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Coming Soon: Devstream #65, Final 2015 Stream!


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first up LOVE U18 


ok now that thats out of the way i have a few questions


A) limbo: as much as i love him he feels ... disjointed in certain settings mainly rift surge, any plans on him?

B) charge attacks currently feel clunky as well, any thing on that?

C) any new archwings in development?

D) any hype that you can spread?

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Thanks for the great second dream quest. Also, great track (This is what you are) from KP on the last Prime time...I listen to that track while working, while running, and now while playing WF. Need more OST like that.


Now, my question:

Are you guys planning to attend the Pax East 2016 in April? If yes, can you share some info please? If no, then :/



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As the new system is basically a simple skill tree being implemented, will the warframes themselves have their own skill/upgrade tree? Like an Ember skill to absorb heat damage receive up to 5 energy per damage instance or Frost's snowglobe having a chance to deflect enemy bullets and cause physical procs. Perhaps being able to put points to improve/upgrade the warframe's initial passive skill? I'm looking at you, Equinox


What are the thoughts on compressing the number of enemies? Reduce the overall/max amount of enemies while increasing their difficulty, affinity, and loot?

The current gameplay is either killing some ants crawling towards you or dealing with someone tossing buckets full of bullet ants at you.

Edited by Punchedface
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Regarding the Focus system and competition:


Currently, the Focus system awards more points to players who kill more enemies. This leads to competition and selfish behavior such as ignoring teammates or mission objectives for the sake of getting additional kills. Seeing as the game is based around coop and teamwork, can we please get rid of this competitive aspect of the system?

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Second Dream, mind blown.


Prime items - extra colour customisation slot for the bling?


Ivara - Very fun, would like a better way to select arrows (or even bind individual arrows to different keys); get interrupted while casting arrow, arrow changes, end up using wrong arrow. Also takes a while to switch between casting power to drawing bow. Infuriating.


Stalker noggle - friend missed out on one code, any chance this could return?


Braton Vandal - Forgot to purchase during closed beta, please credit to my account. :D


Sorties - Fun. Weapon pieces as reward, not fun.



Edit: Focus gain needs to be sped up, talents need to be revised, descriptions need to be re-evaluated.

Edited by LoopStricken
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My questions:


- A long time ago, when Wyrm and Shade were the only Sentinels, there was mention ( during Devstreams ) of Sentinels possibly hacking things for us. Has this been abandoned, forgotten, or just a low priority?


- Why do we give samples of Orokin technology ( Forma, Potatoes, Prime parts ) to Syndicates/Baro Ki'Teer? How does this maintain the Balance?

Please give me a lore-related reason to do this, even if only a little ingame queue of the Lotus giving me the OK to help out these Syndicates and/or Baro Ki'Teer.


- Will our Operator always show with the default/blank hair when using the Focus in-mission, or will we develop the technology for our holographic Operator to have hair too?

Edited by Liantedan
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The change to Mios' (and now Lacera) charge attack while equipped (that sweet whiplash+pull it had before) is now pretty much useless, is this intended or will there be a fix sometime?


Aside from that...why're so many of my kubs overexposed to lighting? They look like glass!

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seeing as we've had this MASSIVE reveal,  where do you think you will be taking the lore next? will we get to see any more of the orokin societal structure? the twin queens?  what adventure are you taking your loyal tenno army on next.



what kinds of frames do you have planned for the future? any designs in the works right now?



what are the sentient shaping up to be as a faction and what other facts can you tell us about them.  what do the actual, physical, non-drone sentient beings like Natah and Hunhow really look like?



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Spoiler free Second Dream question:


The Second Dream quest was groundbreaking in ways not thought possible. Love it or hate it, Warframe for many has been completely changed. Much of the lore leading up to the Second Dream quest, while not as monumental, was more or less directly hinting to the huge reveal in the Second Dream. Some of those bits and pieces of lore have been in the game since closed beta.


My question to the team is then, was the lore that the Second Dream reveals a recent creation that was designed to tie into everything preceding it, or has it been a part of Warframe since the beginning and we just couldn't see it?

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What will happen to future focus development ?


I mean that current form of it is a bit odd in terms of gameplay and overall game design.


First of all some Focus tree have passives which are activated upon using 5 for the mission duration. The more nodes we use to buff it the longer the cooldown is which gives us only ability to use Focus system adventages on longer (Basically endless) missions types.


My second question is related to the overall design. In current form we can use ability which provides us some bonuses for the rest of the mission but i have to admit that i expected that the main ability in focus tree would be more powerfull.


At least for me it was supposed to be some kind of ability which would result in a real drastical situation change on battlefield for our adventage but almost all of those bonuses can be achieved in a normal way (Petrify -CC - Atlas , Healing aura and damage reduction - Trinity, Energy restore - Trinity, etc.) Some of them are really powerfull but only passives seems to be usefull. Range on focus abilities is seriously small, even smaller than on normal abilities. Is it intended for those abilities to work this way ?

Could it be possible to buff those abilities with cooldown increases to something what you could use once per hour but give them real impact on gameplay ?


The last which really bothers me is the "operator" when we use 5th power. I know that some people may like it but it really looks like creepy children version of superman. I think that if would be really nice if we could get some kind of external void energy armor for warframe which would somehow reflect our school choice (Cloud, Wave, Tree- Nature, Mountain or Crystal ). In current form it just looks and feels weird to fly with operator which is supposed to be your ultimate form.

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There are rumors going around that you guys aren't going to PBR the Misa Prime syandana. Please address your willingness, or lack of it, to PBR certain items like the Misa Prime Syandana. Is this item, a Prime Access/Vault exclusive, not going to be PBR'd because of it's somewhat exclusive nature, or will it be PBR'd? And what is your stance on PBR'ing other sorta-exclusive items, like vandal weapons or Sentinel Prime accessories or Excal Prime? I mean, you guys decided to PBR the Skana Prime and Lato Prime, two of the most exclusive items in the game, so I find that rumor really odd. Please briefly address this, because if there's an item that really could be PBR'd, it's the Misa Prime Syandana.


I know Umbra isn't coming because you're figuring out what to do with the Umbra series, but have you considered just making them somehow related to Stalker? I guess that Umbra cloth is just calling my name.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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Second Dream Spoiler questions:


1. At the end Where the Warframe breaks War. Were you intending that to portray:


A: The Tenno controlling the Warframe remotely without Transference tech (A-la the events of the Rhino Prime Codex)

or were you intending to infer

B: The Warframe was doing that itself, raising moral questions regarding mind control of sapient creatures and slavery?


Out operator should know if they did it or not so this shouldn't need to be another secret. If you don't want to answer spoiler questions on the devstream you could simply say "SilentMobius: [A/B]!"


2. Any chance of the Operator being a bit smarter about using the new in-mission lines? Like only using "We" if you're in a team? Otherwise it kind of sounds like the operator is talking to their Warframe, which sounds really out-of-place. I don't talk to my own hands.


3. A forum poster is claims that DERebecca confirmed that Kaleen (from the EPC) is Margulis. Is that true?

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Post-Second Dream questions:

Now that we got a quest to reveal the nature of the Tenno, maybe we could get one that reveals the nature of the Warframes? If Second Dream is hinting us at something.

Could this perhaps be the chance to bring the player closer to their warframes too? The reveal in Secomd Dream made a lot of players feel distant from the warframes they were attached to for so long, it would be nice to give the players a reason to see them beyond mere objects once again.

With Rhino out of the way what other reworks are planned to come out the soonest (as in who's turn is next) and what are the details we could get on them if any? Personally Mag and Volt, being the other two starter frames, could use some love to be made comparable to Excalibur.

(Also in regards to the Bladestorm change, please make Ash still do the killing himself)

Edited by RahuHordika
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Hi there,

first of all U18 and Second Dream are amazing, thank you all for you great work!


1. Why sentients resist melee channeling, some of warframe powers and focus powers? Aren't they supposed to be vulnerable to void?

2. How is progress on Bladestorm to make that power less auto-play? Can we have some cool stance that allows you to select targets by yourself?

3. Will there be any way to respec focus points? cause when there was no descriptions i spend points on things that proved to be highly meh.

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