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Mag Concerns


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Still funny noticing the comments not reading the full thing.  It's fine to disagree with some suggestions in OP's post but ignoring the post entirely and just "salt" posting is not really feedback guys.  Read.  You see text you read before you just comment.


I can sum up what OP wants:

Make Mag useless again.


Just like all those cry abbies wanted to nerf the first AOE PULL that Mag had, which pulled all enemies towards your spot and left them open for finishers and explosives from team mates.

Seems like someone skimmed the post...  No wait... He just skipped it.  His goal isn't to make it useless it is to make Mag not have an "easy" button that instant kills most of the enemies in an area.  Other Warframes that make encounters easy do it by massive CC and support abilities.  Mag as it is now literally has a kill all button against the Corpus.  OP just suggested to replace the ability with something that for example ignore status effects while shields are up, the "proto" shields. 


He also cleary states "There is one very important requirement for a Shield Polarize nerf… the rest of her kit MUST get a look at the same time. I don’t want DE to go all Viver on us and just blindly nerf something."  Seriously in the post that he's not asking for the ability itself to get nerfed without the other abilities getting touched up to be effective in the current game.


Also that Pull for Finishers thing... Ya...  I tried that crap.  They don't really land at your feet, they just fly the opposite direction you're facing.  Would work better with the first rework of it that had them all in her face, which then got removed, since it didn't knocked down enemies originally, and changed into the Yank everyone this direction but not close together.  Her ability just needs to be re-looked at since they have changed it soo much and try only in the last few months make it more and more line of sight.


well that pull barely did any dmg but was pro utility.


shield polarize is utility vs 2 factions and a good damage dealing skill vs a 3rd.


also ember is very good vs infested and nobody complains about that.

Oh boy.  Pull use to be her damage ability at first rework.  You may see comics joking about her yanking Grineer from the other side of the wall.  Content also didn't scale so high back then so 2-4 Pulls use to kill a room of Grineer when that first came out.  Of course the function changed.


Ember... Really?  At low content she does fine.  Later content most people gear her for CC.  She doesn't have an INSTANT KILL button and she has to actively move around being more interactive then Mag pressing 2.



Mag can only deal with groups of corpus

She can't kill oxium drones

She can't kill exilus unless they are in large heavy shielded groups

She can't kill the new corpus units unless they are in large groups or RNG hits them from multiple units

She can't kill solo units


tho mag can kill Nulls with under 200% power str by spamming shield pol 10 times, but it needs RNG to have a live corpus near to beat on the null bubble and its not 100% and often need to be "dealt with"



In the void shield pol is ballanced by armored units, against pure corpus.... she wrecks and is a touch overpowered, but I think thats fine.


as sombody pointled out, Vauban does the same to Infested.

In any content under level 50, which is where the game ballance seems to exist, other frames can destroy the map in a similar, and often more reliable fashon.


eg Mirage buffed with radiation from Oberons Smite infusion can "wipe the map" using Prism, which actually outranges shield Pol

and many other frames can "map wipe" solo

•You have to build her without power strength for most other factions mainly focusing on CC,  Pull is decent at stopping enemies from swarming but doesn't really put them all in a place your teammates can take advantage of.

•Honestly I just Bullet Attractor and just tap with whatever weapon I'm using.  Dont' ever need more then 200% power strength and BA is 4x damage at that power strength.  Sure it's costly but that's one of the reason she needs a look at.

•Actually she can do fine against most of them as I see.  If they do survive they already lost a large percentage of their health.  Guardian Eximus, a corpus exclusive eximus, can protect all around them from the damage of the explosion.

•Most abilities fail to kill the newer corpus units.  They're considered now "Heavy" units.  Combi and Combus, if I got their names right, are just made to counter ability use.


Nullifiers are designed to stop squad wipes.  I can't say it's RNG if you're trying to get them with the explosion.  Here's something that annoys me a bit.  Mag users who rely on this tactic.  Bullet jump in, shoot the guy, bullet jump out.  Mag doesn't have active buffs like the other Warframes so hearing this is just funny.


•Vauban is NOT doing the same to infested he involves active commitment.  Shield Polarize straight up kills 90% of enemies with shields.  Vauban just holds enemies in place with CC.  Which guess what?!  Involves needing to actively shoot and melee things!  Something that most every warframe suggested that did the same thing doesn't do!  They just stagger lock, blind, knockdown, or force them to do something else!


how does pull's excellent CC ability somehow become "nonexistant"?

How does crush's (short but useful) CC disappear?

How does damage against specific mobs (that have shields and are in a group) equate to over the top damage?


Pull is still decent CC just not beneficial to anyone if you need to kill the targets.  They fly towards a direction instead of being grouped up.


Crush.  Good for holding enemies while a teammate revives.  Enemies still recover really fast and mainly must need a Pull within 2 seconds of using though.  The Augment just makes them not move but they can still shoot.


It's scaling to enemy shield scaling.  The ability barely ever killed anything before corrupt mods came out.  The explosions are AoE based per enemy.  Honestly this ability should only get changed while a full rework of everything else happens.  Just hope people stop having fear over it since DE_Scott already said he's doing it.

Edited by BBYipho
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how does pull's excellent CC ability somehow become "nonexistant"?

How does crush's (short but useful) CC disappear?

How does damage against specific mobs (that have shields and are in a group) equate to over the top damage?

Her current pull as CC has been nerfed yb cry babies who wanted Pull to do dmg.

Now its a mediocre skill that deals dmg and barely a good CC. Its more a croud begone than a croud control.


Also that Pull for Finishers thing... Ya...  I tried that crap.  They don't really land at your feet, they just fly the opposite direction you're facing.  Would work better with the first rework of it that had them all in her face, which then got removed, since it didn't knocked down enemies originally, and changed into the Yank everyone this direction but not close together.  Her ability just needs to be re-looked at since they have changed it soo much and try only in the last few months make it more and more line of sight.


Oh boy.  Pull use to be her damage ability at first rework.  You may see comics joking about her yanking Grineer from the other side of the wall.  Content also didn't scale so high back then so 2-4 Pulls use to kill a room of Grineer when that first came out.  Of course the function changed.


Ember... Really?  At low content she does fine.  Later content most people gear her for CC.  She doesn't have an INSTANT KILL button and she has to actively move around being more interactive then Mag pressing 2.


Pull is still decent CC just not beneficial to anyone if you need to kill the targets.  They fly towards a direction instead of being grouped up.


Mags first pull was a single target CC and could also pull team mates.


This got changed into a non targetable 360 pull of enemies which piled enemies ontop of her or the location it got casted while you moved.

That pull was amazing as CC why it wasnt about dmg it was purely about the control of where you placed all enemies. This is the pull that shouldnt of been removed but because of cry babies who wanted a dmg skill we got what we have now after several tweaks... an unreliable skill.


Crush is still useless cause it has a long animation and related to many other skills is mediocre at dmg, even spamming pull is better.

So when the OP wants to change her only scaling damage skill then yeah thats another nerf.


Also we know how DE usually fixes these things:

People say thet find one aspect OP but rest UP. results in the OP skill getting nerfed to the bone and the rest barely improved.

Edited by jmthebigman
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Her current pull as CC has been nerfed yb cry babies who wanted Pull to do dmg.

Now its a mediocre skill that deals dmg and barely a good CC. Its more a croud begone than a croud control.



Mags first pull was a single target CC and could also pull team mates.


This got changed into a non targetable 360 pull of enemies which piled enemies ontop of her or the location it got casted while you moved.

That pull was amazing as CC why it wasnt about dmg it was purely about the control of where you placed all enemies. This is the pull that shouldnt of been removed but because of cry babies who wanted a dmg skill we got what we have now after several tweaks... an unreliable skill.


Crush is still useless cause it has a long animation and related to many other skills is mediocre at dmg, even spamming pull is better.

So when the OP wants to change her only scaling damage skill then yeah thats another nerf.


Also we know how DE usually fixes these things:

People say thet find one aspect OP but rest UP. results in the OP skill getting nerfed to the bone and the rest barely improved.

Oh I know these changes.  First rework.  Not first version.  I had a post in another thread on every detail I can recall a few days ago.


(Posted a link to it since I don't feel I should copy & paste something that large).


Actually that Pull that put all the enemies at her location was a problem.  Mainly the not getting knocked down part and most likely dying in about a few seconds because of it.  If we had melee 2.0 back then, then this Pull would be amazing.  Still wish they focus more on making her a better CC and Support frame.


Animation on Crush is horrible yes.  A horribly long animation needs more benefits.


That outlook is kind of negative.  Is this towards Mesa on the function change to her Peacemaker or to how some people are annoyed at trying to make Saryn do things?  Most changes have been pretty great!  Mainly towards Excalibur, Frost, and Rhino.  Saryn could benefit more with a more tankier Molt.  Probably a cost combo reduction.


And just because.


I use to keep a thread up and a poorly done video trying to fix some annoying bugs with her abilities.


Trust me when I say I care for Mag.  I also have some friends who use this red text joke on me when I start using Bullet Attractor a bunch.


When before she was first majorly reworked I was trying to manage a thread with other people with how they would imagine she get reworked.  Though nowadays I would probably look at that old thread and tell myself it was terrible.  Too bad it's hard to find ancient topics using the search function.


I do have my own thread of my ideas.  Though more towards the other abilities, I tried to make Shield Polarize a binding ability kind of like how we kind of see Saryn's Molt being lately.  Though even I am looking for better suggestions.


Edited by BBYipho
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Mag is only good at very high levels. This is the reason why you realistic only see the frame played in sorti or on Trition. While the OP claims that mag makes corpus absolute trivial, I can only think of a few sorti missions with elemental/IPS resistance where mag did provide the better choice(mostly because other dps frames do only a tiny fraction of her damage). From my personal experience even with mag you will still shoot a ton of stuff at high levels(oxium ospreys like every single time, that took the majority of the time in a the last L100 sorti defence with my mag).


At low levels nearly every other dps frame is better, because you don't have to worry about waiting for groups, guardian eximus or if targets have her shields removed by another player, because you simply do damage. Even yesterday the L60 eximus stronghold defence was a lot easier with Ember then with Mag, because Ember will one shot every eximus and guardian eximus are no issue at all, while I could hardly stop spamming the trigger with mag, once the shields are gone and you actually have to shoot stuff for your dps. The only reason Mag does the L100 sorti quicker is that eximus Techs at L100 got a metric ton of flesh to shoot.


The change suggested to shield polarise would make it useless, static HP is only useful at low levels, even super high recharge is insufficient compared to full recharge on a single button press like it is now.  A Channelling ability would also be a massive nerf to mag, because this does not work with the tool DE handed out with U18 that makes mag as sustainable at high levels as see was before the gpull nerf. Overall with the suggested change there would be no reason to use mag over other options.


Pull is only good at low levels, since you don't want to pull stuff towards you at L100+(high level means crush 100% of the time for CC and not pull).


Polarise, quick shield recharge while the biggest problem is that you get one hit killed at levels the frame makes sense currently does not make sense. What would be the point?


Bullet attractor needs a static 10s duration or 20-25s duration at base(so it would work sufficient with one duration mod), the target should switch once it is killed to another one in range, so it acts as a 8-10s damage buff for your team. Damage multiplier should scale with power strength, explosion damage at the end should be a fraction(lets say 10% of all damage done) of the damage applied to it, not a fixed number. Oh and yeah energy cost should be lowered to 50.


Crush needs some fixes regarding being client and lag, what can make all 3 tics not applying CC to the target(I get so often killed when the targets just continue fire at you while they are in range and should be CCed) and only receive the knock down at the end. The armor debuff of fracturing crush should be permanent, even with this it is just a bad band aid mod that will not replace 4 CP in any game beyond L100.


Mag scales very good at levels 95% of the user base does never play, below this other dps frames make corpus far more trivial then mag, because they don't have eximus designed to counter them, don't have to use specific modded weapons and a strict target priority to do damage while being not affected at all by other players for damage output.

Edited by Djego27
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...It did help that Mag is the only frame that scales in such a powerful fashion with enemy level, but any combination, with enough communication, should be able to go that long.


Does everyone discount Mirage Sleight of Hand having scaling Finisher damage to 100% Remaining Enemy health near Storage Lockers?

Sleight of Hand 1-shots VayHek in 2nd Hijack(Train) part of LoR if cast when he spawns in the little Garage/room when last Button is located on right-hand side.

100% Remaining Enemy health as Finisher Damage

I swear that means it scales infinitely like Mag but doesn't matter if Armored or not.

Although it is RNG to the max.(Well aside from Tentacles/Tornadoes)

Edited by (PS4)MrNishi
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(where is Flame Repellant when you need it)
Okay, now that I have your attention, hear me out. Let me state one simple little fact about Mag before you start whining.
Mag trivializes a third of enemies in game.
Let me say that again… Mag trivializes an entire faction of enemies.
Okay, one more time. Mag can destroy an entire group of enemies instantly, regardless of level, by just pushing one button.



You forgot to mention that the group of enemies are only Corpus without a Nullifier, which is a corpus only unit, or Oxium Osprey and as you stated ...that's only a third of the enemies in the game. Soon the 1/3 will turn into 1/4.


Another thing you forgot to mention is how badly she does agaisnt the other factions.


No, she needs balance between almost trivializing a faction and being an almost nonfactor against the others.

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Oh I know these changes.  First rework.  Not first version.  I had a post in another thread on every detail I can recall a few days ago.


(Posted a link to it since I don't feel I should copy & paste something that large).


Actually that Pull that put all the enemies at her location was a problem.  Mainly the not getting knocked down part and most likely dying in about a few seconds because of it.  If we had melee 2.0 back then, then this Pull would be amazing.  Still wish they focus more on making her a better CC and Support frame.


Animation on Crush is horrible yes.  A horribly long animation needs more benefits.


That outlook is kind of negative.  Is this towards Mesa on the function change to her Peacemaker or to how some people are annoyed at trying to make Saryn do things?  Most changes have been pretty great!  Mainly towards Excalibur, Frost, and Rhino.  Saryn could benefit more with a more tankier Molt.  Probably a cost combo reduction.


And just because.


I use to keep a thread up and a poorly done video trying to fix some annoying bugs with her abilities.


Trust me when I say I care for Mag.  I also have some friends who use this red text joke on me when I start using Bullet Attractor a bunch.


When before she was first majorly reworked I was trying to manage a thread with other people with how they would imagine she get reworked.  Though nowadays I would probably look at that old thread and tell myself it was terrible.  Too bad it's hard to find ancient topics using the search function.


I do have my own thread of my ideas.  Though more towards the other abilities, I tried to make Shield Polarize a binding ability kind of like how we kind of see Saryn's Molt being lately.  Though even I am looking for better suggestions.



The pull back then didnt get you killed if you were a skilled player, aka knew when to pull and how to dodge the enemies flying towards you :P


Ill bookmark your topic and will have a look at it.

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how does pull's excellent CC ability somehow become "nonexistant"?

How does crush's (short but useful) CC disappear?

How does damage against specific mobs (that have shields and are in a group) equate to over the top damage?

LoS, 90° ratio, idealy pretty expensive as mag is at her best on these kinda builds and even a first is expensive if the effect just stays for a moment. Not to mention that the present execution can be hardly called crowd CONTROLL. Crush is controll but even more expensive for what it does.

Sry man but i don't consider something CC if you litteraly have to make a deal with the devil to keep it going.

Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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Mag: Shield Polarize is OP vs Corpus.
This ability should just destroy 50% of the corpus shield. No damage done. 50% of greenier armor removed, no damage done.
Recover 50% of the shield to all allies affected by power strength.

Thats all, its not utlimate ability to make 250% damage multipleir from enemy shield. Its obvious that it will destroy Corpus because they have high shield and small amount of health.

Pull is just good first ability that cost small amount of energy.

Bullet atractor should do only 150% of the damage not 200%, but after enemy is killed it should jump to nearest enemy and that until Duration ends.

Crush should take up all enemies, combine them into one big ball, and throw them to the ground, and magnetize them to the ground so they will not be abble to stand up for several seconds. That will put all near enemies into one place, just for easy kill.

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I'd rather they give Mag completely new abilities.


The ability to lift large amounts of mass greater than the frame, to magnize things powerful enough to redirect hitscan bullets, and to make things collapse upon themselves, should make Mag "logically" one of the most destructive frames out there.


She can "lore"-wise probably disable a whole ship if gameplay restrictions weren't there.


Pull is nice. Shield Polarize is honestly a boring concept. Bullet Attractor is a nice concept with terrible execution. Crush is simply a press 4 aoe.


We... need a railgun ability for her. Or just anything magnetic related that's more interesting than her current ones.

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Well I just did the melee only CORPUS interception sortie, 2 man on mag, with not enough enemies to make shield polarize work, I struggled to really kill anything and spent most of the time using melee to kill units. I had to simply wait 30 seconds at the end of the wave for flying targets to despawn as none of mags skills really touched them, over 28 crush's where needed to kill a drone.


It seemed pretty clear that Mag vs corpus faction, Failed to be fully effective, with under 400 kills at the end of 4 waves

I had just casually soloed the same Sortie on Excal, using RJ and EB netting over 800 kills.

I then did the same sortie again 2 man on Ash and again had no issues, with over 1000 kills from pushing 4 in a semi afk fashon while boosting a friend.



So vs a corpus faction on what DE consider high levels in a sortie, Ash and Excal outperformed Mag. (in solo and 2 man setting)


This is with a mag setup with 275% range, 198% str 175% eff, and fed with energy plates and zenurik spamming skills...


Mag is very strong, but also very situatioinal



The vauban doesn't kill comment is also rather silly, because while true, simply shooting Torid or almost any weapon into vortex deal so much damage that players get bored before targets fail to die in a timely manner.





Shield polarize scaling off enemy shields and level, make it one of the best skills in game.

Most other frames have static scaling making them dull, pointless and overpowered at low levels and totally pointless at high levels.

We need to avoid static damage skills.

Imo all skills should deal damage using some formula like 500 damage +(5 damage * enemy level)

Edited by Tatersail
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In your attempt to start a big discussion about how Mag should be reworked, you got a lot of replies from people who are focusing on a very important part of your forum post: The title. That's the first thing everyone sees. You deliberately gave this post a title that would likely "rustle the jimmies" of many readers, and in doing this, you gave the post a very negative, non-constructive tone. This makes it difficult for anyone to take the content of what you've written seriously, and your words will likely fall upon deaf ears (especially if your forum post is a particularly lengthy one). If you want people to thoroughly read your post and discuss things constructively, baiting them in with a controversial title is not the way to do it. The salt will pour, arguments will start, and the thread may even get locked if a full-on salt avalanche occurs.


As for the Mag "nerf," you are mainly focusing on Shield Polarize, and the other abilities are only briefly mentioned. Her second ability is essentially the same as a basic nuke ability that a lot of the older frames had before things started getting more complex (Press 4 to Win style like the old Saryn, Excalibur, Rhino, etc.). She's one of the very first frames, and is long overdue for a serious rework. DE have mentioned this several times on past Dev Streams, they haven't forgotten, it's just not at the top of their priority list (it might be in the works right now, who knows).


TL;DR - Clickbait titles are ineffective for getting your point across, don't put boobs in the thumbnail unless you're trying to make money off ad revenue and have no shame. Mag will get her rework Soon™...

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After spamming Shied polarize on a Sortie Interception mission, despite all the mass killings, allies still died and it was still tough staying alive. No nerf needed :)


The others were all Mags as well.

"She scales indefinitley"

"She trivializes an entire faction"

"She's just too op with Shield Polarize"


Yeah. that right there proves it, she's not some god against corpus, the low-shielded corpus units still resist mag.

Sure, she scales indefinitley with crewmen, but the other, more resistant units laugh at shield polarize.

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"She scales indefinitley"

"She trivializes an entire faction"

"She's just too op with Shield Polarize"


Yeah. that right there proves it, she's not some god against corpus, the low-shielded corpus units still resist mag.

Sure, she scales indefinitley with crewmen, but the other, more resistant units laugh at shield polarize.


Here is the other part many people forget; there are Corpus units that can inflict Slash Proc. Your shields mean jack S#&$ all if that bleed kicks in.

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Here is the other part many people forget; there are Corpus units that can inflict Slash Proc. Your shields mean jack S#&$ all if that bleed kicks in.

If you mean elite crewmen, it's because they are too irrelevant to be remembered.

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Mag is my most used frame. I have not been using her much lately, but the time invested is there. I am not so sure I agree about that instant part, because it is not actually instant, you have to count in casting time. If Mag can restore 800 shields in one second that is actually more powerful than "instantly" restoring shields as she does now, you have to count in the casting. The problem with regen now is that it is two factor, recharge delay AND recharge rate. The suggested rework would remove the three second delay and recharge shields at a massive rate. Have you ever seen the immortal Oberon builds (Rage+QT+all mods devoted to Renewal)? It is kind of like that, but much more powerful.

Fun fact: This is the first nerf thread I have ever posted. Normally I ask for buffs or more general reworks (that are basically buffs). I am yet to hear an argument on how Shield Polarize is not OP, only people saying "But these frames are OP too, so that (for some reason) means we shouldn't nerf Mag" and "Why not buff these frames" which I never alluded to the opposite of these statements. I want, dare I say it, balance. this involves nerfs, buffs and general reworks of all frames.

A: click bait title can be changed by going into edit on your OP

B: nullies and ospreys (heck, I can't even kill a tech with shield polarize and I have near max strength barring blind rage)

C: isn't it confirmed she's getting reworked?

D: am I missing something, or is your solution still ineffective on grineer and infested?

E: it must require a ton of strength cause I'm at a 8/10 trans and there's still some shield left at times...

Edited by NKDG
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Mag needs to be buffed not nerfed, so what shes a corpus killer but even still, she is not OP Volt is a corpus killer Frost, Vauban.... all other frames in the game destroy grineer and infested easy. I cant see why people think mag needs to be nerfed she is useless against infest and against grineer, at higher levels of enemies her damage falls off to the point where she cant even remove the shields of corpus, plus she can not do anything to the null corpus... she needs a buff. Corpus become stronger with newer ways to block powers and means insta death for her in battle what else would you have her do? 

Edited by PeterScarlet
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After spamming Shied polarize on a Sortie Interception mission, despite all the mass killings, allies still died and it was still tough staying alive. No nerf needed :)


The others were all Mags as well.

Mag Shield Polarize gameplay.  The first Mag that strip shields gets all the overshields with use of the augment while the others get nothing!  It's an ability that isn't as team beneficial as it was aimed to be.


That's not a very beneficial squad.


"She scales indefinitley"

"She trivializes an entire faction"

"She's just too op with Shield Polarize"


Yeah. that right there proves it, she's not some god against corpus, the low-shielded corpus units still resist mag.

Sure, she scales indefinitley with crewmen, but the other, more resistant units laugh at shield polarize.

Sortie is a horrible way to measure a frame's power.  The problem with the ability is the introduction of Corrupted mods and enemies scaling higher then before.  She use to nearly never one shot anybody with Shield Polarize until these factors existed.


A lot of people don't realize that they created Guardian Eximus to counter the effects of Shield Polarize.  If there's no Nullifier, Oxium Ospray, Combi, Guardian Eximus there countering them.  Everything would die from a single Shield Polarize use.  Infact Nullifiers for example only started existing after people found a fast way to farm Syndicate standing using Mag and Excalibur in Interception.  Though I am loving the ability spam counters appearing.


This whole thread should have been titled "Wah! A Mag player got more kills in a sortie than me."


The very idea of demanding a nerf to a busted up, barely working frame that has one little niche that it's not even the best for is just ludicrous. Stop being a forum warrior demanding everything else get dropped because you don't like it.


I could understand if this was some pvp based game and a frame was basically able to kill everyone in one hit. This is a PvE game, based on teamwork, and people are obsessed with making their team members weaker because they want to be the special snowflake that gets the Highest Kill Rate of the Mission Trophy. No one cares about the numbers when the mission ends. If a Mag murdered your family and you have sworn vengeance for their death, then just don't play with anyone using the frame. Same goes for any frame, weapon, etc. No one is forcing you to random pug. You can host a team and request whatever the heck you want.


tl;dr: Buff Limbo.


Bait title made most of the posts here "salt," however, the op has put a good point that the ability is a bit too strong at nearly all levels.


The post also mentions in order for this nerf to take place she needs her other abilities buffed up.  He doesn't want the ability to be targeted by itself without touching her up you know?


The ability as it stands doesn't really have a lot of teamwork working for it.  Sure it gets lots of kills against a faction but is your idea of a game just standing there not getting to kill anything while another guy is standing there doing the same animation for the same skill over and over and over without ever needing to move?  At this point I'll just add a new layer of paint  on my wall and watch it freaking dry.


During her first major rework changing the function of her abilities I pretty much stated she went from that, "Nice support frame."  Into, "Wow... She's now a sadist and she seems to have a permenant temper.  Oh and she loves knocking her enemies over."


Limbo needs the love to.  Hopefully next.


Mag needs to be buffed not nerfed, so what shes a corpus killer but even still, she is not OP Volt is a corpus killer Frost, Vauban.... all other frames in the game destroy grineer and infested easy. I cant see why people think mag needs to be nerfed she is useless against infest and against grineer, at higher levels of enemies her damage falls off to the point where she cant even remove the shields of corpus, plus she can not do anything to the null corpus... she needs a buff. Corpus become stronger with newer ways to block powers and means insta death for her in battle what else would you have her do? 

All these other frames do it through multiple actions and managing.  Normally not though instant killing specific units.  Op said this ability needs to not be so powerful while the other abilities become powerful and or useful to use.  Seriously this thread isn't about destroying Mag.  Op just wants to make the ability work for other factions by suggesting that the ability should give protoshields.  Sure he clearly says it's going to be a nerf no matter what when it comes to using it as a damage ability.


Why this community are going to nerf all abilites that deals dmg? Seriously, what is difference between pres 1-4 to win and boltor p? Pls nerf boltor p, it is good vs any factions, dealing more dmg than many of warframe abilties and players don't need energy to use it.


As said earlier in this reply, this ability use to never instant kill anything.  It's just the introduction of corrupt mods and the increased shields given to the Corpus with enemy scaling that's making this more destructive.


That weapon may or may not get a nerf when they introduce some damage modtype reworks as well as leveling weapon damage rework.  We may even see some older weapons being useful again when that arrives.  So frrrraaaaay?

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Name one frame that can do to all factions what Mag can do to 1..

just 1? Mirage can, equinox can, rhino can, saryn can, nezha can (kinda)

nuke powers are all over the game, mag nukes one faction until shock eximus arrives (their hp take no dmg fom SP) and he is common on high levels.....

Leave mag alone already....

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just 1? Mirage can, equinox can, rhino can, saryn can, nezha can (kinda)

nuke powers are all over the game, mag nukes one faction until shock eximus arrives (their hp take no dmg fom SP) and he is common on high levels.....

Leave mag alone already....

Let me guess in detail.


Mirage just uses Eclipse and some powerful weapon with Hall of Mirriors?  Not a one button murder.  Are you trying to suggest her Prism with the area blind?  Good CC but not a one button murder.


Equinox I'm guessing is a Maim thing isn't it?  Which is an ability that just stores your damage.  Not a one button murder just a damage storer.  This is more interactive.  Maybe a max range Rest setup?  That range would be a bit too small to counter everything in the room though so what?  Are we talking about the CC from Maim when enemies enter the area?  Oh hey it's CC again!


Rhino... Really?  Pretty much Roar and some powerful weapon.  Again.  Still not a one button murder.  Stomp?  Ha...  It's CC!  Again!


Saryn can still kill targets pretty well but involves a combination of actions.  No instant murder button.  Before the rework she had a spammable murder button that was based on reducing power duration forcing the damage pulses to happen far more rapid then intended.  A spaz pressing 4 murder button.  DE expressed they rather have players interact more then doing that.  Is she a hard counter for everything?  No.  She's a well rounded frame now at least, with a few buff suggestions needed for Molt's health.


Nezha...  An interesting frame don't have a full personal opinion yet.  I'm tempted to either trade for or buy him.  Though from what I've seen so far...  CC!  Yet again!


See where the problem is here?  All these frames are doing well because they have some kind of crowd control and/or damage buffer to your weapons.  Not an instant murder button.


Would be nice to see Mag be more well rounded with every faction.  But really doesn't seem like people even bother reading the first post.



Edit: I have a challenge for you all, rather than saying "but other frames are OP," "why not buff another frame" (this is a thread about Mag, not another frame) or "OP is upset he got out-damaged" (see about three lines above here), give an actual reason as to why you disagree that Mag is not OP.


Edited by BBYipho
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