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How (Or When) Do You Use Your Warframes?


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Hi guys,


Just a short thread to know in what circumstances you use your Warframes.


I've been away for two years, got back one month ago. So it would give me some hints on what changed with buff/nerf/reworks.


Thanks !


For the frames I have :


Banshee : not using it anymore

Ember : WoF is a fun killer. Not using it anymore.

Equinox : meh. Sometimes for survival.

Excalibur : my all-around frame since it has EB now.

Frost : Solo defense, multi player defense.

Hydroid : Farming in spawn points.

Loki : Spy missions, Void exploring.

Mag  Corpus missions only. Fun killer, but feels like the Corpus goddess.

Nekros : Farming.

Nova : Interceptions mainly.

Nyx : High level interceptions or defense.

Oberon : Never really used it.

Rhino : Used to be my all-around before Cali gets EB. Now only survival solo.

Saryn : Not using it anymore.

Trinity : Survival multi-player.

Valkyr : Whenever I feel the need to get invunerable.

Vauban : Defense.

Volt : Not really using it. Sometimes for rush.

Zephyr : Never really used it. I guess I'll bring it to Moon missions for puzzles soon.

Edited by matto
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So, Banshee is one of the best supports. She can do 14x damage for teammates and can help with 1st skill and argument for destruction armor. 

Nekros can be fun with build on 4th skill. Yes, it's not so effective, like kill enemies, but it's FUN!


In conclusion I say, this post hasn't meaning. Try change you view for warframes, they're many types of builds. 


For examle I have this main warframes: 


-Banshee (Max power, 145% radius) - on long (>1.2h) survival without "tube" she help oneshot enemy and control them with 1 and 3 skill. 3th skill with argumentation helps for Ash or Excalibur.

-Trinity. Here I have 2 builds: Energy and Resistance.

-Excalibur - nice damager+control. Using build for 180% power, 145% radius and 63% duration. Main skills: Radial blind and Exalted Blade. Also if low level enemies other skill are good.

-Ember - Good damager at low-medium levels. Using full power build for 2 and 4 skill.

-Ivara - Just fun warframe. Exploring.

-Loki - Stealth missions and for control.

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Ash/Prime: solo melee and normally quick runs.

Excalibur: Solo melee in high levels (no EB).

Mesa: Interceptions, ranged combat (always as tank, not with peacemakers).

Nova/Prime: I only play her when I feel like playing...

Volt/Prime: Ranged Combat, a balanced build with capacitance for long runs and sometimes I bring him to a defense in case our Frost commites mistakes (afk, etc).

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Oh so your one of THOSE Excal players....


I usually switch frames when I get bored with them so for stealth I go Loki, Ash, Ivara...


I've always been an Excal player from the start mate ;)


Not spamming EB though. Using it when I need it. Radial Blind + finisher move is my dope.

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Ash: anywhere, anywhen. Once I forgot button 4 - he is much interesting warframe for me. The most favorite one.

Atlas: appears to be much fun. Need more testing, apparently same as Ash.

Banshee: if i'm up to non-trivial stealth runs with some weapons or just looking for interesting games.

Chroma: well, no matter how much I try, he is somewhy boring. Please tell me how do I make him more fun.

Don't have Ember. Not rly want to.

Equinox: any high level missions, specially Sorties. Huge CC AND damage. MVP.

Excalibur: this Corpus-like syandana makes him much SWAG. Picking him if I rly need SWAG. In general, not rly interesting. Skill set is quite boring.

Frost: used to carry low mr friends with him (without ruining fun). Now he is replaced with ancient healer specter in most of cases. I should pick him more often in usual missions.

Hydroid: as Banshee, when I look for interesting games. Also farm.

Ivara is being crafted.

Limbo: as MVP in some high level missions. Not with random people, of course.

Loki: crafted mine one just for carrying bomb in LoR. Nothing else.

Don't have Mag. Sold it long time ago after rework (when pull became targeted no longer)

Mesa: as DPS in long missions or solo survivalist.

Mirage: SWAG. And raid if need. But mostly SWAG.

Nekros: currently exploring Moon with him, trying to get single mod from Sentients (damn them). Also when people need exactly Nekros.

Don't have Nova. Long time ago she was completely no-fun warframe and I HATED her for that. I crafted her, stored her in foundry for week then purchased and sold right afterwards. Now I feel finely with her. Just not my style.

Don't have Nyx. Tried her, sold her. Boring for me.

Oberon: as MVP on any hard infested missions. Radiation proc is much useful. (you say, "Why no Loki, Nyx then?" I say: "Because")

Don't have Rhino. Don't know why. Should be fun warfame. Maybe I should build him.

Don't have Saryn. Don't know why. Should be fun warframe. Maybe I should build her.

Trinity: while I hate playing EV/bless on any mission but raid, abating link build (my god, Power Drift is much MVP mod) is pretty fun to play with.

Valkyr. once I forgot button 4 she became pretty fun warframe. One of my favs along with Ash.

Vauban: Made him BATMAN with almost pure black colors. Picking for SWAG and in some random missions playing as Glass CC-cannon. Also raids. Also bright energies make him very fun warframe (not getting it with random people, don't worry)

Volt: I wait for some reworks to him. Used to be one of my first warframes.

Wukong: who are you?

Zephyr: picking when I need some fast runs. Agility test on moon was beated with Nekros, so Zephyr is commonly for easy runs vs Corpus (Turbulence op). Was stick to her for like a month, getting her in every mission. Much pretty birdy.

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Rhino: generally for everything

Frost: to level weapons on Draco (max range snow globe each point and let the team mates do the rest)

Loki: for easy Focus points due to stealth exp multipliers

Atlas, Chroma, Hydroid, Volt: like their themes, so I equip them once in a while

Wukong: resting on the shelf, collecting dust until DE decides to fix the range scaling issue on his ultimate (the way it's supposed to be)


The rest: when people insist I use a specific frame for Trials

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For the frames I have:


Banshee : Never Really Used Her Yet/Waiting for Primed

Ember Prime : Infested Killer

Equinox: W.I.P

Excalibur: Waiting for Umbra

Frost Prime: Not tryed yet

Hydroid: Ugly, Lame, Stupid, Worst Frame ever.

Loki Prime: Ash Prime, took his place

Mag Prime: Will be a Corpus Killer

Nekros: Death, Fear & Stalker

Nova Prime: Never Really Used Her Yet/

Nyx Prime: Mind Control Queen

Oberon : Never really used him yet

Rhino Prime: Pure Tank

Saryn: Waiting for Prime/ Toxin Queen

Trinity Prime: Orokin Angel/Super Healer.

Valkyr: Sexy, Dirty Rage.

Vauban: Never really used him yet

Volt Prime: Never really used him yet

Zephyr: Waiting For Prime

Irava: Stealth Queen

Wukong: China Beast, Married to Nesh

Nezh: Angel

Atlas: Never really used him yet/ I hate Earth thames

Mesa: Hot Gunslinger

Chomra: All Factions, Dragon Master.

Limbo: My 2nd Main, Handsome, Sexy, Sir. Powerful

Ash Prime: My Main, Pure and Gold, Orokin Lover, Bladestrom & Shadow Monster.

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Loki prime:  All missions.  It is my main. He really turns all missions to easy.

Volt prime: Waiting for rework. I want him to be my main because I like electric magic :-P

Frost prime: Not used. I don't like his play style. just leveled to 30 and nothing more

Trinity prime: Not used. I don't like support frames. just leveled to 30 and nothing more

Oberon: Not used. just leveled to 30 and nothing more

Chroma: Not used. just leveled to 30 and nothing more

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Mirage: My most used frame, I bring her everywhere. She can really contribute in any mission and she's always among the best for the job, be it buffing, CC, damage or whatever. I like the looks, I love Hall of Mirrors and Prism and I like the dualism of Eclipse. She's fun and rewarding to play, and awesome to boot. While it sucks, even Sleight of Hand has a use in Rescue missions (preventing alarms).


Banshee: My second-most used frame, she's chockful of utility. I like her as an all-rounder much like Mirage. Between Silence and Sonar, she brings AOE CC, superlong range enemy radar, massive damage buffs (that self-stack) and free Hush on all your team's weapons to the table. Resonance only enhances Sonar utility. She adds good AOE CC to the mix with the "stun everyone" of Soundquake and the AOE knockback of Sonic Boom. Like with Mirage, there isn't really a mission I wouldn't like her on, and she's a great teamplayer. The looks are pretty cool as well.


Volt Prime: I liked Volt but Volt Prime really fixed all my biggest gripes with him. Again, he has a great all-rounder kit in a great AOE CC/buff (Shock Trooper) ability in Shock, the awesome that is Speed and then an actually invulnerable shield that's also a massive damage booster in Electric Shield. Volt Prime can actually melee thanks to the feasibility of the Quick Thinking setup making Speed much more useful for oneself. Of course, I mostly use him for Captures, Assassinates, Deceptions and to support speedrun teams in Exterminates, but I occasionally also bring him to longer Survivals or Defenses (his abilities hold their own vs. level 100+ enemies) to fairly good effect.


Loki Prime: Loki suits any situation. I mostly use it for any new quests since he can always hold his own. Other than that, I generally run Spy and Rescue missions with the Invisibility build and occasionally run the Irradiating Disarm or normal Disarm build in some Survival/Defense type missions. One of the big things I love about him is that all 4 of his abilities are useful. That's extremely rare in this game.


Zephyr: She isn't really excellent for anything but I love playing her. She's passable in defense and survival and I love the Tonkor-build with Jet Stream, but the thing I enjoy on her the most is the passive. I've run her in optimized comps as a complement to Volt and Nova for speedrun Captures though so it's not like she's entirely outclassed. I certainly mostly run her for the fun of it though.


Nova Prime: She's one of the greatest damage machines in the game. The combination of Molecular Prime and Antimatter Drop holds up vs. any level of opposition and she adds good CC to the mix. In addition, Wormhole is the best mobility skill in the game (mobility for the whole team, can be used to bypass doors locking, great reach) and she's got the sleek look to her. Nova was actually my first real "main" though then I found Mirage and fell in love all over again. I still take Nova to many Surv/Interception/Raid-style missions fairly often.


Nekros: Ghost army commander - I used to play him as a Desecrate bot in the old Survivals that demanded it and a fair bit in farming. Now with Shield of Shadows though, I love the Power Strength/Shadows of the Dead build. Lots of rather unique utility in longlasting friendly Shield Ospreys/Ancient Healers/Nullifiers and beastly shadows, complete with invulnerability. The best part is, it scales perfectly with enemy levels. No matter how tough the enemies, their ghosts match up vs. them just fine. I mostly run him in endless missions.


Vauban: A CC god and a trollmaster, I don't play him that much since I often tend towards the more DPSy CC gods, Mirage and Nova, but I can appreciate Vauban and use him in the Raid occasionally. He's actually one of the better solo frames - Bastille is just nasty. He also does fun stuff like makes Frost bubbles bounce people by placing jump pads on it.


Limbo: I admit, I used to play him more. He looks awesome with either the tophat or the wizard hat, and I love the mechanics of the rift. However, with the constant nerfs and the fact that you still can't pick stuff up in Cataclysm (even tho the stuff should logically be in Cataclysm), I'm waiting for DE to throw him a bone. He still works as a decent nuke frame with Cataclysm being targetable and he offers the unique utility of making everyone actually just untargetable while they rain death with abilities. Nullifiers dampen the party a bit tho. Mostly in premade teamcomps tho I occasionally run Rescue/Spy/whatever missions with him. He used to be the god of Solar Rail Conflicts, but with the new Conclave that's all in the past now.


Trinity Prime: I love melee Trinity to death, especially vs. Infested. She's immune to energy drain & CC and can keep fueling her channeling with Energy Vampire while returning most of the damage the enemies are dishing out (and there's always Blessing if you get low in spite of Lifestrike + Rage). I do use her for the EV/Blessing build in Raids and a more generalist EV + Blessing/Link (basically PS + Dura, kill EV'd enemies to recast immediately) for support in endless missions where friends want to spam but mostly I play melee Trinity. I even have her colored as a crusader (tho my Trin weapon of choice, Jat Kittag, is a bit strange for the theme - I do use her with Scindo Prime and Orthos Prime too tho).



Nyx I kinda like but I feel she's a bit overshadowed by Loki right now. I used to play her a bit but my default group has a Nyx aficionado so that duty was usually relegated to him. Absorb is no longer the king for the job tho and Chaos has steeper competition so I feel she's not that amazing; Mind Control is nice but at best you get one Eximus aura.


Other frames I play some but I'm not that enthralled by. Equinox/Ember P/Mag P/Ash P/Mesa are just boring in their current guise (tho Mesa at least slightly less so now that you can play a bit while ulting). F*** "Press X to win"-frames. I haven't gotten a hang of the new Saryn yet. Excalibur/Rhino P/Valkyr/Wukong/Chroma are just brawlers with little in terms of interesting abilities, tho Excal and Chroma's numbers are pretty good. I don't particularly care for mere numbers tho. Effigy is cool but most of Chroma's power is in Elemental War and Vex Armor so meh.


I do like Atlas, particularly Landslide, Tectonics and Rumblers, but I just finished formaing him this weekend so I haven't gotten the chance to form a positive image of him. I do use Frost P in defenses if I have to but I despise the job. Then, if elemental buffers are desired for whatever reason, Volt is my first choice but I do have setups for Ember, Saryn, Oberon & Frost to do the job too (indeed, my default Defense Frost has a pretty solid Freeze Force to enhance the ability to go long in Defenses).


Hydroid I only use for farming. With Pilfering Swarm nerfs he isn't that good at that either anymore though probably still worth using. I haven't needed to farm since the 4x weekend last spring so I don't really know anymore. The Interception cheesing with Undertow is just dreadfully boring; if I have Warframe on, I want to have some fun so I don't bother.


Ivara I haven't finished yet. Two days until it completes, then probably a day of playing for me to forma her enough to fit everything. She looks interesting though.

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Ash: used him a lot when i first started. still use him every now and then.

Atlas: meh, hype wore off

Banshee : mastery fodder

Chroma: main. i use him for just about anything because he's unkillable. vex armor/e-ward may be the best ability combo in the game

Ember : i use her on occasion. Exterminate/survival/Def/MD

Equinox : dont use at all

Excalibur : good with blind. I'm really enjoying bows now, so its good to practice. Plus i gave him a stalker look, so thats awesome

Frost : what else woiuld i be using him for? (Ice wave build is nice actually)

Hydroid : no

Limbo: hell no

Loki : when i want to be stealthy/explore/find caches

Mag  corpus slaughter

Mesa: she's cool, just stopped using

Mirage: synoid simulor cheese

Nekros : farming.

Nova : interception queen

Nyx : i usually just use nova, but in super high level content, she's good for anything

Oberon : mastery

Rhino : he's fun. i use him every now and then. waiting for the re-work to drop on console

Saryn : got bored of the nuke. waiting for the rework to drop. I may use her a lot more often

Trinity : when i feel like making the team unstoppable

Valkyr : when i feel like making ME unstoppable

Vauban : infested

Volt : speed runs (mostly just use a speed-loki build now, though

Zephyr : tonkor cheese

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Ash prime: general purpose, focus on singling out heavy enemies with Teleport.


Atlas: general Purpose, focus on punching things.


Banshee: General Purpose, focus on Sonar Buffs.


Chroma: general purpose, focus on Support and Tanking.


Equinox: General purpose, Maim build.


Excalibur: General Purpose, rounded build, occasionally my go-to for High level content.


Frost: ( prime version should be ready today), go-to frame for Defense/ Mobile Defense.


Hydroid: general Purpose, balanced build, occasionally used for farming.


Limbo: General Purpose, Rift Walk build, used for high level sabotages.


Loki Prime: go-to for Spy missions.


Mag Prime: general purpose, occasional go-to for high-level Corpus missions.


Mesa: mostly for Peacemaker Farming, haven't really used since rework.


Mirage: general purpose, Hall of Mirrors build, good for high group DPS with Kulstar.


Nekros: team support/farming, Desecrate build. used for farming runs.


Nyx Prime: General purpose, Chaos build for CC.


Oberon: support roles, built for Restoration and Hallowed Ground,


Rhino Prime: Go-to for most solo work.


Saryn: general purpose, built for Miasma (that'll change though..)


Trinity Prime: support/healer, used for high level content.


Vauban: go-to for Raids and infested defenses.


Volt Prime: general purpose, built for Speed and Electric Shield


Zephyr: general Purpose, Turbulence Build.

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For my Frames:

(I really need to switch things up a bit)


Ash: only when I want to be cool and flip out and kill things, but otherwise loki.

Atlas: havent really touched him since I leveled him

Banshee : Havent used her in forever, but i really need to start again. There have been many sorties where I wish we had one.

Chroma: I need some forma and higher level corrupted mods to make him work, but never really

Ember : low level exterminates 

Equinox : never really after I leveled him/her

Excalibur : not since long before the rework, i should really try him again.

Frost : My go-to and personal favorite for general use.

Hydroid : eh, never since the aug nerf

Ivara: just put 1 forma in her, gonna test her out some more, potential there

Limbo: Hate the mechanics, never

Loki : Spy and quick capture.

Mag:  Corpus and alad v neural sensor farming

Mesa: I want to make a more tanky build, but I havent really had the motivation since her rework.

Mirage: When I want to equip my synoid simulor, spray orbs wildly and scream "I'M A NINJA!" as things just melt

Nekros : Farming.

Nova : Draco mainly

Nyx : I used to use her for defense, but I usually bring Frost since I want to make sure I have globe

Oberon : I WANT to like him, but meh

Rhino : Havent used him in forever, but i really should try again

Saryn : havent used her since long before the rework, I should give her a shot again

Trinity : mainly for energy, I really need a tank/blessing build.

Valkyr : never really

Vauban : never really anymore

Volt : not using

Wukong: seems like a poor man's valkyr, leveled and done

Zephyr : never used her past leveling

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I mainly use Excalibur, Excalibur, Excalibur, Loki, Excalibur and sometime Nova.


But, in details:


Ash: I admit I used him mainly for farming, especially after the buff to Blade Storm; never use him for normal gameplay though

Atlas: it's not that I don't like him, it's just that I couldn't find any use after I leveled him to 30 and put a few forma on him

Banshee: never used her, mastery fodder

Chroma: sadly, mastery fodder, never had the patience to learn how to use him

Ember: used her a lot back in the old days, which is about 2 and a half years ago

Equinox: the theme was cool, but it turned out to be not worth to actually use both sides in game, so she lost a lot of appeal to me

Excalibur: my main since the beginning 3 years ago, the Prime version is my most used frame and has always been(except for a small and shameful parenthesis with Rhino); it's just the best one and now that he's equipped for end game I really have poor reasons to change frame

Frost: used the Prime version a lot in the past and occasionally still use him when a globe is needed; still think it's second only to Excalibur coolness wise

Hydroid: mastery fodder

Ivara: one of the most fun frame to use as I love stealth gameplay; her first ability is awesome and the look?? Great addition, will definitely use her in the future from time to time

Limbo: a crushing disappointment, I just hate him and I think I leveled him up during a Viver run without even pressing a button; I know I should give him a try before judging, but I just can't.

Loki: well, one does not simply become the master race without being essential; I use him a lot, probably the second most used frame after Excalibur and my to-go frame for Spy and stealth missions

Mag: there was a time when shields had a huge impact in the game and every frame was equipped with redirection and I used Mag a lot by then; then I forgot about her with damage 2.0 and used her only for affinity farming. Current sorties made me use her again though and I realized I still like her, afterall.

Mesa: I feel guilty here; I used her for defenses and farming mostly, but I feel like I wasted her potential

Mirage: never felt in love with her, mastery fodder

Nekros: who hasn't a slot with a desecrate Nekros ready to go?

Nova: used her a lot after the release, she felt like a biotic frame and reminded me of ME3; still have 2 slots with a speed and slow nova, she's simply very useful so I find myself equipping her from time to time

Nyx: cool, but doesn't fit my playstyle; too bad as Nyx Prime looks sooooo good

Oberon: used him a bit at the start, but got bored soon and didn't try after a few tweaks he got; so far it's mastery fodder

Rhino: back in the day when Rhino was used to clear the star chart I used him a lot, almost unlearning how to play; luckily I got rid of him before it was too late

Saryn: I admit I was a fun of the old nuke Saryn; didn't have time to test her now yet, will do sooner or later

Trinity: one of those frames you need to use and main for many of high level stuff so I used her often enough in the past and still do when needed; don't use her if I don't have to though

Valkyr: used to bring her when invincibility was needed, but after Excalibur rework I don't feel that need anymore so I stick to my main frame

Vauban: not a huge fan, I usually stick to Frost when speaking of CC and defensive frames

Volt: mastery fodder in PvE, main frame in PvP

Wukong: formaed him a bit recently, but couldn't fell in love 

Zephyr: disappointment second only to Limbo

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I usually just play whoever I feel like using.

Ash : meh

Atlas : meh

Banshee : meh

Chroma : Fashion/facetanking

Ember : When I'm too lazy to kill things

Equinox : low-med lvl stuff

Excalibur : meh, even tho he is my most played

Frost : Any mission

Hydroid : Useless, I prefer Nekros for loot.

Limbo: Cheesing corpus spy missions.

Loki : Solo/cheese high lvl missions

Mag : High lvl Corpus missions only.

Mesa: High lvl survivals that exclude napalms, bombards & infested.

Nekros : Farming/Fun with shadow army.

Nova : Interceptions mainly.

Nyx : Defensive missions

Oberon : lvl <40 missions that's not defense/mobile defense.

Rhino : Rushing

Saryn : Not using it anymore.

Trinity : Boring

Valkyr : When I feel like facetanking

Vauban : Infested defense. (I prefer max range frost with ice wave impedence)

Volt : Rushing

Wukong : meh

Zephyr : Rushing/Corpus missions

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Who do I play and why...


Valkyr is usually on deck for a variety of things, but if it's a survival or exterminate then she's a go-to 'frame. Mostly because I can deal with clueless teammates more easily with her and her playstyle fits those missions perfectly.


Nyx (and Nyx Prime) are on call for missions where a high degree of control is necessary (defense, MD, excavations) and I might need to go it alone to get what I came there for if my team end up being a bundle of fail and have to be carried. I'm getting my key, dammit.


Zephyr and Mirage serve the same purpose to my lights, mainly fighting corpus in those rare occasions when I have to. Which one gets chosen depends on the mood of the day and mission type. If more mobility is needed, the Zephyr is it. If it's a mission with a lot of map to be traversed and you're in a PuG, then Mirage gets the nod for two reasons: one, to get past all the security gates the idiots always trip, and two, weed out the weaksauce in the PC world via clones and a Supra.


Trinity and Trinity Prime. Actually, just the Prime because of the sheer awesome weight of her transcendent presence. Basically, I just like playing her and sometimes I just get her out to see her do her thing. If I actually have a team that needs and can use support, I'll bring her. In PuGs, they get Trinity in juggernaut mode and just have to cope with what she can spare (though, she always has lots of eye-candy on hand).


Banshee. If it's mobile defense, then Banshee is a favorite. Again, she's another 'frame that I like to bring to organized groups and prefer to avoid when PuGging. Still, she's actually quite good in defenses of various sorts and the grineer survivals.


I play many of the others as the mood strikes me, but the above are the go-to warframes I have on call. Heck, I still have three new 'frames I haven't even looked at yet and four more waiting on forma, modding revisions, and a prime variant /coughSaryn/cough.  

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Warframes are plants I use them whenever I feel like they haven't gotten enough sunlight........But loki always gets most of the sunlight when ever I am done giving sunlight to my other warfraes.He is my 1st and fav.

in words of the prophet Ordis

we are the operator we are the tenno

he is a cephalon he is the ship

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