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Coming Soon: Devstream #65, Final 2015 Stream!


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Focus is supposed to be endgame feature, but you added daily cap which is reachable pretty quickly. Plus focus amount per mob almost not affected by mob's level. Will it be changed?



Corpus Nullifier shields still have constant size-reducing curve: I can fire half magazine from my Boltor to shield, stare at nullifier for couple of seconds and his shield will be reducing in size, slowly processing all damage it received. Any plans to change it?

Edited by demminik
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How about some real questions, like how's that mod rework going that started with the look at multishot? Also, I see that Starchart 3.0 didn't ship with U18. I remember Scott saying it wouldn't be ready for a while. Could we have some hints as to the details or a look at more assets?


Also, when is Mesa going to be set free from her tedious grindwall like Hydroid? I haven't seen anyone farming her for months now. Perhaps this would be a good time?

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As someone who read and seen the plot of the second dream for ages in other media i wont discuss that. 

You seem to have satisfied the majority of your player base so good work there. I am not one of them.


Good work on the art and music.


Here is my feed back on the U18 update without spoilers. 


1. The sniper rework needs tweaks and polish.  Your introduction of scope sway has lead to annoying bugs with ghost shots all over the place. 


Most snipers now have both bullet deviation and random spread. This kills reliability of the weapons. 


I can provide both screenshots and video collages of how it affects snipers in game if you need it. 


But to sum it up. 


Snipers are no longer reliable weapons to use. I can still have shots not even register in a solo game when i have stayed scoped in on the same stationary target for more then a min(parts of the tests i did on the reliability issue).


The same can be said about bullet deviation. I have had shots go both off target to the right and left even against stationary targets where i have stayed scoped in for more then a min(double checked against stop watch)


2. The rework of the rhino frame seems to work well enough. The durability and utility of the powers the frame has have increased. 


3. The changes to the revive system is good. Especially now when there no longer exists a thematic reason to ever revive other players other then being polite.


I for one will only revive others due to habits i developed before U18.


As for the revive tokens on my frames well to be frank now i can use them to force a mission to completion since i have 4 chances to finish the mission.


4. The new enemies are pure bulletsponges and as such i will ensure that i do not play against them. I have better use of my time then to waste it on such uninteresting enemies.


But others like them so again you seems to have satisfied those that where asking for harder enemies and endgame. 


5. The sortie systems seems to work fine for those that use it. I dont care about it so i have no need to discuss the reward tables. You have no doubt seen enough threads with feedback about that from those that play them.


6. the new system is very lacking in its presentation. You will have a lot of annoyed players who regret their initial choice because of this. 


You also have yet to implement a way to remove the active parts of the system from our items. 


For this reason i am removing it from my game by selling the Excalibur frame i used in the second dream. 


I am currently building a new Excalibur frame that will be free from your new system that has yet come out of alpha testing. 


I have also rebound the new key setting to - so that i will never press it by mistake. 


7. Going forward i will not partake in any of your quests blind ever again.  I will both read up on it and watch it from beginning to end to ensure that no new system will be forced upon those that finish the quest. 


8. I will provide feedback on the new frame after i have its components and have built it. 

The other new frame Wukong is in my opinion not worth a item slot so i will lets others provide feedback on that item. 




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I would like to congratulate DE on an excellent quest it truly answered some questions that people have long had.

On the other hand, since the update I've noticed there was a significant drop in FPS if you had any comments on this it would be much appreciated.
Unfortunately this would not be the only thing i would want to point out

1.  As stated it would have been considered to give people certain advances on the daily tribute based on some system, but sadly it seemed like this was scrapped but would have been acceptable if log in rewards were decent enough (at the start)


2.  Not that we don't appreciate it but some rewards are pretty terrible such as receiving 50 cyro or 10 oxium based on the sheer quantity we need and would wonder if it would be possible to install a scaling system such as by mastery rank or respectable system

3. [spoilers] After the new quest, i was honestly lost on how the focus system worked and this could use some explaining as well as a way to see the descriptions of each branch again

by the way how soon can we expect for the two rooms in the ships next to the focus room to start getting filled

thanks for reading


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So with U18 thrown melee weapons (and the Redeemer too it seems) found themselves saddled with a 3 second windup on thier throw attacks, thus making them cumbersome to use at best and an outirght liability at worst. Whats up with that?


Also, more on chanelling;

-Has any thought been given to altering the base chanelling stats of melee weapons to give them more variation?

-What do you think of the idea of melee weapons drawing from thier own amo pool instead of warframe energy?

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- Will Operator do something apart from sitting in the only Orbiter chair and spewing silly stuff during missions?


- How long until Starchart 3.0?


- Will Moon become a planet on its own instead of 3 Earth nodes?


- Will we ever get out of Solar system?

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First congrats for a good update

There is only one question i have

Excalibur umbra, will it be a farmable frame for non-china players or money-available only?

Because excalibur is one of my favourite frames & i am currently agonizing wether to install a lens & exilus adapter on it or wait for umbra release

& for that matter btw, is there an ETA for their arrival

Edited by manub
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Firstly, congrats on an amazing update and quest. Holy crap.

Any news on updates or a rework of the solar rail system and/or the Orokin Lab in the dojo?

Also regarding the founders' name scrawl on planets, mine (along with DE_Rebecca's) used to be on one of the PvP locations which were removed with PvP 2.0. Now it's nowhere to be found. Any new info on how this will be changed with Starchart 3.0?

Edited by Ashbourne
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Call me a freak, but I prefer fighting Stalker Classic in all his glass cannon glory to the obnoxious, boring, and quite easy to beat

Stalker you guys came up with. Is there any chance that Second Dream graduates could see Stalker Classic spawn every now and then instead of just

Stalker over and over?

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Is the moon tileset - which so far looks awesome - completed or will we be seeing more of it, especially some more outdoor areas, that many of us were hoping for, after seeing the concept art.

By the way thanks DE for U18 and your passionate work in general, I love you.
The new quest really touched me, I never expected Warframe would make me cry someday (aside from RNG of course). NO SHAME.

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what are the white void 'trees'?


whats behind doors #2 and #3 on the liset otw down to the operator? armory/arsenal? frame bay? arghwing bay? 


how did u get on my ship lotus?


are we going to get any small passive effect from putting a lens on a piece of gear? talking like 'small' bonuses here, nothing major/crazy, but atm lens are just a means to an end, are we basically just going to end up collecting hundreds of lenses just to slap on everything we want to use just to be able to gain focus with more than 1 frame/loadout? [some kind of small thematic lil bonus could be more of an incentive in this case]


when are we getting the dual dark daggers show years ago? also whats the eta on the dark dagger/sword dual blade combo?


when are the corpus going to start using hyenas/jackals 'in the field'?


when are we going to see the removal of nullifiers now that the much better designed scambas/combas are ingame? or are we ever going to get some rational though about the nully bubble? [ie get rid of the dmg cap/limit, just let high dmg destroy it, and/or make it not regen, or allow punchthrough, etc, etc]


more news on previously teased but yet unreleased content plz, ie :


infested fomorians/galleons


new grineer units

new corpus units

new infested units

unique corrupted that are not just skins

nef anyo boss 'rework' and derf 

kela rework

phorid rework

ambulas rework

raptor rework

bring back interesting troop comps like the grineer nightwatch, and/or create corpus equivalents

solar map rework

void 'collapse' rework

deception v2

clan hubs in the relays

frohd bek as an ingame character

the twin queens

doctor tengus



removal/swap of grineer powerfist/butchers/flameblades for more interesting troops with unique models and weapons, ie give the 'butchers' dual cleavers and a more bulky appearance, powerfist should have two furax and be more intimdating/physical and/or maybe rename and use ripkas instead, flameblades could have a flaming machete and u could give the scorpions the atterax, or flameblades could use the twin basolks of change them completely and rename and give them the sheev [since the flameblade is a more 'sneaky/ambush' type unit, tele-backstab with the sheev sounds about right]


lastly the grineer cmdr is one of the last 'old/outdated' grineer, give him a better weapon and/or make him a 'cmdr' instead of just randomly swap tele, let him call in reinforcements or deploy a turret or rally/enhance grineer around him [give him a buzlok or tonkor or grinlok/marelok combo]


heres to hoping we see the fixes for the funky slow charge atk timing on the thrown melee and the focus/affinity issues worked out b4 next week


also when are we getting alt helms for wukong/ivara/nezha? and anything about the 3rd wave for the rest of the frames?

Edited by CY13ERPUNK
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Here my questions :


- When Umbra series come ? And what is the origin of umbra ?


- I love the second dream as lots of players but warframe is doll or not ?


- Would you make some charge attacks mods ?


- When the next wave of tennogen ?


And thanks a lot for your job you made a really nice progress with warframe and make players dream again ! 

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I'm not sure if this was brought up recently, but what's the status on being able to equip more than one weapon of the same category?

Like two primaries and a secondary or even three melee weapons because reasons.


Still looked into or already off the table?



Also, thanks for the newest Quest - great work!

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Howdy doody devs, congrats on finishing the year off on a spectacular high with U18!


two Questions


1- Besides Mods 2.0 Is there any other large scale reworks brewing in the pipeline to polish?


2- Once again I'll ask this question I've tried to get asked for nearly 6/7 months?!? (been so long I cannot remember)  Is there any chance to add Additional tabs/ slots for Upgrades and Warframe/ Weapon appearances? 


thanks for a wonderful year DE lets make 2016 even better!!

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as a console player, I need to voice my frustration about PC always getting everything first. I appreciate is easier to code and there is no need to certificate things but many console players feel unloved because of that.


my question is: will there ever be something that comes first for consoles? or at least something that is launched at the same time for everyone?

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Got tons of questions, but can't recall alot for now... Lets try simple ones:


Since you remade sniper rifles, can we expect infested sniper rifle?


Also will there be some infestation syndicate/infested npc-questgivers with themed rewards? Infested analog to wraith/vandal weaponry? Infested field boss like Stalker/G3/Zanuka Hunter?


Mods 2.0 for sentinels/kubrows?




Well, most likely this would be overlooked, glhf anyway.

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before i get into my questions just wanna say the new quest was phenomenal and i thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it even when i was fumbling around for ages trying to kill sentients.

now onto the questions


First; can the new focus system initial choices be made ALOT clearer as Vazarin  description sounded like counter game play NOT healing and now i feel totally locked into this  for the foreseeable future unable to change for a long time.


Second; the new lunar tileset is amazing and i LOVE the new Puzzle focused vaults rather than time trial that we are used to with a guaranteed unique mod at the end of it. i was wondering if there was going to be something similar done with the existing void vaults, but maybe have them house the prime parts in rather than mods to keep them apart from the lunar vaults.


apart from this insanely good work and look foward to seeing more ^_^

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