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Broken [Ooc/recruiting/feedback]


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There is little hope for us...

We are running low on resources and more and more people lose their own lives. Unless we act fast we will fall...

Welcome to broken, a post apocalyptic rp where only the strong survive and the weaklings perish. In a world ruled by volience and death after a war against the orokin and sentinents people must survive from gangs, harsh environments, all out wars / fights and as well as trying to survive while doing missions and hunting for supply's to ensure their survival.

The story: a war between the orokin and sentinents have left everything in ruins. The cause of the war is unknown but it is something much deeper than people imagine. Fractions have been torn apart but the Tenno stood tall but now they have to survive. To ensure their survival they must search for resources and exerimate enemies which are a threat...

This is only a little bit of the story but I'll change it depending on the feedback and the story will change depending on people's actions.


No derailing the thread: make sure to stay on track

Don't be op: no one shooting bosses or wiping out rooms with a single ability

Have fun

Some notes:

This rp isn't cannon so no second dream spoilers or anything like that.

I would prefer it if you kept primes for later BUT I will allow people to have prime gear if they have a reason (like smuggling a prime weapon or being given / gifted) edit: actually don't worry about this rule anymore. As long as you aren't op I'll allow prime gear

I'll take control of NPCs and bosses and I'll say when they die or not BUT if you want to take control of certain NPCs or have your own bad guy in this rp then feel free to. Just take note that pretty much all bad guys in this rp will end up dying (unless they decide to join forces with you or something). Edit: I'll now allow people to include their own OCs as NPCs but they must have an OC that they will regularly play for this rp. Also forget about the part saying that the bad guys will die. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.

As anything can happen in this rp I won't mind what your OC does, whenever it's taking supply's for yourself, betraying friends and fellow members, going on a mission alone or just whatever really.

If your OC dies then you can re enter as another OC but you are allowed to have 2 OCs at once if you wanted to.

Btw when this rp (hopefully) begins I will do a little prologue a few minutes / hours / days before the war began so we can see how they react and what happens.




Appearance: (describe the appearance of both the Tenno and human under the suit)



Companions: optional

Syndicates: optional

Before the war:

After the war:

And one last thing...

Have fun and enjoy your stay.

Ps. This is a recreation of my rp shattered worlds and doomsday which died before they even began, I have a better feeling about this to though as it has a lot of differences.

Happy hunting Tenno...

Edited by crimsonspartan1
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I don't really get the stroy of this. You have to explain more, what the tenno were doing in/after/before the war, what the orokin were like, how the world now looks... I can't even create a character without knowing those things.

That's why I'm waiting for free back, I don't really wanna make a story that everyone hates, I'll just make on soon and then get some feedback on it. Everyone was most likely doing what they normally do before the war anyway (living life, doing missions, etc anyway) I can't say what everyone is doing because they could be doing all sorts of things.

Edit: ok I got the story set, it's only a small bit but the story will change depending on the feedback. Also different things will happen depending on people's actions so yea.

Well thanks Denny for getting this rp killed, guess I'll give up on rps forever


Edited by crimsonspartan1
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That's why I'm waiting for free back, I don't really wanna make a story that everyone hates, I'll just make on soon and then get some feedback on it. Everyone was most likely doing what they normally do before the war anyway (living life, doing missions, etc anyway) I can't say what everyone is doing because they could be doing all sorts of things.

Edit: ok I got the story set, it's only a small bit but the story will change depending on the feedback. Also different things will happen depending on people's actions so yea.

Well thanks Denny for getting this rp killed, guess I'll give up on rps forever


Why? What did I do? You asked for feedback and I gave you some, so how did I get the RP killed?

And why do you think it's dead? You literaly posted it tooday! It takes days to get a RP going, not 10 minutes.

And why should you allready give up? You used the same idea for all your RPs, and you're wondering why none of them started? Try something new for crying out loud!

Sorry if your dream just shattered, but this idea you have probably isn't going to work.

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Why? What did I do? You asked for feedback and I gave you some, so how did I get the RP killed?

And why do you think it's dead? You literaly posted it tooday! It takes days to get a RP going, not 10 minutes.

And why should you allready give up? You used the same idea for all your RPs, and you're wondering why none of them started? Try something new for crying out loud!

Sorry if your dream just shattered, but this idea you have probably isn't going to work.

Could of gave other feedback instead of complaining how it didn't make sense, you could of just created a character for it at least, it's so easy. Well it died anyway so I'll just forget about making rps unless I think of something new but it would still die anyway. There isn't many ideas you could do anyway, there's a lot of crossovers, 2 prison rps, lots of mature themed ones and more. I don't really want to be using others ideas so this is the best I can do.

RIP all my rps, wished you actually started.

Edit: maybe I'm over reacting abit. I should really just wait and hope that more people tag along.

Edited by crimsonspartan1
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Well that's sad but if you want to post your OC do it and hopefully more people will tag along at some point. After all like Denny said, rps threads take time to begin.

Then i have one question does my character have to be a tenno could it be just a human or grineer defector that allied themself with the tenno to survive?

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You know what? To the void with it, I'm joining. I'll put up my application later.

Don't you dare give up when you haven't even started.

Ok. I'll just try and improve it some more. Some people have already given me some feedback in a different thread so I might try and take some ideas.

Oh and sorry about earlier Denny, if you spend ages thinking of an rp and watching it die with a couple of attempts to re create it then you would feel how I feel. I most likely prefer joining new, good rps but I do want to try and have my own.

Edited by crimsonspartan1
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Character entry:


Name: Cinder


Frame: Ember Prime


Warframe Appearance: Dark red with burning orange edges on every accent, the main essence of her agile body build is black, her fire burns white. So deadly and quick that it doesn’t form the need for color, so it takes the appearance of the ashes and plumes of smoke of her enemies as such, melding the smoke and fire together. Her weapons are The Penta, Twin Grakatas and a Scindo Prime which she uses to lower her shields and smite the enemy. The Scindo is her Signature weapon, she stands her own taking in the brunt of energy of enemies only to feed it back to them for this she is known as The Molten Headsman. She wears a pakal syandana along with most of the same armor aside from an Eos shoulder plate and a missing chest plate. When she isn’t holding her axe she sways her hips and bounces on her toes, ready for any enemy. She wears a darkened back drift helmet further establishing the warrior that she is.


Tenno Appearance: Her eyes are golden with messy reddened hair, she wears ear rings and the rest of her clothes is black and purple matching her sister.


Personality: Her mannerisms are quiet usually keeping her thoughts to herself as she follows the orders of her beloved Lotus, despite her executioner like stance and look she has joined with the Steel Meridian to gain a meaning to her mindless slaughter but the Red Veil also have her by a string for her work she is in fact a killer and they aid her in her journey.


Bio: (Placed in Pre and Post-war tales.)


Companions: She treasures her kubrows Topaz being with her before she found her sister has been her best company and he digs for her, due to her draining powers that take a great toll out of energy. The other, Genesis, hunting targets and providing a loving pet that would search a corrupt target to her death but Cinder is always there to

pick her up, going to great lengths to keep them from downing.


Syndicates: Steel Meridian. Red Veil.


Before the war:


A Bad Dream (Intro)/ Time(Before the war)

Lost have I been in thought… waiting endlessly in this damn ship.

I can’t forget the times I spent trapped in the Zariman afraid, but brazen of the world we were soon to embark on. That day… the doors opened another view onto what had changed outside, there were people… people in shape, but nothing that I’ve seen before. The times have changed and they took us in this darkened ship into what appeared to be The Light into the afterlife. It was a wide door another ship docked into ours the tenets of that ship coming to take survey of this wreck, but they found us and pulled us into the light.

Me and my sister…

I couldn’t see through the white rays of piercing light.

“Help!..” She screams.

I frantically reached my hands toward hers as she did the same. We both still being dragged into the other ship.

“Just... wait for me.” Her humble young voice muttered as she dropped her hand and we were both taken into the white. I kept fighting, I had to. I didn’t know what she meant.

“Smolder!” I cried bashing and kicking the “Thing” that carried me. And then I stopped hearing voices… I was asleep. A bad nightmare, I must’ve cried myself to sleep that day. Heheh…


Striking the fire (Intro)/ Time (Before the war)


I awaken fragile and cold, a door of glass and metal releasing me from a sleeping chamber-like prison of mine. I take my hand out to see if this was a dream. It was… This wasn’t mine… Not my hand… I felt it being grabbed by another hand and I followed through, slowly I’m pulled from the sleep chamber and my daze, then I looked around.

Nothing I can remember in sight. I look down at my legs, my arms my body. All of them adorned in gold and again like nothing I’ve seen before, the hand that I had grasped onto was of someone much different than me, a dark figure I fell onto the ground away from it having not been able to run. I was scared, what were these things!? In my fall, fire burst from my hand, white flames… The light from that day came back into mind.

“My Sister…” The voice came from my mouth but not the same as I have spoken before. I put my hand to my cheek feeling as to how my own face has changed and the nice warm fiery palm of my hand. The figures still looking onto me waiting patiently, very understanding of my confusion. And the one having gotten my hand before, with its armored white and blue chilling appearance offered its hand to me.

I took it.


Character entry: Smolder


Frame: Ember Prime


Appearance: She’s a soft fire, burning a greenish blue and wears a smooth original ember helmet. Her armaments are the Dread, Twin Grakata, and Reaper Prime. She’s known as The Blue Angel, known for setting the world to a slow burn, indulging in the time she has the spare to do other tasks. Her body is gray and black having the color of her fire engulf her and armor around her. She wears Dendra armor on one side and shielded Daedalus guards on her other side. She wears a Synoid Syandana that glows with her search for knowledge under Cepholon Suda. Her back has a large Oracle sigil showing her status in the syndicate and on her chest she brands a scar sigil under her chest plate.

Tenno Appearance: Her eyes are a light blue under oculus glasses above her nose, fair skinned and a seeker of knowledge, this is very apparent by her look. She wears a purple and black Zariman hood like her sister. The only two things distinguishing them is there hair Smolder’s dark black hair being clean and combed opposed to the other’s and her eyes compared to her sister.


Personality: Smolder gets the objective completed and supports the team but can manage herself nicely. She takes the work away from any others in her squad and assists by keeping them alive. On the other hand Smolder’s abilities make her quite fearsome, having encountered hundreds of enemies but not touched by a single one, She burns them until there’s nothing left but the final moments of life, that she then reaps away with her scythe. Her abilities draining far too much out of her that she occasionally falls and has to be saved, but is a great fighter none the less. She’s as caring as her sister and seeks knowledge to better the scene of the post war era. She continuously goes on missions for research instead of killing like her sister. Smolder doesn’t approve of killing without purpose, and she spares those that she can, at times even having to look upon her own torment… many enemies burned half to death and she takes the pain away from them as a symbol of her pain and empathy. She hates what she does but does it for greater purpose. Whether she is named after an Angel of death or a Heavenly angel many are split on their views of her.


Companions: She shares a companion with Cinder, Topaz being the most attached to Cinder was the first to accompany her, and she loves his loyalty and utility. But her own kubrow, Anna is greatly her favorite, she spent so long finding an egg to finally look upon an abandoned kubrow nest and rescued the poor pup. Anna runs along the flames of her owner she enjoys herself finds treats and prizes for her hero, she would gladly risk her life to aid her master and to save another. They care deeply for each other and love the warm heart felt cuddles and petting sections after every mission. Anna at times sleeps beside Smolder on cold nights in the Lasset.


Sydicates: Cephalon Suda


Before the war:


A Bad Dream Pt.2 (Intro)/ Time( Before the war)

We had fun in the darkness of the Zariman, no matter how bad it seemed we continued to keep our spirits high. It was calm peaceful, a still moment that let us think. A breath after all that has happened.

Metal clanked, grinding at the atomic level, scarping against the calm that was our ship. We waited to be taken but not like this.

It wasn’t our call, not what we were expecting. The doors of the ship opening shining a light that caught me off guard. And I ran, but was grabbed by one of my arms.

“Help!..” I did the only thing I could, look out for my sister she was my safety in this wreckage and through the light rays I see her figure reaching out to me. She wasn’t one for words but I knew by how frantic she looked that she had the same fear I did. The same questions I had.

What would become of us?

I watched on… seeing her kick and fight, while I just reached out for her strength. No. I’m going to be strong in my own way.

“Cinder…” The voice too frail to come out right because of how scared I was, I lowered my arm.

Tried again.

“Wait for me.” And like that I was taken into the light and into the deepest of sleep. Hearing my Sister panic as my eye lids distanced themselves from where it appeared I had been, It looked like I could see out of my own eye shaped holes and the rest was just a black silhouette, like I turned into a smaller person and was placed inside my own empty head.

With the windows closing I heard “Smolder!” And they shut and there was nothing after.


After the war:


Snuff the Terror (Intro)/ Time (After the war)

“My Sister”

The only words that came out of her mouth since she had been awoken. She followed orders and continued on her way up the ranks, accepting what she had become and remaining much the same person she was before but something was missing and she wouldn’t tell anyone about it. At times she would sit around her lasset much like now, in a corner juxtaposing what she looked like. She was strong fierce but still longed for her sister and that made her ball up and cry in a corner at times. The Large axe to her side and Ordis asking what was wrong, but nothing done, nothing said her kubrow coming to comfort her staying as close as it could to the burning frame.

It’s been years since her arrival, the rules weren’t explained, much just followed orders seeing the results after every mission, it was good. It was what they did. None of the other frames understood Cinder, a shell and a mess in her own mind. The rest thought it was nothing but they didn’t know how much it hurt her. She needed that balance. She was angry, still wondering what her sister meant. And in these moments she would be reminded of her sister she reachs her hand out, and feels nothing. Topaz would at times walk up and put his fur on the hand, making it that much easier to calm down.

She had to forget.

But she couldn’t not with those final words. “Wait for me” it gave her hope but it kept her mind wandering, rolling through ideas of what could’ve happened. The cryopod they found Cinder in was secured but there were many others hunted and killed in the duration of the war. It was a time where those where the most valuable, the most skilled teams sent now to ensure a captured and protected target, but Cinder. Being herself wouldn’t receive these missions despite her rank and utility she was more suited for capturing targets, a bloody truth that then lead to the cryopods, which others tended to.

>Message from the lotus<


“What’s this?”

The message blankly reading only one word. And a Defense… A cryopod defense most likely.

She jumped at the opportunity to join the mission and there saw a familiar face. The frost that had rescued her now much older and wiser, a frost prime, still the same man but they never met since that one moment. Nothing was said, the rest of the team assembled and the mission would commence.

They landed, not too far and they would reach the target as she was instructed the frost had already made his skill apparent, already pushing the enemies away from the objective and planting a giant tundra over it. Cinder walked slowly into the mission her axe to her side, not wanting to ruin her mood any further by having to murder these targets, the globe was there. All stood inside of it but she manned the front taking strikes and shots from the enemy. Her rifles hit hard enough to knock her down her health was beginning to get low, but she wouldn’t swing her weapon.

One hundred health and she still stood. Her mind still wondering about her sister, unaware of her condition.

The Frost pulled her by the Syandana with his arm she wouldn’t snap out of it, and bring her into the globe and hitting her with some ice reminded her of when she woke.

In her coming to. She jolted up and looked around again, her Scindo dropped on the ground under hundreds of frozen enemies. The frost as before looked onto her knowingly and guided her to the cryopod.

“Here. Warm the ice under the glass.” He said placing her hand on the surface. And she did just that. Slowly the frame inside began to reveal itself. An Ember…

“Why did you want me to see this?” She said turning back to him, the rest of the mission already completed. The glass of the Cryopod finally being unlocked hissed and lifted. They all peered inside.

“No…”there had been something about this person… it was her sister.

Smolder still in the Cryopod not moving but still breathing. Cinder slid an arm under her shoulders and carried her sister seeming to finally be in reach. The frame’s arm reached up and then dropped on her stomach still much too weak to move but then a voice frilled out of the frame, still half asleep.


“For me.”












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Name: Silvius/Silvia

Frame: Equinox


-Warframe: day form full white, night form full blue.

-Under the frame: black hair, attractive, good looking, flawless face, long normal hair, medium build.

Personality: Very persuasive, takes full advantage of chosen gender, hard to trick and betray, easy to trust.

Bio: Equinox, day and night, light and dark, male and female. This user of that frame takes full advantage of its abilities, even outside of combat. Nobody could choose their gender, they were either a male or a female, and they had to live with it for the rest of their lives... this tenno does not have that flaw. Silvius, or Silvia, depending on which form is used, switches between genders to trick everyone. The tenno tricked many people this way, so many in fact that he/she became rich. Those credits aren't worth anything now, but who said that the tenno can only get credits? Trickery is important to survival, an art of gaining, and this tenno has mastered that art.

Companions: None.

Syndicates: None, although many syndicates know the tenno, especially the Perrin Sequence.

Before the war: Just like any other tenno, but special... and rich.

After the war: Like any other survivor, special... but not rich... yet...




Tell me if anything is wrong, it's hard to make a character when you have no idea how things were before the war...

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I'm not gonna include the second dream stuff in this rp, I prefer it if warframe's weren't puppets.

Well, they aren't, but I'm not going to explain it here.

If U18 isn't involved, then how does Fam0u5s submission going to work? Don't get me wrong, his story brought a tear to my eye, but it seems like it's post U18. But maybe it isn't, who knows. You should talk with Fam0u5.

And please approve or dissapprove submissions when they arrive.

Edited by Denny2669
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I used the following information for my entry: Ember Prime Codex, Vor's Prize (Mission), and a few other sources I can't remember at the time. So far this information was present before U18 and somewhat works with the story of U18, It seems similar to what happens but is not that, unless you take it that way. 

So, if you have played the second dream you will be able to see a few parallels but I promise you this story has not reached or even touched base with  the second dream. Both Character's have only been shown as their frames. 


Any cosmetic features such as the armor and sigils are just purely for cosmetic purposes unless given a specified meaning.

(To avoid spoilers I'm not talking about this topic any further. If you wish to discuss this matter with me, that's fine. Just send a personal message but don't have it anywhere on this tread. I don't bite <3. Thank you)

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Oh yea I forgot XD I like both of your characters :D

That's all? Nothing you would like changed? Nothing you don't fully understand?

Wow, you have really low standarts XD.

But anyway, how many people do we need? At the moment we have two I think, Kyro has yet to make a character, and maybe some players fron your previous "dead" RP have yet to join.

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That's all? Nothing you would like changed? Nothing you don't fully understand?

Wow, you have really low standarts XD.

But anyway, how many people do we need? At the moment we have two I think, Kyro has yet to make a character, and maybe some players fron your previous "dead" RP have yet to join.

Guess we just wait then :| it may take days, weeks or maybe months even but in the end it may hopefully begin. I'm aiming for around 5+ people so this to can begin.

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