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One Extra Slot - Two New Warframes - Which One To Get?



Hello everybody!


My name is Azimuthian, and this is my first time actually posting on the forums. I usually drop in from time to time, and have a brief look at what's going on, though I've never had any real reason to post other than casual leisure. Now, I have a dilemma, though I feel the need to give a little background to the story...


Firstly, I'm an F2P player. I haven't put any money into the game, and nor do I intend to, (unless there are offers on in the near future for Platinum, etc.). Call me stingy or selfish, but that's just me, and the way I've approached the game. Secondly, I'm relatively new, and have only been playing for a few months. Moreover, I've gotten to grips with essentially all the game's mechanics and the way that everything works, and I would like to try something new. I've been stuck with the same, loyal Excalibur the whole time, and while I really like this Warframe, I would like to try something new - something different - that will require a different approach.


Now, one easy thing that I could do would be to buy extra slots with the Platinum I was given when I joined. Unfortunately, I'm a little bit of an excitable fool, and henceforth when I saw that I had the Platinum, I literally went: "Platinum - yay!" *Spends all Platinum within 2 minutes*. I regret that incredibly poor decision.


Which leaves me in a little bit of a dilemma. I have two Warframes available, and only one extra slot; I have a Valkyr ready to claim, and an Oberon under construction, who'll be ready at around midday, Boxing Day. I really don't want to sell Excalibur, because I really like this Warframe, and I find him to be ridiculously OP when in Boss Fights, (just use Radial Blind to immobilise your target, then spam the living daylight out of them with Dual Ethers).


Furthermore, I have no way to easily acquire Excalibur parts, whereas I can easily farm Valkyr components should I need to from Alad V. I can also farm Oberon parts from Jupiter, as well, because that's where I got all my schematics for him.


So, to cut to the chase, and put aside all the marginally unnecessary waffle...


Provided that there is no Platinum give-away, nor any offer on Platinum for Christmas, should I claim my Valkyr now, or wait two days for my Oberon to finish building?


Any replies will be greatly appreciated, and I'm looking forward to hearing from you!


Many thanks, kind regards, and of course, Happy Holidays,



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18 answers to this question

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Provided that there is no Platinum give-away, nor any offer on Platinum for Christmas, should I claim my Valkyr now, or wait two days for my Oberon to finish building?

I see a third option... spend some time in the Void, look for rare parts, maybe parts from the latest edition, and sell them for Plat. There you go. You can now claim Valkyr now and Oberon later :)

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valkyr is more enjoyable than oberon by far; oberon generally doesnt' see much play - not saying he is not a viable option ; however general consensus is that he isn't that great (jack of all trades, accels at nothing in particular)


valkyr is a tank berserk melee frame ; her ultimate feels like you're about to unleash a can of whoop-&#!; 


I'd say valkyr; and work on getting more slots at your own convenience

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First off, seconding the suggestion to hit trading in order to gather up some Platinum to buy slots and get both.


That said, they're both good frames in my opinion. Valkyr is excellent out of the box, she's satisfying to play and Hysteria makes her a very sought-after ally in very high level content as having some who is actually invincible as a reviver is indispensable. Oberon is often seen as an underperformer, but he has excellent crowd control ability with all of his Radiation procs and he's decent as a healer. He still needs a bit of a touch-up, but you can get him to do work if you're willing to put in the time.


Valkyr is easier and a little more like Excalibur in terms of close-quarters leaning combat. Oberon however would be a step in a different, fresh direction to give you more of a new experience. Personally, I'd say Oberon since variety is the spice of life. But either option is a good one.

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Thank you all for the advice - I really appreciate it! I thought that Valkyr would be similar to Excalibur, however, I always liked assuming the role of Medic and support, which I presume Oberon fills from his entry in the Codex. I really appreciate all the feedback, and it means so much that you've all been willing to help me! Thank you!


To reply to some quotes...


Maybe go look for a couple of gameplay videos for these two frames on Youtube and then decide?


That seems like a good route to take for me, however, I find that these can be somewhat misleading. These players can often be really good with the chosen Warframe, which could lull viewers into a false sense of security. Having said that, looking up game-play clips is always good for an idea and insight into the paying style of the Warframe, so I will go and do that. Thanks for the advice!


I see a third option... spend some time in the Void, look for rare parts, maybe parts from the latest edition, and sell them for Plat. There you go. You can now claim Valkyr now and Oberon later :)


Believe me, I've spent a lot of time trying to sell my Prime parts for Platinum. I'd often wait in the Bazaar for hours waiting for someone to initiate a trade with me, which sadly never happens. I find that players only go to the traders who look aesthetically experienced - who themselves have Prime Warframes, blaring syndannas and appliqué armour pieces; an Excalibur with an Immortal Skin is hardly enticing to look at, and pretty much connotes downright inexperience, as well as giving another player the idea that they're a newbie.


It's easy to recommend this, though in a de facto situation, for a lot of players, it's much harder than it seems. Much harder. This was one of the first things I tried, though yielded nothing particularly spectacular, as far as Platinum gain is concerned. For the difficulty of finding anyone who actually wants to trade with me, I've kind of ruled out this option. Thanks for the feedback, though, because this is a viable path for many players. Sadly, it seems that the odds of me selling anything for Platinum are astronomical. 




Once again, thank you all for the feedback, and I've hit that +1 button for each reply given. Thank you for taking the time to post, and your advice is all greatly appreciated! Happy hunting!

Edited by Azimuthian
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You will get a TON of oberon parts during your gameplay, they literally drop everywhere (specifically any eximus unit) and you can therefore craft him as often as as you like.


What I did when I was in your position was rank up oberon to 30, then sell him for credits and replaced him.  Much later, after obtaining plat through trades, you can remake him if you found him viable for your playstyle.


In case you haven't yet realized, you rank up your Mastery through playing as many weapons/frames as you can attain.  So even if you dislike a particular frame, ranking it up once to 30 is beneficial.


In short, wait for oberon, rank to 30, delete, rank valkyr.  Get plat through trades for additional slots later.

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Valkyr, I think her ability to survive is a bit better, and Hysteria is fun when you just want to slice and dice with rage your way through. After that, do some Void runs, farm the prime parts, sell them for plat.


The only time I bought plat was in the beginning, when I had new frames and weapons coming in and haven't learn how to trade yet. Other than that one time spending 15 euro, I now just farm and trade, farm and trade, etc. ;)


Good luck, have fun!

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You will get a TON of oberon parts during your gameplay, they literally drop everywhere (specifically any eximus unit) and you can therefore craft him as often as as you like.


What I did when I was in your position was rank up oberon to 30, then sell him for credits and replaced him.  Much later, after obtaining plat through trades, you can remake him if you found him viable for your playstyle.


In case you haven't yet realized, you rank up your Mastery through playing as many weapons/frames as you can attain.  So even if you dislike a particular frame, ranking it up once to 30 is beneficial.


In short, wait for oberon, rank to 30, delete, rank valkyr.  Get plat through trades for additional slots later.


That seems like an excellent idea. I'm aware that Eximus units are essentially vending machines for Oberon components, and I got all mine from Jupiter alone, so if I want to sell him, I could easily acquire him in the future. Moreover, I'm also aware that Mastery Rank is levelled according to ranking different Warframes, Sentinels, Weapons etc.; currently, I'm almost at Mastery Rank 4, where levelling up Wyrm, (and his Laser Rifle), are my primary source of experience in this regard. 


I thought that I would go for Oberon initially because he was so easy to obtain parts for, however, Valkyr is also easy to farm. Excalibur is fantastic for killing Alad V, who drops Valkyr parts, because you can use Radial Blind to immobilise Alad V and his Zanuka, then finish them off - it's really easy to do. Plus, if the RNG decides to be a pest, you can make a ton of credits off schematics that you already have.


This seems like a good route for me to take, however, the one thing that I'm in short supply of is Orokin Cells. I know that you can get these from Derelict missions, though all I get as far as rare resources are concerned are Mutagen Samples, which I have no need of. At present, I have 1 Orokin Cell. I'm aware that you can get them as Alert rewards, but they don't seem to crop up all that often. This is my primary concern regarding this approach.


Thank you for the advice, and I appreciate your suggestion. It seems like a very good way of experiencing both Warframes and ranking them up, as well, which is always good. Thank you!


Hit trade, go into void. Go into derelict to look for vaults,sell syndicate mods, weapons. 20p is very attainable amount.

Also valkyr.


I'm currently working my way through the Arbiters of Hexis, and I'm approaching the rank where you have access to Syndicate Mods, which I will aim to trade for Platinum. Prime Parts seem to be what's always in hot demand, though what I find frustrating is that I never have what people want, and when I do, they don't have any Platinum. Yesterday, for example, I ended up giving away a few parts for free, because the people were nice, and, as they say: "'Tis the season!". I know that such a move is a bad idea for Platinum gain, though I thought that it was a nice thing to do.


Derelict missions are a tough one for me. I hate fighting the Infested because of their Toxic attacks, and I dislike Survival Missions, (which, I've found, have yielded the best results), because the Lotus seemingly forgets to drop in Life Support systems. I'm a solo player, as well, so difficult missions are often out of reach, and I would still consider myself a newbie. The Recruiting Channel is useless for me because I get ignored. I have no friends who play this game. The clan I'm in is small and I'll often be the only one on-line at a time. Missions that require co-operative play are a difficulty for me.


Either way, thanks for the advice. I understand that this is a good route to take, and will eventually yield some good results. Moreover, thanks for the recommendation, as well, and for taking the time to post!




Once again, a huge thank you to everyone taking the time to post, and to share their experience and their advice. I really appreciate the effort that you guys are taking to help me out, and I'm really grateful for your posts and your expertise! As a small thanks, I've smashed that +1 button for all new posts. Thank you!

Edited by Azimuthian
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This seems like a good route for me to take, however, the one thing that I'm in short supply of is Orokin Cells. I know that you can get these from Derelict missions, though all I get as far as rare resources are concerned are Mutagen Samples, which I have no need of. At present, I have 1 Orokin Cell. I'm aware that you can get them as Alert rewards, but they don't seem to crop up all that often. This is my primary concern regarding this approach.

Saturn is where I go for Orokin Cells, which if you can handle Jupiter then Saturn is such a slight bump in difficulty that it's no worry. Those are the only rare resource that will drop there so whenever you see that greenish light pillar you know you've got one. I hope that helps a bit!

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Saturn is where I go for Orokin Cells, which if you can handle Jupiter then Saturn is such a slight bump in difficulty that it's no worry. Those are the only rare resource that will drop there so whenever you see that greenish light pillar you know you've got one. I hope that helps a bit!


I didn't know that you could get Orokin Cells on Saturn - I'm not the most observant of all people, and henceforth I'm not really sure where to get certain resources, so thank you for this! Saturn is probably my favourite place to go, because the difficulty is just right; I find Phobos a little too challenging at present when I'm playing solo, and I like fighting the Grineer at this level!


Thank you for this! It's a massive help, and I hugely appreciative of the advice! Thank you, and please accept another +1! It's a small thing, though I hope that it goes some way in thanking you! Knowing this makes my life a lot easier - thank you again!

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Believe me, I've spent a lot of time trying to sell my Prime parts for Platinum. I'd often wait in the Bazaar for hours waiting for someone to initiate a trade with me, which sadly never happens.

Try creating a message, copy it and just hit (or set up a Macro if you can) ctrl + v to paste it in the Trading Chat every two minutes (because you can only post once every 2 minutes. Also, don't hang around in Maroo's Bazaar. I find that never works). You'll find a lot more people trying to buy in the Trading Chat. Then from there, take them to your (or their) Clan Dojo and initiate a trade through the Trading Post. Also, be patient. The Trade Chat gets a LOT of messages. So don't do it once then quit. Do it a few times so people see your message. You might have a part or even mods that they want and bam. There you go.

SELLING Prime Part/Blueprint for xx Platinum. Message me if you're interested.

So my latest one was:

SELLING 1X Maduri Lense and 1X Urainru Lense for 10 Platinum EACH or TRADING FOR Naramon Lenses. Message me if you're interested.

And this works. I sold them easily. You could do the same. Learn the prices, or make your own according to rarity and supply & demand (the longer the piece has been around for, the less it's gonna cost) and there you go. You've just made Platinum and no one knows you're a scruffy looking nerf her... I mean, Excalibur..

Edited by PickleMonster21
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In addition to trading as people have mentioned above. You can buy "V" polarity transmutation cores from cephalon simaris in the relay with synthesis standing and transmute the core with 3 useless rare mods. It's definitely RNG based but i've made over 100 plat in the past 2 weeks just from completing daily synthesis tasks, buy "V" cores, and transmuting in hopes of expensive rare mods.


Vault runs are a decent source of platinum if you get at least 1 of the 6 in demand mods. Void is good only if you farm high price/demand parts but those are typically rarer.


Syndicate mods are okay but it's hard to find buyers.

Edited by MrJxt
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Hey mate,

I know the struggle of a new player to the game who does like to keep it F2P (even though I started in 2013 :P)

There are several methods of obtaining platinum ingame which I won't be covering in detail, but you'll discover as you go along in the game.

As to using your slots wisely, here is my recommendation on your second stage loadout: https://youtu.be/L7lhP1OeePw

If you gave any more questions, feel free to pm me via the forums and I'll answer asap



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Ok here is my advice and I am basing it on my experience.


You should get Valkyr and here is why... Excalibur is mainly a melee frame and having run a melee Loki as my start, I put all my upgrades into melee mods and weapons first, when I was able to complete higher level missions comfortably, I then focused on my primary weapon and then after secondary. So as Valkyr is mainly a melee frame you will be able to alternate mods and weapons between Excal and Valkyr very easily, thus meaning you can progress faster without getting bored. Progressing faster means you can get more platinum buy more warframe slots etc.


If however you just want diversify in your stable, try something new, go for Oberon he is a good character quite fun, from what I played of him. He is a caster frame so it will add a new perspective to the game but you will probably progress slower because he isn't melee based so you wont benefit from all the weapon upgrades you already have . Although I will say that you could probably play Oberon as melee if you want but Valk will always be better as a melee focused frame.

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Wait until Oberon is completed, max him out, sell him, and get the Valkyr. Jeez, do I hate Broberon. I found him really painful to use.

Also, try the trade chat once you have acquired some nice stuff from the Void or Sorties. I never hadany problem selling for enough plat to obtain more slots (and even some cosmetics).

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Okay, I haven't posted here for a few days, which must have seemed quite rude considering all the excellent advice you've all given me, (once again. thank you!), so I'll say what I did...


I decided to go down the trading route. I looked up some guides on trading - I soon realised that the posts saying that Maroo's Bazaar was useless were very true - and began advertising my unwanted Prime junk on the Trading chat channel. Meanwhile, I got Valkyr, and ploughed through the levels by playing exclusively Spy missions; because of this, I got my Mastery Rank up to level 4. Oberon was still building at the time, and so I aimed to acquire 20 Platinum before he was due to be completed.


I soon discovered that I disliked Valkyr somewhat, purely because her shields are so low, and essentially felt insignificant when compared to Excalibur before her. This is largely down to my incompetence, though Valkyr wasn't for me, although I did like some aspects of her. For example, her fourth ability was wonderful for dealing with lots of enemies attacking you at a single time, and her armour rating was indeed a pleasantry that went some small way in redeeming her lower shield number.


I continued to play Valkyr, and continued to advertise my Prime rubbish, when 30 minutes before Oberon's completion, I managed to trade 4 items and made a very handsome amount of around 200 Platinum - luckily, I had quite a few near-complete sets that people seemed to want, and a multitude of Prime Dual Kama blades that seemed to be all the rage at the time. With this, I was able to buy a few slots, as well as some cosmetic items and a new colour palette - I went for the Ice colour palette, because I like the combination of black and blue.


It is because of this sudden rush of trading and income that I am now addicted to trading in Warframe, and I keenly monitor and observe the Trading chat channel for any possible opportunities.


Anyway, (I apologize - I've been waffling throughout this post), I claimed Oberon, and had a full set of weapons waiting for him too - all new and un-levelled, (one of which was the Gammacor, which I absolutely love). To put it simply: I adore this Warframe. He seems to fill a number of different roles, and incidentally seems to be quite a generalist. He won't heal as much as Trinity will, though he can combine defensive capabilities, (using Hallowed Ground to cover a tight corridor), with offensive ones - my build of a fast-attacking Pole Weapon, certain Mods and other factors make him quite decent at attacking. Plus, he can heal progressively with energy usage, which can be beneficial in many situations. Not to mention, he looks devilishly handsome, with his black and blue body, glowing white aura, and his dark, skeletal syndanna.


So, problem solved. I'd like to thank everyone who took the time and effort to post in this thread, because your input and advice has been invaluable, and is all greatly appreciated! I hope that you all had a fantastic Christmas, and once again - thank you all so much! It really does mean a lot that you've taken the time to help me, and I really appreciate each piece of advice made and given! Thank you!


Take care everyone, and I'll see you around! Wishing you all the best,

Azimuthian - aspiring trading entrepreneur.



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