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Mag Concerns


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Mag is barely hanging by a thread in terms of viability. She's good against one of the three (err, four if you count the Sentients) while there's Trinity who's great everywhere, Loki who's great anywhere, Frost who's great in all factions regarding defending something that doesn't move, Nova who can dictate who fast or how slow the enemy moves, the list goes on. Why nerf her even more.

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Does Mag even need another nerf? Doesn't it take her a fairly long time to even start scaling well?



I said nerfed to death because this is more or less just the truth. Yes her augments were nerfed but they refer to mag. Especially greedy pull which gave mag a reason for survival, resource farming or even...draco (but this style sucks to be honest).  She had some uses outside of corpus which was nice.


And about the shield transference nerf, receiving 50% of all depleted enemy shields as an own shield is in no doubt overpowered. Mag could kill and tank endlessly all summer long.


But for real now, mag doesn't need another nerf. Especially not shield polarize because that's her only reason to be playable. At least she can be used against corpus for now. And while you suggested that her other 3 abilities approve the use of shield polarize, it won't be enough to compensate. Unfortunately i'm one of those guys that are reviewing and discussing things instead of giving own suggestions. I'm not that creative to be honest. But it's enough for me to say that you won't come too far with what you've written. Not saying you should leave it, but don't expect many people to support you. Most only agree that they also don't like ,,Press-2-2-win". I don't like it either, but i also don't like useless frames.

But... she needs a rework, and this rework must include a nerf. Think about the word for a second. A nerf is when something is reduced in power, right? When DE gets to reworking Mag do you really think that having her still be able to trivialize Corpus will be good? I am not saying that Mag should be a WORSE frame, this is the biggest misunderstanding of this thread. You can nerf mag, but at the same time make her more powerful. Case in point is Nova. once upon a time M. Prime instntly cast to all targets in range. DE then "nerfed" the instant part of it, creating the expanding bubble we have now. In some senses it was a weaker ability due to not affecting all enemies in range at once, but it also got a lot more powerful because the new range mechanic could have it affect more enemies and the slow down effect was then changed to be affected by mods. Nerf is not a black and white term, it is quite grey actually, but the Forums have come to the conclusion that nerfing something inherently will make it less useful.


So, that is why I proposed a rework.



Fixed link - damn mobile internet

Annnnd, another one doesn't read the OP.



Mag is barely hanging by a thread in terms of viability. She's good against one of the three (err, four if you count the Sentients) while there's Trinity who's great everywhere, Loki who's great anywhere, Frost who's great in all factions regarding defending something that doesn't move, Nova who can dictate who fast or how slow the enemy moves, the list goes on. Why nerf her even more.

She is actually quite good against Sentients, so if you count them in the mix it would be 2 out of 4 (but the are still under developed, so let's leave it at 1/3). Why nerf her? Because Corpus will never be able to be a challenge unless Shield Polarize is nerfed or DE puts in more cheap mechanics, pick your poison.

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She is actually quite good against Sentients, so if you count them in the mix it would be 2 out of 4 (but the are still under developed, so let's leave it at 1/3). Why nerf her? Because Corpus will never be able to be a challenge unless Shield Polarize is nerfed or DE puts in more cheap mechanics, pick your poison.

Doesn't it take a really long time for Shield Polarize to scale?

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Name one frame that can do to all factions what Mag can do to 1.



I would love to enjoy fighting Corpus, but this thing exists that makes it so they basically do not exist as a faction. If you read the post you would See this is effectively a massive buff for anti-Grineer/Infested.


Equinox vs Non-Grineer:

Killing 2 enemies to wipe out several cells, and you don't even have to kill them yourself in a party.  Also, the slash procs ignore shields for giggles on the star chart - you can wipe out entire missions by pressing 4 once and then walking through.


Ember vs anything, but especially non-corpus:


Ember can literally idle in some defense maps, and in most survivals though you have to duck in every once in a while to run around for a second and pick up the backpacks and energy orbs.  Shields take reduced damage from heat at least I guess?


Nova vs Anything, but especially non-corpus:

'you have to also left click a few times' doesn't change that she literally turns off a ton of enemies and trivializes the rest.  Corpus semi-note since molecular prime at least doesn't increase damage against shields I guess?  Still cripples them, and antimatter drop still exists too.


Vauban vs Infested:


Now that Tar can be trivially removed, the moas aren't an issue.  Handspring turns off hooks as a threat.  'you have to left click' doesn't matter when the enemy literally can't touch you, you said yourself that killing CCd enemies was just 'dirt work' - vauban is just as OP as mag whether you have to left click or not.


Also, molecular prime is only a tremendously reliable nuke that trivializes the entire faction in the starchart, where every AoE damage power is strong.  As levels start to creep up (which is more relevant now that sorties exist), you start to run into lots of things that will survive polarize.  Anything in a nullifier bubble, techs, fusion moas, attack drones, oxium ospreys, anything gathered around a guardian eximus, power carriers, combas, scrambus, bursas, all that junk.  You may recognize this list as the list of 'every threatening corpus unit except detron crewmen.'  Sure, it'll weaken them significantly, but it won't kill them so it's no longer 'doing the dirt work' and since you're finishing them off yourself with little taps that doesn't count as OP any more right?

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This is hilarious, I had to respond to this one seperatly because it is oh-so good.

Dear OP, i can just bash you for making the title ''Nerf Mag'', which is the main reason for the blind hate, BUT unlike other people that simply jump to conclusions, I'd like to make mine on the way, so let us begin...



So the ''New'' SP will be an active ability that will not only effect Mag herself, but ALL her allies aswell(i'm guessing kubrows and sentinels are included). The shields of Mag and party will not only recharge instantly(under fire), but also it will give x4 times additional recharge speed(Fast Deflection will more then likely be part of the equation, and by that i mean it will be increased x4 times aswell, as the effect is additive on the base shield recharge.). To top it all off enemies will lose 25% shields every 0.25 sec which equals 100% (all of their shields) for 1 second. I am also guessing that the effect on allies will only work as long as they are in range of the ability while active?



Let's just say that 175% power strength will equal 1200(roughly) instant shield recharge excluding the Fast Deflection mod... Now, if say, the augment still gives overshields we could be looking at about 2220 maximum amount of shields, if i am not mistaken(i think the overshields are x2 the amount of max standart shields). So in just 2 seconds (excluding Fast Deflection again) your shields can go from depleated to full... Just 2 seconds!!! And we are not talking just about Mag here, it is proposedly a party buff! So even if your teammate has just 500 shields, with overshields that will be 1k. 1k shields that will recharge regardless if under fire, in a mere second...


So... lets say that a balista will do 2220 dmg on hit, which will also be the max amount of shields for MAG... The very moment she does the dmg you will have 1200 shields up, and before you even manage to see, they will pop up to 2220 again. ''Scorch'' is probably the most dangerous (close range) ranged unit in the grineer ranks, BUT even it will not be able to deal with such ridiculousness...

This is not tanky mate, this is godmode... its not only godmode, its BROKEN godmode! But unlike other frames that also have invulnerable abilities, those abilities have drawbacks like: Valk being limited to only her claws, Limbo limited to 1 enemy at a time, Zephyr limited to godmode only against ranged targets, mostly corpus. What will Mag's limit be? The 2.5 - 5 energy(moddable) drain?

And to top it all off... It's a party buff... So basically ''SP is broken coz its a press 2 to win nuke that scales, and it is only usefull against corpus and some corrupted... So lets just make it even more broken, a party buff that makes everyone in the squad literally invincible, up to a very large amount of enemy lvl cap, but wait it will also drain all of the enemy's shields in just one second...''.

I'm sorry mate but overbuffing is not good either... and yea, that will most definetly be useful against all factions...




We are goin B I G... Big, here folks so hang on to your hats!

-Pull: With both range mods maxed, its range is about 69 or so meters, so lets just turn on our party godmode and pull everything in 90 or so meters to our feet, without LOS. I mean meh, its just 25% more to those +-70 meters right?! Broken much?!

-Bullet Attractor: So.. let me just turn mah godmode on, activate BA on a shielded enemy, do x4 times dmg per hit, and when the enemy dies and the buble explodes, it will do ALL of the dmg we did on the enemy, to ALL enemies in X range, and since all enemies will lose their shields in just 1 second, everything will be insta nuked in BA's explosion range. I mean meh, even if the enemy has 500 health, my BoltorP will do atleast 6k on hit with x4 dmg, so everything in radius is all but doomed. Broken much?!

-Crush: With both range mods maxed, its range is 50 meters, so let me just activate my godmode again, and permaknockdownspam everything in 100 meters! I mean meh, its just knockdown that is x2 times Crush's max range, which is 50(if maxed) meters, and enemies need more than 3 seconds to get up. So, let me bring along a Trinity and lockdown the map with the #4 button(granted mag will not be the only frame that can do that).

- - - -

So all in all... you propose to rework a nuke ability, that is useful only against Corpus and some Corrupted, which scales with enemy lvls... into a broken godmode ability for the whole squad, and ontop of all that you want to buff all of her other abilities into OP brokenness aswell?!

Oh dear..

Sir, if I knew your address I would ship you a box of cookies right now. While almost every other person in this thread has simply assumed that the rework I proposed would be bad, or maybe just did not even read the OP, you spent a minute or so of your time to think through what the suggested rework would do.


And it would appear you came to a frightening realization.


I could defend to OP and say that the proposed Shield Polarize rework would not be OP, but I believe you are right, it would be OP. I think god mode is a bit of a stretch, but "too powerful" sounds about right. You did misinterpret one thing though. The Op says 25% shield drain per second (.25 second intervals). By that I mean a total of 25% would be removed per second, so it would actually be more like 6.25% per .25 seconds. And also, that would be a diminishing returns thing. It would be 25% of the amount of shields the enemy has, not the maximum shields.


The fix is quite easy though, rather than having it remove the shield recharge delay, just have it reduce the delay by 75%. This would mean that yes, your shields would pretty much instantly recharge when not being shot, but you could still be easily taken down if you try to face tank.



I do disagree with your analysis of the other stuff though. Maybe pull bringing things to your feet would be a bit too good, but all I was really meaning by that is for it to pull enemies towards you. So rather than flinging enemies in random directions they will all fly towards you. I actually just read a much better suggestion to change Pull into a targeted ability. Rather that pull enemies to you it would pull enemies to wherever your pointer is (probably in a smaller range than what we have now). The bullet Attractor thing was a typo on my part, I did not intended to allude to the damage from the explosion counting the damage multiplier. And you are way over estimating the power of Crush. First of all, the knock down is only once per cast at the end of the cast. It is not a perma-knock down spam, and Mag is immobilized while it is active to boot. You know what else immobilizes the player but then stun locks entire tile sets? Sound Quake, but apparently that ability is underpowered so...


Thank you though, I tried so hard for the rework to still be able to live up to the Shield Polarize name that it actually did.

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I am starting to get tired of this argument. Besides Equinox, all of those frames are dependent on a base damage that does not scale with enemy level. So... automatically far inferior to Shield Polarize because Shield Polarize is just as good against level 500 as level 5. And Equinox requires you to actually actively kill enemies in order to build up your nuke.


The "you have left click" is a HUGE aspect. Two reasons. A) it is much more immersive to shoot a gun at an enemy than to watch everything dies with a button press and B) that left click is not an instant kill button. Weapons, no matter how powerful, eventually fall off. Eventually you have to sink a few more bullets and time into the enemies. This is not true with Mag, because it is 250% of shields, no matter the enemy level Mag will still kill them instantly.


Have I ever said that Mag was OP because she trivializes the star chart? Nope, I am saying that no matter the level the only skill required by a Mag user is to push 2.


NONE of those frames can walk in a room, press one button, and watch all of the enemies die.

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I am starting to get tired of this argument. Besides Equinox, all of those frames are dependent on a base damage that does not scale with enemy level. So... automatically far inferior to Shield Polarize because Shield Polarize is just as good against level 500 as level 5. And Equinox requires you to actually actively kill enemies in order to build up your nuke.


The "you have left click" is a HUGE aspect. Two reasons. A) it is much more immersive to shoot a gun at an enemy than to watch everything dies with a button press and B) that left click is not an instant kill button. Weapons, no matter how powerful, eventually fall off. Eventually you have to sink a few more bullets and time into the enemies. This is not true with Mag, because it is 250% of shields, no matter the enemy level Mag will still kill them instantly.


Have I ever said that Mag was OP because she trivializes the star chart? Nope, I am saying that no matter the level the only skill required by a Mag user is to push 2.


NONE of those frames can walk in a room, press one button, and watch all of the enemies die.


Every single one of those frames can do exactly that clear up to sortie missions.  an enemy that is permanently CCd is as good as dead.  In some cases an enemy that is permanently CCd and crippled is BETTER than dead because new enemies aren't spawning in to take their place (excavation, mobile defense, and interception in particular).


Scaling to level 500 is cute but it isn't really relevant.  Also as a side note, 2 equinoxes scale a thousand times better than any number of mags against literally any enemy in the game, and this is a game of parties!


I don't even have issues with Shield Polarize being changed, your justification is just garbage.

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-snip for brevity-


I don’t want DE to go all Viver on us and just blindly nerf something.  


Why would this be any different than all the other ham-handed, short-sighted nerfs we've suffered?

DE doesn't seem to think long-term or even try to discover what unintended consequences will be suffered by the player base when they nerf something. It's just knee-jerk reactionary "NOPE!" most of the time.


And with nullifiers on the corpus side, this "one and done" thing you're applying to her doesn't really fit.

Sure, she can clear out trash, and yes, she's a terror for Corpus, but she's hardly the angel of death you're making her out to be.

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Your proposed rework is bad. And yes even at 1000 shields a second it is still downright horrible.


Shields have no damage reduction. High level high-threat things will still kill you in a single hit. A ballista is simply one example, so is a juggernaut.


Shields have some very critical weaknesses, especially if they are dependent on a toggle which requires constant energy upkeep that competes with every other ability on a frame. Toxin completely bypasses, slash completely bypasses, magnetic cuts in half and removes the entire energy pool instantly shutting off the ability at the same time, radiation opens you up to friendly fire and I assure you good sir that 1000 shields a second has absolutely NOTHING on stopping a 40K "splash" from an ally's Tonkor.


You basically turn her like I said into the blue shield cousin of Rhino. Only stupidly powerful for easy content and falling flat on face in difficult stuff. I meant it because it is the simple truth.

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I did read the whole OP, I'm not reading through 4 pages of responses... but as someone who chose Mag as their starting frame when I joined during Update 7.... And played SOLO for 6 months with her in that state... I do have an interesting view on her.


Pull: used to be pinpoint-single-target only... pulling a Shield Lancer meant just taking their shield... and pulling anything else brought them to your feet to use an -underpowered- ground finisher (if they even got pulled that close at all).


Shield Polarize: remember, this power was designed in a time when Grineer had shields, NOT all corpus did, and armor as we know it today was not a thing - so in it's original design it worked on Grineer as well, (and I think some infested), except it was either targeted, or required such close range that it was effectively useless.  -  in that era; I feel it was mostly used as a shield-heal, since there was no damage type (at the time) that bypassed shields.


Bullet Attractor: The target exploding if it dies while attracted was added in U8.x I think, but there has been otherwise no change since U7 or before.


Crush: More recently updated to be better casting, and tick the damage and stun in 3 pulses instead of one grab at the time of use.



Focusing on Polarize:  In higher levels (unless the enemies have an enhanced shield modifier) Polarize will NOT insta-kill much of the Corpus or Corrupted enemies (especially with Corrupted Ancients around, they won't even be knocked down). Its damage is dealt (as I recall) as blast damage, which isn't particularly strong against most health types; though it does knock down... If nothing happens to be around the target, a single Level 1 Moa will withstand it because the polarization blast does NOT damage the target who loses the shield, only those nearby are affected by the blast. - therefore it makes the skill situational. That situation just happens to be large groups of Corpus Enemies, but that's not to say that she isn't useful as an overall crowd control frame as well against many factions.



Time after time I feel I have to remind players... A warframe is a tool; You choose the right tool for the right task... Mag is the tool for Corpus and Hijack missions... Other frames are the right tool for other missions and factions.... but that doesn't mean that pounding a nail into the wall with a wrench or shoe is ineffective, it's just different. -  You can use the tool "correctly", or in an interesting or unique way; anything can be helpful, as long as you're clear about the objective of the mission FOR YOU... (farming vs. mission completion)... then everyone should be getting along nicely.

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Crush: Make the immobilizing aspect of the augment part of her default kit (not the armor reduction part).

Yes, the armor reduction part as well. It's named crush so it should crush armor along with their bones as thus, their armor crumbles apart overtime.


As a result, both ancients and Grineer fall prey to Mag as well,

Edited by Sorise
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Goes both ways.
The fact that Mag can only truly outshine other Damage frames when against Corpus shows how significantly gimped she is right now.


Also, remember that Shield Polarize works by Detonating the shields, dealing AoE damage to units near the detonation, and not the unit itself.


Considering other Damage frames also doing work, there is not much left for Mag to do either.

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You did misinterpret one thing though. The Op says 25% shield drain per second (.25 second intervals). By that I mean a total of 25% would be removed per second, so it would actually be more like 6.25% per .25 seconds. And also, that would be a diminishing returns thing. It would be 25% of the amount of shields the enemy has, not the maximum shields.


Ahh... I did not see the ''per second'' part, sorry bout that. So if an enemy lingers in the range of SP for 5(constant) seconds, regardless of their shield value, after those 5 seconds, they will have 0 shields? That sounds... acceptable, BUT there should be an animation that represents the range of SP while active, like Equinox's #3.


The fix is quite easy though, rather than having it remove the shield recharge delay, just have it reduce the delay by 75%. This would mean that yes, your shields would pretty much instantly recharge when not being shot, but you could still be easily taken down if you try to face tank.


Well... if it stays ''when not fired upon'' it wont be so absurdly OP, it will only work until a certain lvl cap and after that its usefulness will start to diminish fast, BUT that is not really a bad thing, since it won't be the only ability that will suffer enemy lvl scaling(its enemy shield lowering part however will scale so...) . Quite frankly... if it did not suffer enemy scaling, it will put mag above tank tier frames, which is a position Mag does not belong in... AND since it IS going to be a party buff(something that others in this thread chose to ignore) it should not be broken-OP. So, i approve of this aswell, as long as there is a bit of ehh... to the other abilities, if you know what i mean.


Maybe pull bringing things to your feet would be a bit too good, but all I was really meaning by that is for it to pull enemies towards you. So rather than flinging enemies in random directions they will all fly towards you.


I have no beef with your proposed change to the CC of Pull... Those 90 meters however... for a #1 ability?! That is too good, a 90 meter CC ability with a low energy cost that hapens to be her #1 ability... its a big NO from me!

Change it so that... if there is an enemy with BA on, everything in X radius of that enemy will be pulled into them. So it wont only pull enemies to your feet, but in addition, if an enemy is affected by BA, enemies around it will be pulled in for BA's explosion...


The bullet Attractor thing was a typo on my part, I did not intended to allude to the damage from the explosion counting the damage multiplier.


The only change BA needs is to jump from enemy to enemy, when the one affected dies, period! Forget that ''High numbers on screen'' thing mate, it leads to hate... ''Interesting design/functionality'' is the way to go!


And you are way over estimating the power of Crush. First of all, the knock down is only once per cast at the end of the cast. It is not a perma-knock down spam, and Mag is immobilized while it is active to boot.


Crush's animation is roughtly 3-4 seconds, when an enemy is knocked down... from the time it starts to fall to the ground, to the time it is up and shooting, takes more than 4 seconds! It does not matter that Mag will be unmovable as the knockdown's range is 100 whole meters! Since its 100 meters and the enemy cannot even move at all before a consecutive Crush activation... They are permaknockdowned if Crush is being spammed, and there is also ''Natural Talent" so...


You know what else immobilizes the player but then stun locks entire tile sets? Sound Quake, but apparently that ability is underpowered so...


Thank you though


Banshee's Sound Quake has a max range of 47 or so meters with both range mods maxed, whereas your proposed knockdown range on Crush is 100 meters... Who is going to shoot Mag for over 100 meters? 47 on the other hand... Oh and when SQ is active you cannot get energy from pizzas, ES or EV... but with Crush...


And you are welcome... Im just trying to make some constructive criticism, instead of just littering the thread with mindless arguments.

Edited by kleerr2
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After I've seen topics named "Banshee is OP" ........ I should have expected this ...... but I didn't!

How? ... Why? .....she can only deal with 1/3 soon 1/4 of all enemies and not even those completely, as someone before me presented Nullifiers.

One horrific overpowered ability that litteraly ignores any kind of scaling and even makes use of it is plenty of reason for a nerf. Especially as DE kept adding multiple stacking strength mods that just push it over the top.

But as i said before, a nerf should never be the way to go at a point where she allready suffers from nerfs to evry other aspect of her kit.

What she needs is a endgame viable rework, nothing less.

If you're looking for ideas:

Tone down or cap shield polarice BUT

*Add finisher damage to her ult (it is crushing them from the inside goddamn, neather armor, nor shields should influence this ability)

*Remove or lighten the target lock from bullet attractor. Make the orbs stay for the full duration and collect bullets that EXPLODE to a AE, spreading and damaging enemys around.

*And lastly: make pull knocking down enemys instead of ragdolling them all over the place. Add a disarms effect that triggers a short chase for theyr weapons (so you're still able to move them away from a spot) and give it a synergy with bullet attractor so you're able to unload the caught bullets when you need it.

Thats just a recommendation tho. Thers multiple ways to go at a magnetic themed frame and DE kinda choose the worst as i see it. The one that completely ignores magnetism.

Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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I actually started with mag, watching videos of just this, just right after they nerfed her. Bad times man. She was decent back then posessing actuall CROWD CONTROLL and nothing but GOOD DAMAGE (due to the existing variety of mods). Her old kinda balance is exactly what she needs back.

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I actually started with mag, watching videos of just this, just right after they nerfed her. Bad times man. She was decent back then posessing actuall CROWD CONTROLL and nothing but GOOD DAMAGE (due to the existing variety of mods). Her old kinda balance is exactly what she needs back.

well that pull barely did any dmg but was pro utility.


shield polarize is utility vs 2 factions and a good damage dealing skill vs a 3rd.


also ember is very good vs infested and nobody complains about that.

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Mag can only deal with groups of corpus

She can't kill oxium drones

She can't kill exilus unless they are in large heavy shielded groups

She can't kill the new corpus units unless they are in large groups or RNG hits them from multiple units

She can't kill solo units


tho mag can kill Nulls with under 200% power str by spamming shield pol 10 times, but it needs RNG to have a live corpus near to beat on the null bubble and its not 100% and often need to be "dealt with"



In the void shield pol is ballanced by armored units, against pure corpus.... she wrecks and is a touch overpowered, but I think thats fine.


as sombody pointled out, Vauban does the same to Infested.

In any content under level 50, which is where the game ballance seems to exist, other frames can destroy the map in a similar, and often more reliable fashon.


eg Mirage buffed with radiation from Oberons Smite infusion can "wipe the map" using Prism, which actually outranges shield Pol

and many other frames can "map wipe" solo

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Mag can only deal with groups of corpus

She can't kill oxium drones

She can't kill exilus unless they are in large heavy shielded groups

She can't kill the new corpus units unless they are in large groups or RNG hits them from multiple units

She can't kill solo units

tho mag can kill Nulls with under 200% power str by spamming shield pol 10 times, but it needs RNG to have a live corpus near to beat on the null bubble and its not 100% and often need to be "dealt with"

In the void shield pol is ballanced by armored units, against pure corpus.... she wrecks and is a touch overpowered, but I think thats fine.

as sombody pointled out, Vauban does the same to Infested.

In any content under level 50, which is where the game ballance seems to exist, other frames can destroy the map in a similar, and often more reliable fashon.

eg Mirage buffed with radiation from Oberons Smite infusion can "wipe the map" using Prism, which actually outranges shield Pol

and many other frames can "map wipe" solo

Balanced lol..yea pretty sure up to 800% of a scaling value executed as raw AE can be considered balanced because units have scaling reduction in the void....

Damage: over the top.

CC: near to nonexistant.

Needs: a sweet spot in the middle.

Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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Balanced lol..yea pretty sure 800% of a scaling value executed as raw AE can be considered balanced because units have scaling reduction in the void.

Damage: over the top.

CC: nonexistant.

Needs: a sweet spot in the middle.


how does pull's excellent CC ability somehow become "nonexistant"?

How does crush's (short but useful) CC disappear?

How does damage against specific mobs (that have shields and are in a group) equate to over the top damage?

Edited by xethier
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Shields, that's all she's got if you take away her abilities. She's slow, has just enough HP to take a bullet to the face and maybe not insta-die and is as frightening as a kitten. I don't mind a full on rework of her and removing her one button nuke but to see her take another devastating nerf to the one skill she has left will make even the rescue targets stronger than her. I mean yes we've got Pull which is cute, jerking enemies around is fun till they get up and shoot you, Bullet Attract which if you aren't really kitted for it can kinda back be useless but can be pretty powerful and Crush, it's description is far more terrifying than the actual skill. Shield Polarize makes her the moving equivalence of a rapid fire Shield Restore with some kick as long as you are kitted for it and as far as I've seen it only is really effective against Corpus of course and Corrupted once the Corpus types come out to play with shield drones. I mean why keep her in the game if you wanna keep nerfing her, just seems a bit sad.


But I do understand where you are coming from but rather see a full rework of her rather than just changing one skill right now *rubs hands together* and oooh boi dun forget she might get a deluxe skin too!

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