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Players Who Capped Their Focus Everyday Since U18


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I still haven't worked out what these things do yet. 

Currently I press 5 and heal my team mates, and that seems good.


By the time I get from work I'm just in a mood to run around and shoot things, this all seems a little too complex with too much wiki scouring required at the moment. 

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What Focus do you have anyway? And also, these are end game mechanics (Which is totally optional whether you wanna try it or not) but still, they can be really useful in situations you least expect :)


Picked maudri to start, bad idea. Then when Vazarim which is only path I see a use for but even still I rarely if ever use it. Then recently went zenurik for mana regen which is ok but again I rarely get a chance to use it. Did a 120 minute t4s last night solo and guess how many times I used my path? Zero. There was simply no need or time to use a path. If this is end game abilities you could have fooled me. I guess maybe they are intended for raids? Meh.

Edited by fizbit
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Picked maudri to start, bad idea. Then when Vazarim which is only path I see a use for but even still I rarely if ever use it. Then recently went zenurik for mana regen which is ok but again I rarely get a chance to use it. Did a 120 minute t4s last night solo and guess how many times I used my path? Zero. There was simply no need or time to use a path. If this is end game abilities you could have fooled me. I guess maybe they are intended for raids? Meh.

Well, each of the Focus has its own specialty. 4 Energy per sec in Zenurik is something game changing, ya know. Well for now, the Focus system is not yet in its "fullest" so I understsnd if some people do not really like it :).

I still haven't worked out what these things do yet.

Currently I press 5 and heal my team mates, and that seems good.

By the time I get from work I'm just in a mood to run around and shoot things, this all seems a little too complex with too much wiki scouring required at the moment.

For now, just try to earn a lot of Focus Points as you can. Then maybe sooner or later, you can decide where to put it in.

just take a picture, upload it somewhere, then copy the link and paste it. Add %7Boption%7D before the pic and /IMG after the pick (in brackets).

I use a program called Puush that lets me take pictures and instantly upload them immediately. Pictures taken by Steam and uploaded to Steam don't work sadly.

Thnak you so much bro!!

Edited by Arkstorm
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Vazarin (healing/support)

Mending tides = 1

New moon = 1

Mastery = 2

Protection ward = 1

Strengthen Defences = 1

I see the attraction of polluted waters, but if you really concider it, it's better to place an extra point in new moon. Because of the proc's Polluted Waters give - Magnetic + Viral. That status alone will kill the revived ally without shields or abilities and half their max hp, they will instantly drop without Guardians presence.

Hmmm... By the way you describe it, Vazarin can be pretty useful in dire situations (Due to that reviving allies). I think I'll consider it :"). Edited by Arkstorm
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Zunirik energy gain does not work while channeling which means the frames that need it the most won't have access to it when they really need it. Besides, the CD on that is over 4 minutes which again means that unless it's endless the odds are I won't even have a chance to use that path ability since missions are usually over or close to before that cd comes up. All in all this path system feels unneeded over all. I have decided just to stick with vazarim now and just go for over shields I guess.

Edited by fizbit
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I got turned off by Polluted Waters when i saw the consequences of using it:


95% chance of inflicting the revived teammates with Viral And Magnetic with 2x the normal duration.

The next rank sends it down to 80% and 1.8x duration.


Its better to rank New Moon, it stacks. I tested it.


I already have New Moon to R2 and I will be maxing it.

3 revives per Focus mode is very good.


Polluted Waters is for cases where a sudden team wipe is inevitable (like you are the last man standing and all are on the floor and you don't have time to use New Moon and pick up peeps 1 by 1), then you go into Jesus mode and save them.


It is not the to go skill if I need to pick someone up.

But a revive skill is always a good skill and it is good for such situations.


But I agree that Guardian is a legitimate skill as well.

Seeing that you can cast it and buff the entire team before they go down....

Edited by fatpig84
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Zunirik energy gain does not work while channeling which means the frames that need it the most won't have access to it when they really need it. Besides, the CD on that is over 4 minutes which again means that unless it's endless the odds are I won't even have a chance to use that path ability since missions are usually over or close to before that cd comes up. All in all this path system feels unneeded over all. I have decided just to stick with vazarim now and just go for over shields I guess.

Well... if thats your thing, Then good luck and have fun in the Focus you choose :'D.

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Max the focus every day!? Mah gawd, I am to old and value my spare time too much to be grinding that much, only maxed out the cap on days I had a booster. Generally I only get between 10k-25k a day.




Mastery rank 2

Energy overflow rank 2


I will bring the mastery to rank 3 someday to reduce the cooldown further but as it is now there is nothing else I really want or feel I need in the focus system.

Edited by VikingoX
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Max the focus every day!? Mah gawd, I am to old and value my spare time too much to be grinding that much, only maxed out the cap on days I had a booster. Generally I only get between 10k-25k a day.


Mastery rank 2

Energy overflow rank 2

I will bring the mastery to rank 3 someday to reduce the cooldown further but as it is now there is nothing else I really want or feel I need in the focus system.

My advice bro... place ur lens on an offensive frame (Like Excal or Frost) and go Draco for 4 slow rounds (Less than 30 mins). You will get like 55K - 75k (No boosters BTW).

Or... you can have a stealth warframe like Loki P and a weapon (with a lens on both) and go to high leveled grineer deception mission (Cuz spawn rate is consistent) and do stealth kills until your affinity mutiplier reaches 500%).

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Is there a specific kind of frame that goes along with Unairu??


Excal, Wukon, Atlas, Valkyr. Those are some that can benificiate the most of that school, since most of their power are melee centric and that they need amor to protect themself, when they throw themself in close combat.


The petrified on touch is pretty great against infested too

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Occasionally I run out of time and miss out on 4k focus or so, but atm...


Wasted 50k on the now-nerfed-into-uselessness energy efficiency

Maxed out energy regen

Rank 1 share energy orbs

Rank 0 Cooldown reduction

Damn... I haven't tried the efficiency before the nerf :/

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