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Annoying Half-Hour Exterm/deception Missions.


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See title.


So, I was playing a deception mission on pluto. Very quick and easy most of the time, and I was looking forward to unlocking the next tileset so easily. As in some Deception missions, you get a low number of enemies to kill after delivering the payload. Pre U18 it was very easy, seeing as they didn't do what they did in this mission. I was heading towards the enemies listed on my minimap, and I noted something. The enemies were literally spawning BEHIND ME. I the areas I had already gone to, I had to run back to kill one spawned enemy.


The mission ended up being half-an-hour. Really? A deception? What is wrong with exterminate now? I loved U18 and the story it brought, but now exterminate or deception missions take forever sometimes. It's ridiculous.



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they aren't spawning behind you, they just aren't despawning behind you.


DE messed with the spawns to prevent stacking mobs at the end for mucho stealth affinity bonuses and focus gain. It was a poor decision as exterms and such take way longer. Did a sortie exterm where we literally had to run back to the beginning, kill one mob, and then could run back to the exit to leave.


The stealth changes have worked out okay imo but this one is annoying and time consuming when exterms already were frustrating in this regard.

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they aren't spawning behind you, they just aren't despawning behind you.

I can confirm that they do indeed spawn behind.

As I was going back to kill that one enemy, the moment I killed him, I saw another just pop up around 5 meters from me, within my field of view.


Also, I'm running with Enemy Sense + Animal Instinct (48m enemy radar). And as someone who plays with his eyes 70-80% of the time on the radar, I see them spawn out of nowhere all the time.

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Not sure if this is a spawn issue or a mini map issue. Even before the stealth changes & before U18 this issue existed. Have to run a long way back in a mission to kill certain mobs to complete an exterminate mission which is quite frustrating.

You're right, it has always been an issue every once in a while... But now the problem is at least 10 times worse.

DE made one of the quickest game modes into something not really worth the trouble.

I really hope they revert the changes, and just except the fact that they will lose another game mode to unpopularity if they do not.

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Well good this thing is finally fixed an exploit to enemy spawning.


I'm sad every time I read about this change and how people have to waste their time and even fail missions because of it. DE, please undo this so it won't be in our next PS4 build. :'(

Please don't make me laugh the only players who don't like this change are the ones who exploit the enemy spawns for exp, and focus points, other than that I don't understand how enemy not despawning behind is a bad thing? killing enemies isn't even that hard in the star chart to begin with if you had at least decent gear 

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Was doing exterm, we made it all the way to the end just to notice we were missing 28 enemies, We went searching all over the place for them while 1 was standing on the platform to lazy to move. Then by the time we got all the way to to the beginning 10 enemies Spawned In front of the guy waiting at the exit 2-3 min AFTER we went searching for the missing enemies. The rest would spawn in groups of 1-2 ever 30-40 sec. I would say this is defiantly a spawn issue.

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Well good this thing is finally fixed an exploit to enemy spawning.


Please don't make me laugh the only players who don't like this change are the ones who exploit the enemy spawns for exp, and focus points, other than that I don't understand how enemy not despawning behind is a bad thing? killing enemies isn't even that hard in the star chart to begin with if you had at least decent gear 


Yeah, you don't get it.

 The problem is enemies DO spawn behind you. I am pretty sure nobody loves playing this new back and forth style of exterminate mission and "decent gear" makes no difference to enemy spawning locations.


The problem is NOT that enemies don't despawn (although I wish they still did) it is that they keep spawning behind you. every. damn. time.

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Well good this thing is finally fixed an exploit to enemy spawning.


Please don't make me laugh the only players who don't like this change are the ones who exploit the enemy spawns for exp, and focus points, other than that I don't understand how enemy not despawning behind is a bad thing? killing enemies isn't even that hard in the star chart to begin with if you had at least decent gear 

So exploit really is coming down to whiney toned people not remembering their own patch notes in favor of complaining about these elusive power gamers....


THe whole change to moving spawns (fun fact, the mobs don't despawn or teleport, they just get walked at high speed and ignoring obstacles, you used to be able to catch this every so often with screen recorders or AOE fire and knockdowns in front of the doors they would go through.) was because of this very issue, just as with the 2nd most recent reversion on stealth.

All that's going on is telling people to go power play Draco or AFK with limbo using cataclysm on Mercury to go off and kill spawns.

Its once more shooting in the foot in the name of "power gaming wrecking my visions" of how the game should be played.

Its Canada, you have guns and good medical, the staff at DE really needs to do an intervention and help the sufferers to the hospital and get the gnarled tissue and mental issues looked at.




I ran a few invasion missions today and noticed the changes. The amount of backtracking required in them now is insane. Killing enemies isn't an issue it's pacing.

Its real easy to test to using a max range saryn and cleaning the rooms as you go, then seeing them spawn far to the rear as you go.

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The sabotage Sortie yesterday was a nightmare because of the spawning system.

you'd have limited time left when you came to the end of the maps and *bam* a Grineer decided to spawn back at the first freaking tile set were the start of the map was.


It didn't help that the map was huge too :p not even a Loki speed build helped.





There was a hole here, now it's gone. I guess...  (╯°Д°)︵ ┻━┻

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Well good this thing is finally fixed an exploit to enemy spawning.


Please don't make me laugh the only players who don't like this change are the ones who exploit the enemy spawns for exp, and focus points, other than that I don't understand how enemy not despawning behind is a bad thing? killing enemies isn't even that hard in the star chart to begin with if you had at least decent gear 

The issue is that you run back and forth without any action going on.

Turning missions into a marathon simulator is not how I'd have approached it.

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Well good this thing is finally fixed an exploit to enemy spawning.

Please don't make me laugh the only players who don't like this change are the ones who exploit the enemy spawns for exp, and focus points, other than that I don't understand how enemy not despawning behind is a bad thing? killing enemies isn't even that hard in the star chart to begin with if you had at least decent gear

Do you even play this game? Please try going through an exterminate, and have the last enemy spawn in your spawn. You literally can't reach them. All you can do is abort.

Please let me know how this fixed the exploit.

On the topic of stealth exploit. Are you kidding me? The other efficient alternative to someone who can't play all the time is to draco. Do you really want people to just draco?

The spawn mechanic has not only inconvenienced exploits. It has screwed over players running missions normally. Please come up with a better excuse next time.

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Well good this thing is finally fixed an exploit to enemy spawning.

Please don't make me laugh the only players who don't like this change are the ones who exploit the enemy spawns for exp, and focus points, other than that I don't understand how enemy not despawning behind is a bad thing? killing enemies isn't even that hard in the star chart to begin with if you had at least decent gear

Don't speak for me please. I didn't know you could reap stealth kill exp before reading this topic. It didnt bother me then and it doesn't bother me now.

As someone who clearly doesn't do the above I still dislike this change simply due to what has been mentioned already. Having to go all the way back and forth. It's very time consuming and boring. It's meant to be linear.

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Well good this thing is finally fixed an exploit to enemy spawning.


Please don't make me laugh the only players who don't like this change are the ones who exploit the enemy spawns for exp, and focus points, other than that I don't understand how enemy not despawning behind is a bad thing? killing enemies isn't even that hard in the star chart to begin with if you had at least decent gear 


So, uh - One question.


In what way have these mysterious "Focus farmers" hurt you? People will always XP farm in some way, so creating a system that tears apart a stable and fast gamemode into a slow, annoying, and agonizing experience is not good.

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well, look at it this way; you'll soon learn to be VERY thorough on Exterminate runs. (and no, Ember's WoF won't guarantee a clean run., I've been on Ember runs where people escaped the flames.) 

Escape has nothing to do with it, they've made it so the spawns wont spawn ahead of you, and where you have killed.

So you have to run forward and kill everything, run back to kill the stuff that has spawned now that you are killing far away and hope nothing is loaded near the last thing you kill, else it seems to just hang and not spawn them if you are that unlucky.


Its really just a knee jerk response to people loading the ends for tonkor booms that screws over everyone else.

THe question is, where is the quality control testing here, this isn't Bethesda shipping a  product, and if people want to keep using the beta moniker, then clearly this is needing a reversion as confirmed by testers.

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Quite an annoying inconvenience. Having enemies spawn behind after clearing several rooms ahead and having to backtrack... Ugh.

And i know that ive cleared those rooms, since i went into that area, and cleaned it up already. And do you really think ivara 30m passive + enemy sense 30m + animal instinct 18m, a total of 78m radar, im really going to miss a single enemy in the middle of the room?

The spawn mechanics needs to be fixed.

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If you are playing exterminate, don't leave a room if it is still highlighted in red on the minimap and you'll never miss an enemy. Unless the map bugs out, which happens every now and then.

Git gud.

Edited by vrdwrst
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If you are playing exterminate, don't leave a room if it is still highlighted in red on the minimap and you'll never miss an enemy. Unless the map bugs out, which happens every now and then.

Git gud.


as if noone noticed that already. a few people perhaps but i mean really. Are you not reading what people are saying when they give examples.



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I was doing an Extermination on Ludi - Ceres and an enemy decided to spawn all the way to the beginning of the map. He spawned in the very first area just before a slide that forces you down and is near impossible to get back (without appropriate powers or enough speed to bypass the slide).


Needless to say I had to abort the mission.

Edited by FullSupport
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The sabotage Sortie yesterday was a nightmare because of the spawning system.

you'd have limited time left when you came to the end of the maps and *bam* a Grineer decided to spawn back at the first freaking tile set were the start of the map was.


It didn't help that the map was huge too :p not even a Loki speed build helped.





There was a hole here, now it's gone. I guess...  (╯°Д°)︵ ┻━┻


Its Sabotage, why even bother killing them? We did this in 5 minutes, using a Volt rushing through!!


Same for Deception!! WHY BOTHER KILLING? Deliver the payload/destroy generator and be done with it! Afaik they even spawn endless in this mission type!

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