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Some Guns Need What They Deserve.. Not A Nerf Thread


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First of all Wanna thank you DE for the amazing second dream update, I almost cried in the ending, but thats not the reason I want you guys to read this.


So, I know you guys are trying your best for it and yet a multiplayer game is never %100 balanced, even chess is not perfectly balanced but still, you guys can do a lot of things to improve, but All I can do is write this so please, listen.
All you gonna lose is 3 minutes or even less.

because right now getting the best gun in the game is as easy as this:
''WTB SOMA PRIME'' and boom, done, you have the best gun in the game. Enjoy doing the top dps in tier 4(and some jerk will come out and say ''boltor prime is better blah blah'' I DONT CARE DUDE, I DONT CARE)

in the last devstream we all heard that soma prime was the most used gun on the PC server.which was sad for me.Since I hate guns that take no skill,Im a cs player for years and I hate no skill big reward system in games.

Personally I love using my supra Its 5 formad and I have a greater lens on it since I mostly use it because Its the only gun That hits anything but your target,It has ridicilous recoil, worst accuracy in the game, but still the damage is laughable when you compare it to soma p or boltor prime(and those are perfectly accurate guns)
And Im asking, why most clan tech weapons are just like supra, they all suffer, ALL GUNS in the game suffer, because SOMA P and BOLTOR P exist and outperform everything else.

And yes this is a thread I ask buffs for supra.And I have both soma p and boltor p. I can just switch weapons and be as strong as other tennos but I love the pew pew sounds of supra, I love the outrageous recoil and inaccuracy, I just wished that maybe, just maybe this gun awarded me for all the trouble I got using it and did some decent damage.
Supra needs this buff, Vasto and Vasto Prime need this too, sybaris needs it.latron prime needs it.Those guns feel awesome,they have players using them yet they are outdamaged even for single shooting targets soma prime performs better than them. 

Edit:shortened the wall of text, since nobody actually cares, I don't  give a damn about you using an op gun, I just don't get why harder guns are not even close to be considered good.

Edited by TRagnar
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Uhhhhhh... CS is not a PvE game and that is not a good comparison. The point is not that Soma is easy to use, hek, everygun is easy to use. Click the mouse and thing dies, since they won't dodge or hide like real people, and simply Soma Prime make things die faster. People need things to die faster to get more stuff. That's all.

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Uhhhhhh... CS is not a PvE game and that is not a good comparison. The point is not that Soma is easy to use, hek, everygun is easy to use. Click the mouse and thing dies, since they won't dodge or hide like real people, and simply Soma Prime make things die faster. People need things to die faster to get more stuff. That's all.

I didn't compared this game to cs.Obviously cs is a fps game that MUST have a great balance but come on Its just stupid that you have to get into a clan, get to master rank 7, get a bunch of materials, spend formas on a weapon that sucks compared to the boltor prime which is worth 30-40 plat to buy.

And NO, not everyone is thinking like you. not all of us play the game for grinding 7/24 for loot.I find some guns really fun to use,It changes  I don't want nerfs for some tryhard press mouse1 to win weapons. I just want a tiny little buff for pretty much everything else.

come on Its not a wrong change imo.

Edited by TRagnar
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And NO, not everyone is like you. not all of us play the game for grinding 7/24 for loot. I don't want nerfs for your tryhard press mouse1 to win weapon. I just want a tiny little buff for pretty much everything else.


Sorry, I am not against buff, but if your justification is "OMG NOOB GUN", then it's not very convincing. Maybe the reason a gun is used a lot because they Forma-ed it and don't have enough time/money to forma other guns? You just jump on the bandwagon that all people who uses Soma and Boltor Prime is noob, and then wanting too buff your favourite weapon. Have you ever considered that someone like the aesthetic of the Boltor Prime and Soma Prime?

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So you basically want your 5-forma Supra to function exactly like the Soma Prime, but you don't want it to be as good because you fear being labeled a Try-Hard.

But you're also mad at the fact that the Soma is better and that it's easier to obtain....I'm so confused by your salt

Im not salty.

I don't want my supra to perform like a soma prime,

I want it to be actually decent after spending 5 forma on it.

I just want to be able to use something else instead of soma prime. Im using soma prime for almost a damn year and Im just bored of it. I said lets try something else and since I like machine guns a lot tried to create a supra, then I realized ıt sucks so I spent a lot of formas on it to see how It performs which shocked me because It was Waaaaay worse even when you hit all the bullet which would never happen with that crazy recoil, And even with that I liked how It made a lazer wall in front of your enemy and the ''pew pew'' sound of the gun and started using it instead of my good old soma prime.

So I don't have any hate to soma prime, I just want that other alternatives can be viable as well.

İs it that hard to understand?


Edited by TRagnar
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Sorry, I am not against buff, but if your justification is "OMG NOOB GUN", then it's not very convincing. Maybe the reason a gun is used a lot because they Forma-ed it and don't have enough time/money to forma other guns? You just jump on the bandwagon that all people who uses Soma and Boltor Prime is noob, and then wanting too buff your favourite weapon. Have you ever considered that someone like the aesthetic of the Boltor Prime and Soma Prime?

Sorry that I'm a bit misunderstood, Im not trying to say OMG NOOB GUN. I respect the people that use the gun and I have to respect since I also used the gun for a really long time.The gun is used a lot because It has crazy high damage and almost no weakness imo. Which doesn't bug me but when you try to find an alternative LMGto soma series, supra is the most close thing to it and comparing the two is just feeling sad.

And while both soma and boltor prime has good aesthetics they don't have anything ''unique'' about them. 

We all want to feel ''unique'' in some way. We customize our warframes,use syadanas and helmets so that we can feel unique.

Weapon choices is a part of that. And limiting the top level gameplay with 2 guns is a bit boring.

I like the diversity of different guns and seeing stuff like rubico,tonkor,tigris or sybaris actually used by some people makes me feel good because believe me diversity is a good thing.

And yes this is a biased post where I want buffs to my favorite gun. And when you think about that a little accuracy buff wouldn't kill the balance.


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Your credibility went out the window the second you started to hate people who enjoy using Soma Prime and Boltor Prime. 

 I don't hate the people, I just hate how that guns kill the diversity.

I don't really care what you guys think about me, Im just a guy who plays this game casually , for fun.

I have a little clan that I play with 10 or maybe 15 close friends and all we do is try different things all day, to explore the game. to enjoy it. İnstead of doing 20 hours of draco and void.

Im sick of hearing things like ''whats that bullS#&$ weapon you use'' or ''get a real gun bro'' thats the reason I opened this thread

And I also know that my opinion is really biased. But still I don't care since Its truth.nobody uses anything else.

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 I don't hate the people, I just hate how that guns kill the diversity.

I don't really care what you guys think about me, Im just a guy who plays this game casually , for fun.

I have a little clan that I play with 10 or maybe 15 close friends and all we do is try different things all day, to explore the game. to enjoy it. İnstead of doing 20 hours of draco and void.

Im sick of hearing things like ''whats that bullS#&$ weapon you use'' or ''get a real gun bro'' thats the reason I opened this thread

And I also know that my opinion is really biased. But still I don't care since Its truth.nobody uses anything else.

No, its not the truth. Its your opinion, there is a difference. I'm getting really tired of people judging others based on what weapon they use. It doesn't affect you at all, so it shouldn't matter. 

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No, its not the truth. Its your opinion, there is a difference. I'm getting really tired of people judging others based on what weapon they use. It doesn't affect you at all, so it shouldn't matter. 

then Im telling again,  I DONT CARE WHAT YOU USE AS A WEAPON. can you read it now?

I said NOT A NERF THREAD. can you read that before you go in?

I want buffs, for other fun guns, I want them to be enjoyable without getting the level of soma or boltor prime.

Sigh..Forget it guys, keep using only 2 guns, Im sure it will be years of fun. no really have fun. who needs a difference right?

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then Im telling again,  I DONT CARE WHAT YOU USE AS A WEAPON. can you read it now?

I said NOT A NERF THREAD. can you read that before you go in?

I want buffs, for other fun guns, I want them to be enjoyable without getting the level of soma or boltor prime.

Sigh..Forget it guys, keep using only 2 guns, Im sure it will be years of fun. no really have fun. who needs a difference right?

Since you created this thread then you obviously do care. The Latron Prime, and Sybaris doesn't need a buff. They're good weapons as they are. The Vasto Prime could use a dmg buff.  The term "fun" is subjective and different for every person. What you find fun is not fun for other people. You want people to take you seriously? Cut out the ranting, and specifically lay out the weapons that you feel could use a buff and what kind of buff they should get. 

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first off, chess is perfectly balanced because both players have the exact same pieces and can make the exact same moves, the only difference is the skill levels and inherent knowledge of the players, which is always going to be inherently different and therefore cannot be considered when judging balance.


second, the soma p is not "the best gun in the game", it's top tier, but it's not "the best", no weapon is "the best", because everybody has different playstyles, For example: my vaykor hek can one-shot a level 80 grineer lancer at point blank, whereas my soma p needs multiple shots, so I say my vaykor hek is better than my soma p, and thus I use my vaykor hek more often. For you see, "the best" is subjective, what we perceive as "the best" is dependent on our playstyles and mods and individual taste in weapons.

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Sorry that I'm a bit misunderstood, Im not trying to say OMG NOOB GUN. I respect the people that use the gun and I have to respect since I also used the gun for a really long time.The gun is used a lot because It has crazy high damage and almost no weakness imo. Which doesn't bug me but when you try to find an alternative LMGto soma series, supra is the most close thing to it and comparing the two is just feeling sad.

And while both soma and boltor prime has good aesthetics they don't have anything ''unique'' about them. 

We all want to feel ''unique'' in some way. We customize our warframes,use syadanas and helmets so that we can feel unique.

Weapon choices is a part of that. And limiting the top level gameplay with 2 guns is a bit boring.

I like the diversity of different guns and seeing stuff like rubico,tonkor,tigris or sybaris actually used by some people makes me feel good because believe me diversity is a good thing.

And yes this is a biased post where I want buffs to my favorite gun. And when you think about that a little accuracy buff wouldn't kill the balance.


maybe not full auto guns, but there are more than just those two primaries that are used in high level stuff.


btw, im not disagreeing with you, please buff the supra, ive always wanted to use it, never got around to it, id love if they did a balance patch and gave alot of guns a little bit of love

Edited by Arenzo4
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To be fair it IS depressing that the most used weapons are Soma Prime and Boltor Prime. MR12 those bad boys and BOOM problem solved!

New players get one and never go back... Kinda detracts from DE creating all this variety in the face of tier whoring. (How many "discovered" those two vs was told they were top tier and went mainstream)

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There are plenty of other weapons besides soma and boltor. Weapons that are far more viable at higher levels at that. People who think that soma is god tier basically never leave low level content. That's the story of all the guns in those "most played" lists. Because "most players" are...


BTW, Supra has DPS that's competitive with Boltor P. If it gets buffed so that your playstyle of shoot everything but your target still kills things, guess what you just made. The new soma/boltor/noobgun.

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I call BS on the Latron prime needing a buff, that gun is fantastic, well worth the time I spent farming it.


Soma and Boltor prime are great weapons, but I find them boring to use. if you want both endgame DPS and fun, Shotguns are the way to go IMO. few things are as fun as blasting a Level 60 Heavy Gunner with a Sancti Tigris and watching as she hits the deck like a sack of reactors.


also, you can easily make the Supra powerful. it just requires more investment, which I'm assuming you aren't up for, since you're asking for DE to do it for you instead. how about you just throw some more Forma and Mods in there and build it for more Damage and Accuracy?


some might also argue that Soma Prime should be more powerful because it's a Prime weapon and requires favourable RNG, whereas anyone with a Dojo can just research the Supra. personally I don't believe it that much, but it makes sense that harder-to-get weapons should be slightly better in some aspects than weapons that are more easily obtainable.

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First of all Wanna thank you DE for the amazing second dream update, I almost cried in the ending, but thats not the reason I want you guys to read this.

So, I know you guys are trying your best for it and yet a multiplayer game is never %100 balanced, even chess is not perfectly balanced but still, you guys can do a lot of things to improve, but All I can do is write this so please, listen.

All you gonna lose is 3 minutes or even less.

because right now getting the best gun in the game is as easy as this:

''WTB SOMA PRIME'' and boom, done, you have the best gun in the game. Enjoy doing the top dps in tier 4(and some jerk will come out and say ''boltor prime is better blah blah'' I DONT CARE DUDE, I DONT CARE)

in the last devstream we all heard that soma prime was the most used gun on the PC server.which was sad for me.Since I hate guns that take no skill,Im a cs player for years and I hate no skill big reward system in games. *SNIPPETY SNIP SNAP*

I recently dumped 5 forma to my supra as well.

Using Vauban with black/white colors and making supra black is the most authentic stormtrooper cosplay u can do in this game.

U shoot a lot but can't hit a thing.

Edited by Captain-Amazing
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The Boltor and Soma aren't even end-all-be-all like people think they are. I use Dread, Vaykor Hek, Synoid Simulor, Tonkor (tonkor is probably top 3), Sancti Tigris, LatronP/LatronW or even a Vectis Prime and they all work fine in T4. The game is only as fun as you make it. 

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The Boltor and Soma aren't even end-all-be-all like people think they are. I use Dread, Vaykor Hek, Synoid Simulor, Tonkor (tonkor is probably top 3), Sancti Tigris, LatronP/LatronW or even a Vectis Prime and they all work fine in T4. The game is only as fun as you make it.

This this and this all day.

Also, Soma requires to land headshots in order to play it properly.

Furthermore, as people stated there are plenty of weapons that can be tied, if not better than those two (I consider the Braton Prime a clear example of this as how it can destroy enemies).

I wonder if you bother to max any weapon in the game and see all its potential, if not, then you would be surprised.

Ps: I main a Braton player btw, but Ive always been a Soma lover because of headshots, and I honestly don't see those two weapons you mentioned as "endgame viable". Also, Latron does not need any kind of buff (status + CRAZY crit multiplier), same for Vasto, it is really fast and hybrid viable, as well as deals high damage.

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