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Holiday Wishlist & A Happy New Year!


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1. Blow up the void ASAP :) Seriously, the farming is really tiresome. I have at least 4 prime frames in the foundry, each missing only one part for being able to complete. Lot of us don't have that much time to play to do countless and endless runs to have those. Or consider non-endless void missions the same Orokin cache system like void sabotage missions. Ok, of course there is trading, but:


2. Trading is currently a really annoying thing - constantly watching the chat, trying to remember the name of someone or be quick to click on his name, then maybe you can contact with someone, who might not f*ck you up. Consider please for example a clan-to-clan or alliance trading. Maybe a clan could build a treasury, where the members can contribute tradeable stuff, and the clan trade kiosk might be visible for other clans, where those parts can be bought... Or something... But not this.


3. Damage rework for making every weapon viable.

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1. A concentrated effort on in-depth story; a truly cinematic experience where "The Second Dream" was a jumping off point.

2. A better Kubrow Experience all around (stealth, AI,more breeding variation, removable armor parts/helm, etc) before you "CAVAT" us.

3. Advanced customization for cosmetics and animation, especially Tenno.

Honorable mention: Volt rework.

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My wishlist:


1.More sentinel pre-cepts, and sentinel attacks baked in. I'd love to be able to have my sentinel target either heavy units or fodder. Or do more useful things. Diriga was an amazing step in the right direction


2. This probably won't happen, but I think it would be awesome. Please let us convert some awesome (but less used) utility or unique weapons into sentinel weapons. I understand if they would have to be toned down, but some of them really don't. examples: Torid, I would love to have a sentinel would useful artillery, it's not overpowered and a great support weapon, Glaxion, Ignis, Gorgon family maybe, Sobek ( I promise I won't care about it's horrendous reload if a sentinel has to do it). I feel that deth machine rifle could use a buff >.>  All of these things would be awesome


3. More dojo options and dojo refinement. I've but several hours and a ton of resources into the dojo, I'd love to see it have more utility or have more reasons to be there. There is really a lot we could do with it, that so far we just don't. I'd love my "training floor" to actually be a training floor.


4. Expand the

system maybe, would love if you could combine the passives of the schools. I don't mind working hard, but I love passive utility in games.


*edit 5. I forgot this but it's pretty important. Please balance out syndicates a little. Right now red veil and steel meridian feels like it's getting the shaft in spectre terms. The least effective specters, the least dangerous hit squads. I mean if people want, they can put in the effort to make everyone but those two like them and have pretty much no risk, the other squads can actually be dangerous, and the spectres usable. I mean honestly, we'd rather have the little helpers in missions as spectres than what we have. Also, I really thought that New loka and red veil would get along, and steel with perrin. I mean seriously, their goals are pretty well aligned, why'd they get all goofed?


*not to mention some steel meridian players are still sore about the state of our mods and weapons (I am ok with it). What I am not ok with was DE discarding the state of the rakta ballistica early on, and basically joking about it. I mean in that Devstream it seemed pretty unprofessional to just put down something you designed. Oh you fixed it after overwhelming negative response and for that I'm grateful, but how you handled it hasn't been forgotten. Rakta Cernos is great though, so thanks for not making the same mistake twice.


6. One day, I will post an awesome idea I've been working on for warframe for like a year. Today is not that day, but when I do post it. I hope someone will read it.

Edited by hammerheathen
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uh - is this Thread some sarcastic anti Christmas joke? jah guess what i'm wishing for - for the awesome Holiday Items including the super Cool Sonicor Skin, that i will probably get annoyingly to see in every 3. YouTube Vid containing Warframe In-Game Footage for the rest of the new year, to appear on my Platform as well!!! 


don't take that you've missed the Release Date of it that you were aiming for as excuse to hold out on this Stuff to us, there's only one way to fix it: releasing it on Consoles as soon as you can manage to stuff that bit into our Version's Code, no matter if it will be January already and the Christmas Theme seeming out of place a bit.


just ignoring the many posts regarding this Issue here while overlooking those Items Console implementation - while we will get to see it on unrelated YouTube Vid's about Warframe all the time - and at the same time running Threads like this, that feel considering this issue rather tasteless, will not do any good regarding this for sure. 

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(x-post from reddit)


Oh my god, I can hardly contain myself! I'm going to keep it mostly simple. I also won't ask for things I know you guys are already working on (although if you'd like to pump out Prime PBRs faster, I won't complain).
1) A "Metal Accents" swatch for colors on Prime Warframes/Weapons/Sentinels. This would only apply to the Prime additions, so things like skins wouldn't be changed and continue to use Accents. This would be an additional color swatch that only Primes would have. And with this slot metal colors on Prime items could finally be unified to one slot.
2) "Toggle Default Helmet" option. This is for those of us who may want to use a helmet because it is an Arcane, but don't like the looks of it. For example: if you put an Arcane helmet on a Prime, you can "Toggle Default Helmet" to visibly show the Prime helmet, but still be getting the benefits of the Arcane helmet.
3) Layer Immortal skins "beneath" Prime metal parts/accents. I'd like to be able to have my shiny metal AND my cool patterns. Mag Prime is a prime (huehuehue) example of this.
3.5) Why are there no hot pink fur colors for Kubrows? WHY?
Happy Holidays, DE! I hope you rest well!
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Merry Eximus!


My wishlist has one major thing:


Constant AI tweaking.


From enemies running into walls, to the spawns of exterminate missions, my syndicate allies getting in the way of me opening lockers (Or breaking stealth), running long distances for a tiny speck of cover. I feel the AI is all over the place. With more improvements being able to help all parts of the game, especially stealth which would come a close second for my wishlist but I am not holding my breath for it at this moment.

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1- more chances to get old mods like P chamber and piercing caliber

2- each craft has different interior

3- missions where the relays get invaded. ( as in you get to fite grineer Corp sentient infested and orokin INSIDE the relays cos we are being invaded)

Also it would be nice if we could buy plats from nexus thru apple wallet

Edited by MrEvilMexican
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edited: this message was posted by mistake and i cant delete it, sorry for misposting











also... ive posted the full wishlist below, hope you appreciate the ideas, because some of them i think are very cool and could make the game much more fun

Edited by mstriker
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my wishlist


1 challenge rooms in the missions (not my idea, but good enough to be in my wishlist): for example a room with 2 sensors, then lotus say that if you pass through they push you back and damage you (or something like that), and she says that the only way to disable them is destroying both in 3 seconds or something, otherwise they release a electric field that disable your shields for the rest of the mission, so yoy have to line up to destroy them at the same time with one bullet, or coordinate with a teammate to do it. or a room with turrets, and you have to do parkour to go to the other side, but the turrets push you back if their bullets touch you so you have to shoot the turrets while doing parkour, something like that would add more variety to the game and more challenge. Also, DE can put 5 new rooms each update, so this system will be allways fresh and would have much more varety as the game develops.


2 more clan dojo rooms and minigames, more like hang out minigames: for example a room where you have platforms all over the floor, and if you step i one it dissappears in 2 seconds or so...also, there could be only one person in one platform, not more, so you and your mate have to survive until one falls and lose, but not only two players, imagine 5 clan mates and you running and jumping all over the room trying to survive, you can make strategies and all, like stepping into the platforms near your mates to make them fall if they try to run that way... and more minigames like this would be fine to hang out with your friends or clanmates.


3[spoilers] more tenno customization such as hairstyles and more...

Edited by mstriker
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I would most definitely want to see Sybaris Prime :) It's one of the most beautiful and iconic weapons in the game and would probably look amazing as a Prime. It really personifies and showcases the fusion of elegance and technology that is Warframe.


And also some sort of trade system like a market board. But really Sybaris Prime.


Thanks and a Happy New Year to all! 

Edited by Starsteel
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Some of the things I would wish for are:


Kubrow could be imprinted more than once, That DNA stabilizers were either taken out of the game or the need for them was explained, A lance or spear type weapon for Melee. and the a Mission type was added to the game that made Sniper rifles a true purpose in Warframe, and


more options were available to customizing your Tenno as in older faces, voices and facial hair as well as more hair styles.

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I would love to see:

#1: Some volt tweaks


#2: Some change in the AI, make our enemyes act more like a military force (working in groups)


#3: Rework of the damage, damage scaling, damage made from the enemyes and health scaling. Ok it should become harder and harder, but making them going up to level 200+ is silly, they are just bullets sponges.

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