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Coming Soon: Devstream #65, Final 2015 Stream!


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1) Are we ever going to get the relays that were destroyed back?
2) will Focus Lenses continue to be this difficult to get
3) Do you feel the rate we gain focus and the amounts are at a good place to add more grind to the game or do you feel the gain/costs might be to steep?

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1. Will there be an alleviation of the grind? I recall that there was a devstream before that stated that there would be less grind. Now, I don't see that "less grind" thing, rather it has increased (Equinox).

1a. I was suprised to get a latron barrel in a T2 survival. Although re-releasing these primes back to the void is a pretty okay idea (especially for those who have missed them), it dilutes the tables some more, combined with the other junk rewards (credit caches, orokin cells, U5 cores). So, when will the void be less grindy, or is there a solid idea to make one?

1b. When will starmap 3.0 appear? Will it really alleviate the void grind?


2. When will the melee system get a serious look/pass?

2a. When will the sword and board get an exclusive 100% damage reduction, since they seem to share that 85% damage reduction with some other melee.

2b. Will charge attacks get a damage buff?

2c. Will charge attacks get mods to buff them?

2d. Will old stances be updated, or will they be like sure shot and disruptor, forgotten and unbuffed?

2e. If i recall correctly you we're toying about the idea of melee multishot. Will it be a thing in the near future?


3. Speaking of which, will the old, forgotten mods get another balance pass?


And lastly...


I had a dream (really, believe me or not) that rewards would start scaling with enemy levels (like getting better rewards when fighting level 100 corrupted versus level 25 corrupted). Will this really happen?


Edit: Still waiting for "Year of Quality." Although there are some signs of it, there are other (bad?) things that cover it up. (IMO)

Edited by p3z1
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Are there any plans for future Infested tileset? The Infested Corpus ship is cool, but compared to the other major factions they don't really have a whole lot of representation.


In a similar vein: the robot bosses are COOL, but what's the current thought on adding more Corpus NPC characters (excluding Nef Anyo, since he's already well on his way).

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Seen as the lore is more complicated than time in Drangleic, wondering if we can get some clarification as to if frames are literally just remote control suits, or if it the warframes have limited sentience?


I only recently started playing again, right as second dream came out, hadn't played in months, all the changes and story stuff blew me away. I especially like the musical pieces in Second Dream, and the new void music, just wanna say great job DE!

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1) Can we expect an archwing bow? Ivara really misses a bow on archwing missions.


2) Alad V looked less... infested during tSD. So Tyl Regor's stolen research actually helping him to cure the infestation? Also, how soon he will ask us "to scratch his back"?

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Got another question, DE. Are you going to fix the Braton Prime and Misa Prime Syadana's PBR metal? It's WAY too dark. Right now, you've completely ruined the look of those two items, and if you leave them that way, then they'll be ruined forever. When people wanted the syandana to be PBR'd, they didn't want it to be so dark that it didn't match with any thing else. So, again, are there any plans to fix this (especially if you put these visual changes in the console U18 build)?

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Got another question, DE. Are you going to fix the Braton Prime and Misa Prime Syadana's PBR metal? It's WAY too dark. Right now, you've completely ruined the look of those two items, and if you leave them that way, then they'll be ruined forever. When people wanted the syandana to be PBR'd, they didn't want it to be so dark that it didn't match with any thing else. So, again, are there any plans to fix this (especially if you put these visual changes in the console U18 build)?


Don't forget Mag Prime as well - I thought since her gold was tintable I could manually brighten it, but it's stuck dark no matter what you try and do. I wouldn't even mind so much if all the other Prime items were dark... I just want consistency when I equip a Prime set.

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Concerning the weapon re-balance: How about turning the regular ammo system of normal guns to the Archwing ammo system but with clips? This should also make reworks like the proposed new multishot more viable.

Edited by RNJesus
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Don't forget Mag Prime as well - I thought since her gold was tintable I could manually brighten it, but it's stuck dark no matter what you try and do. I wouldn't even mind so much if all the other Prime items were dark... I just want consistency when I equip a Prime set.


They made her metal real dark too? Well, that's where it started then. They made both her metal dark and the Braton Prime's metal dark, and they've done the same to the Misa Prime syandana. I'd mind if all Prime items were dark. It doesn't actually look gold.

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So...since The Second Dream has kind of changed everything and mixed up the game a bit, what can we expect for the future regarding future updates, lore, and content in general? Will 2016 be another year of quality, perhaps even another cinematic quest with regards to...say, the Twin Queens? Frohd Bek/Darvo? Perhaps even the Orokin and how the frames are made? Stalker story-time?

Figured to ask as well....could we ever potentially see a tower assassination mission, perhaps pertaining to the Sentry which indoctrinates all who come before it? Or perhaps maybe even against Corrupted Vor?

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Quest was extremly well done. Hope we will see alot more like thi sin the Future.


Now i have a few questions:


-What happened to the Lotus Room? Is that still in development and will we get to see it someday? Also Will we be able to visit the Lotus some day and talk to her whenever we want?


-Focus (quiet alot of things here)

1. Daily Cap is not a great Idea, can we instead do a different System this time like limiting us to one Unlock per day? Then atleast we will have a bit of Progression each day. If you want to keep daily Cap atleast increase it.

2. Needs some serious Buffs (or a major Rework). Right now Focus is not really great. I picked Madurai which is supposed to be the Damage dealing one. But it doesn't scale with enemy level at all meaning it becomes extremly useless extremly fast and some of the abilties only unlock if you get the Tribeam Upgrade which lowers the DPS even more. If an abiltie that takes 300+ Secs to recharge is worse then 90% of the Weapons and Warframe abilties then something is definitly wrong with it. (Heared simmilar Stuff about other Focus Paths as well but i can only comment on Madurai so far).

3. Can we get a Reset Option and get all our Points back now that the actual Values have been added?


- Operator

1. More options to customize him/her in the Future?

2. More interactions with him/her?


-Lactera Scorn Skin, where is it? It was mentioned in the Patchnotes but its not avaible in the Market and the Lactera doesn't even have an option to select a Skin



1. Their abiltie to resist Damage needs to be looked at. It can be quiet hard for a Soloplayer to beat a Sentient, espacially if you have no dmg dealing Frame

2. More of them in the Future?


-Catbrows for Tenno, when?


-Next big Event, when?


If i can think of something else i will edit it in.

You fortgot the spoiler thingy!

Edited by BladeCrazy
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Seen as the lore is more complicated than time in Drangleic, wondering if we can get some clarification as to if frames are literally just remote control suits, or if it the warframes have limited sentience?


I only recently started playing again, right as second dream came out, hadn't played in months, all the changes and story stuff blew me away. I especially like the musical pieces in Second Dream, and the new void music, just wanna say great job DE!

I know i say this to alot of people but you kinda forgot the spoiler thingy :P

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Four questions.

1. Will the moon ever be expanded to have more nodes, and even it's own bubble on the solar map like the rest of the planets, or will it just stay as a few nodes on Earth?

2. Following the expansion of the orbiter, is there already something planned for the two extra doors on the left and right, or will we be able to customize our orbiter in some way like we can in the Dojo?

3. Will there ever be anything like Void Spy missions?


4. Will the normal ziplines in missions ever get a new appearance rather then just being a solid color tan line?

Edited by Drakenar6
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Dear Rebecca (and DE Crew)

I have been around for a long time, and I remember that back then the Corpus Ship tileset had an announcer talking through the intercom. I really miss this neat feature, as it gives the tileset the feeling of being a real ship with processes, logistics, shifts and so on. I'd really like it if this was overhauled and put back. Ofcourse, in the language of the current faction. As kindof, a quality of life thing.

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Thanks for allowing charge attacks on the glaive to be released early. It makes a big difference. That said, it still feels as though it takes longer to attack than it used to, and when I instinctively try to release earlier, it still doesn't work. Could the charge time possibly be ever so slightly shorter for quick melee? It still doesn't feel all that quick, not as it was pre-U18.


On a slightly related note, is there any reason why the elemental effects only appear on the center ring, rather than on the blades? Could that possibly be changed?


On an even less related note: I know this would be lowest possible priority, but I really, really love the Excal proto-armor skin (and proto-glaive). Could the T-Cyte arm be a little more metallic (and the proto-glaive less shiny)? I loved the sort of rusted metal look of both in DS. At some point, could that arm also be tintable?


Finally, going into the next year, would it be possible to have some populated cities, settlements or towns? Maybe an open-air, planet-based relay/trading hub? Just something to get a sense of what the Tenno, Corpus and Grineer are actually fighting for?


Awesome job on the quest!

Edited by Arktourus
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will we ever see a game FPS or TPS that plays in the old war (or after warframe but thats a bit harder to see, how would that go?) not a mmo game just a campaign type cause i would love to buy a game like that would be awesome because you made it quite clear that you dont want to make another mmo warframe game just something like halo style or crysis style or lost planet style or something along those lines.

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1) Will past Prime Warframes be getting redesigned to bring them up to the visual quality of the most recent ones? For example, Frost Prime doesn't have as much metallic decorations as newer primes do, you need to use the Frost Prime helmet for any easily noticeable change to the metallic color.
2) Is there going to be Syndicate Melee and armor? If so, how close are we to getting them?
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First off, is it possible for you to let us know if you're about to spoil my second dream info during the stream? Console players haven't gotten a chance to play it ourselves yet and I've been working hard not to get anything spoiled. Also, I apologize if anything I ask is already in U18. I've been avoiding patch notes. Now onto questions.

1. Are there any new archwings in development that we might see soon? It's been about a year since we got the last new archwing with the Itzal.

2. When can we expect Nehza?

3. Sorry Steve, but what's the eta and/or progress of solar map 3.0?

4. With the stereotypically "bad" weapon classes reworked, are you happy with how they ended up? Are there plans to revisit some of them? (For example spreading the shotgun buff a little better. I miss my Kohm)

5. What's next? In 2015 You expanded the lore, reworked multiple systems, revisited many warframes and weapons, and all around improved the game. What can we expect for 2016?

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