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Dragon Nikana Vs Broken-War Sad


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Broken-War itself is fine.  Only thing that makes it "OP" is Crimson Dervish. If you wanna nerf something, nerf dervish, or give other weapon stances just as good damage bonuses. If it wasnt for that Id call it a sidegrade to the D Nikana.  Also this is coming soon


(Dragon Nikana -> Nikana Prime)
Increased Slash (72 -> 85)
Decreased Puncture (8.5 -> 4.8)
Increased Impact (4 -> 4.8)
Increased Status Chance (15% -> 20%)
Increased Crit Chance (15% -> 20%)
Increased Attack Speed (1.0 -> 1.1)


Source ?

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These topics are amusing. I wasn't aware weapons had battles in this game, "D.Nikana loses to broken-war". lol I thought this game was a majority co-op experience and we fought against enemies not weapons. 


Anyway, people saying Crimson Dervish is problem, nerfing this stance will render majority of mediocre longswords useless, every skana, heater sword, pangolion, etc... Problem isn't stances or isn't broken war's damage, issue is all other melee weapons need a re-balancing bad. More than half of the existing melee weapons are useless and there are only a handful that most would consider "good" which is also subjective. DE needs to do a few things; re-balance all melee weapons, this may or may not be a huge undertaking task at one time so each month re-balance one class of weapons. Revisit stances that don't offer any significant bonuses, Iron phoenix as an example is horrible, only has 2 combos and no reason to use over Crimson D. 


People complaining about the relative ease in aquiring broken- war, the obvious being you aren't new players so you have the means to gain it easier than a new player. Also ask yourselves this, if DE gave it horrible stats you'd complain about them adding more useless weapons to the game. "Why DE added broken- war just to be mastery fodder, its worst than xyz (your d.nikana)? But you people complain about anything and this thread proves it.

Edited by Fate0
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These topics are amusing. I wasn't aware weapons had battles in this game, "D.Nikana looses to broken-war". lol I thought this game was a majority co-op experience and we fought agains enemies not weapons.

Anyway, people saying Crimson Dervish is problem, nerfing this stance will render majority of mediocre long swords useless, every skana, heater sword, pangolion, etc... Problem isn't stances or isn't broken war's damage, issue is all other melee weapons need a re-balancing bad. More than half of the existing melee weapons are useless and there are only a handful that most would consider "good" which is also subjective. DE needs to do a few things; re-balance all melee weapons, this may or may not be a huge undertaking task at one time so each month re-balance one class of weapons. Revisit stances that don't offer any significant bonuses, Iron phoenix as an example is horrible, only has 2 combos and no reason to use over Crimson D.

People complaining about the relative ease in aquiring broken- war, the obvious being you aren't new players so you have the means to gain it easier than a new player. Also ask yourselves this, if DE gave it horrible stats you'd complain about them adding more useless weapons to the game. "Why DE added broken- war just to be mastery fodder, its worst than xyz (your d.nikana)? But you people complain about anything and this thread proves it.

Welcome to the forums.

While there is a lot of valuable criticism floating around, there is a lot of pure, well, whining. I hate to say it, but not everything needs to be criticized. Analyzed, yes, but not everything is bad.

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Let me get this straight: you can't just compare the stats of the weapons side by side and say for sure which is better, otherwise the heavy blades would beat anything by a lot. For example, D Nikana has a stance that makes it attack very fast (Blind Justice). Good luck obtaining that DPS with the slow hitting longsword stances.

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You act like you didn't expect THE VERY FIRST Sentient weapon released to us would be strong. Of course it would be strong.


The Orokin used tech weapons that had no effect so they turned to primitive weapons. Guess what... no effect. The only reason we are able to even kill the Sentients is because of the power the Tenno developed from the void.


So yeah the Dragon Nikana may be "more difficult" to obtain but from a lore perspective it is completely inferior.

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Any curved bastard sword? Because that's what katana essentially is.

Any records of cutting through 4-5 people? I know it don't really affect anything, but I'm trying to get statistics. The original post was full of bias and ignorance so I threw everything into a reply.

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Any records of cutting through 4-5 people? I know it don't really affect anything, but I'm trying to get statistics. The original post was full of bias and ignorance so I threw everything into a reply.

Neither katana has them, because these tests are done via using a long lever. Any curved european sword (any sword in general, tbh, because this isn't "cutting" in a sense of "sword cutting" already) used in a similar test would achieve similar results. Some will be slightly worse, some will be slightly better.

Edited by Epsik-kun
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Any records of cutting through 4-5 people? I know it don't really affect anything, but I'm trying to get statistics. The original post was full of bias and ignorance so I threw everything into a reply.


-_-  No sword that a human can wield can cut through 2 people at once, much less 4-5....................

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But if it puts it on par, isn't that good? Better to have a sidegrade than inferior mastery fodder or "the new best thing".

Then I propose the following: Raise broken war's MR requirement or lower dragon nikana's. If it's acceptable to have broken war be a sidegrade, it'll never be equal so long as the difference in MR requirements are so drastically different.

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"They made something better/equal to my weapon and it requires less effort therefore I'm mad"

I love this meme

Thank you, I was just about to say that.

Seriously, what's wrong with you guys?! You want to nerf this, you want to nerf that, you want to nerf EVERYTHING! It's just a game and if you don't like that weapon, then don't use it! That simple! But no, we have to ruin the game for others, we only think about ourselfs, and don't think about the newbies that play. These nerf topics just get on my nerves, I can understand BUFF topics but I can't stand nerfs. I understand why you guys want the broken war to be nerfed, but jesus if it was the boltor prime or soma prime you guys would be crying. Hell, even if the dragonn nikana was nerfed you guys would be crying. That's how other players who don't follow your playstyle feel like when you guys ask for nerfs, it's pathetic how you guys just think about yourselfs. Enough said by my part.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just because broken war is out doesn't mean your d. nikana is suddenly less effective. The nikanas had their time in the spotlight, and I'm sure it'll swing back around to them eventually. Until then, shut up. Every fan of almost every other light melee weapon class has already had to go through what you're going through now where their preferred type sucked. Suddenly it's the nikanas' turn to not be the most op, and we get a ton of idiotic posts like yours.

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Why not just make it a master rank 10 weapon and make it a goal for people after they beat the quest since its better? it will probably end up with a higher master rank after things are put into proper tiers like somaP/BoltorP getting put higher. I can see the frustration though because I have no reason to touch my Dkana or DakraP. Im also not the most experienced but I am master rank 14 (almost 15) but a slght buff to all other long swords and Dkana would make things fair I would say.

Edited by (XB1)Zweimander
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These topics are amusing. I wasn't aware weapons had battles in this game, "D.Nikana loses to broken-war". lol I thought this game was a majority co-op experience and we fought against enemies not weapons. 


Anyway, people saying Crimson Dervish is problem, nerfing this stance will render majority of mediocre longswords useless, every skana, heater sword, pangolion, etc... Problem isn't stances or isn't broken war's damage, issue is all other melee weapons need a re-balancing bad. More than half of the existing melee weapons are useless and there are only a handful that most would consider "good" which is also subjective. DE needs to do a few things; re-balance all melee weapons, this may or may not be a huge undertaking task at one time so each month re-balance one class of weapons. Revisit stances that don't offer any significant bonuses, Iron phoenix as an example is horrible, only has 2 combos and no reason to use over Crimson D. 


People complaining about the relative ease in aquiring broken- war, the obvious being you aren't new players so you have the means to gain it easier than a new player. Also ask yourselves this, if DE gave it horrible stats you'd complain about them adding more useless weapons to the game. "Why DE added broken- war just to be mastery fodder, its worst than xyz (your d.nikana)? But you people complain about anything and this thread proves it.

This pretty much sums it up. Why the hell can't people just be happy there's good weapons to use? Why does everything require a nerf just because you like something else better? I was elated to find that getting a great new sword didn't require more tedious hours of grinding, with the added bonus of being catalyzed already. Even coming from a guy like me who admittedly likes having powerful stuff that not everyone has, this is a good thing in every way, mastery rank be damned. It's not like it just gets thrown in your inventory the second you download the game, as others have said, it takes a good bit of time for a new player to get, it only seemed quick and easy for people that have been around for quite a while now. And since those people already have all the good stuff that competes with Broken-War, why not just be happy you got something new to play with?

Really getting sick of all the nerf nazis on here, Lord forbid people actually have fun in this game. It's a FREE long sword that's actually GOOD, just take it and have fun you ungrateful people! If anything, raise the mastery requirement to be on par with Dragon Nikana if you must, but that's about as far as you can stretch the argument. 

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"Only" as good as the Broken War. "Only" on par with the Broken War.

Nevermind the fact that Broken War is locked behind something like three quests, one of which requires you to do a bunch of submarine missions in order to scan a certain enemy. Which means you'd br at Uranus.

Never mind that there were a whole lot of weapons that were competing with the Dragon Nikana before (Jat Kitty, Galatine, Scindo Prime and Dakra Prime) and you didn't complain about those weapons.

No, perish the thought. This is definitely a travesty. This is totally unfair. This is totally an injustice, that your favorite melee weapon's got another weapon that can compete with it.


I think it's a larger injustice that a weapon given for free behind three very easy quests with its own slot and potato makes every other long sword other than the Prisma Skana in very specific circumstances blatantly inferior.

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I think it's a larger injustice that a weapon given for free behind three very easy quests with its own slot and potato makes every other long sword other than the Prisma Skana in very specific circumstances blatantly inferior.


Every other long sword is inferior due to needing to be on par with Broken-War or better.


Regardless on what wall it is behind on, Broken-War is far from being OP. 


If you people get DE to nerf broken war, Ill be extremely pissed.

Not because it is OP. But because melee, by itself, is lackluster compared to guns. Broken war is OP compared to other melee's, but balanced compared to other weapons.

That is, its not broken war that needs to be nerfed. But every other melee weapon that needs a buff.




Nerfing Broken War will just lead folks use War/ScindoP/Jat Kittag/OrthosP and other few melee weapons to make it feel worthwhile.


Personally never saw appeal to Dragon Nikana after using it extensively for awhile. Waving so close only to do less dmg and lack of CC just wasn't cutting it for me; no pun intended.


Honestly, the entire Melee 2.0 is a flop and with the removal of stamina it's currently glaring off on how badly majority of melee preforms in missions as a whole. :/


It needs Melee 3.0 or 2.5 ...

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The quests are a joke.


You're missing the point, Jat Kittag, Galatine, Scindo Prime are totally different weapon classes and all require at least to craft them or farm the void, and Dakra Prime, which is also absolutely dwarfed by Broken War by the way, being a comparable weapon class required farming the void and has less damage than DNikana.


What pissed me off is that Broken-War, which comes free after a few quest missions with a catalyst has the same damage as an MR8 weapon which required investment. If they made it a void drop or craftable with a higher MR requirement I wouldn't complain. I just don't see how this is balanced. So any reason to research and craft Nikana, then DNikana 5 MR levels after you get the Broken-War - the looks. Or speaking of Dakra Prime from your example, a prime weapon (of the same class) vaulted with significantly lower stats than a free one, which you don't even have to potato. So it's not so much a post about DNikana, it's more about how Broken War is broken in terms of effort to get it in comparison with its stats.

If its such a problem then why can't you just get it. Also Broken war and DNikana are different weapon types

Seriously? people are trying to nerf broken war wow it's like people just forget that IT'S A WEAPON FROM THE NEW STALKER so why wouldn't or shouldn't it be better?

Thank you. It's not like DE added a lightsaber to the game or something. If it's strong then it's strong. You can't just expect them to not add a new top weapon to the game.

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I can agree with this.


Second Dream quest is one of the easier ones and you get a ready to use Broken War, which has better stats or at least on par with fair share of existing melee, and one of the strongest among existing "one hand held" melee weapons - kinda too much for a practically free weapon.


So... Nice promo move, like "you gonna get something good for just playing the game", but totally unfair to other weapons.

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So the infamous Dragon Nikana with an MR8 requirement and the time investment into research and crafting deals less damage than a freely awarded and potatoed MR3 Broken-War? Either boost Dragon Nikana or nerf Broken-War until it's not... broken.  They have the same speed, and while DNikana has more crit damage and status to even things out, that still only puts it on par with the Broken-War. I don't see how this is fair. As a Dragon Nikana fan this makes me sad :-(

Don't understand why everybody is jocking the broken war, Plenty of weapons have better uses than it in different weapon type groups., it's just ruling over SINGLE SWORDS. Btw, i've tried to LIKE THE BW, even with Vengeful revenant and Crimson dervish, I just prefer the Dual Kamas or Ichors over it. I dislike single swords in GENERAL. 

Edited by (PS4)Poloboyzz93
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