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Weapons And Abilities Doing Default/base/unmodded Damage


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 This has been happening from the first day of sorties. I don't know if it's intended or a bug, if it is intended-that is a really stupid idea imo. Anyways, the problem is that all of a sudden while playing all my weapons and warframe abilities start doing very little damage which the way I see it, the damage I do is the base/default damage of a weapon, like all the damage mods stopped working and need some time to start working again. I can do like 1000 damage per bullet on one enemy, then start shooting at another enemy of the same type and I see that I am doing like 22 or 2 or 50 damage per bullet only (they are not sentients, right ?) It doesnt matter the type of mission, faction, changes, restrictions to the mission and as I mentioned this only seems to happen in sorties. 

 I really hope this is not an intended feature because I find it extremely stupid, frustrating and bullet-wasting -_-

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  • 3 months later...

I've had this happen a few times recently, except it wasn't in sorties.

What does seem to be a common factor though is me having a purple shield bar (and I'm betting you have a Trinity with you every time you're in a sortie, giving you overshields).  I've never had it happen while running solo.

It's very obvious to me when my weapon is acting unmodded, because not only do I have to empty the magazine to get a kill on a level 20 grineer trooper (on a dex sybaris with 6 maxed mods in it), but I'm not able to do any damage Shield Lancers, or targets behind thin cover, so my Shred module isn't working.

Then I go to apollodorus and play for 45 minutes, and the dex is one shotting all the way (enemies > 35).

Edited by polarity
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Me and many others has experience this Bug recently post Sibear patch where our frames abilities is at base stats even though we have them modded, and its not a matter of wrong config tab as I have all 3 tabs modded for different specs, when I feel like there's something wrong with the ability during mission I checked the ability tab from the menu and all the ability description is colored blue as opposed to green or red when the abilities are affected by mods. I know I'm not the only one who experience this as some of my teammates also have this problem. So if anyone know if this is a localized problem and know how to fix it please tell me, otherwise I hope DE will fix this up soon.

P.s* sorry for my bad english.

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Confirmed to be caused by something that also causes purple shield bars.  Went straight from a T2 survival where I was one shotting everything at 20 minutes, to an exterminate on Mars where I had to shoot cameras twice to destroy them.


Weapon in question was a Dex Sybaris with:

Serration, Shred, Split Chamber, Argon Scope, Point Strike, Vital Sense, + 2x elemental mods.

Edited by polarity
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yes i am also having this, only noticed it since the hotfix though, sometimes the warframes abilities are unmodded, sometimes a weapons unmodded and twice ive had my focus passive energy regen not work, ive checked the mods and selections each time and they remain unchanged but dont work in mission all the time

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Same here today at the sorties. I almost made no damage at all in one mission, my fellow teammates did normal damage.

With the same group, we startet the next sortie and it was the same. Almost no damage (like 0-400 points instead of 9.000-60.000 each shot). Also my ability no. 4 didn´t work.

Then, in the middle of the mission, one guy left our group. And suddenly, from one second to the next, everything was working out fine. Normal damage, normal abilities.


Happended like 30 minutes ago on my account, in case you wanna check that :) Sortie no. 2 and 3.

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Since yesterday in like 3 of 5 mission my mods seem to not apply on everything, frame weapons and sentinel.

My max energy kinda jumps between the max without flow and the max with the kind of flow I usually use on the frame.

I also noticed focus symbol in the lower right being displaced.

Shields are always purple even without overshields.

Tried reinstalling, because Steam said there were like 100 broken files but problem still remains.7388DA3F09B7D89D5EAE38624D875FA044BC23E6


Edited by FizzRoy
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I've also had this problem, in the kubrow egg alert that just went up.

My Ignis was doing very low damage, and the wrong element (modded to radiation+toxin, did fire damage).  My Trinity was not benefiting from Fleeting Expertise (duration on abilities was not reduced), although my team and I were still getting the overshields from Energy Vampire - so the augment mod was still in effect.  My shields were also at their modded level.

I also noticed the displacement on the focus symbol.

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Same exact problem. Displaced hud, losing mods. My Hek went from 5K per pellet to 100 per pellet, so I was getting decimated on the Orokin Moon. Shields are always pink just like the picture, Sprint Speed is also affect. I also notice everytime my shields got restored, a massive blue bubble appeared and turned them back to pink. Whatever is going on is pretty major, it makes  certain missions impossible at the worst times.

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Just had this problem while ranking regular Rhino to get what MR I had skipped in my earlier days. The Vaykor Hek that I decided to take was also doing poor damage. I had basic mods, noticed my Streamline and Animal Instinct mods weren't working. Rhino's passive wasn't working no matter what I tried.

I'd also like you to notice the positioning of your Focus icon. It's out of place. Your map is also glitched. I had the same visual problems. The effects were glitching out, things such as the reloading circle included, along with the energy bar and symbols for each skill. I tested with a waypoint and it had the same glitched effects. I'm nitpicking a bit but the icon pointing towards the Focus upgrade on your screenshot is also out of place.

Recorded some footage:

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I have had this happen to me three times now during public draco runs were my weapons were performing like they had no mods installed yet all my mods were installed. Also I get that same weird off centered circle around my focus meter as well when the bug is active.


This problem started popping up around last week i noticed.

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I just had the same problem. I recorded a video, but Fizzroy described everything. My max energy only seemed to change when I toggled Hysteria. When I started it it'd drop to 100, and when it ended my max would jump anywhere between 150 and the max possible, and my energy would also increase back to about 130.

Just happened in my next mission as well. Both times my shields have been purple, like I had overshields.

And the next, and I can confirm that my firequake augment was working, but nothing else was.

Edited by Hypersycos
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Happened to me yesterday during t3 mobile defense.

I got invited to join a t3 md.we ended up doing 4 runs.always t3 md.

There was no trinity.

There were a frost a Mirage a valkyr and me a slow Nova.

First Mission I don´t do any damage.I needed almost an entire Soma prime Clip to kill a corrupted gunner(even if he was under my ulti).And I actually thought it could be from no one having corrosive projection so next Mission took CP with me but I was the only one.

Second Mission (one CP me) I only Need a few shoots to kill everything.only added CP,didn´t Change anything else.soma prime was killing like it should,enemies under the influence of molecular prime or not,din´t make a great difference,they were dying pretty fast.everything was also fine with synoid gammacor.

Third Mission, I didn´t Change anything and thought it was all from CP so I was happy but now I am back to no damage at all.

Forth Mission,Everything is ok again.

When I was killing I was getting like 150 kills per Mission,when I almost couldn´t do damage I was killing around 15 to 30 I think.

In my opinion it was due to host issues,but I think it wasn´t always the same Player using his key.But I never needed to be reinvited so I don´t know if the host can Change 2 or 3 times if the squad never disbands...Or if it has something to do with who uses the key...

And when we were in the Lobby before staring the Mission,one couldn´t vote(pretty commom I think) and 2 out of the 4 times I didn´t even see the vote,the Mission just started.First time it happened I thought I was just distracted but next time it happened I was paying Attention and the Mission just started without me ever seeing the vote.The other Players said they saw the vote without issues.

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Bug is that mods are nullified,like you don't have them equipped at all on your weapons and frames in mission.It happened to me twice and people from my squad complained about this couple of times in squad chat even tho I did not have any problems.Once with Necros in ODS I had redirection on and no vitality or natural talent even they were equipped, also my weapons were buged and stats changed all the time like health values dropping and increasing all the time.

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I have a very similar issue to this happening frequently on my Frost, but it may be the very same problem. No weapon mods seem to work, shield mods still work but for whatever reason the game interprets it as overshields, and health and energy values change frequently between the base and the modded total. 
Efficiency seems to half-work when the bug is active; I can only cast abilities when I have 100% of the cost of the ability, but it will only drain the cost.
For example, at 160% efficiency, Avalanche can only be cast at 100 energy but still only costs 40 energy.

Additionally, one big give-away that this bug is active is that the focus mark in the lower right corner of the screen is somehow misaligned.

This issue seems to stay independent of what weapons or companions I have equipped, so as with the OP, maybe the issue lies within Redirection?

Here's pictures for further information



Equipment and stats


Appearance information






Back Sigil (Front Sigil empty)


Build and mods


Overshields, lower total health, fluctuating energy and misaligned icon


Additionally, sometimes other people are displayed as having overshields when they don't see it on their own end


Plus Path and Path upgrades




Edited by Megaket
Updated with Path and Path upgrades
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2 hours ago, Myscho said:

This happens me today at Capture mission. When i load into mission where was already a squad, my Valkyr have 300 HP instead 700, Shield was Overshield, Vaykor Hek has no dmg, took 4 shots to kill lvl 25 grineer

Yes when this happened shields were overshields for me too.

And Megaket it's not redirection related my melee weapon was affected too.No fury and berserker were active even they were on my melee. 

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31 minutes ago, RistN said:

And Megaket it's not redirection related my melee weapon was affected too.No fury and berserker were active even they were on my melee. 

I think you misunderstand; melee mods do not work for me either. I'm theorizing that it might be a bug which affects your entire personal loadout, possibly caused by Redirection in combination with other mods.

However, a friend theorizes that it may be related to the focus path, considering that the focus icon becomes misaligned. Either scenario is worth looking into.

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Yeah, it happened with my friend once (he was using Trinity EV) and now with me, using Loki.

Hope they fix this soon, because it's kinda of lame to go to a mission and no mods are equipped. Especially when you are going to a high level mission.

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2 hours ago, Megaket said:

a friend theorizes that it may be related to the focus path

Naramon Shadow Step nerf ended up differently :p


But i also had this bug once without redirection and didnt get overshields (cuz no redirection i assume) no other mods took effect though

Edited by -dicht.Amducias-
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Just popping in to re-confirm this. I have my EE.log here too happened in the last mission I ran (somewhere past line 101500 if I can read the log correctly. The log entry for the mission I joined "9775.712 Script [Info]: joining existing session at SolNode81 (Host=TwistedPixel), searchResult=1" was line 101586).

The mods on all my equipped items (Frost Prime, Glaxion, Sonicor, and Hate) weren't applying their effects and everything was doing base damage. For those discussing loadouts/focus affecting it, I was also using Zenurik, though my loadout was working just fine from previous missions. From the looks of it, it's just not loading the info properly, but I didn't look too far into the log.

EE.log Dropbox Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/t1h9xk417l4cfbn/EE.log?dl=0

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