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Which Arch-Guns Are "worth" Getting?



Whilst generally sceptical of Archwing as a game mode, I've given it another try recently and found myself having a bit of fun. I was overall unimpressed with Odonata so switched to Itzal once I had enough tellurium, which greatly improves the experience, in my opinion.


I just 30-d both the Imperator and the Veritux, and am on the hunt for something that packs a bit more punch in the Arch-gun department. I initially liked the look of the Phaedra, Grattler, and Fluctus, but have read pretty mixed reviews on all three. Specifically on the Phaedra that its crit stats suck, and is rather innacurate.


So if y'all had to pick one of the above three for general-purpose Archwing stuff, which would you go for? Or should I check out something else?

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Velocitus is the highest dps archwing gun. It also has very high range, which is usually important in archwing. Imperator vandal is pretty good as well, but doesn't even scratch the velocitus' dps.


As for melee weapons, Centaur all the way.

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Thanks for the replies. Sounds like Fluctus is a pretty effective bit of gear. I did wonder about its effectiveness vs. Grineer stuff due to the slash damage, but if its DPS is that high I guess it won't matter until you start hitting high-level stuff, which I probably won't do too much of in Archwing anyway.



Well... at the moment, it doesn't have any slot limits, so try to get all of them, but as for those 3 guns, just pick one that you think you might like.


True enough, but I doubt I have the perseverance to go hunting for the parts for all three :)

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Odonata is definitely terrible and I think doesn't make the experience nearly as enjoyable as Itzal or Elytron.


Fluctus is fairly fun, and has innate punch through. Has been fairly effective against most everything except for things like Jordas. Grattler is fun, but has too low a fire rate and too small an ammo reserve to really make it an effective weapon overall. Phaedra is terrible, as it is a very innaccurate, slower firing Imperator that only does 5 more damage. Obviously it has a slightly different damage bias, but it performs far worse than Imperator on so many other levels. If I had to pick amongst the three you mentioned? Fluctus. Just a matter of knowing your maximum engagement range.


Ultimately, the Imperator is still top of the heap in terms of range and DPS. It has some of the furthest reach and is still hitscan regardless of distance


You may also want to look into upgrading your melee, as Centaur is so much nicer in terms of speed and crits. Kazsas is also pretty decent as it has higher base damage than most. I have used all the melee weapons and I keep going back to Centaur.

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grattler and fluctus, imo, can cover pretty much everything you need to kill. 


I'd murder for the imperator vandal, but I didn't even see one piece last go around.


If you are making grattler, be prepared to farm oxium hardcore though.


I have heard good things about the velocitus, have it, but haven't played with it due to it being a charge weapon, despite having shell rush on it. 


Fluctus is great for clearing trash, but it generates lag like crazy, especially if you fly into its beam. 


Personally I prefer melee, kazsas and prisma veratux.

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Grattler, Imperator (Vandal) and Phaedra. They all deal high DPS and also a pretty good firerate. Velocitus i only use for special One Target High damage hits! Fluctus is good for when you are starting to play AW because of the damage range and Corvas or Decurion, I don't like them but others might! 


Remember that you question will give you opiniated answers! :) 

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oh I forgot to add, the itzal is... limited in what you will do well at. Odanata prime is what you need to aim for. Elytron is kind of limited too, though fun when you learn its tricks. 


I am an itzal fan all the way, but I rarely use it, because it is made of glass. Not even a paper canon. just paper. The invis is purely defensive to hide while you recover from many near death experiences. The speed is the real win and that is great for one of the mastery tests. 


If the itzal gets you into archwing mores the better though, but look into the odanata prime and consider farming the elytron. You want as much versatility as possible. Though frame wise, I think you could do it all with prime. Maybe not the mastery test if you didn't have like a high ranked hyperion thrusters. 


Farm or buy the mods because that makes a huge difference. When I was going off what I found early on, it wasn't fun, As I started doing higher end stuff and bought some of the mods, I enjoyed it more overall,

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Fluctus all the way. It does really good damage in a pretty big area, punches through shields etc very easily, fires decently fast. It's only problem is the beam can only go so far, but you mow everything down. It's almost like a shotgun and is very easy to use.


Itzal is awesome, vaccume everything to you, super speed when needed. It's super squishy for an archwing but it doesn't matter. The stealth doesn't break unless you move. On interception missions you can easily sit in stealth while still turning and shooting. As long as you don't hit a movement key, nothing ever tries to hurt you. 


Grat is very powerful when built right. It's great for taking out big things quick such as golem. There are a few vids of people destroying golem in about 5 seconds using it. But for trash and such (which the majority of the game consists of) it's not the best. Fluctus is a very strong versatile wep that will take you far.

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The Grattler is best used with the Odonata's Energy Shield to stack critical damage. It's not particularly great in free space due to its short range.


The Velocitus is good against slow and stationary targets, like Balor Fomorians and everything underwater.


The Fluctus works well in the Corpus tileset due to its massive punch-through, and it's good against groups of weaker enemies due to its AoE damage.


The Imperator Vandal is a good all-round weapon with no real weaknesses, but also no outstanding strengths outside of being better than the other space bullet hoses.



In space, you're usually better off using your melee except against the Balor Fomorians and the Jordas Golem. Underwater, guns are better.

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I put 4 formas into Dual Decurion and I like it.  Imperator doesn't seem to do any damage past a certain range.  Velocitus has that anoying projectile travel time, making it hard to hit things that are fast moving and a long way off, but Dual-Dec has pinpoint accuracy and apparently no limit to its range (I've shot things that were so far off they were no more than a single pixel).  Only downside is you can't fire it full auto because the recoil is insane.  Of course if things are in your face you can unload and wreck a swarm faster than trying to swap targets with melee.




I took this on my first attempt at the Uranus interception, and managed to get the highest damage out of the team (despite not having played Archwing for more than 6 months).  Sat safely at range, and used Itzal's jump to move around obstacles and get good firing positions.

Edited by polarity
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Two other things to consider with the Velocitus is that it's easy to get (every part obtainable on Venus) and it works well with the Itzal's stationary invisibility via its unlimited range and lack of damage falloff. The projectile thing isn't a huge issue, and a good Velocitus crit will oneshot an Ogma on Uranus which is so, so satisfying.


To compare, even to this day I have never gotten a single Fluctus part from Caelus... But regardless, as others have said Archwing still doesn't have inventory slots so you're just as well off grabbing all the things for mastery even if they suck (hi Phaedra).

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Thanks for the extensive replies, everyone! I decided to go for the Fluctus, pretty darn powerful once it's modded up a bit! Fire rate is faster than I was expecting for a semi-auto, too.



Farm or buy the mods because that makes a huge difference. When I was going off what I found early on, it wasn't fun, As I started doing higher end stuff and bought some of the mods, I enjoyed it more overall,


Yeah same here, as I have most stuff collected in standard PvE now, it was a bit discouraging to have so few mods at my disposal, as well as that it felt like it took forever to level Archwing gear to any decent standard. The weekend affinity booster certainly helped speed things up!


I've missed all previous chances for the Imperator Vandal, but will keep an eye out for when it surfaces again.


Will look into Centaur parts too :)

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The full auto family is very good (imperator/vandal and phaedra) for almost any situation.

The Fluctus is a real treat, and if not for the limited range it would be the top AW gun period.

Grattler is godly for Sharkwing, but in space the range is a bit on the shorter end. Workable but uncomfortable. Although the damage is insane.

Velocitus is great for boss hunting (only Jordas Golem at the moment). Other than that it's pretty clumsy imho, suffers from the same problems snipers do on ground missions.

The oyher guns i positively loathed.

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in my opinion, the imperator is good enough for any fight, you won't battle crazy high-lvl enemies like normal gameplay in AW mode, the imperator has all the basic elements, it does good dmg, has good stats, fire rate, crit, status, accuracy....and if you really wanna improve, just get the imperator vandal

in my experience, the phaedra isn't worth it, it's a status gun but with little to no status mods in AW currently, I wouldn't advice investing in it  

grattler, though is does good dmg, and has good stats, I haven't been able to work with it due to it's slow fire rate, low magazine and little to no range, I wouldn't advice bringing it to the open maps when fighting grineer 

as for the veloctius, yes, it's the most dmging A-G weapon, it has the best dps and stats....but can you really handle an almost sniper weapon in archwing? I mean it's a sniper (it's not...but lets assume it is) in space, you'll get lucky if you land half of your shots
unless you're bringing it against corpus, or using it in the balor fomorian alerts, I wouldn't use it 

as for fluctus, it is my main and most used A-G, the punch through is really helpful, especially when u use it in the trench run tileset (though the shaking is crazy!) but due to it's low range (450m), I don't usually bring it to an INT mission for example, I always get the imprator V for those. basically it's the the only A-G that is worth getting for me 

as for the arch-melee, I don't see any difference dmg wise in any of the current ones, I have and I tried all of them, and when moded correctly, they all preform more than enough. again, the enemies aren't that string in AW, so you don't NEED to get the centaur or something that has crazy dmg 

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as for the arch-melee, I don't see any difference dmg wise in any of the current ones, I have and I tried all of them, and when moded correctly, they all preform more than enough. again, the enemies aren't that string in AW, so you don't NEED to get the centaur or something that has crazy dmg 


One advantage the Centaur has is that you can restart the melee combo off of the last hit of the previous combo more fluidly than other weapons. I don't know if any of the more recent Archwing melee weapons also have this feature, but the older weapons suffered from a noticeable delay after finishing their melee combo before you could continue.


It's something that's rather helpful when fighting off a swarm of enemy units.



I personally rely on my melee weapon more than my primary, so the Velocitus fits my playstyle best as it covers for the cases where melee is impractical: against Balor Fomorians, the Jordas Golem, and underwater.

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just to be clear, I disagree with iztal being great for interceptions. The invis, being stationary, is really best for warping away and hiding to recover. Itzal is too fragile to take a beating the interception will give. You shouldn't really be sitting in one place invis just guarding a single point or you are going to lose or at least have to be carried by your team. Plus shield dargyens will come right up on you and electrocute you because everything knows you are somewhere around there (which is, of course, why it is a good idea to blink off.)


Fluctus actually has poor range and quick damage fall off. It's a great trash clearer and good for all the missions but interception and defense. I wouldn't use it for the open space ones either, mostly the corpus ones with tight pathways. 


Grattler is THE gun for J3 golem. A must. It is also sufficient for interceptions and defenses. No experience with the velocitus here. 


I would put a magazine increase on the fluctus, btw, that thing has like no ammo in its clip.


Interception and defense are great places to get the good cards but I got a lot of really good mods doing jupiter mobile defense (I think that's right, or was it mars, whichever is a corpus MD.) That is also a great place to level up things you can't level up in the interception.


Kazsas and knux have the highesy base melee damage in game. Both are nice but the knux takes a lot of resources to research in the lab. Less to build. The grattler is the hard one to build with something like 3.5k required oxium. I saved up for a long time for that.


Veritux is perfectly good, and centaur is just fine as are the other melees. There is, btw, no block animation. So you will only know you are blocking because you are pushing the button.

Edited by SpicyDinosaur
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It's funny that you are looking for good archwing primary weapon when you already have it.

Any base weapons you get at start up are amazingly good whether warframe or archwing.


Thanks to DE.


For Archwing, I'd prefer Imperator, Phaedra and Fluctus as primary.

and as a secondary, I'd prefer Veritux, Kazsas and Centaur.

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