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Wf Players Could Never Handle Having A Long Term Goal....


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I see so many people complaining about focus affinity gain and the cap- yet there are many players already about to max the tree in less than a week.

Whats the point of focus if its a mechanic that will be useles again in a month? I'm starting to think that a game like this CANT truly have long term goals.

IMO focus shouldve been more like a resource. Something that you can forever gain and benefit from by using focused gear. Not affinity that you can easily max out on again and render useless.

Edited by Hypernaut1
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That's really bad as an idea bud. Really bad. It's a big rule in video game design: Don't take away from players what they've earned or won. Simply punishing the grinders by really gimping those who don't really isn't condusive to good feedback.

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tell me a vid game that holds its player base with long term goals = none.  if that was the case we all would be playing the very first mmo games or even microsoft's AOE.


 get it right by a months time if you cant get what you want out of a game you would move on. players can handle long term goals, just not these in warframe which is simply too long to get to that point. its a fast paced world.

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I'm getting about 5-7.5k Focus points a day with one lens.  I work all day and have other hobbies/things to do so it will be a while before I max out one tree. 


If you're obsessed and have no life whatsoever that you have to max out Focus as soon as possible, then so be it, but you're probably doing it wrong.




Tell me more


It is literally all over the forums and the wiki. To avoid us giving you spoilers, seek what you want to know on your own.

Edited by Lanieu
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The problem with affinity-based resource mechanics isn't the time it takes to get said resources, but that affinity is horribly broken. Long-term goals are fine, but boring farms shouldn't be the best way to get there. In Syndicates' case, DE used the daily cap bandaid to "solve" this issue, but it's not actually solved. I have no idea why they made yet another mechanic with the same glaring faults.


In other words, you make it sound like it's the players' fault and it's not.

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That's their fault for grinding it all out in a week like that.

Which is what the community does and has pretty much always done with any system in WF, so I can't say I'm surprised.

They complain about grind, while forcing grind on themselves because short term goals and instant gratification (for some reason) are all a majority seem to want or respond to. If anything takes more then a week or two then the kicking and screaming begins.


Personally I agree with OP. I'd love to have some longer term goals. That being said, WF actually has a quite a few long term goals if you don't insist in power grinding everything out, especially any kind of exp, instantly till you achieve it in a week. But alas, thats one of the many quirks this community has: Despising grind, while forcing unnecessary grind on themselves.


In my case I'm lucky that I still had a few more goals to work towards before U18 because I'm happy to take my time for the most part. Now that I haven't been able to play WF for nearly 5 months and U18 has hit I should have a tonne of content to keep me entertained before burnout.


At anyrate, focus will end up just being another system people feel they have to power grind. Once they hit the ceiling they'll go right back to complaining about how (insert flavor of the month here) is useless or there isn't enough content.

Same old, same old really.

Edited by StinkyPygmy
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I see so many people complaining about focus affinity gain and the cap- yet there are many players already about to max the tree in less than a week.

Whats the point of focus if its a mechanic that will be useles again in a month? I'm starting to think that a game like this CANT truly have long term goals.

IMO focus shouldve been more like a resource. Something that you can forever gain and benefit from by using focused gear. Not affinity that you can easily max out on again and render useless.

I don't believe you, not unless they did it before the cap

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There is no way people will max out trees yet. They might have every ability unlocked soon, yes. But all the abilities have multiple levels. Each level also takes more power to equip. With a daily 75k cap, there is no way they will come even close to maxing. 


It will take 3 weeks to a month at the earliest to fully max out a tree with the cap. Some of the abilities need 225k to get to level 2 and still have 2 more levels after it.


Not to mention you will have to pour points into being able to even equip abilities as well. It will take far longer to completely max then a week.

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use imgur for the picture - or a simple link from other hosting site

Microwave/fast food/DVR generation...beep, beep, beep-ding?

The best games have both short and long term goals; OP is only partially correct:

MR 20

multi-forma builds

Specialized end-game builds

completionist/content goals

Clan building

...and more

Those who scream to end daily caps are the first to vamoose or complain about lack of content or everything being boring and easy...

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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How the hell could anyone have maxed the focus tree in a week? Like literally, what the hell. You need so many points, it's not even funny. You'd have to be power-grinding like a maniac to do that because the only way you would've gotten enough points is by getting most of them before the 75k cap was implemented. I, I don't even.

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I think its because a lot of players already have spend a lot of hours into the game. Having already played the majority of the content and realizing that all have to be done again for the new long term system. Pretty boring. So I can understand those players seeking the most efficient way of getting those focus points.

I personally think the focus system is fine. I intend to play Warframe for still a long time so the points will surely come.

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I see so many people complaining about focus affinity gain and the cap- yet there are many players already about to max the tree in less than a week.

Whats the point of focus if its a mechanic that will be useles again in a month? I'm starting to think that a game like this CANT truly have long term goals.

IMO focus shouldve been more like a resource. Something that you can forever gain and benefit from by using focused gear. Not affinity that you can easily max out on again and render useless.

I doubt this is true. There's a hard cap of 75k a day, and there are several ranks within each tree (5 or so ranks for the base ability, and 3 ranks or so for every other upgrade). That means there are 36 ranks to fill up (Using Z as an example). Some of those take 50k to unlock. Some take 150k to unlock, and upgrading the ranks takes 75k (at least for the first rank...it might cost even more to go up yet another rank). That means it'll take well over a month to max out a single tree. That is unless they are cheating OR there's a mechanic to raise the daily cap beyond 75k that I'm not aware of. If it's the latter, please do inform me of it. Thanks.

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No it wasn't.


Yeah...I still don't believe this. I need an actual source or information to prove this. Why? Because on day 2 i farmed my farming spot doing stealth kills for 45minutes, and walked out of the mission with "355,000" focus. I went to spend them and had EXACTLY 75,000. So either the cap was there day 1, it was added shortly after (within a day), or I got unlucky somehow?


EDIT: Nevermind i found it, U18 came out on 12/3. On 12/4 the following patch was added. So yeah, the people saying others got the leg up grinding endlessly for days before the cap are wrong. They got a few hours at most. At that point everyone had a SINGLE lens. Some extreamly lucky people might have had 2 from the day 1 sorties, and most people didn't know how to effectively farm focus yet:



  • Added a potentially permanent but experimental cap to Daily Focus Points earned, currently it is at 75,000 each day. We will monitor this over the weekend! (Note: End of Missions stats will not reflect the Focus Cap). Addendum: 'potentially permanent' also means potentially not, we're just trying to figure out the best way to have meaningful earns and pacing.
Edited by Coaa
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Yeah...I still don't believe this. I need an actual source or information to prove this. Why? Because on day 2 i farmed my farming spot doing stealth kills for 45minutes, and walked out of the mission with "355,000" focus. I went to spend them and had EXACTLY 75,000. So either the cap was there day 1, it was added shortly after (within a day), or I got unlucky somehow?

What, so you're saying I'm lying? What would I have to gain from being deceitful?


Go check the update notes and check the dates yourself then. Rather obvious where to find your required information.


Freakin' love it... Tell someone something which is easy to find and instead they essentially say you're lying. And yeah, that's slightly annoyed me by just a bit, hence my reply.

Edited by Naith
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