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Mag Concerns


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Oh hey it's CC again!

Ha...  It's CC!  Again!

CC!  Yet again!


See where the problem is here?  All these frames are doing well because they have some kind of crowd control and/or damage buffer to your weapons.  Not an instant murder button.


Well, CC DOES trivialize every faction. What's to say that CC isnt as bad as this instant murder button?(which isnt even guaranteed)

What's with this bias against damage and not CC anyway? We're so on board with the idea with turning every enemy in the game completely non threatening and easy to kill.

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How about an idea that DOESN'T completely cripple Mag even more than she already is. She's already the most useless frame in the game now. Her only use now is shield polarizing the Corpus. She's completely dookie everywhere else. In  fact, I wish DE would undo all the damage they did to her by reversing every single terrible move they did to her, tying a big bow on her and giving her a card that says "we're sorry Mag, we really do love you". 

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Well, CC DOES trivialize every faction. What's to say that CC isnt as bad as this instant murder button?(which isnt even guaranteed)

What's with this bias against damage and not CC anyway? We're so on board with the idea with turning every enemy in the game completely non threatening and easy to kill.

Most CC abilities have limited range and some form managing to make it interactive.  We still have the issue of killing them.  Which  then falls to our currently heavily damage focus mod system that may change eventually.


I think making all the enemies heavily effected by types of CC can kind of make some factions almost trivial.  But I also like to think about the use of most of these CC abilities without corrupt mods which drastically shorten duration, range, slowdown, etc.  Most CC in the game has its faults not working on some enemies so things still happen.


Hmm...  Something interesting was said.  We are more onboard with CC being a thing then damage.  This is probably because CC is just more effective for abilities in later game content, sorties and T4 survivals are still horrible benchmarks.  We do have some eximus that seems to ignore some CC effects but not all.  If I have to guess why some people are for CC like abilities then straight damage would probably because seeing an effect on the enemy take place and then killing them feels a bit more rewarding.  This is unless you just fancy fun = higher numbers.


Anyway all frames with CC do it in a fun unique way.  Excalibur blinds things and can do some more melee damage as well as do finishers on all those effected,  Nova slows and adds a damage boost...  Oh hey...  Damage boosting.  You know that's ok when done right.  I guess it gives numbers making those who consider fun a higher damage number some enjoyment.  Then again these boosts are more of an added support ability if you think about it.


I guess I think I fully understand the answer now.  Straight damage abilities are just kind of boring.  No other thing is happening.  We like damage abilities that either has a support or CC effect.  We also seem fine with damage abilities that are chained based, e.g. Atlas's Landslide, but an area hard "nuke" just isn't so fun enducing.


See this post has turned into a rant.  Apologies.  Though an interesting point of view.

Edited by BBYipho
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I wouldn't say that Mag is overpowered but she is heavily geared towards taking care of Corpus, or in other words, unbalanced.

As in the original post, I wouldn't mind if she had an edge against Corpus, but she does completely annihilate the poor things, and with only a press of a button.

Mag to me is a relic from the early stages of the game, where every enemy had a shield, and thus Mag saw a possible part of any team.

I'd rather see mag become a more support based frame, and complete the trinity of starter frames, even if they don't excel in their particular role.

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Let me guess in detail.


Mirage just uses Eclipse and some powerful weapon with Hall of Mirriors?  Not a one button murder.  Are you trying to suggest her Prism with the area blind?  Good CC but not a one button murder.


Equinox I'm guessing is a Maim thing isn't it?  Which is an ability that just stores your damage.  Not a one button murder just a damage storer.  This is more interactive.  Maybe a max range Rest setup?  That range would be a bit too small to counter everything in the room though so what?  Are we talking about the CC from Maim when enemies enter the area?  Oh hey it's CC again!


Rhino... Really?  Pretty much Roar and some powerful weapon.  Again.  Still not a one button murder.  Stomp?  Ha...  It's CC!  Again!


Saryn can still kill targets pretty well but involves a combination of actions.  No instant murder button.  Before the rework she had a spammable murder button that was based on reducing power duration forcing the damage pulses to happen far more rapid then intended.  A spaz pressing 4 murder button.  DE expressed they rather have players interact more then doing that.  Is she a hard counter for everything?  No.  She's a well rounded frame now at least, with a few buff suggestions needed for Molt's health.


Nezha...  An interesting frame don't have a full personal opinion yet.  I'm tempted to either trade for or buy him.  Though from what I've seen so far...  CC!  Yet again!


See where the problem is here?  All these frames are doing well because they have some kind of crowd control and/or damage buffer to your weapons.  Not an instant murder button.


Would be nice to see Mag be more well rounded with every faction.  But really doesn't seem like people even bother reading the first post.

Mirage ult alone can kill sortie grineer without eclipse....

Equinox just plays normal and release maim on big mobs

Stomp is not cc alone when used with roar......

Saryn.... Meh dude, i put spores and watch and the whole room dies....

And nop,i got him, his ult kills more than stuns... AT RANK 2

Anyway... I never quite said mag doesnt need a change, i said it doesnt need the one in OP...

And mag is not OP if u look at it from a far perspective...

She CCs all factions and kills one only, she is more specialized than overpowered

Specialization: being good at one thing, even if too good

Overpowered: being too good at everything even if not so good

Look at saryn, nukes all factions easily with right mods, mirage as well, ash.... I dont even have to say do I? Immortal while CCing and killing and has defense in his stats and 2nd power

VS other frames, mag is underpowered not overpowered

But i agree its a bit lame to be a one faction frame, but there are a lot more frames to play, u dislik mag, leave her for those who dont

~happy holidays

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Make shield polarize also Detonate player shields, along with refilling them, then she is more "multi faction"


Then you just need to stand next to a 1000 Shield Volt and watch him aoe 2500-7100 @14m even vs Grineer that magnetic damage will hit them for 1k at low armor levels.





As for mag vs corpus, its very situational.  Take mag into some of the new corpus sorties solo and you will quickly find yourself fighting for your life, in situations where frames with CC or raw damage(excal) are almost afk its so easy.


Mag is only powerful in 4 man teams where enough corpus spawn to get detonation chains.  She may carry the damage, but if she really was  "WIPING ALL THE MAP" as some QQ mention, her damage % would be 90-100%

Edited by Tatersail
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