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Coming Soon: Devstream #65, Final 2015 Stream!


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Lore Question: In anticipation of the Second Dream quest, I spent hours in the Void trying to discover and infer from its design a basic hypothesis on what Orokin or Void technology is based on. While I understand that you might not be inclined to disclose such mysteries just yet, I still have to ask - hopefully in a fashion that doesn't give it all way: Is the Void inspired by any real world pseduoscientific principle postulating a fifth fundamental force of a particular kind of motion?

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I just want to say thank you to all of you for the awesome work you all have done in bringing such rich and emotional lore to this game. I can't truly express how much I enjoyed U18's new features and exquisite Second Dream quest.


I do have one question.


Is there anything in the works with regards to quests becoming re-playable? I absolutely loved the Natah quest and The Second Dream quest so much that I would undoubtedly love to run through them again. Quest rewards removed of course, as they will have already been obtained. Please make this a reality!

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Focus System:


Will shared group affinity be included for focus gains ? If so when ? 


Will there be a Focus reset sense there were no descriptions when it launched and now some abilities have changed ?


Could you please allow us to see other focus trees before we invest 50K to unlock them?

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Hey been playing since before i was even in high school xD (like to think im the youngest "tiger") anyways i love the work you guys do and i was wondering; 


-will we ever see moon-terrain-based void excavations?

-will there ever be liset/archwing racing minigames in relays or with friends at dojo?

-will we ever see syndicate-based outfits for the tenno (i.e. buying a new loka suit and helm with standing for our tenno)?

-Question for steve: Will pink shorts prime ever make a comeback?


haha love warframe a ton guys keep up the good work

P.S. Come to Texas for a panel!!!!

Edited by dmantacos
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              Are you going to make the quest replayable?,Because when i was playing Second Dream my mind was blown and didnt "focus" on the lotus and the tenno was sayin and what everything happend :( so is there a chance to make this happend. :)


Focus :( srry



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Would a fun little archwing racing minigame be plausible? Like a slalom race through saturn's rings or something, could be a lot of fun

on a serious note, any word on whether or not the machete or sheev are going to come back? and while on that note, will quest specific weapons such as the ether daggers be re-obtainable when quests become replayable?

Edited by Smimsy_
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When are you going to release the next quest that is going to answer all the questions this last quest brought up?


And any info on Kubrow commands?


Finally, can you please let us forma our 3 configs differently? We keep getting more abilities that should lets us create more interesting combos but we are stuck with limited builds because of how we forma out slots.

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Dear DE, first of all congratulations for the amazing work with Update 18 and through out the year, I have to say by far this is the best year for Warframe :) 

I only have a few questions for this devstream:



1 - Is the Stalker Noggle going to be available for sale in the market or Baro Ki' Teer in the future?

2 - Regarding the Prime Access Vault on Frost and in the future Mag, would it be al right to make their icons available in the market? After all they were available in the market before they were removed, and many players already own the content except icons, for these 2 primes, it would be a nice exception.

3 - Would you consider doing some changes or updates regarding market prices for in - game items? Or if Tennogen ever has a vast choice of skins and models, would you consider monetizing the market only with cosmetics? 


4 - Considering event weapons in sortie rewards, will we ever get chance to obtain Latron Wraith and Braton Vandal again?

That is all of my questions, I again would like to congratulate you people on the amazing work all of you did this year on Warframe. I am sure next year is going to be so much better, not only because many of the game problems and decisions might get fixed/changed, but also because Warframe is going to step up their game, after U18, I am so eager for U19.

You have my full support DE, and keep doing a great job :D

Thank you for your time and Merry Christmas 

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wow so many pages already. On to the questions.

Any update on the Kavaat? (Catbrows)

Several of the frames you announced to get updated have had their changes released, can you tell us what the next 'set' of frames to be getting changes are? There are several Frames that need help still.

Anything getting updated about Sparring weapons?

Do you have any plans to address the affinity gain for the 'New' System favoring DPS frames while everyone who chose support or utility are left in the dust. It is is pretty much impossible to hit the daily cap for those that chose these kind of frames, Limbo being an example since he has low damage abilities.


Good work on the Secnd Dream by the way loved just about everything about it.

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here are my questions:


lore-related questions

-what specific happening made the Sentients become sentient?


-it seems as though Sentients are relatively indifferent towards any non-Tenno factions. do they only want to rid the system of all that the Orokin set against them?


-why do the Sentients sing?


-does a Simulated Sentient unit realize it's in a simulation? can it potentially adapt beyond the limits of the Simulacrum?


-lore suggests that Sentient units are fragments of an intellectual alpha. if this is true, then are there other Sentient alphas like Hunhow and Natah?


-why did the Orokin seal Hunhow in a tomb, even if he was presumed dead?


-are Dax a type of Grineer Soldier in the Old War?


-will we, the players, ever get a better understanding of the apparent Orokin caste system?


-how did Teshin serve the Orokin in the Old War?


-will we ever get to see any human colonies in the game?


-what do the Seven Principles represent in common Orokin culture as opposed to the mods we get?


-other than what the Second Dream quest reveals, what did the Orokin use the moon for?


-how and why has the lotus symbol survived thoughout the ages?


-Proto Excalibur, Proto Glaive, and Nyx Nemesis are apparently pre-Orokin era. will we ever explore ingame where they came from?


-how did the Orokin go from being afraid of the void to making void towers?


game-related quesitons

-will we ever get to see the digital oasis that is the Sanctuary?


-what was the most challenging piece of content you've worked on this whole year?


-this was the year of quality, and Second Dream solidifies that. what will the theme of next year be?


-are there any new tilesets you have in store for 2016?


-seeing the type of rewards aquired from sortie missions, i wonder, are they at risk of overlapping with the items that Baro Ki'Teer gives out?


-will we ever be able to do missions in faction-controlled solar rails?


-to date, which tileset would you say was the most difficult to create.


-where do you see the game in a year?


-what kinds of improvements were made to the game's engine in the past year?


-quests often have context that players dont understand because they werent around to participate in events. for the sake of new player experience, will there be improvements to the way game lore is organized?

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