just like Samus' suit in Metroid. She's able to turn into a BALL with her suit, something she cannot accomplish when not inside of it - so what makes you think the same idea doesn't apply here too?


As for the Dojos themselves, did anyone suggest local chat yet? I'd love to see that, because right now, being in the dojo and chatting there is none different than staring at the solar system and chatting there.

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As for the Dojos themselves, did anyone suggest local chat yet? I'd love to see that, because right now, being in the dojo and chatting there is none different than staring at the solar system and chatting there.


Added local chat to the list. Would make it much more easier to talk to people.

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The Dojo should also have something like a galaxy map where we can choose our missions instead of having to leave the dojo. Also, maybe an armory where you can store 2 extra warframes and up to 4 weps? I know you can buy slots but this just makes the dojo like more of a fort for the Tenno. Also, it may be worked out that after building the room you start with 2 wep slots and no warframe slots and the more resources your clan puts into the armory's expansion, the more slots available to its members. To make this idea seem less overpowered and to keep DE's cash flow from slot purchases with plats, there may be a rule where there can only be 1 armory in the whole dojo.


I'd be down for this. Especially if the Clan can select specific missions that gave participants some bonus stuff to the clan.



- Random sentinels floating around for whatever reason


It'd be cool to see sentinels floating around constructing areas welding and stuff.

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Here's what I sent directly to DE_Steve:


For this idea, it is helpful to refer to the post here:



So the problem I see for dojo price scaling implementation is that the large clans would try to disband to the point where they get the cheapest pricing and then rejoin after they've built their new room or technology researched or whatever.

So the question I gave to myself was how do you make it a complete waste of time for a clan to do that for the purposes of abusing pricing mechanics?

Okay, so here is my solution in a simple explanation.

Lets say Clan A has 20 members and Clab B is 2000 members. Clan A will always get the best pricing on dojo projects since they are limited in numbers, and thus do not gain the same quantity of resources each day as Clan B. Now Clan B could decide to disband temporarily to 20 members to get the cheaper pricing, but this needs a speed governor of sorts to prevent rapid abuse.

So when a player either decides to leave a clan on their own or is expelled from the clan, the first time they will be allowed to rejoin after 24 hours. Now if they leave the clan again by either method again, they will be prevented from rejoining for 7 days. The next time they leave and want to rejoin, I would suggest 2 weeks, then 4 weeks, then 3 months, then 6 months, then 1 year. I think you can see where this is going.

So basically, even if the clan is able to get the cheaper pricing, eventually they would lock themselves out of their own dojo contributions negating any benefit they were contributing resources towards.

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Here's what I sent directly to DE_Steve:


For this idea, it is helpful to refer to the post here:



So the problem I see for dojo price scaling implementation is that the large clans would try to disband to the point where they get the cheapest pricing and then rejoin after they've built their new room or technology researched or whatever.

So the question I gave to myself was how do you make it a complete waste of time for a clan to do that for the purposes of abusing pricing mechanics?

Okay, so here is my solution in a simple explanation.

Lets say Clan A has 20 members and Clab B is 2000 members. Clan A will always get the best pricing on dojo projects since they are limited in numbers, and thus do not gain the same quantity of resources each day as Clan B. Now Clan B could decide to disband temporarily to 20 members to get the cheaper pricing, but this needs a speed governor of sorts to prevent rapid abuse.

So when a player either decides to leave a clan on their own or is expelled from the clan, the first time they will be allowed to rejoin after 24 hours. Now if they leave the clan again by either method again, they will be prevented from rejoining for 7 days. The next time they leave and want to rejoin, I would suggest 2 weeks, then 4 weeks, then 3 months, then 6 months, then 1 year. I think you can see where this is going.

So basically, even if the clan is able to get the cheaper pricing, eventually they would lock themselves out of their own dojo contributions negating any benefit they were contributing resources towards.



Mmm, it's a good idea but then in that case, there's really no benefit to being in a larger clan (excluding things like Fusion Moa Events), if smaller clans can obtain everything a larger clan can at less of a cost and less restrictions. You could argue because a larger clan has more members, they'd be donating the same proportion of materials anyways, but the end result is that they're putting in an extra 20k Rubedo or whatever than a smaller clan needs to for the same result; it's an excess of manpower and material with no equal compensation; after all, what are the benefits of a larger clan if costs are scaled accordingly?


Right now the only benefit is faster research because more people=more resources, scaling completely removes this. There's also the fact that in the end it won't really be fair if research costs are scaled since clans will have a huge variation of active members. A 50 man Tier 2 clan with 50 active members having less resource costs than a 200 man Tier 3 clan with 50 active members isn't very fair, after all.


I was thinking maybe research costs are lowered -universally- for all clans to a 20/30 people clan ideal. Large clans already finish everything instantly due to huge manpower so it'd be no change for them, but smaller clans now have a chance at building and researching things. What would be introduced in order to monitor clan size would be "periodic maintenance costs" as a scaling factor. Tier 5 clans need absurd materials and credits to upkeep their clan whilst Tier 1 clans would only need a smidgen, for example; the costs themselves would scale partially off clan size and off rooms (e.g. an oracle rooms costs 20k rubedo each month to maintain). Since bigger clans are assured to have bigger dojos and more rooms and smaller clans the opposite, the costs themselves would be fair and equal for each clan.  Failing to pay the maintenance cost would shut off vital constructs like Research Rooms, Oracle or taking some rooms from the OP, training rooms, recon rooms etc. With this, the scaled manpower and material you're putting into the clan is paired with a relative factor, the clan size, rather than a static result like weapon or room construction.


tl;dr. With this scenario, 2k member clan pays 40k rubedo, 500k credits etc. for 2 oracles, 4 training rooms etc. each month whilst 200 member clan pays 4k rubedo, 50k credts for 1 oracle and 2 training room each month RATHER THAN 2k clan pays 40k rubedo, 500k credits for Prova research and Oracle construction whilst 200 member clan pays 4k rubedo, 50k credits for Prova research and oracle construction. 


Sorry if that's a bit confusing. If anyone has their own suggestions, feel free to add in to the discussion.

Edited by Tangerine
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Mmm, it's a good idea but then in that case, there's really no benefit to being in a larger clan (excluding things like Fusion Moa Events), if smaller clans can obtain everything a larger clan can at less of a cost and less restrictions. You could argue because a larger clan has more members, they'd be donating the same proportion of materials anyways, but the end result is that they're putting in an extra 20k Rubedo or whatever than a smaller clan needs to for the same result; it's an excess of manpower and material with no equal compensation; after all, what are the benefits of a larger clan if costs are scaled accordingly?


Right now the only benefit is faster research because more people=more resources, scaling completely removes this. There's also the fact that in the end it won't really be fair if research costs are scaled since clans will have a huge variation of active members. A 50 man Tier 2 clan with 50 active members having less resource costs than a 200 man Tier 3 clan with 50 active members isn't very fair, after all.


I was thinking maybe research costs are lowered -universally- for all clans to a 20/30 people clan ideal. Large clans already finish everything instantly due to huge manpower so it'd be no change for them, but smaller clans now have a chance at building and researching things. What would be introduced in order to monitor clan size would be "periodic maintenance costs" as a scaling factor. Tier 5 clans need absurd materials and credits to upkeep their clan whilst Tier 1 clans would only need a smidgen, for example; the costs themselves would scale partially off clan size and off rooms (e.g. an oracle rooms costs 20k rubedo each month to maintain). Since bigger clans are assured to have bigger dojos and more rooms and smaller clans the opposite, the costs themselves would be fair and equal for each clan.  Failing to pay the maintenance cost would shut off vital constructs like Research Rooms, Oracle or taking some rooms from the OP, training rooms, recon rooms etc. With this, the scaled manpower and material you're putting into the clan is paired with a relative factor, the clan size, rather than a static result like weapon or room construction.


tl;dr. With this scenario, 2k member clan pays 40k rubedo, 500k credits etc. for 2 oracles, 4 training rooms etc. each month whilst 200 member clan pays 4k rubedo, 50k credts for 1 oracle and 2 training room each month RATHER THAN 2k clan pays 40k rubedo, 500k credits for Prova research and Oracle construction whilst 200 member clan pays 4k rubedo, 50k credits for Prova research and oracle construction. 


Sorry if that's a bit confusing. If anyone has their own suggestions, feel free to add in to the discussion.

Well, I wasn't going to specify any exact scaling since the developers I am certain have a much better idea of what is being contributed by different size clans currently.  What I can say though is that it would not be a constant inflation rate, but rather a sloping curve that would level off at whatever clan member count is appropriate.

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