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Wyrm, Shade Or Deathcube?


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Hey guys,


I'm pretty new in this game and I want my first Sentinel now.


My question is:


Which Sentinel would you recommend?

Which one do you like the most?


I have one mod for Shade und about 4 for the Wyrm but none for the Deathcube (Which I like the most I think).

My Warframe is Loki and my main gun the Burston.


I hope you can help me out.

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I like Shade. He is a very good defensive sentinel. His cloaking ability helps a lot. Shade goes well with Loki.


I like the Burston too. While it's not the most effective gun around, it's a fun gun to use.

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Well if you are a Loki and you like being stealthy then go with the Shade. If you want something that will tear through mobs with you then get the Dethcube (if you have no mods for it then it wont do anything, his attacks are the mods you put on) I would suggest the Wrym too but since his crowd dispersion mod is broken right now he isn't much use as of now. (his crowd dispersion was the same as Excalibur's radial blind ability) so right now its a less powerful Dethcube but i still have one and use it all the time

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Well a quick run down of the basics.

First off when you buy/craft the sentinel you get 1 copy of each of it´s abilities for free (ghost/revenge for shade, Crowd dispersion/warrior for Wyrm and so on)

now the Shade, it only attacks targets that attack you, great if you wanna go stealth play. It´s the only Sentinel that dosn´t attack on sight. along with that nifty ability it also has ghost, which makes you invisible until your next attack this often gets misused and wasted unless you´re lucky. Uses pistols mods for its weapon

Great for tactical play/ressing teammates

The Wyrm, Crowd dispersion is a decent stagger at the best and seems to not fully function for me, I might be looking for the wrong thing, who knows? it also comes with the Warrior attack which is attack on sight it´s nice since it keeps the sentinel firing even if you´re not being hit. Uses Rifle mods for it´s weapons.

Great for Melee/shotgun builds in my oppinion

and last we have the Dethcube it´s vaporize ability deals a lot of damage to one target making them melt in green good. while Swift death makes it charge up it´s cute little Gorgon wanna be rifle dealing nice damage with a speed increase over time. This is the high damage output sentinel but it does little else that the others can´t do as well. Uses Rifle mods for it´s weapons.

This is the run and gun sentinel, or the snipers best friend since it´ll kill those pesky rollers before they get to you.

My personal favorite is the shade, because that invis can save your life letting your charge up your shields or revive a team mate without worrying about taking damage but considering you have a Loki this wouldn´t be the right choice, I would most likely go with the Dethcube, it´s in my humble opinion better than the Wyem in every way.

TLDR: For playing Loki I´d pick the Dethcube.

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Cube is OP compared to the other 2 and takes away from the gunplay of this game. It does relatively incredible amounts of damage with its weapon and skill, often killing level 30-40 enemies by itself without trouble. I can't imagine the need to shoot if I put a potato on it.


Shade never interferes with your gameplay and its cloak allows you to chat or run past enemies.


Wyrm is pretty useless for DPS, and its stun skill doesn't even work properly.


There are 2 viable choices at the moment, and since they 'buffed' the older sentinels in a pathetically useless way (yeah, more range will benefit the wyrm when it's COMPLETELY outclassed in dps (more than double), nevermind the shade making practically zero use of the change), they're unlikely to rebalance the sentinels again in the future.


Go with the Death Cube because it's hilarious.

Edited by Tryysaeder
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I potatoed Dethcube's gun and yes, you can literally kite mobs around and let Dethcube clear the entire level if you want he is that OP.

Shade is the best if you play a lot of solo, since his stealth can save your bacon from certain death.

The only question really is do you play mainly in groups or solo.

Solo Shade, Groups/Online Dethcube.

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I like the Dethcube because when I'm walking through M Prime I have to react pretty fast to get the kill before it does. If you have melee kills as your challenge you can pretty much just forget about it. Also, watching the cube take on level 50 ancients is pretty funny.

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I potatoed Dethcube's gun and yes, you can literally kite mobs around and let Dethcube clear the entire level if you want he is that OP.

Shade is the best if you play a lot of solo, since his stealth can save your bacon from certain death.

The only question really is do you play mainly in groups or solo.

Solo Shade, Groups/Online Dethcube.


To be honest I find that Shade is only really handy in groups for reviving teammates or escaping death when I charge in kamikaze style xD

Dethcube's firepower doesn't seem necessary in coop because, well, we usually already have enough xD But in solo can be handy.

Just my opinion though :D

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Shade is terrible for Loki. Invisibility does NOT stealth your shade like Ash's Smoke Bomb does, so you've got a big-&#! SHOOT HERE beacon following you around drawing fire in your direction.


Loki's niche (besides exploiting infested with Decoy in unreachable spots on endless defense) is fast farming and boss running. Shade makes killing bosses with melee unbearable (have fun getting knockdown/knockback spammed because the boss can see your shade just standing there zapping him for 5 damage), and for farm runs you're going to loot more than enough energy orbs from containers to be invis 80% of the time anyway, and invis doesn't break when you're sprinting; unlike Shade's stealth.


Shade is incredible on every other frame, but unless you aren't using Invis (and if that's the case why even use Loki?) you're better off without a Sentinel.

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I acually got a other sentinal related question. Do you even gain exp of any kind when your sentinal kills stuff? I am building a dethcube right now but im kind of worried that it will start taking kills and not returning any exp to me. So does a sentinal even give exp? If so, to which weapon does it do?

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No Wyrm: it's gun is not as strong as Dethcube's and his crowd stun doesn't work.

I like Shade: I just equip ghost and guardian (and sanctuary if I ever find it), being able to turn invisible at anytime is frankly OP and since it's not shooting it rarely takes damage and never dies even unpotatoed.

Dethcube isn't bad either: it's gun actually does some damage and vaporize is nice if something sneaks up behind you, it does die every now and then though, but I'm not gonna waste a potato on it.

Edited by CubedOobleck
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Deth Cube is pure killer.


My deth cube has maxed serration, maxed AP, maxed Multishot and some other mods.


Pet is able to eat through enemies. It can kill a lvl 30-40 Heavy real fast.


Deth Cube = maximum offense


Shade = Maximum defence


Wyrm = currently  has no role !


Just a note :- Deth cube's shield has some bugs, some times it wont recharge and therefore it will die out until its fixed.


Overall i will take Deth Cube !

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Shade doesn't work and will randomly go into stealth. It doesn't fire at enemies and if it does it's as rare as getting a Multi-Shot mod from Kappa.


Wrynn doesn't shoot enough but has some crowd control. It pecks at enemies but can't kill any of them.


Dethcube shoots everything and kills everything effectively but has horrible and $&*&*#(%& AI and tends to concentrate on one enemy at a time until they're dead. So if there are enemies in melee range coming at you 80% of the time Dethcube will fire at the one farthest away from you. With giving it a Cataclyst and Polarizing it's slots it becomes a bringer of death and if you're playing defense you can go to the bathroom, get a bite to eat, or make out with your woman and come back and Dethcube has killed everyone in it's path.

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I was hopping they would nerf rollers in game and they did with Dethcube. Seriously this pet is very nice with max level Rife mods(60Slots) and can easily help you.


This pet Ai is weird incase you guys didn't know, it does matters where you slot your skill cards the order has to be, Guardian, vaporize, Regan, swift death. Some one else figured this out but it got lost in the forums. If you do a search you can find it.

Edited by LazyKnight
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This pet Ai is weird incase you guys didn't know it matter where you slot your skill cards the order has to be, Guardian, vaporize, Regan, swift death. Some one else figured this out but it got lost in the forums. If you do a search you can find it.

How is the AI weird? And what's the reason for this specific skill slotting? Also, is #2 the top right or bottom left?

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Yeah slot 2 is top right, its because if you have Swift death in the first slot he will always use that first if something is in range and will not stop till its dead. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/53547-guide-fixing-your-sentinels-ai-especially-dethcube/?hl=dethcube

That piece of information is useful to say the least Edited by CubedOobleck
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