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Mag Concerns


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Okay, now that I have your attention, hear me out. Let me state one simple little fact about Mag before you start whining.


Mag trivializes a third of enemies in game.


Let me say that again… Mag trivializes an entire faction of enemies.


Okay, one more time. Mag can destroy an entire group of enemies instantly, regardless of level, by just pushing one button.


Okay, now explain, why shouldn’t Mag be nerfed? And inb4 “but she sucks at the other two factions,” I don’t know what you smokin’ but a 25 energy massive CC and huge armor removal AoE (with more CC to boot) is by no means “weak.” (yes, that is with an augment, but apparently nerfing an augment for Mag was a direct nerf to Mag by some standards so….)


Okay, okay, now that I got all of you riled up, let’s get into the real meat of it.


If you can’t tell, I am only really referring to the majestic Shield Polarize. This skill is so BROKEN that it… well… can either turn a faction trait against themselves in an explosive fashion or do jack sh!t. If that is not broken, I don’t know what is. 


I hate making a complaint without a suggestion, so here I go…


Shield Polarize Rework 

(There are many good posts out there about full Mag reworks, I would just plagiarize those if I was going to put stuff here about the rest of her kit.)

*Cracks fingers* So, we want Shield Polarize to be a useful ability for all factions, and do to the magnetic nature of mag having a bit of extra potency for Corpus seems right, just as long as she does not reduce them to a button press. Here is my idea…


Shield Polarize is now a toggle ability (not sure if it should be a 2.5 or 5 energy per second drain). When it is active, Mag and allies have their Shields turned into proto shields, makes shields begin to recharge instantly, and increases he recharge rate of shields by 4x. In addition, all enemy shields will be reduced by 25% per second (probably at .25 second intervals). 


What does this mean? Well, for a Mag with max redirection (1110 shields) and an unmodded Shield Polarize she would regen shields at 282 shield per second. With a max power and Fast Deflection build that would be 1602 shield per second. That makes Mag quite tanky if you ask me, something that would be useful against all factions. 


There is one very important requirement for a Shield Polarize nerf… the rest of her kit MUST get a look at the same time. I don’t want DE to go all Viver on us and just blindly nerf something.  


Okay, I can’t help it, I have to put in my thoughts on the rest of her kit. 

Don’t get confused though, this thread is all about Shield Polarize.

Because this post is mostly about Shield Polarize, I guess I should throw in some synergies too. 

-Pull: Actually pulls enemies to your feet. When Shield Polarize is active, the range is increased by 25%.

-Bullet Attractor: Make like absorb, all damage done to the enemy (and damage done during the orange bubble phase) is added to the explosion damage. If the Bullet Attracted enemy is also under Shield Polarize’s effects, they will receive 4x damage rather than 2x. 

-Crush: Make the immobilizing aspect of the augment part of her default kit (not the armor reduction part). If Shield Polarize is active, crush will do a radial knock down that is 2x Crush’s range when Mag does the crush part of the Crush animation. 


I could say “I don’t want Mag nerfed, I want her to get the rework she deserves” or “Well, this will be coupled with adjustments to her other abilities so she will still be just as powerful” … but that would be a lie. Before Mag would be able to trivialize an entire faction, afterwards she would not. Would she excel in new fields and take on a more dynamic role? Yes, but it is a nerf, no other way to put it. 


I would hope that after actually reading this post that you can see that I am not some whiny kid who got out-damaged on a Corpus mission like the title would make you think (click bait title is click bait, sue me). Hopefully you can see my point of view, I am not expecting a whole hearted agreement, just at least some understanding. 


I bet 2/5 people responding on the first page will not have read the whole post



Edit: I have a challenge for you all, rather than saying "but other frames are OP," "why not buff another frame" (this is a thread about Mag, not another frame) or "OP is upset he got out-damaged" (see about three lines above here), give an actual reason as to why you disagree that Mag is not OP.

Edited by [DE]Danielle
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Shields aren't defenses past thirty minutes in any content for a very simple reason... no damage reduction value. So your "suggestion" is simply a net hard nerf turning Mag into the blue shield version of Rhino. Stupidly over-powered for much of the already easy star chart, and falling flat on face in actually difficult content.

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Ooh, you gotta need a primed flame repellent for this one.


I haven't seen Mag in over a year, feels like she's become mastery fodder like some of the newer frames.

I spot some on Corpus sorties or Triton.

Edited by Uzpian
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Well Vauban trivializes Infested in the same way. Sure, there are some Mutalist units that could give him a run, but similarly Mag has nothing on Nullifiers.

Ancient hooks, MOAs, and osprey are all ranged, Vauban is not the infested god he once was.





Shields aren't defenses past thirty minutes in any content for a very simple reason... no damage reduction value. So your "suggestion" is simply a net hard nerf turning Mag into the blue shield version of Rhino. Stupidly over-powered for much of the already easy star chart, and falling flat on face in actually difficult content.

And getting 1000 shields per second is less effective than 10% DR from armor.... okay...


Shield Polarize trivializes Corpus.

Molecular Prime, Radial Disarm, Disco Fever, Radial Blind, Bastille, SIlence and Chaos trivialize everything else.


Your reasons for nerfing are contrived at best. You can make the same stretched targeted argument at most abilities.

Very VERY different. Everything you just said only CCs the enemy, you still have to kill them. Shield Polarize does the dirt work and kills everything.


shouldnt we nerf the frames that are game breaking first? coughexcaliburcough coughlokicough coughmiragecough

While there are some other frames with issues, none of them are as broken as Mag. Corpus will NEVER be any threat as lognas Shield Polarize exists. Well, that is unless DE puts in more cheap mechanics, but I don't really like the idea of that.


Ooh, you gotta need a primed flame repellent for this one.

I could not find it :(


While you're at it, remove/nerf corrosive projection. It completely removes a layer of difficulty from the game, yo.

Just like with this Mag rework, it must be paired with other changes.... aka get rid of broken armor scaling.



So while we're at your 1/3 faction frame lets nerf all the 3/3 frames out there too :|

Name one frame that can do to all factions what Mag can do to 1.



Or you know, we don't nerf anything and let people enjoy the frigging game?

I would love to enjoy fighting Corpus, but this thing exists that makes it so they basically do not exist as a faction. If you read the post you would See this is effectively a massive buff for anti-Grineer/Infested.

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Very VERY different. Everything you just said only CCs the enemy, you still have to kill them. Shield Polarize does the dirt work and kills everything.

CC makes them trivial. Shield Polarize only deletes lower-level enemies and ones with boosted shields from Sorties and the occasional Drone, if you're lucky. It's not half as powerful as you make it out to be, and if it doesn't kill the enemy, they can still kill you.

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Just because a warframe does good damage does'nt mean you should wish for them to be nerfed. How would you like for people to wish for your favorite frame to be nerfed ? Yea, okay. Instead of asking for a nerf how about you make better use of your time by asking for other frames to get a buff, so they can be on par with mag. Im not a mag user myself, and although she does a crap ton of damage I'd never ask for her to be nerfed, as if she wasn't somewhat nerfed once before.

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To be fair

You did name your thread nerf mag

Which isnt your fault because you aren't wrong but its obvious that this is a knee jerk reaction to the title alone

I personally think DE is gonna put LOS on Mag's sheild polarize once she is revisited.

Your idea actually doesn't sound half bad. I guess im kinda meh to the idea because I want Mag as a whole to be useful in all missions, not just corpus.

I am optometrist about her rework

Edited by Anatolius
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ahaha, i actually agree with OP on this one, or at least on certain attributes of his argument.


I agree that she (mag) need much more usability against all other factions, and i'm supportive of that suggested rework for SP, the toggle element for moves is something that i always am supportive of, and would encourage a duration build for her, something that no-one ever uses, as her only duration-reliant ability is lacking in usability (bullet attractor).


I bet 2/5 people responding on the first page will not have read the whole post

well, it seems almost everyone did that, so youre about half right.


and people are always nagging about; for instance valkyrs invincibility,or excals "OP" ult, mesa's aimbot ult, and the list goes on, but when we touch their favourite frames, aka, trinity's blessing/EV, theres always a riot and claims that she/he is balanced and in no need of a rework/nerf/buff.


people seem to miss the general point of your post, and thats to rework Mag, something many people have been wanting in a long time. what people are doing now is purely flaming you for expressing your reasons for the required rework. 


using the term generalised term "people" a lot as to keep this forced smile and not "name and shame" as per this forums rules.

but on that note, many people. as i referenced earlier are pulling a strawman argument and simply bringing up other "OP" frames instead of directly answering to your .proposition



you have my support.



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CC makes them trivial. Shield Polarize only deletes lower-level enemies and ones with boosted shields from Sorties and the occasional Drone, if you're lucky. It's not half as powerful as you make it out to be, and if it doesn't kill the enemy, they can still kill you.

But... Shield Polarize scales with enemy level...



There is still that broken nullifier which can't be oneshot with mag's 2 as long as his bubble is up. Oxium Drones. And enemies with elemental resistance in sorties can withstand a shield polarize.


Forgot to mention, i've read the complete post. And i must ask you: What do you want to achieve with this?


Now after reading that whole post i can safely tell you that when this happens, NOBODY will play mag anymore. Nobody. Maybe a few mag lovers that don't care about usefulness but then she won't get played against corpus too. Also those shield polarize effects shouldn't happen against grineer or infested anyway since they don't have shields.


Sorry to say this, i don't care for click-bait titles. I'm not *@##$ing about it. But ,,Nerf Mag". Nerf Mag. Even after reading your post i can't tell if serious or just celebrating april fool's joke a little bit too early.


Another useless mag nerf and riot. This is BS at best.

I hope to achieve Mag being usefull against all factions ant to allow the Corpus to develop as a faction without having to account for the destruction Mag brings.I don't really see how the suggestion is that bad. Proto Shields have increased DR built in, then having 1000 effective health regenerating per second is not something to sneeze at even in Sorties. Mag needs a nerf, I am convinced of that, maybe my way of going about it is wrong, but no frame, no matter the excuse, should do what she does.


As for the click bait title, I had to try it one day. I have made many, many treads that died quite quickly because I had a reasonable and accurate title while the four word posts with "Nerf X" were hot topics for days. I learned my lesson, I shall not do this again.


Saryn, Equinox, Chroma, Ember, Ash, Ivara, Mirage, Nova, Valkyr, Wukong. Sorry I put more than one there.

Sigh, Mag walks in a room, presses 2, everything dies. None of those frames do that, and if they do have a nuke aspect it does not scale. Mag scales, the higher the enemy level the more damage she does. I am looking at TTK here, Mag is instant, the listed frames are not in the slightest.



Looking over this thread's responses has restored some faith in this community for me. 

Sigh... I mean, I understand. I myself hate it when people ask for nerfs without any basis. But in this case it would seem A) I am a complete idiot, B) I am just missing a bigger picture here or C) The forums are scared of the word "Nerf" (which I actually would understand).



Just because a warframe does good damage does'nt mean you should wish for them to be nerfed. How would you like for people to wish for your favorite frame to be nerfed ? Yea, okay. Instead of asking for a nerf how about you make better use of your time by asking for other frames to get a buff, so they can be on par with mag. Im not a mag user myself, and although she does a crap ton of damage I'd never ask for her to be nerfed, as if she wasn't somewhat nerfed once before.

Mag is my starter and most used frame so.... Still, that logic could be used to say that something that instantly kills every enemy in a room is balanced... oh wait...



To be fair

You did name your thread nerf mag

Which isnt your fault because you aren't wrong but its obvious that this is a knee jerk reaction to the title alone

I personally think DE is gonna put LOS on Mag's sheild polarize once she is revisited.

Your idea actually doesn't sound half bad. I guess im kinda meh to the idea because I want Mag as a whole to be useful in all missions, not just corpus.

I am optometrist about her rework

No, no no no no no. I even specifically said "Don't Viver nerf Mag" in the thread. LoS is good sometimes, but that would be the worst solution IMO.


And yeah, I messed up, kind of want to change the title but I feel weird doing so.



You left out Bullet Attractor

And only addressed Mag as a 1-trick Pony.

Shield Polarize on Corpus Sortie with Enhanced Armor was not over-powered.

Nor was Mag considered Overpowered when Grinner also had Shields...(Power Strength was not all the obtainable leveles it is now)

A one trick pony that kills every Corpus with said trick. You can't use Sortie modifiers as a basis for balance, that will lead to bad decisions.


Yeah, Bullet Attractor kind of sucks now (It is pretty awesome with Sentients though). I made a quick note on it in one of the spoilers, but the thread is not about an entire Mag rework (which is needed for a Shield Polarize nerf to go through). You can tell me what you think of it though.




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Sigh... I mean, I understand. I myself hate it when people ask for nerfs without any basis. But in this case it would seem A) I am a complete idiot, B) I am just missing a bigger picture here or C) The forums are scared of the word "Nerf" (which I actually would understand).

"Scared" isnt the word I would use. Try "over saturated".

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