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Parent Problems


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None of you probably care, but I'm just putting this out there to let off some steam. My parents are really d*cks some times. They really don't know how to respect me although I most of the time respect and dont bother them. Not sure if its because of puberty or something but they've really made me angry these past days. Heres what happen recently:



Yesterday I was going to a MilitaryBall (Im in a program called JROTC) right? We were on the road and my mom asked me if there was a Sams Bill in a envelope in her purse. I grabbed he purse and started digging through it and didn't see a single envelope, then she gets irritated for no reason and pulls over. Tells me "I can't find S#&$" and snatches the purse form me and she couldn't find it either. Then we drive back to the house and she tells me open the garage while she drives in, she gives me the old controller we never use with like 5 buttons. The new controller has only 2 buttons: opem/close, I dont why the hell she didnt give me that one. I didn't know which button to press so she gets mad and snatches it from me again and open the garage herself and goes inside to get the envelope. While she was inside I started intensely and angrily screaming in the car. Some of the neighbors saw me but I ignored them while I was ranting to myself.



I never learned how to tie my shoes, disgraceful for my age I know. However I wasn't born in the US and come from a country where all we wear are usually sandals. So my dad decides to teach me today and after an hour I finally did it. I would say Im happy and feel accomplished but Im not. I rather not tie my shoes then go through the hell I just went through. He doesn't even show me step by step, he does the entire thing and then expects me to already know how to do it on the first try watching him. I couldn't even see with his hands in the way. When I do something wrong he gets angry and starts insulting me saying stuff like "somethings wrong with your brain? does it not function well?" and "why are you so dumb?" during the whole process. Hes tried to teach me several thing before in the same manner. This is why I never learned how to ride a bike, I never learned how to cook food, I never learned how to drive a car, I never learned how to tie my shoes. The S#&$ I go through just to do them is not worth it. I had to tie a tie for a formal last month and luckily I learned from the internet how to do so and I regret nothing. 


Well now that Im done ranting say whatever you want about how Im just being a "cranky teenager" or my parents "are devils" or whatever you critics say. Just done this to let off steam anyways. 


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Hey, you're getting a roof over your head and 3 meals a day, what do you expect?  Your parents to be not detrimental to your social developement?

I actually only eat 1 meal a day

Your parents are hard on you because they love you

If they were lax, that means they don't care.


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If they were lax, that means they don't care.


Depends on how lax they are, to be perfectly honest. My parents were/are pretty lax on me compared to most parents, but I suppose everybody has a different way of doing things, eh?


My family is pretty laid back in general.

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Depends on how lax they are, to be perfectly honest. My parents were/are pretty lax on me compared to most parents, but I suppose everybody has a different way of doing things, eh?


My family is pretty laid back in general.

My dad was a U.S. Marine, there were many screamings going on. Not gonna lie, I actually hated him for the longest time, probably still do to be honest, but he taught me honor and morals, he taught me how to be respectful. The grand Golden Rule.

Pretty dang hypocritical looking back on things, but hey, least I'm not an amoral toolbag.

Not saying you are of course.

But there is a reason parents are sometimes tough on their kids.

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My dad was a U.S. Marine, there were many screamings going on. Not gonna lie, I actually hated him for the longest time, probably still do to be honest, but he taught me honor and morals, he taught me how to be respectful. The grand Golden Rule.

Pretty dang hypocritical looking back on things, but hey, least I'm not an amoral toolbag.

Not saying you are of course.

But there is a reason parents are sometimes tough on their kids.


Yes, blow me off.

That's certainly not rude at all.


being rude or sassy is persevered as cool by many.


I suggest you do not invest yourself in this, Sam

I he is to change his views on this, it will be him and him alone.


just hope that he doesn't become depressed and/or anorexic(or worse) while he's at it.

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being rude or sassy is persevered as cool by many.


I suggest you do not invest yourself in this, Sam

I he is to change his views on this, it will be him and him alone.


just hope that he doesn't become depressed and/or anorexic(or worse) while he's at it.

You're probably right, Momo, I'll be taking my leave.

Just remember what I said, Lee. There is a method to their madness.

Hope things go well for you and your family.

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First part: seems your mom got pissed at/by something and you had a "luck" to be the only person around who she can "let off some steam" on as you did by writing this post. She seems to be a person who has a problem with aiming her anger so it hits innocent ppl (my wife has same problem btw and guess who she loads that always off at).

2nd part: your dad is a terrible teacher. He probably gets easily irritated, and has problems with explaining what's on his mind.

Now the worst part, just don't get pissed: there is a high probability you too might have these features... just keep that in mind, and if you dont like these features try to change it. ;)

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Not to downplay your problems but your parents just sound grouchy. There are some really bad parents out there, worse than mine and mine were bad. Now my parents try because they realized they were causing me long term psychological damage.


The thing is, this time of life sucks, but when you have to start paying bills and depending on yourself it sucks more, and your bosses will all be ten times the A******s your parents were. 


Things were bad when I lived with my parents, they sold me out to abusive relatives for money, made me spend time with them and put up with emotional abuse constantly so they could get phat checks on holidays. They made everything a war and everything in my house was screaming.


You know what also sucks though, having to work whatever job you can get because there is no one to provide for you, and feeling like S#&$ when you have to crawl back with your tail between your legs begging for money. Watching your mother in law be verbally abused by her boyfriend and being helpless because he pays most of the bills etc etc.


So yea, it could be worse.

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Not to downplay your problems but your parents just sound grouchy. There are some really bad parents out there, worse than mine and mine were bad. Now my parents try because they realized they were causing me long term psychological damage.


The thing is, this time of life sucks, but when you have to start paying bills and depending on yourself it sucks more, and your bosses will all be ten times the A******s your parents were. 


Things were bad when I lived with my parents, they sold me out to abusive relatives for money, made me spend time with them and put up with emotional abuse constantly so they could get phat checks on holidays. They made everything a war and everything in my house was screaming.


You know what also sucks though, having to work whatever job you can get because there is no one to provide for you, and feeling like S#&$ when you have to crawl back with your tail between your legs begging for money. Watching your mother in law be verbally abused by her boyfriend and being helpless because he pays most of the bills etc etc.


So yea, it could be worse.

I only have a year left anyways. 

And another thing is this S#&$ always happens when Im having a really fun day. Then the next day something bad happens and turns my life to hell. Always a pattern like that. This is why I rarely ever try to have fun. :/

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My dad was a U.S. Marine, there were many screamings going on. Not gonna lie, I actually hated him for the longest time, probably still do to be honest, but he taught me honor and morals, he taught me how to be respectful. The grand Golden Rule.

Pretty dang hypocritical looking back on things, but hey, least I'm not an amoral toolbag.

Not saying you are of course.

But there is a reason parents are sometimes tough on their kids.


I can agree completely. 


My parents can be tough on me, depending on the thing. But for the most part, it's whatever.


I disrespect others without a good reason, you bet they'll be on my a**.


It's just... Eh. I dunno where this is going. Point being, I agree with parents sometimes being tough on their kids, and they all need it. We all need it.


But if it's 100% of the time and over little s**t then I would disagree. 


I don't know the OP's whole life story, but over the little things like this it's.. A bit overboard.

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Some day, you may find out that the problem was bills, work, each other, or undiagnosed mental illness.


As many issues as I have with my own mother, I know she did the best she could and made the choices that seemed the best at the time.


Don't get me wrong, there were some blatantly illegal and amorale things done to my siblings and I but she still did what she thought was best, at the time.  And as a result, I have an amazing BS meter, can tolerate some really crazy people and can put myself in someone elses shoes, seeing things from their perspective.


Pros and cons to every crazy parent, just got to decide if you're going to be a product of your environment or your own person. 

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like your bad days seem bad now, and really looking back I know my bad days were still pretty bad when I was young but that had a lot to do with bad genetics on my part, but man, it's so trivial compared to wondering if you'll be able to make rent, pay utilities AND get enough food.


Seriously, the funny thing about being a teen is everything seems so immediate and intense. And it just, try to take it slow. Nothing that happens now matters. Not most of it any way. Just let your parents' bullS#&$ flow over you and do you and find things to be happy about because you don't have, as far as I know, crippling medical illnesses, a S#&$ty job, you have free room and board, etc etc. 


Don't get me wrong, I got a job at 15, I got out as soon as I could. You know what else I did? I ate through a 70k college fund trying to live on my own with roommates that didn't pay rent and spent all their time playing EQ. (tbh a lot of the problem was me as well, I had a lot of money and no concept of how to be frugal.)


Parents are a mixture of bad roommates and crappy bosses. You just have to get used to them and not let them get to you. Unless like, they are trafficking you or something, in which case, that's really bad and someone needs to know.

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Communicate and learn to express your feelings toward them. Its going to be difficult. Tell them what you dislike. Respect goes both ways and its more than just not bothering them. I know it hurts to hear awful things that they say. It could be stress from work or other problems. 

During quiet time, tell them. Dad, I don't like you calling me dumb, I'm having trouble tying shoes and tie, but I will practice more and will get it. Mom please don't shout at me. It makes me want to shout back which I don't want to do. 

Be part of your family and not just a spectator. Learn to help out.

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I just realized din't slaves get a roof over there head and 1 meal a day....not that big of a difference and a S#&$ty excuse.

My mom liked to threaten us with being locked in a room and getting bread and orange juice once a day if we didn't do our chores.


Just because they're being parental doesn't mean they get to treat their kid so cruddily. 

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