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Who Isn't Going To Buy Or Farm For Nezha Out Of Principle?


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Finally tried Ivara Yesterday and Wukong still cooking in the foundry.

As for Nezha i think i'm just gonna buy him from other player maybe 2-3 months from now, after the price settle down. lol

it just Nezha skillset doesn't appeal much to me, and i really think sortie just wasting my daily playing time. xD

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My opinions about this subject are quite meaningless as I will have a lot of time. 2 weeks to get stuff done. So knowing that Nezha can only be gotten from sorties is barely meaningless. Although I am a bit worried about Nitain extract since it is difficult to catch it every 6 hours. Even if I do sleep only six hours but well nothing is perfect.

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I never understand the complaint about how its to much to keep up with you have a sorti that takes an hour to do and the point of focus is to get it while doing other things and it says it is in beta.

It is entitlement it is people wanting it now now now. Just read the post people complaining about how many spy missions they have to run or how many sorties they have to do or how much natain they have to get... When you have a free to play game and you make it to where all the content can be experienced within the first two or three days it comes out without spending any money how do you expect them to stay in business? It's not like there's only one or two frames in the game and you have to wait months to be able to get the other frames. They basically released three frames within 2 months and people are complaining they can't have all three within 2 or 3 days. What sense does that make when most the people will get the frame level it up and then never touch it again and go back to their favorite frame I mean really how many wukongs have u seen?

I mean really how hard is it to do 2 OR 3 spy missions and a sorti here and a natain alert there ... Its only hard if you have no patience and you want to be able to get a frame within a day and not support the game by any means on a free-to-play model just take a look at what you're asking for and really think about it do you really think the game will still be here if that if it was so easy

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I think it's perfectly fine.

Grind is a part of this game, and I'd rather have different methods of grind instead of slaying bosses all the time.

The parts are tradable as well, so that opens up the trade market too.

This isn't another case of Booben.

We have a spoiled community that want instant gratification.

I could not say it better

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I really don't get why people are so spoiled as of late.  Nitain and Nezha just brought out the worst in people.


I always find it funny when people complain about Nitain in particular, as if it's some impossible resource, while my friend who has been swamped with finals has made all the things that require Nitain so far.

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Loreless frames. lol who cares its a grind game with story slapped to it. There is no real depth other than DE holding off from giving meaning to things to create the illusion of value after sometime. Even before the second dream or any "lore" quest - what LORE was there truly in this game?

*Clears throat*


Ember, Rhino, Excalibur, Mag codex'


Synthesis targets


An in-game language no one noticed for two years (Which took an actual expert in language deciphering to even notice)


Tiny hints in the void 


Tiny hints in dialogue


And did I mention that we knew about the revelation for over a year and a half?

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My main issue is that the sortie has a whole is a stupid system.


Take a mission type, boost the lvl of the mob, put a modifier on, 3 mission later a reward.


Do that and MEABY JUST MEABY get something you haven't gotten yet.


Why is there even a god damn list of item that turn green if you are to get it again the next day?


Why would in not be like a actual way to reduce grind by taking out those item you just got?


It would make clan a actual asset by having the same people playing together, in the same way making clan actually revelant.

And when taking a PUG just make so that its on the Host that the loot table is taken.

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Nezha is currently the only frame I don't have so I really would like to grind for him. That being said you can grind for him in a more obscure way being that you could farm prime parts, sell them for plat, and buy the Nezha parts from other players like that. The pieces are only going for like 40 a piece so it isn't too bad. Overall, if you buy them from players it will cost you about 160-200 plat (warframe+reactor) saving you 75p/$5 from the shop.

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*Clears throat*


Ember, Rhino, Excalibur, Mag codex'


Synthesis targets


An in-game language no one noticed for two years (Which took an actual expert in language deciphering to even notice)


Tiny hints in the void 


Tiny hints in dialogue


And did I mention that we knew about the revelation for over a year and a half?


I was here before the codex was even implemented.

I'm pointing out:



Its a game.


It has a story that is being worked on here and there.


New characters are INTRODUCED in stories and YOU PROGRESS IN THEM (in this case as DE progressively develops their background).


In the case of this game, with the ABUNDANCE of ASIAN INFLUENCES - I find Wukong and Nezha to be expected regardless of "Warframe China."

We were going to get Chinese based characters at some point, maybe not Wukong or Nezha but they would have still be Eastern Asian in origin.


So who gives a flying wukong about warframes that don't have "lore" slapped onto them from the get-go? None of these warframes had solid lore from their release. You know what they had? Short descriptions like Volt's funny &#! being summarized as an "alternative to gun play."




tl;dr - What Stalker?

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So here is what I have read up to this point.


1) People are mad at having to do sorties for Nezha. Most likely because they can't complete them.

2) People are mad at the lore behind Chinese-Warframe frames. Because...well,....who the hell knows?

3) People are mad at DE for making us play sorties. Because why in the hell would DE want us to play with the new toys in the game? How dare they?

4) People are mad at DE that they cannot pop in a catheter, toast some pop tarts and grind until their eyes explode to be able to complete a new frame on day 1. Noone cares why.

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For now I will probably wait and see what I get. Since sortie rewards have always been dera/karak pieces, I don't expect to get nezha's pieces so I will probably just buy him after Christmas. If it was actually possible for a MR21 to get a 50-75% then I'd probably get him now, but with the luck I've had, it seems impossible.

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I really don't get why people are so spoiled as of late.  Nitain and Nezha just brought out the worst in people.


I always find it funny when people complain about Nitain in particular, as if it's some impossible resource, while my friend who has been swamped with finals has made all the things that require Nitain so far.


Possibly in part of the holidays and limited free time folks have. 


Nitain Extractors?


Wasn't too fond on idea at first. Now that I see the frequency on he alert I'm chill with it.


My guess the salt flow was mainly, from what I scanned post wise, from inflated clannies with a lot dead players.


I have no sympathy for such clans, especially now have option to downgrade.


Nezha in Sorties?


First was a bit salty... till I recalled "all sortie rewards are trade-able/Nezha is perma reward"


Now is just matter of trading parts I'll need to cook Nezha <3


If DE really wanted to be the Grinch of Christmas on this month they could made Nezha nontrade-able


Just like they did when Archwing parts could be traded ~

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The issue is more that DE had one of the best market policies when it came to a free to play game.  With Nezha they are pressing up on the glass door of the room all the bad free to play models are in.  

They are standing right on that very line of what is a good free to play model for everyone and what is only good for the company. Leaving them only one step before they are in the room of the bad free to play models.

As a founder this is largely disappointing trend to see DE creeping closer and closer to the bad models, especially when they started with such a good one.


As to Nezha; his gain is a huge double edged sword, it is something players want initially but once they have a piece the part becomes next to worthless filler.  Sure you can trade the parts and make a little platinum that is capped by the market itself as well (unlike prime gear that is only trade or farm)


It also segregates player types:

- players that have only a small amount of time per day will need to spend it just doing sorties every day (not a good way to be diverse, part of the point of sorties)

- players with only time on their weekends to play will get fewer opportunities to actually try and get the parts (unlike other parts where they can do multiple runs when they have time, just like players that have small amounts of time daily) thus taking exponentially longer to get one of the games "characters".

- Players with a lot of play time every day are not really all that affected at all (and this seems to be the group DE are trying to slow down, rather than accept that they do have the play time every day and not hinder everyone just to curb this group).


This isn't helped while some at DE are saying the heavy grind and RNG reliance isn't what they want, all the while adding more and more to the game.  Leading players to wonder are they just stringing us along or are those saying they dont want the excessive reliance on grind and RNG not the ones actually making the decisions at the end of the day? Resulting in eroding player trust in the developers.

Edited by Loswaith
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It's pushed me to take a break from the game altogether.  I only started playing a few months ago but I've scarcely missed a day with how much fun I've been having.  I've also bought plat since I feel like DE's efforts are worth supporting.  To be clear, I have absolutely no problem with the developers of a free-to-play game creating an incentive to use their cash shop.  The game is free, and as free games go I think it's great.  But I realized when I purchased Ivara with platinum after hearing horror stories about doing 50 or more spy missions before getting a single part that I was choosing to pay money instead of play DE's game.  I'm not knocking anyone who prefers to purchase weapons and frames with platinum, but I personally got a much greater sense of satisfaction from finding the parts I needed for any given item, not buying it outright.  I prefer a sense of progression to giving DE my credit card to play with the newest toy they released.


Nezha being a sortie reward helps no one.  If you don't like the frame and have no plans to acquire it like me, then it's still watering down the loot table and decreasing the odds of getting something you want.  Sure his parts will be worth plat for the next week or so, but once supply catches up to demand, the value will decrease sharply.  If you do like the frame, good luck getting all the parts in a timely manner without either trading (likely for plat, which chances are you paid for unless you're in trade for hours each day wheeling and dealing) or buying it off the market.


All of that aside, it's a decision I disagree with because I feel it represents a new direction the developers are taking when it comes to incentivizing their cash shop.  The last three frames released have all had some means of delaying their acquisition that have never before been implemented.  In my limited time playing, my efforts to acquire new frames have always involved killing things over and over until I get what I want.  It could take a day, it could take a week.  But I was doing something, working toward that thing, the entire time.  Now, it's basically down to luck unless you want to pay for it.  And if you do, that's fine.  It's your money and how you choose to spend it, how you choose to support DE, and what business practices of theirs you positively reinforce are your decision.


As for me, I don't see them stopping this behavior any time soon, if at all.  When I began playing this game, there was a distinct feeling that I would never be shoved into their marketplace to buy anything because whatever I wanted could be earned by throwing sheer, mindless effort at it if need be.  That's no longer the case, and because of that I no longer feel the desire to support their game.  But that's just, like, my opinion, man.

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Meh, I see nothing wrong with how Nezha was added into the game.

I do agree with a previous post of how we have a spoiled community who expects instant gratification. Not only that, but keep in mind that the way this game has done F2P is extremely well done. Sure you can eveverything with plat, but that's the beauty of it, you don't HAVE to buy it, you can just farm everything.

As for the sorties, they are simply high lvl content based on the true core of the game (unlike AW) and I actually enjoy those.

Saying that, I stopped farming a while ago for just about anything. Now I simply run anything I find ejoyable and sell those rewards to trade for the other items I desire. Law of retribution? NOPE. Endless waves of t2s? Not me. Vault runs? I'll pass.

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I do intend to buy Nezha. But out of principle I don't plan to farm it. I don't even want to play sorties unless I am realy bored. And I am not goung to get it from trade unless someone decides to give me the pieces without expecting plat or something important in exchange. To be honest, grinding bothers me more than paying. However I support those who won't even try to get Nezha out of principle. I support their freedom to decide and I support their decision to make a statement because I am mad at the way Nezha and Sorties in general have been implemented.

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