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Most "elitist" Things You've Ever Seen / Heard...


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This story is without one of those happy endings. I was doing an infested defense, might have been a sortie, not sure. I brought my regular Nova prime and all, no big deal. A Valkyr joined, another Nova and an Excalibur. The Nova turns out to be quite meta, at least what I consider that. He jumps up on a box and starts shooting with his Synoid Simulor, then it turns out he's a speed Nova. Keep in mind this was a wide open map, you can shoot spawning enemies almost immediately.

I let him do his business while I cast my own Mprime because I strongly prefer killing slow enemies quickly. He then begins to lecture me as if I'm a moron, this makes me salty. Then the Valkyr goes down right next to him and he refuses to even try helping the Valkyr, which I then rescue. I then reveal my salt by complaining about the Nova not trying to help. And the guy replies that if the Valkyr was downed against infested, he deserved it. All of my what. I tell him with an attitude like that, he probably should play solo. And he agrees. We finish the mission while I stew in anger and spitefully cast my Mprime before him. End of story.

Now I understand Speed Nova has its place, but it wasn't necessary here. I'm not complaining about people agreeing with each other to do it. Just, people need to realize it can actively be a hassle for others.

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During a Sortie interception mission I was playing with a MR 11 that was using a Wukong while I was a EV Trinity and thought that I was not contributing anything because I had 5% of the damage and he thought he was immortal using Defy (100% due to the energy I was giving him). He left after saying "This squad deserves to loss".

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Im hosting some alert with "mr 6 or lower only". then some mr12 said inv him cause he will do everything by himself, saying im suck bla bla bla (insert some of miss-racist word),saying his mr is higher than mine while staring at my own mr which more higher than him.

Edited by TheFalseEclipse
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LF>T4 Surv No Limbos Allowed



That ones valid, I like my loot



That's actually a catch 22 situation honestly. If someone is not familiar with Limbo in a team environment, then it can be annoying if you are resource farming. But I have played with several Limbos that know how to use their frame and never had an issue. The problem is that he doesn't synergize well with other frames and it comes down to the player knowing when and when not to use his abilities more than just pressing buttons. While I personally don't like the frame, he is fun to have as a team mate when someone has put the time in to learn him.

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This story is without one of those happy endings. I was doing an infested defense, might have been a sortie, not sure. I brought my regular Nova prime and all, no big deal. A Valkyr joined, another Nova and an Excalibur. The Nova turns out to be quite meta, at least what I consider that. He jumps up on a box and starts shooting with his Synoid Simulor, then it turns out he's a speed Nova. Keep in mind this was a wide open map, you can shoot spawning enemies almost immediately.

I let him do his business while I cast my own Mprime because I strongly prefer killing slow enemies quickly. He then begins to lecture me as if I'm a moron, this makes me salty. Then the Valkyr goes down right next to him and he refuses to even try helping the Valkyr, which I then rescue. I then reveal my salt by complaining about the Nova not trying to help. And the guy replies that if the Valkyr was downed against infested, he deserved it. All of my what. I tell him with an attitude like that, he probably should play solo. And he agrees. We finish the mission while I stew in anger and spitefully cast my Mprime before him. End of story.

Now I understand Speed Nova has its place, but it wasn't necessary here. I'm not complaining about people agreeing with each other to do it. Just, people need to realize it can actively be a hassle for others.

LOL this is like one of those jokes... Two novas walk into a bar one slow and one fast. There will always be beef between fast and slow nova :D

I have three stories actually but i will just share one more... This one another T3D, the Ash P BP grind is really getting to people. This guy was a lower MR and this is more about how he said it less than what he said. This guy invites people for a 40 wave match and starts going nuts in the lobby. He inv's me as I said I could do frost or ev trinity (I wanted to be trinity) I get there and there is already a trinity so I switch to Frost. The guy starts going loco on the ev trin because their blind rage isn't maxed out, he then proceeds to tell them "get out now" I was like WTF so I told him to relax but the ev trin ended up leaving.

So I decided to switch to ev trin, the guy gets two more people in after about a minute or two and then realises that I am now EV Trinity LOL. He then goes loco again saying that if I wanted to come to the T3D I have to change to frost, by this time I was ROTFLMAO. I refused and he disbanded.

I will repeat this "the [...] grind is really getting to people" it is making people lose it completely.

Edited by viperveteran
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Omg highest pickups.

What an Elitist lol.




I am Pick Up QUEEN!!!






But for cerial, I thankfully don't see that much elitism these days.  Well, in game.  On the forums is a whole different can of worms. 

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People keep brushing morons off as elitist, when everyone just wants a safe game, and that is hardly Elitist.

Elitist is people who only play with whoever they deem as good as themselves, they will only play with them, and everyone else is trash in their eyes.


That is true elitism.

People who recruit for MR19 and above < these guys are the guys yu should avoid.

Meta slave players are hardly elitist, they are just afraid to break practice, which I understand.

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"please dont use zephyr on sortie/trial/t4, she's useless"

every damn time -.-

and i tell them

"im MR 18, ill use what i want"

i know...i get the irony...

you get the irony? Really? Well, in that case it was a stupid comment so I'm going to give you a stupid reply.

Your attitude ("I'm MR18 i'll use what I want") is the most elitist thing I have heard today... which is saying alot.

Also, nothing elitist about asking you to not use zephyr in a trial. Especially if you are running with 6 or less in a nightmare. There are just some frames that make life more convenient.

Edited by (PS4)thinkfasthippie2
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The guy who told me I didn't know how to Frost because I used overextended.

I pointed out I still had 150% odd Power Strength, maxed Armor, globes stack and the extra range protects from Bombard splash damage.

It was my T4 Def key, I had invited him and he still wanted to trash talk.

The bubble never dropped once and he AFKd inside of it once his Rhino Iron Skin was getting shredded.

He was still AFK when we left, so presumably he got nothing for the run.

Kama can be a *@##&#036;.

People can be dumb.

Edit: Actually not sure if that counts as "elitist" or just dumb, so how about the guy from Recruiting who would not accept Frost, only Frost Prime.

... and this was before the Prime changes when there was literally no difference in stats.

Edited by Egg_Chen
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I am Pick Up QUEEN!!!


*tips fedora* Milady

But for cerial, I thankfully don't see that much elitism these days. Well, in game. On the forums is a whole different can of worms.

That's.... Suprisingly true. Edited by 321agemo
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Whoah, this was one rollercoaster of a thread to read through. I agree with some posts and some are the embodiment of elitism in here.


I mainly play solo these days because I cannot put up with the recruiting chat anymore. Some of the posts above mention my exact reasons.


Not all missions need a Frost, EV Trin, flavour of the month damage frame, flavour of the month damage buffer to work. Basically if you go just one step away from the current meta you see in the recruiting chat and you invite people with bad attitudes to give you a free lecture laden with insults on how bad you are.


Frost calling me names and ragequitting because I hosted a Sortie 3 Infested Defense as Valkyr and saying he hopes we fail? Frost against infested. Not necessary, but not bad either. (And a Valkyr can shred level 100 infested like paper, what's not to like?)


Frosts in interceptions putting bubbles on the consoles?

Draco taught people to use Frost in an interception because of the crate camping quartets of XP farmers needed protection.

Putting globes on the capture points force you to enter them to kill enemies capturing the point from within the globe and provide no real value to the team when you are not abiltiy spamming. But if you point that out you get cursed at.


I am fine with almost any frame as long as the tenno behind it can play it well and does productive things and cooperates with the team.


But when you get angry bashing because you don't fit the current meta of being a "good warframe player" despite your experience and results and no matter how polite you were? 


Yeah, that type of blind elitism is when I say I'll go and solo the mission.



EDIT: didn't mean to exclusively bash frost players. These were just my most recent bad experiences I could remember.

I also met cool players and thankfully these are still the majority of the players. They just keep silent in the recruiting chat.

Edited by TychusMechanicus
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for me its easy, some parents did a good job and some parents wasnt able to do so, looks like ^^)


the truth is that people choose what they are and that it is peoples responsability who they are and how they behave, even that it looks like they dont know about ... (^^

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Someone once cussed me out because I beat them on every single possible marker on the board during a mission as an Oberon.


They told me a lot of nasty things, and that includes uninstalling the game, and how much of a noob I am because I "main" a useless warframe :x

Edited by SyberWolfe
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Someone once cussed me out because I beat them on every single possible marker on the board during a mission as an Oberon.


They told me a lot of nasty things, and that includes uninstalling the game, and how much of a noob I am because I "main" a useless warframe :x

You are awesome, don't let anyone tell you otherwise!

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For me it has to be the people who want to tunnel camp on a simple 20 Min T3-T4 Survival and get mad when you want to run around. I am in a fully modded goddamn Chroma and packing enough enough firepower to melt anything below lv 70, we can take a few risks!


Besides that it's those idiots who leave their Draco farm as public and get pissed when you join and do something other than cheese.


If you don't want randoms leave your fricken games as invite only!

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For me it has to be the people who want to tunnel camp on a simple 20 Min T3-T4 Survival and get mad when you want to run around. I am in a fully modded goddamn Chroma and packing enough enough firepower to melt anything below lv 70, we can take a few risks!


Besides that it's those idiots who leave their Draco farm as public and get pissed when you join and do something other than cheese.


If you don't want randoms leave your fricken games as invite only!

okay well this isnt elitist. this is wanting to play a comp to its strs. when you  move around and the 3 other 3 are standing still you're taking away exp and messing with the mob spawns. then you're just being  a jerk and you not being courteous to the other 3.

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"Unairu sucks, bro"


//Meanwhile, me,  as Trinity/Chroma main, facedesks.


Ah, and this


"Why bothering with dera vandal? There are a lot more better weapons like Boltor Prime or Braton Prime"


//Well, if he considers a boltard prime better, then don't force opinions on others. I mean, you have no permission to have an opinion if you love Boltor Prime.

Edited by pavlo555
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Glad I don't have this often but... Doing the usual trade chat things, selling high buying low. Some guy is selling a mod and I give him my price and he goes off on like a 4 paragraph rant about how low level MR noobs are ruining the game and how he can't get a deal anymore because we destroy the game. My words where, "umm... but how am I low MR? I'm higher than you currently... That and it was just an offer... I am not forcing you to agree to it." I mean if you are going to call me a noob at least check the profile of the guy your insulting first. I did eventually calm the guy down to the point we where able to make a deal but none the less it was a bit insulting to be ranted at just for trying to make deals. Honestly I am guessing the guy was having a bad day and I was just the straw on the camels back.

Well... those kind of people are always there. Its up to you on how to deal those type of people :")

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//Well, if he considers a boltard prime better, then don't force opinions on others. I mean, you have no permission to have an opinion if you love Boltor Prime.


That's elitist in its own way too.


Considering others as lesser because they use the Boltor Prime.

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I joined a draco party of a trin/mirage/excalibur combo once (didn't know they even existed anymore).


One guy asked to himself aloud why do people even do dacro pubs.


I told him if you don't want any randoms to join, make your party invite only.


He told me to put my matchmaking to solo.






.....Like, really?

That's not elitist. That's called being dumb as S#&amp;&#036;. I feel sad for whoever said that.

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