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How many Mods in One game


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You had over 280 kills that mission. That kind of skews the data. A usual spread is 4 mods per 100, give or take. If you ramp that up to your 280, your 15 is a mere 3 above the norm, which is still within 15% to 20% range of the regular spread. Since mod drops are based on probability and every kill raises your sample size, killing more renders more mods dropped, naturally.

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hmm calculation.. i get 15 mods from 272 mobs.. so it is around 1 mod per ~18 mobs.. but what about when i killed only 149 mobs and get 11 mods (1 mod per ~13mobs)


and when i killed 132 mobs and get 8 mods (mod per ~16mobs)


Another some extreme situation... when i killed around 148 mobs and get only 2 mods :)


I think there is nothing with numbers of mobs,in my opinion u can get more mods when u kill less mobs when you jumping from one mission to another on difrent planets.. im usualy get more mods when i that even difrent mission is a good option.

There is separeted history about what kind of mods droped ;] usualy it was a white low lvl mods ..or grean and blue but all for low lvl.. for 30 usualy whiet and S#&$ty :(

Edited by Dreed
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Statistics need to be normalized to be able to give reliable expectancies. Outliers, such as one mod per 10 or 1 mod per 75 can be ignored - or factored in - to give a representative number. The most valid approach is adding mods and kills over multiple runs to approach regular drop chances.

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mods should scaling to character.. for what i get mods lower lvl if all my using weapons are on 30 lvl.. and for what i get mods for weapond what i never use or even havent on inventory.

90% of droped mods are on low lvl and are white or even green or blue but low. For log time i dont event get any mod what i can use atm.

have 3 warframes and to play other i need take off mods from my 1st char etc.

Edited by Dreed
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Statistics need to be normalized to be able to give reliable expectancies. Outliers, such as one mod per 10 or 1 mod per 75 can be ignored - or factored in - to give a representative number. The most valid approach is adding mods and kills over multiple runs to approach regular drop chances.

Keep in mind that you also have to factor in mods that drop and are not picked up. Even if it's just random Grineer taking cover in fire hazards(and therefore dying in random places across the map)

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