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Selling a weapon makes you forget how to use it?


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I was just thinking about this a moment ago... Although with the what's being upgraded with the upgrade points, it's more the gun's abilities than something like user proficiency... A person's proficiency with a gun doesn't make a bullet hit harder. Mechnical alterations do that. Which is what's being unlocked.

Meaning that particular weapon in your hand is what's upgraded. It won't be the same for every version of that gun

Edited by GIMO
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Think of Orokin/Tenno Tech as living things..

You sold your friend to the market, and there is no buy back, just buy new.

Its like car seats.. you can get a new car, but your &#! doesn't feel right in it till ya break it in some.

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The levels you gain are levels of attunement to a weapon/frame. If you think about it like that, it would make sense to have to re-attune to said things. Each weapon/frame, even of the same type and make, is slightly different after all. For example: consider ballistics reports for guns, each gun leaves different markings on the bullets fired from it.

This gets further complicated if you consider that Tenno tech appears to be biotechnological in nature. I imagine the biological part will require even more getting used to between weapons/frames of the same type and make.

That's the way I see things at any rate. I'm sure we'll get lore reasons for it at one point. :3

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You didn't read the info or listen to the descriptions. It isn't a skill that you are particularly building with a weapon or with a frame, it's the weapon or frame itself that is leveling.

Your mastery is your skill at handling any new equipment and leveling the equipment up.

So, yeah, even if you are holding onto your first maxed out Lato pistol and buy a second one, the second pistol will start unranked because it has not been leveled by a tenno.

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