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Why Don't We Have More Support Warframes?


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Trinity, Mag (if you count the shield polarize) and Vauban (only because he can tesla another warfarme) seem to be the only ones, correct me if I'm wrong. Would be nice to see a Warframe that can passively or actively buff the whole team and/or debuff  the enemies.

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gameplay doesn't support true support frames.

at best we have 1 maybe 2 support like skills that offer utility  per frame.


cant be support when your team is jetting all over  maps and walls at 100 kmh. 

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Plenty of support classes out there, just a few know how and when to be supportive. Some are mere rambo and soloists with a "forever alone" mood 24/7. Some will only support their favorites, be it their friend or clan member. Some will just keep spamming support skills when they don't even need them, yet they run out of energy when they need them most. Can't win can you?

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In actuality the only true support waframe is Trinity as it is the only one where all of its skills are designed around supporting the team.



I love this idea the CEO should add another Warframe that is like how you describe it maybe it could have powers like heal all of the team or heal it's self!


Heals are good but Trinity has that covered and its not the onyl form of support. Boosting attack range, damage, armor, shields etc are other viable alternatives. It can be done without making the Warframe op. Passive abilities or long duration buffs would be welcome and shorter term large boosts could be the deciding factor in preventing a mission failure.

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There are lots of supportive skills, people just ignore them and pewpew.


Excalibur Blind 

Banshee sonar

frost snow globe

Loki Decoy / Disarm

Nyx mind control/Chaos

Rhino stomp

saryn molt

volt shield


..and thats not even all of them.

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There are lots of supportive skills, people just ignore them and pewpew...


I am not talking of supportive skills I am talking of support Warframes. Trinity is the only one who's entire skillset is based on support of the team.

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I am not talking of supportive skills I am talking of support Warframes. Trinity is the only one who's entire skillset is based on support of the team.

Well, not many people want to play like that in a game where, currently, if you're not doing damage you're setting up to do damage on a bullet-sponge boss.

It's too niche of a Frame right now.

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Well, not many people want to play like that in a game where, currently, if you're not doing damage you're setting up to do damage on a bullet-sponge boss.

It's too niche of a Frame right now.

It's niche-ness isn't helped by the fact the only support frame(I would consider only trinity as everything has something to either boost self attack or out right deals damage) is only got a niche of its own in that it's only good for bosses and irritatingly tanking like a boss. Personally support frames would work much better if they had a similar effect to blessing where it has a good/ decent AoE for the buffs/ De-buffs. rather then single target skills.

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It's niche-ness isn't helped by the fact the only support frame(I would consider only trinity as everything has something to either boost self attack or out right deals damage) is only got a niche of its own in that it's only good for bosses and irritatingly tanking like a boss. Personally support frames would work much better if they had a similar effect to blessing where it has a good/ decent AoE for the buffs/ De-buffs. rather then single target skills.

Precisely, my friend.

Until this game becomes more...organized? it will have little use for a support character.

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Precisely, my friend.

Until this game becomes more...organized? it will have little use for a support character.

I don't think organization is the key(though it would help but that's what clans are for i'd assume) it's more the skills need to be made better

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I guess it would be a difficult to balance solo play vs with a team but I think it can be done.
Who wouldn't want a tema witha Warframe that can buff your shields, armor or damage just by being near them. You could also make this Warframe able to survive on its own by making it it boost itself more than the team.



I don't think organization is the key(though it would help but that's what clans are for i'd assume) it's more the skills need to be made better

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Supports are just not needed in any capacity at the moment. Don't get me wrong, i mostly prefer the back-seat supportive roles, but Warframe - as it currently stands - is waaay too easy overall. Only defense missions require some measure of organization, and even there, cc and massive aoe damage is prefered over anything else.


Our frames are powerful. We can clear out rooms with the press of a button, and even the weakest of frames can take a beating with a health and shield mod. So the question is: how much supportive power would balance out the loss of a non-support damage dealing member? As content currently stands? Waay too much.

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I guess it would be a difficult to balance solo play vs with a team but I think it can be done.

Who wouldn't want a tema witha Warframe that can buff your shields, armor or damage just by being near them. You could also make this Warframe able to survive on its own by making it it boost itself more than the team.

Ehhh maybe but it can be mitigated by the fact enemies are weaker solo compared to multi-player.

That sounds like an awesome idea, but I'd rather that be a new frame (more variety). That way Trinity can get the love it needs with buff's/ alterations to it's single target skills and we keep a dedicated healer, with a bonus to a new frame!


Supports are just not needed in any capacity at the moment. Don't get me wrong, i mostly prefer the back-seat supportive roles, but Warframe - as it currently stands - is waaay too easy overall. Only defense missions require some measure of organization, and even there, cc and massive aoe damage is prefered over anything else.


Our frames are powerful. We can clear out rooms with the press of a button, and even the weakest of frames can take a beating with a health and shield mod. So the question is: how much supportive power would balance out the loss of a non-support damage dealing member? As content currently stands? Waay too much.

Hopefully the difficulty tab mentioned in the last live stream(cant remember if it was mentioned before then) changes that, have to give newbies a chance. since "end game" is currently endless defence in infected maps, all you really need is a nyx. I've done pub games where I carried the team with a well modded nyx, energy siphon(was at least two given the regen rate), two garbage guns and chaos to wave 25(and even then we only had to actually give a little effort on wave 25). The other three coulda been Trinitys and the out come would been the same.


Actually as content currently stands two well buffed people can do the work of four. I play trinity mostly so I notice a negligible difference when I swap to another frame. If a new one was added that had skills that gave other buffs (mentioned over and over in who know's how many threads) so long as it was done well it would probably be a welcome sight for sore eyes.

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That sounds like an awesome idea, but I'd rather that be a new frame (more variety). That way Trinity can get the love it needs with buff's/ alterations to it's single target skills and we keep a dedicated healer, with a bonus to a new frame!





Sorry I was not implying that we need to change Trinity. I would actually want to see one more options for a support Warframe. We currently have more than one choice (in some cases more than two) for the roles of tank, melee heavy combat, assassin, crowd control, caster.

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I'd say the real support frames, those of which who are mostly devoted to it, are Trinity, Nyx, Vauban, and maybe Banshee. The others may have some supportive abilities, but these 3 or 4 are more devoted to it.


That being said, I'd like to see a frame that effects other frames in terms of weapons instead of health.

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Sorry I was not implying that we need to change Trinity. I would actually want to see one more options for a support Warframe. We currently have more than one choice (in some cases more than two) for the roles of tank, melee heavy combat, assassin, crowd control, caster.

Ah sorry about that, didn't know! thank you for fixing that. ^.^ but yes highly agreed.

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I'd say the real support frames, those of which who are mostly devoted to it, are Trinity, Nyx, Vauban, and maybe Banshee. The others may have some supportive abilities, but these 3 or 4 are more devoted to it.


That being said, I'd like to see a frame that effects other frames in terms of weapons instead of health.

Agreed and disagreed.

Trinity is the most attuned to it as not a single skill does damage. 

Nyx is pretty much just crowd control.

Banshee is kinda aimed at it but one skill is useless(silence), while two others are for damage or crowd control, the only one for support being sonar

Vauban, i have to go by what i've seen, but all i ever see are tesla and vortex, both are damage outputers. bounce was nerfed to a very weak super jump, and i've never seen bastille aside from being used as an energy dump before extracting.

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