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This map maker AND minimap love how it made a ship with impossible objectives


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So, this was a lovely sight to behold, loaded up this rare ? alert and after doing the main objective I was given THIS new one with the same kind of objective, take this flight data to THIS room....no problem, except that every other door was RED, I could ONLY go back and forth between the spawn point and the objective, no elevator, no stair rooms to traverse.

First time being trolled by the map maker and that useless $#*(@ of an objective giver.


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The Lotus lady? Nah, she is a right xxxx, I agree with that. You know what enrages me the most? When she says "We're done here." As if she did anything but moisten her underwear when a heavy unit spawns. Doing all the work, putting my life on the line, and she has he audacity to say: "We need to do blablabla.". If she'd do anything..! But no. She just claims to be the Hutch to our Starsky.

Nevertheless, we're all gentlemen here.

Edited by JayWalker
Fowl language removed
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i gues that they work like those from original Dark Sector - pilot + tenno.

I mean, she is watching ship's security, I guess that requires direct feed into Grineer/Corpus data network. If not, they have very S#&$y firewalls...

Edited by SabreUr
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Cool your jets, no need to speak French there. It's a Beta, and Betas have bugs. Wrong forum, reported for move to Mission Bugs. I suggest relaxing and not taking this so serious. You can abort out and start again, if all else fails.

The problem with starting again is that it was an alert, and by the time I reached where I was was only to realize I was utterly fubar'd, the alert was gone from the system screen.

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