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Tips For A New Rhino Player?


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You don't need any shield, hp or armor mods with new ironskin. 20k+ hp on ferrite is enough, with self dmg after cast


Yes, make him more reliant on Iron skin so when he trips into a bubble (dragged by a ancient or otherwise) he will melt faster then a hydroid using his 3. 


Being honest, I have a feeling that is going to get fixed sooner rather then later.  This is about teaching someone who is new how to be successful with a warframe, not about teaching him how to take a shortcut in a race that is going to get fenced up sooner or later. 




What I did by the way, is switch to squishier warframes and learn to survive the hard way.  I started out with rhino and his iron skin became a crutch (back when it wasn't as strong, though it still can be a crutch.)

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I'm sure they know about self dmg. They must have anticipated this gimmick and don't have a problem with it. Why can trinity have invuln on command but rhino not 20k+hp?

Like you mentioned, Trinity needs to severely gimp her weapon choice to be able to effectively give invulnerability. That, and the outcome is pretty great if you have a team.


Rhino can just press 2 and it's already his technical invulnerability on command.

Edited by ViroVeteruscy
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A tip I can give you involves the new content, so I'll put it under the spoiler.

Go for the Naramon Focus if you're into melee playstyle.

Invisibility on top of Iron Skin is pretty crazy.


As for the build:

Steel Charge as Aura

Vitality + Steel Fiber: you'll need this to prevent one-shot when facing lvl 100+ enemies.

Fleeting Expertise (at rank 4) and Streamline (at rank 4) for max efficiency, allowing you to spam stomp if needed.

Stretch: makes a huge difference for Stomp.

Primed Continuity (or Continuity + Constitution) to compensate for Fleeting Expertise, so you can still have at least 30 sec of Roar.

Intensify: extra boost for all skills

Enemy Sense: my choice for the Exilus slot. (for a melee playstyle, this makes a huge difference once you learn to play looking at the radar almost exclusively, because unlike with weapons, you don't need to aim, you just need to swing in the direction of the red dots).


I've a bit of a strange playstyle (fast-slides), but here is how it generally goes:

Orthos Prime fast-slide VS 20 Manics [LVL 100]

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Using a glaive is "severely gimping her weapon choice?" I don't get it.

Anyway, Rhino must also use a weapon (hikou with explosives, or whatever).

I doubt it's an oversight, and people can safely do away with armor, redirection, vitality and even power str.

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Using a glaive is "severely gimping her weapon choice?" I don't get it.

Anyway, Rhino must also use a weapon (hikou with explosives, or whatever).

I doubt it's an oversight, and people can safely do away with armor, redirection, vitality and even power str.

Glaives are bad in general. That in itself is already a downside.


Hikou and or Angstrum is decent for self-damage and also for damaging enemies, so a surprise for you.


Armor and your overall normal stats doesn't hold off for very long. Look at Valkyr with no buffs or Chroma without his Vexed Scorn.

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Not much to contribute here that Pickle, achromos, and King Taro didn't already say...


If anything, I'd remind you that:

Weapon choice is very impactful to Rhino's skills emphasis choices, imo. Range, duration, and armor all make a difference depending on weapon choice.

Keep your weapon choices and modding choices appropriate -and complimentary- for your playstyle and the enemies.


achromos' assertion to get good on squishy frames is what I did to make myself better on Rhino as well.


Contrary to most frames, Rhino's player skill req goes up as the frame does in level as opposed to down.


...The exception to all of this is Stomp spamming, of course. (obligatory unsaid: "Don't Spam Stomp")

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Not much to contribute here that Pickle, achromos, and King Taro didn't already say...

If anything, I'd remind you that:

Weapon choice is very impactful to Rhino's skills emphasis choices, imo. Range, duration, and armor all make a difference depending on weapon choice.

Keep your weapon choices and modding choices appropriate -and complimentary- for your playstyle and the enemies.

achromos' assertion to get good on squishy frames is what I did to make myself better on Rhino as well.

Contrary to most frames, Rhino's player skill req goes up as the frame does in level as opposed to down.

...The exception to all of this is Stomp spamming, of course. (obligatory unsaid: "Don't Spam Stomp")

Whats wrong with stomp spamming

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Iron Skin is very powerful in low level content, and it's easy to fall into a bad style of gameplay (clearly evident in this topic) where you rely on Ironskin and Ironskin alone to solve all your problems. If you do a Sortie, try a Tier IV Void mission, or just move up in the StarChart it will become clearly evident that your giant HP pool alone isn't going to solve all your problems for you. 

That being said Rhino's Iron Skin is also now better than it has ever been previously as now it absorbs damage for the first three seconds to determine how much health it is going to have. This means that it scales with higher level enemies ever increasing damage, meaning that it isn't a complete write-off ability beyond a certain point. 


Roar a very useful buff and worth keeping up for as long as you have the energy to sustain it, but don't prioritize it over things that keep you and your team alive like Rhino's Stomp and Rhino Charge. Roar increases Warframe damage, so it doesn't affect Iron Skin. It has a very long default duration of 30s, so you're okay sacrificing a bit of Power Duration to get mods like Fleeting Expertise. 

As Rhino has continued to be tweaked and reworked over the last couple years more and more his focus has been shifted towards being a knock-down heavy frame. Rhino's Charge now flings enemies away, and Stomp holds them in stasis. These two abilities combined are going to be your bread and butter for Crowd Control.

Be aware that you can't re-Stomp if enemies are currently held in stasis, and some people prefer less Power Duration to have a more flexible stomp, although this does come with a power cost as you'll be using the ability more frequently. Rhino Stomp's duration can also be sacrificed entirely in favor of a Power Build, which will make his stomp act more akin to a nuke with a small interrupt than a crowd control ability. You'll also have a much more powerful Iron Skin. I'm not going to tell you which is more viable as a lot of that is going to depend on how you like to play and the composition of your team. You might consider keeping a variety of Rhino Builds for different situations. 

Rhino's Charge was recently changed from duration affecting its' distance to Power Range, which... Kind of makes a lot of sense. Again, you might consider sacrificing Range with Corrupt Mods in order to get a shorter, more manageable charge. However you decide to tweak the ability, its' function is pretty much the same: it bowls over dangerous enemies to give you and your team breathing room. Enemies who are knocked down are also open to ground finishers, which are performed by walking up to the enemy, looking down at them (that's not a metaphor, point your camera down at them), and then crushing them with your melee weapon. Be aware that if you're already in a melee combo this usually won't trigger. Stop attacking for a second to do it right. It's finnicky until you get the hang of it. Charge also makes you immune to health (not shield) damage while charging, so it's also useful as a panic button. 

Rhino's Charge tends to be underused by late-game Rhino's who fell into the trap of relying heavily on Iron Skin to do all the heavy lifting. Used correctly it can be very potent, very direct method of crowd control. Just don't go nuts with it; much like Mags' Pull you can easily annoy your team by constantly knocking everything all over the damn place while they are trying to line up head shots. 

Rhino Prime has amazingly impressive armor; Vanilla Rhino has laughably pathetic armor. It's very much worth putting Steel Fiber on Rhino Prime, and not worth a mod slot for normal Rhino. Rhino has more shields than he does Health, although I'd still prioritize health on Rhino Prime simply because by then you'll have access to healing items like Large Team Health Restore. A large health pool protected by a lot of armor should give you enough response time to address whatever situation is about to kill you rather than being killed by it. Increasing your Shields through redirection is nice, but not mandatory if you'd rather slot something else. Naturally a Rhino Prime with Vitality, Steel Fiber, Redirection, and Iron Skin is going to be very sturdy and difficult to take down, and holds his own as a tank even against level 80+ enemies. Intelligent use of Charge and Stomp will keep you vertical. 


Streamline and Fleeting Expertise should be your first projects as a new player in general. Both of these mods will reduce your energy usage significantly, meaning that you will be more flexible in combat as you'll be able to use your powers much more frequently. You don't need to max rank Fleeting Expertise as the energy efficiency cap is set at 75%, meaning that your powers costs will be reduced by 75%. Most people leave Fleeting Expertise at Rank 4 or 5, depending on how much of a duration hit they're willing to take. Steamline can be maxed. 

Stretch should be all you need for Rhino Stomp and Charge to make their area of effect larger. Overextended tends to feel like overkill when I'm flying across the entire map for trying to knock over a key enemy. Overextended also reduces your Power Strength, which will hurt your Iron Skin. 

For Aura's you'll likely want Corrosive Projection so that fighting high level Grineer with their absurd scaling armor isn't a giant annoying chore. Steel Charge (aura that increases melee damage) is also fun, and I'm of the opinion that Rhino lends himself well towards favoring close range combat. Jat Kittag is probably my favorite melee weapon for Rhino as it compliments his role as the guy who knocks everything down. The Hek and Tigris Shotguns are also good options for a mid-range Rhino. Sniper Rifles like the Vectis Prime are also still very powerful even at close range, and give you the option of falling back as a Sniper for very open maps. I tend to sort of... ignore secondaries, so I'm not great advice there.

Energy Siphon is a cute little aura that can be completely replaced by Large Team Energy Restores. Over 60 seconds it should restore about 36 energy, which isn't bad, but I'm not of the opinion that it's necessary either. I'd rather smash enemies with my hammer more efficiently, or not be obliterated by high level Grineer and their stupid armor scaling. 

Finally, be aware that Rhino has a bit of a reputation as the "noob-frame", and players will be sketchy about letting you join their missions. It's not that Rhino is really bad, it's just that he's often the first frame new players acquire and that means that the types of mistakes a new player makes while learning the game are usually displayed as a Rhino. Don't let it discourage you. People suck.

Also, don't be too jealous of Valkyr.  

Edited by Acos
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That's all.

This. And also, Be the guy who loves his team. Protect them. You're not gonna die easily but your team can so stomp when your team is surrounded and roar whenever your team is close to you in high level missions.

Get a well balanced build that has good range and str and you will be good to go.

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