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[Operation Keyhole] Helping Players Battle Rngesus!



Alright, I wasn't quite sure where to post this, as it could be considered squad recruitment but the purpose as a whole is to gather a large group of people to collectively share void keys with.


More importantly, there is no TL;DR for this post. You must read the post entirely.


With that aside, let's pick the lock and get into Operation Keyhole.


What is Operation Keyhole?

Operation Keyhole is a massive key sharing event that a few of my friends and I are trying to organize. Operation Keyhole aims to determine the amount of keys collectively owned by a large group of players. It also aims to help in the Fight Against RNG! Because come on, we all know RNG is out to get us. /half-sarcasm *Squints at Nova Prime Chassis*


How can I become a part of Operation Keyhole?

Well, before I can tell you that, I have to go over a few rules. And I will quiz you on the rules because some of this stuff may be pushing some of the limits for the moderators (just a precaution). The reason it does is because of the platform and program I will be using to determine the collective amount of keys.


First of all, the program I will be using is Google Drive's Google Sheets application. Why would that be pushing the limits? Well, because of emails. You most likely use your personal email to log into Warframe. That causes two problems with moderators. One, I now potentially know your email that you use to log into Warframe. Two, I now potentially know your personal email and I potentially can send unsolicited things to you.


How will I fix this? My recommendation is to create a Gmail account using your Warframe Username or something in which you may be identified with in-game, or even just an email for spam emails when participating in this program.




Can you give me a list of rules I must follow?

1) Edit only your data, unless given permission from the person of whom the data you will edit belongs to


2) Edit real numbers for keys you have, if you only have 6 T4 Interceptions, don't say you have 100


3) If you're going to participate, try and keep the numbers updated. A little leeway will be given (if you use one key and don't update your numbers but try to keep it updated at least once every 3-7 days)


4) If someone shares their key with you, at the very least, offer to return the favor (preferably with the same key)


5) If you cannot return the favor immediately (you have to go, etc), and the person would like to take you up on the offer,  the person may put an IOU by your data saying "IOU <Name of Person they owe> <x amount of keys> <type and tier of key>


6) By participating in Operation Keyhole, you agree to send offers and receive requests to share and/or trade keys with others enrolled in this event


7) Use common sense


Alright, now that I've read all of that, how can I participate in Operation Keyhole?

First, you must reply to this post stating that you wish to join. You must also state the you have read the rules, and state rules 3, 4, 5, and 6 in your own words. It is optional that you state something that is not allowed. You must also state that you agree to rule 6.


Following that, OreoBandit, gkuoni, Dakthulhu, or myself, SethA007, will reply to your post stating whether it has been approved or denied. You must then message one of us with the email you created for the purpose of this event, and we will send you a link and share the document with you.


At this point, you will enter the data for your void keys, as well as your IGN. This will follow the format based on what is already presented. We will occasionally perform routine "cleanups" where we will add more space for people wanting to join.


If you'd like to view what we have to offer...


This is the link that will take you the page with what we are offering. Please note that unless we share it with you, you will be unable to edit.



Go back and read it.

Edited by SethA007
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Or..... Join people saying Hosting "game type" keyshare.... I find that also works. Very rarely people $&*^ you over. Much more simple than all this "event" your making


(however DE please install a report button for these errr, how do i say this nicely .... shameless parts of the human race)

Edited by Dextral
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What if someone isn't advertising the key you need? This is a way to not sit around and avoid spamming asking for folks with the key you're looking for. I mean, sure, you could just sit there and wait, but the point of this is to alleviate that. This isn't really an event, more an on-going offer and request for participation. If folks don't want to take part, then no big deal ^^

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I understand that however your gonna need a hell of a lot of people to join in before this is even slightly as good as recruiting chat. if you play at any reasonable time simplying typing in Hosting key share ... will result in about 2-5 replys within the first go 90% of the time. There are thousands of eyes on recruiting chat with everyone looking for a game chances of not finding people within 3 minutes is rare. I mean even nightmare raids dont take more than 5mins. So to even get close to recruiting channel, your gonna need 200people+. within reason you can assume about only 30 on at one time. with say about 20 of those most likely within a game. of the 10 left 3 would need to have the key you want, and be willing to farm it if not your gonna have to wait for others. which would have taken longer than seemly posting in recruiting.

However with that said, I wish you the best on your goal/plan, its nice in theory hope it becomes reality.

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I would also like to point out that I may use this format to maybe, maybe create a more organized version of trade chat. People can put what they're willing to sell with a price range, maybe whether or not they're willing to negotiate, and people can post offers. Tbh, trade chat is horrendous. But this is just a starting point. We'll try it with Void Keys and if it works well, we'll do it with Trades. :)

While we do have rules we would likely allow our community to govern itself. If something is going on, we can just unshare the document with them.


But this is also a good way to find people willing to share keys with you, and for you to gather a bunch of friends. Also, if you haven't noticed, we've got keys out the &amp;#&#33;! Feel free to just message us if you don't feel like farming for one! We'll be more than happy to help you. :p

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This seems like a pretty good idea.

I'll join in once I'm able to view this from my computer instead of my phone.

And as for those few people who join in a key share WITHOUT actually having the key, just be sure to make all members of the group show their key before starting.

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So, you can pm people, or you can organize a keyshare for when everyone is online. For example, say players X, Y, and Z all have keys of A type, and you also have a key of A type. You can pm them for a share or you can make a little note asking to share keys on the document. Players should be sure to check it every so often so that they can be notified of keyshare offers/requests.


It may be slightly more time consuming, but it also allows players to plan ahead. In my opinion, it's more efficient than recruiting chat, seeing as you can plan with them instead of posting the same message such as, "H>T#K, LF frames X, Y, Z."


This also solves the problem of people claiming to have the frame you need but not actually having it or using it. Usually when that happens I either end the session and pick up the players that were using the correct frames minus the one who was trying to sneak in.


While planning ahead, if someone needs a certain mod or augment for a build, you may allow someone to borrow it for the mission, and have it returned upon completion. If someone has a good build for an irradiating disarm loki, minus the irradiating disarm augment, it'd be nice if they could pick up that augment from one of the players they will be running with, rather than trying to do it in a rushed manner.

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