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U18 Bug Report Megathread


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One of my friends got his account banned, for no reason at all. He logged in at one point during the day and received a pop up saying that his account was suspended for breaking the EULA. Again, he didn't do anything. No cheating, no hacking, nothing.

I'd say this is a pretty significant bug that needs to be fixed, since it, y'know, has rendered him incapable of playing for 20 years.

Would appreciate any response from DE or anyone who knows what may have actually caused this.

DESCRIPTION: I have had 2 friends banned from EULA (It sounds like the exact same circumstance that Rangnakalou described). Both of my friends were sharing the same computer and had said that it had been struggling ever scene U18 came out. Neither of them were using or even have any type of hacking or cheating programs on their computer. One of my friends (an MR 20 that has played for about a year with no problems) was banned on the 19th and submitted a support ticket and the other (not knowing what else to do) continued to playing and had the same thing happen to them and their account was banned today(the 26th)(They also submitted a support ticket). 

Who: 2 Clan mates/ good friends

What: Account Ban.

Where: Login menu




REPRODUCTION STEPS: (Sorry I don't have a good answer here)

 1.Play Warframe with specific hardware (sorry, I don't know their exact specs) in combination with update 18 for a few weeks.

 2. Receive a ban until 2035.


P.S. It's really depressing to play without them.


I Just wanted to update this. My friend that was banned today (the 26th) was unbanned and sent the following message.

 [DE]Maurizio (WARFRAME Support)

Dec 26, 15:06
Hello (I removed my friends name),
Our system has detected instances of abnormal results and/or activity on this account. As such, the account was automatically banned. Upon manual review of your account activity, there is some uncertainty as to why the ban was triggered. Typically, bans are triggered due to attempts to manipulate the game or player account, but there is a chance in this case that it is caused by a hardware error.
Has Warframe ever crashed on you, giving you the hardware failure page? https://warframe.com/hardwarefail
If so, there is a chance this was all triggered by faulty memory in your system. The memory might be fine for normal tasks, but when put under stress it could occasionally fail (and this time just happened to be while performing an important task in Warframe).
Please run Memtest and check to see if there are any problems with your memory: http://www.memtest86.com/download.htm
Overclocking your CPU can also cause the memory to become unstable and trigger a false positive result. We recommend you return your system to the default settings if you are unable to compensate for this instability.
Please also take a moment to update your anti-virus software to the most recent definitions and scan your computer for viruses (for instance, a virus attacking Warframe would trigger our defenses). Try using Malware Bytes to see if it helps: http://www.malwarebytes.org
It is also worth noting to look out for Hard drive data corruption issues caused by a faulty drive as it may cause Windows instability and consequently crashes of software and hardware. We suggest you to use these software to perform a full range of tests to identify any problems occurring in your HDDs:
SeaTools for Windows by Seagate
Data Lifeguard Diagnostic by Western Digital
The ban has now been lifted from your account. We apologize for the inconvenience, but it is necessary that we maintain a strong defense in order to secure Warframe’s continued operation, and for our player's general security.
Thank you for your understanding.


I would like to note in response to the the topics mentioned in the response that their HDD is the news component and was replaced over the summer and they have not switched antiviruses. 

Still no word on the first account. I hope that what ever changed on DEs end after U18 will be looked at and resolved.

Edited by yournachos
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The Supra-exclusive mod Entropy Burst adds a 20% additive status chance to Supra but does not scale with other status-chance-increasing mods as is implied by "base status chance".




REPRODUCTION STEPS: How did you come upon this bug, what are the steps to recreate it?

 1. Equip Supra.

 2. Go to Upgrade

 3. Install the "Entropy Burst" mod. Notice that the status chance increases from 5% to 20% (assuming the mod is fully ranked).

 4. Add any other mod that increases status chance, such as Malignant Force.  Notice that a mod that adds 60% status chance adds 3% (which is 60% of the original 5%) rather than adding 15% (which is 60% of the intended 25% base chance).


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DESCRIPTION: Using OBEX melee weapon against short enemies (crawlers etc) will not hit them and constantly punch above their hit boxes without doing any damage.  

Who Excalibur

What OBEX, with no mods, no stance.

Where Any mission/planet that has infested crawlers or other low height enemies.


CAN YOU REPRODUCE THE BUG? Yes, at any time.


REPRODUCTION STEPS: How did you come upon this bug, what are the steps to recreate it?

 1. Go into an infested mission

 2. Attack crawlers

 3. Watch as you punch the air 90% of the time without doing damage.

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DESCRIPTION: No rewards received from Spy mission. Only resources picked up throughout the level. Instead of mission finished and returned to ship, was returned to the level. Standing where i was just before extraction. Could not move, my mouse cursor appeared on the screen (in game cursor) as it does in menus or hacking. Pressing Esc would do nothing, had to Alt + Tab and close program.


Who Zephyr, Helios, solo play.

What lvl 29 Dread, lvl 25 Castanas, Yamako Syandana

Where Oceanum, Pluto



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Description: Using Mag's Crush on Sentients causes them to dissapear/ scatter to different rooms in a small compacted form ( Probably from mags crush)

Can you Reproduce the Bug? Yes!


Reproduction Steps: 

1. Equip Mag

2. Enter the Orokin Moon Surival on Earth (Not sure about the other modes, havent tried it yet)

3. Wait for the Sentient Fighters to arrive

4. Use Mag's Crush on them ( It ususally takes 2 cast)

5. Silence, all the sentients dissapear?!?!

6. Explore the map and youll find batalysts in different rooms and corners.


Is this supposed to be happening? Cause until you find all of them you cant get anymore to spawn and looking for them is a real pain in the back. :(

Edited by Zupalliot
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Description: Dying while in the Arsenal in the simulacrum causes a freeze.


Can you Reproduce the Bug? Yes!


Reproduction Steps: 

1. Enter Simulacrum

2. Spawn ten Level 100 Elite Crewmen

3. Attract their attention.

4. Wait up on the spawn platform for them to throw a grenade at you.

5. Use Arsenal.

6. Die.

7. Respawn with no UI interactivity.

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Blade and Whip weapons sometimes lose their whips. This is easier to replicate by doing the ff:


Equip blade and whip weapon of choice.

Use focus skill.

Lose whip.


Noticed the regularity of this bug at the recent sortie (survival, melee only)

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Description: Vazarin focus passive "New Moon"(maxed) causes the warframe to freeze after reviving a teammate. Can't move, shoot or loot (carrier's vacuum still picks up loot, but it isn't taken by the warframe). /unstuck does not help. Bug resets after death(if revived during bleedout timer bug persists). It seems the bug started to appear only after I maxed out the "New Moon" perk.


Can you Reproduce the Bug? Yes!


1. Use mending tides

2. Revive a teammate(happens more often if clicked revive during movement)

3. Get stuck

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DESCRIPTION: Some mouvements are blocked after using my 5th power (Zenurik)


Who : Nova P, Frost P, Loki P, Carrier P.

What : Using Sancti Tigris, Lex P, Broken War, Dakra P, Nami Solo ...

Where : I have no special place, it happens during missions.


CAN YOU REPRODUCE THE BUG? Yes and no, sometimes I get the bug, sometimes I don't get it


REPRODUCTION STEPS: How did you come upon this bug, what are the steps to recreate it?

 1. Using my 5th power, I got this by using Zenurik power, btw, I don't know if the bug can occur with others, I can test with Madurai if necessary

 2. I tried the two differents way, I got the bug if I let the power ends by itself and I also get it if I end it myself

 3. After that, some mouvements are blocked.


MORE DETAILS: After using this power, I'm unable to perform a roll or using my melee weapon at all. I tried to use again my 5th power, this didn't work. I also tried to use the unstuck command to see if it could help but no, this doesn't help, the last thing I tried to go out of the map to reappear and this didn't help too, even after bleeding or death, the bug is still here.


I hope my bug report has enough details to help :-)


Thank you for reading and Happy New Year to everybody !


EDIT: One friend said he got the same with Naramon power.

Edited by Dragunova
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DESCRIPTION: Cant swap weapons/ or shoot/ or use skills

Who most of the frames all weapons i got

What example (wukong, amprex, lex, tipedo)

Where almost every mission


i know it sounds really weird but sometimes when i swap weapons or use scanners my weapons are just stuck, i cant swap back or use all of my ability's not even the 5 skill.

i play alot with friends and for some reason i seem to have it like literily every game i start now and non of my friends have them exept for the melee bug.

most of the time i dont really care about this small little bugs but its getting realy realy anoying now.

i did some void runes yesterday and 8 out of the 10 i had the bug and needed to die res and waste my exp on it.

is it just me or.....

oh and sometimes my gear slots just empty and if i want to put it back half of it is gone(things like chippers and energy restores it really bothers me right now)




REPRODUCTION STEPS: How did you come upon this bug, what are the steps to recreate it?

 1. start a mission doesnt matter wich one

 2. swap weapons to foten or do it to fast

 3. ability's that will put back your weapon will do too

 4.nothing but dieing and res works not even revive works

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DESCRIPTION: Phoenix Gaze, while able to open loot containers, is unable to break fans.

Who: Any Warframe with a Madurai Focus.

What: Phoenix Gaze.

Where: Any planet with a broken fan. I noticed it in Merrow, Sedna.





1. Locate a fan.

2. Wait for the Phoenix Gaze to cool down.

3. Attempt to use it on the fan.

4. See that the fan is invincible against the power.

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The game often glitches out after my character is knocked down , or when entering the nullifiers force field while using the 4th ability on warframes such as Valkyr and Excalibur , the game becomes unplayable until my my character either dies (not  being revived by other players) or if i fall down some hole (out of bounds)  during this bug I cannot use any weapon or ability , my character cannot pick up any items (they just floating behind me endlessly and follow me around with the sound of item pickup looping endlessly) I cannot revive other players or interact with anything. 

attempting to use any power will give me the message "power already in use" , switching between weapons just switches the weapons without any animation.

please fix this bug , it's very frustrating , i'd gladly share more details if needed 


this video somewhat reflects my issue:


Warframes: Valkyr and Excalibur don't have anything else to test on.

​doesn't matter what load out i use , but the 4th ability is always active when the glitch occurs  

Where (any planet)

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DESCRIPTION:  If any melee has a combo which requires do press "down" key, the frame will start to move backwards while doing it.

Who- Every Warframe

What- Any Melee

Where- Everywhere





Grab a melee, and press "s" while attacking. It starts going backwards. I´m sure that before the momentum would be forward while doing a "Down" combo. Makes Melee game worthless for me. 





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DESCRIPTION: Aiming fires projectiles 45 degrees to the right of the reticle when someone is standing very close


Who: Warframe

What: Aiming

Where: Everywhere

DESCRIPTION: Frost Prime's gold bits are missing on his body, his helmet still has the gold bits, but not his body.

Who Tested with Frost/Hydroid while using Kulstar as a weapon

What 4th Color slot, the gold.

Where His Body.






 1. Equip any warframe and a Kulstar 

 2. Head to Tower Defence (tested mostly in 3)

 3. stand on top of the pod aiming for entrance hallway, have someone standing in nearly the same spot or a fraction behind you

 4. Aim and fire and see your first shot go sideways


Can probably use other weapons as well but Kulstar with max multishot will make it very easy to see and reproduce

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Description: 2 Missing Pakal Armor Parts on Rhino/Prime


Can you Reproduce the Bug? Yes


Reproduction Steps: 

1. Equip Rhino Prime(this is what I have)
2. Go to Appearance (Make sure every Regalia on Rhino is unequipped)
3. Try Equipping the parts from Top to Bottom using the Pakal
4. No right shoulder and right knee parts.
EDIT: Other frames seems to have it


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DESCRIPTION: Failed to return to Liset after mission, transported back into the level. Unable to move, or press esc. In-game cursor present on screen. Had to Alt-Tab and close Warframe. Very similar experience to what i had with the Spy mission i described earlier.

Who Nezha, Helios, Solo play (public matchmaking)

What Tonkor, Akstiletto, Dragon Nikana, Ormolu Kryoptera Syandana

Where Tower II Capture, standard Liset




Thankfully, so far this had only happened without me finding precious rewards. I'd hate for it to occur after finding a rare mod or prime part, that would be infuriating..


[edit] It does seem to coincide with my connection crapping out, so could just be that.. it is worrying though.

Edited by SpiralViper
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Warframe randomly switches Region without notice.

I got DC'ed in-game. Took a look at my chat, and everything, slow net and chat isn't picking up any data.
Waited for 10 mins. to reconnect.
Nothing happens.
Took a snoop on the settings.
Found out that WF switched my region area to USA.
Switched back to preferred region and logged out and in back again.

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Description: Whenever I enter a Rampart (that turret gun thing), once I exit, I am unable to pickup anything including resources, energy, health, mods, etc. I also can't pick anything up with "x" but can still somehow revive players. This bug is really game breaking imo as I can't get energy to use my skills or get ammo thus making me useless.

Who: Loki? Haven't tested with other warframes

What: Unable to loot after entering then exiting a Rampart or any sentry gun thing

Where: Any map with a Rampart or similar.



REPRODUCTION STEPS: How did you come upon this bug, what are the steps to recreate it?

1. Enter a Rampart (manned sentry gun thing)

2. Exit rampart.

3. Try to loot or pickup anything. (I can't)


I thought this may be a bug with the game and can be easily fixed with one restart but no, it's recurring. It happens in any map with the player entering a Rampart. If it means anything the Warframe I was using was Loki. To be honest, I thought it wasn't going to happen again but it happens every time I enter a Rampart. I have reinstalled the game to try and fix this error but to no avail. This is not lag-connected either as I can loot anything fine until I enter one of those damned things.

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