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With Ivara Around, Is Loki Still "masterrace" ?



What is your opinion on that ? Just give a statement about who you think would win the competition, overall, when taking every role, stat and skill into account.

Is Loki still worthy of the adoration he is receiving, or has he been, or is about to be, kicked off his throne ?

And please Loki lovers, don't rage immediately :-P

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I'll let you know in 3.5 days when the crafting is done :/




i don't think he ever was a master race, but in the past he became very popular.  However, i doubt that Ivara would supersede Loki, and for one reason alone.  To say what it is would be stating the obvious.


Yes indeed he's master race!!! *triggered*

Edited by Lanieu
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Yes. Can Ivara stay invisible infinitely? Can she disarm every enemy permanently? Can she troll her teammates?


actually...she can stay invisible infinitely, and make other invisible, and she instead of trolling offers a fun moment for teammate with the ziplines

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Can Ivara stay invisible infinitely? Can she disarm every enemy permanently? Can she troll her teammates?

Yes/No but put them to sleep for a while/Can help them instead.

I think the main difference betwen them is that in addition to her stealth Ivara can do a lot more damage than Loki - Sleep finishers, Navigator, Artemis... - as she is a huntress, whereas he is purely a trickster spy.

Edited by Enno69
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Loki offers wide-range CC with (Irradiating) Disarm, and his invisibility doesn't hamper his mobility. Decoy/teleport also grant him even more mobility and aggro redirection.

Ivara has a lot of utility with her trick arrows, kill power in Artemis Bow, and her stealth is a bit more limiting in mobility, but longer lasting.


IMO Ivara is better for solo, where you can be tactical and calculating, taking full advantage of all her abilities. Loki is better for teams, where fast results are favored and teammates can cover his weaknesses.

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Yes, unlike Loki.





I seem to have articulated my statement badly, you can build Loki so that he regenerates enough energy for another invisibility. While this isn't directly permanent, it is an endless cycle. 



It really depends on preference. I prefer Loki because his first helm doesn't make him look like a witch in the swamp who tosses kids into cauldrons.

But throwing kids into cauldrons is fun...

Edited by Skycook3y
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Loki can:

Make himself invisible || Limited by your duration

Troll Teammates with switch teleport || Can't switch teleport people from extraction points

Drop down a Decoy to draw fire or use for mobility || Decoy dies easily

Permanently disarm enemies || Dis-arms Sentients...until they pick their arms back up


Ivara can:

Make herself and her whole team invisible || Clunky and arrows tend to derp when fired at teammates

Troll Teammates with noise arrow || Not like the enemies wouldn't have fired at them anyway

Put enemies to sleep thus opening them up for finisher attacks(pretty much insta-kills with certain melee types) || At times the finisher prompt will be invisible or just nigh impossible to press

Provide a shortcut with zipline arrows || Terrain clipping issues coupled with angle issues


And that is all just her first ability || Cause it is really the only ability I actually use on her


Overall, I'd go with Ivara. Her sleep arrows work on Sentients and I actually like having a reason to put in Hush/Suppress.

Edited by Laisha
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lol Invisibility is in no way better than prowl. The only thing I would say it has is the augment meaning it's not shoehorned into silent weapons. The inability to sprint is negligible for the simple fact you can still double jump as well as roll around, or even have the Option to just Dashwire around and run on that.

As for his Radial Disarm, again with Augments not taken into account, A 250% Range Sleep Arrow > Radial Disarm.


I'd rather a sleep enemy incapable of doing anything at all than some enemy with a stick that still does damage equivalent to the weapon you took.

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Stalker can't dispel Ivara's invis arrows. G3, Zanuka Hunter, some bosses (I believe), and most enemies can be completely shut down and prepared for a 1-hit melee finishers with her sleep arrow. She has an ability that can deal actual damage to round her kit off. Ivara can also set up ziplines giving her and her team great vantage points in situations where you aren't moving a lot, or the landscape is extremely disadvantageous.

Loki can stay invisible and on the move at the same time- quickly. He disarms huge batches of enemies without a need of line of sight- and not being directionally based. He can place a decoy that draws ALERTED enemies to it- unlike ivara's noise arrow. Loki can also forcibly move a downed or troubled teammate out of dangerwithout placing himself in danger himself using Switch Teleport (combo'd with invisibility, obviously). Alternatively moving teammates into advantageous spots that may not be (easily) accessible without the use of his decoy/ST combo.


Just like EVERYTHING else in this game- it's situational. It depends on what you're doing, what you want, and your playstyle. I wouldn't say either wins, but I think what we can say is that we now have a King AND a Queen.

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lol Invisibility is in no way better than prowl. The only thing I would say it has is the augment meaning it's not shoehorned into silent weapons. The inability to sprint is negligible for the simple fact you can still double jump as well as roll around, or even have the Option to just Dashwire around and run on that.

As for his Radial Disarm, again with Augments not taken into account, A 250% Range Sleep Arrow > Radial Disarm.


I'd rather a sleep enemy incapable of doing anything at all than some enemy with a stick that still does damage equivalent to the weapon you took.

Dashwire costs energy, is restricted movement, and isn't as quick as loki or bullet jumping around.


It's not fair to say "well if you don't take full advantage of this person's mods, then this OTHER person WITH taking full advantage of mods is better. :D". It's like taking two people and telling them to fight in a ring where the floor is hot coals, then giving you insulated shoes and the other bare feet.


That being said- they both have their advantages. Ivara is tactical and more of a team player overall, and very versatile. Loki is highly mobile and more of a loner- and a one trick pony. Thing is- he does that one trick very, VERY well.

Until Ivara can disarm all enemies, Loki is still master race in soft CC. And of course running really really fast.

Thing is- Hard CC > Soft CC. Sleep arrow > Radial Disarm in every way as long as you have the range and efficiency to spam it as much as loki can spam his RD.

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I haven't built Ivara yet.

I'm not one of those "hurr durr Loki master race" guys either.


But I gotta admit, running around the map with 1,81 sprint speed while being invisible... It's fantastic.


Also, I don't see much point in comapring Ivara to Loki. They only have one thing in common. Other than that they're completely different.

Loki is for CC

Ivara is for damage.

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