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Piercing Hit / Piercing Caliber Comparison


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Hey guys 

i was wondering about the differencebetween Piercing Hit and Caliber 
i mean the difference is to much the price for pierc cal is over 400p 
and i have no other choice to spend money for this game (pay to win) ,
of course i spent already money on this game but if i spend over 400p for 
one single mod then it start getting rediculous 
i think we really need a alternativ mod for every mod who is not farmable anymore 


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It's an open market, everyone pays what they think it is worth, and people sell for what they think it is worth. That price has no reflection on actual value other than to those buying/selling. Is it worth it to you? By all means. Otherwise, don't bother because you're not going to get THAT much out of it instead of an elemental mod.


Don't even start with the P2W crap. It doesn't fly here and never will.


Edit: All of these event mods enter the drop table eventually. Wait it out, or look for someone else selling.

Edited by direcyphre
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Well piercing hit gives only a +30% of puncture damage, while Piercing Caliber gives 120%, a 400% increase from one to another.

Now, is it worth it 400p ?
I personally do not think so, as for most weapons you'll get a better benefit from adding a +90% elemental because of the way elemental and phsycal damage mods calculations work.

For the benefit to be better with a 120% phsycal damage than with a 90% elemental you need the matching phsycal damage of your weapon to be a 75% (or greater) of the grand total.


+120% Phsycal damage mods are very situational, and for most of the content are not worth the asking prices they receive, but then they are exclusive to a past event (so far) and thus they are limited in the market. Then comes economics, supply & demand.


In the end, to be honest, you do not need these mods.

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maybe i wrote it wrong 

the game forces me to use other mods insteed of this 
i just thought i can play it how i want to of course most of the weapon and frame builds i build make alot of damage in the highend section
i know there is a way to make more damage with mods like piercing caliber 

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The 120% mods are generally not worth using outside of special circumstances.


They are rare, and were never available for money, the money you spend on it to another player 0% of goes to DE from that sale/trade.

That is not P2W, by any measure of the definition.


Maybe the snipetron or boltors for piercing caliber.


You are not forced to use it, and in almost every case an elemental mod is better.

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The game isn't pay to win it's pay optional. You can get plat without buying it you always have. Put in the time get pricey items from the void and attempt to sell them. If we had a better trade centre this would work better but it is still for all intensive purposes the truth. People are right the event mods are very situational. And not all that necessary before post sortie level play

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Weapons which benefit the most from Piercing Caliber:

Boltor Prime

Paris Prime


Daikyu (Though no one uses this thing)


End of the list.


I have Piercing Caliber. Never used it cause, well, +90% Elemental does the job most of the time if not, better. And even then i don't religiously use obscenely Puncture-based weapons with the exception of both Daikyu and Harpak.


And trust me, Piercing Hit is actually the alternative for Piercing Caliber on DE's side.


Personally i'll wait for Baro to sell the mod. But that's just because i'm not an impatient bastard that whines over Baro's stock everytime he comes.

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Weapons which benefit the most from Piercing Caliber:

Boltor Prime

Paris Prime


Daikyu (Though no one uses this thing)


End of the list.


I have Piercing Caliber. Never used it cause, well, +90% Elemental does the job most of the time if not, better. And even then i don't religiously use obscenely Puncture-based weapons with the exception of both Daikyu and Harpak.


And trust me, Piercing Hit is actually the alternative for Piercing Caliber on DE's side.


Personally i'll wait for Baro to sell the mod. But that's just because i'm not an impatient bastard that whines over Baro's stock everytime he comes.

You forgot Opticor.

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Hey guys

i was wondering about the differencebetween Piercing Hit and Caliber

i mean the difference is to much the price for pierc cal is over 400p

and i have no other choice to spend money for this game (pay to win) ,

of course i spent already money on this game but if i spend over 400p for

one single mod then it start getting rediculous

i think we really need a alternativ mod for every mod who is not farmable anymore

I hope you realise there arw chances to get them again. Baro is a clear example, he brought several event mods (the salt flew obviously but still). Also, this is not pay to win...
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Unless you are using it on specific weapon whose puncture damage is high enough to warrant such specialty, then no, you are not forced to. While it certainly is better than Piercing Hit, that doesn't mean that ppl who use Piercing Hit in their builds aren't going to do as well. In the end, it means being able to stay alive a few minutes longer in T3 Survival.


And it is in no way F2P. Don't start that debate again. Free market, where everyone charges what they want. If I wanted to charge 1000 plat for unranked Redirection, then I could.


That being said, why don't you simply earn the plat? Don't spend money. Just farm some nice prime parts, or mods, and sell them to people, and save up the plat. Then, when you see someone selling for less, buy it. Nothing hard there, just a bit more work.

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The trade-off with piercing caliber is that it's more energy expensive. It does offer a higher benefit for the same cost as Piercing Hit, so in that regard, it is a straight upgrade. 


But as most have said, going with an elemental mod is more "damage effective". Something that I am not quite comfortable with. It's a small itchy thing. Why should I be forced to mod my weapon to do some magical damage number? (duh: more damage). Why shouldn't I be able to get the same kind of damage boost (not considering enemy resistances and such) but stacking physical damage mods on the weapon. And furthermore, why can't I add physical damage on to elemental weapons?! I'd LOVE to use my Silva& Aegis or Dark Sword more. But since they lack a physical component, they will always be lackluster in damage-output. Status procs be damned, the only "proc" that counts is the one that makes an enemy's HP go from X to zero. 

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Another edge case where the 120% physical damage mods shine: Sortie missions with the Elemental Resistance modifier. Never can you say that an elemental mod does the job better in those cases (unless you're after the status proc and only the status proc of an element).

That's one of the things I like about the Sorties, they give validation to a few edge-case mods we have.

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