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Need Help With Ignis Build



Hey Friends,


I am working my way through some older weapons I have lying around, and grew quite fond of the ignis. My only issue at the moment is that the damage seems to drop off HARD with enemies around level 25-30 in Dark Sector Survival. Now I'm not sure if this is because of the ancients armor or just the higher HP pool, but I go from being able to room wipe at 5 minutes to running for my life at 20 minutes. My main question is should I build it for the smaller targets, so Fire and Gas damage, or go for the bigger guys with Corrosive and Blast? I felt like when I did the latter i was hardly damaging anything at all.


Build is as follows(from memory):


Split Chamber

Thermite Rounds

Malignant Force

Cryo Rounds

2 Rank Rifle Ammo Mutation


Currently no Forma on there so thats why rifle ammo is slotted in. Is the Ignis really even viable for mid game? I would love to put a heavy caliber in there, as with beam or cone weapons the accuracy penalty is minimal. Any other tips?




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Ignis is definitely mid-game viable, in fact I've taken it on a few Sorties and used it to decent effect. Corrosive + Fire tends to be the go-to setup for Infested, since you get bonus damage against both the light units and the Ancients. Viral + Fire is also a decent choice with a high enough status chance.


My personal setup is:


Split Chamber


Heavy Caliber

High Voltage

Malignant Force

Thermite rounds


Rifle Ammo Mutation


I may forma it again and replace one of the elemental/status mods with a standard elemental mod, but the extra status chance they provide is pretty handy so you can use as many of them as you prefer. Some players may also forego ammo mutation for another damage mod (and just use restore pads for ammo) but I personally prefer having it.


What is the going rate for the electric event mods now a days? I know they got re-released briefly for an event or tactical alert but I was unable to get them.


And thank you for the help. I think not having heavy caliber is hurting me pretty badly, is yours maxed out?

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The biggest problem the Ignis has against the Infested is that it's an AoE weapon - which means with Ancient Healers, it triggers their healing Aura from all the little guys you're also hitting, essentially making them immortal via. ridiculous levels of self healing. Either separate 'em off, melee 'em or aim high to score headshots against 'em and miss all the little guys so they don't regenerate all their health quickly.


My personal build is a 5-forma one, because I invested heavily in the poor bugger - it's great for mid-level stuff unforma'd, but it definitely needs some forma for the higher levels. I run with:


Heavy Caliber


Split Chamber

Combustion Beam

90% Elemental Mod

90% Elemental Mod

90% Elemental Mod

Firestorm/Ammo Mutation/Sinister Reach


Heavy Caliber is a wonderful mod on the Ignis - it makes precision shots a little harder (weirdly enough the Ignis is surprisingly good for accurate headshots without it), but 150% bonus damage and a greatly increased width make up for it. Combustion Beam is pretty good on the Ignis, scoring some good bonus damage while hosing down hordes that can also chain-react to help clear enemies faster - it's a little buggy though, in that occasionally it'll fail to hit enemies yet pop every crate in a 4-tile radius.


While the Ignis has some decent status chance, I've found it's better to just focus on pure damage - you'll either be killing enemies so quick that procs don't matter, or be slowly burning a heavy down that'll get procced anyway due to the sheer volume of fire. Blast/Corrosive tends to be my go-to for Infested (Blast/Toxic for Corpus and Rad/Viral for Grineer), since that hits the Ancients hardest and the occasional Blast Proc is cheap CC. A Status-Proc build is viable though, but feels like more of a 'screwing around' build than a 'killing things' build.

The last slot is just what I need at the time - Firestorm for infested missions since it lets me hit slightly behind myself with Heavy Caliber (not full 360 but close enough, great when getting swarmed), Ammo Mutation for survival and defense missions, and Sinister Reach when speed running an Exterminate. I've tried swapping it out for one of the dual-stat mods, but honestly I've found the increased damage isn't that significant enough to lose on the Utility of the other mods.

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What is the going rate for the electric event mods now a days? I know they got re-released briefly for an event or tactical alert but I was unable to get them.


And thank you for the help. I think not having heavy caliber is hurting me pretty badly, is yours maxed out?


I'm not sure how much High Voltage goes for actually, but as mentioned you could probably use Stormbringer in place of it if you can't get a fair price for HV. As for the Heavy Caliber, it's actually only rank 6/10, but still adds a notable amount of damage (I'll have to forma the Ignis again to have enough points to rank it up any further).

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I'm not sure how much High Voltage goes for actually, but as mentioned you could probably use Stormbringer in place of it if you can't get a fair price for HV. As for the Heavy Caliber, it's actually only rank 6/10, but still adds a notable amount of damage (I'll have to forma the Ignis again to have enough points to rank it up any further).

Don't Eris sabotage caches reward the electric status mods?


Anyways, corrosive+blast yields maximum damage vs the heavier infested units. Gas is only good vs light infested units but terrible vs heavies. Corrosive+fire provides good damage against both light and heavy.


If you're having trouble with ancient healers then either pick them off or proc radiation on them or units with their aura. I personally use a radiation status+fire rate sentinel weapon to disable healer auras.

Edited by MrJxt
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I'm a big fan of ignis for doing invasions or anything you have to clear quickly / farming quick. For that reason i have 5 forma in mine.


It's quite simple honestly, even without status mods using just split gives it a pretty high status chance, and because it fires/hits so quick with innate multishot, you're actually getting those effects MUCH quicker then it states on paper. For this reason, i've played around extensively using all dual stat mods / speed mods switching to all damage mods.


The best result has been:




4x 90% mods

Last spot is up to you, you can put more utility on it via reach / radius.. You can put a dual stat mod to push the status and damage a little higher, you can put a mutation mod on if you must...i'm 1000000% against using a mutation mod on any weapon personally. It's a complete waste of a slot that just hurts your weapon honestly. You have 2 other weapons for a reason. Ignis doesn't chew through ammo that fast if you aren't holding the trigger endlessly.


Personally i use a dual stat mod to squeeze more damage out of it. I still find going this route that it procs almost every time. I'm currently playing around using vile acceleration to see if the +speed is better but the ammo consumption then becomes an issue, where the dual stat will raise the damage without this.

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The biggest problem the Ignis has against the Infested is that it's an AoE weapon - which means with Ancient Healers, it triggers their healing Aura from all the little guys you're also hitting, essentially making them immortal via. ridiculous levels of self healing. Either separate 'em off, melee 'em or aim high to score headshots against 'em and miss all the little guys so they don't regenerate all their health quickly.

This right here had me stumped until I just read this. I had no idea why I was doing ZERO damage against these guys. The ancients start spawning in stupid high amounts when you get to 20 minutes or so, and there were so many healers I was doing next to no damage.


I do want to get my hands on combustion beam. I had a ton of fun using the Attica with Thunderbolt, and this is similar. I know it will taper off at higher levels but extra damage is extra damage.

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This right here had me stumped until I just read this. I had no idea why I was doing ZERO damage against these guys. The ancients start spawning in stupid high amounts when you get to 20 minutes or so, and there were so many healers I was doing next to no damage.


I do want to get my hands on combustion beam. I had a ton of fun using the Attica with Thunderbolt, and this is similar. I know it will taper off at higher levels but extra damage is extra damage.

It's actually surprisingly useful at higher levels, so long as you're not fighting Grineer - their armour scaling means you pop one of 'em and tickle the others for about 12 damage. Against Corpus and Infested it keeps it's usefulness into the mid-50s since they don't use the same defensive scaling - against Infested it's good for taking out non-Healer Ancients too, since you can detonate a pack of light infested and one-shot any of the Ancients nearby. 

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Ignis is definitely mid-game viable, in fact I've taken it on a few Sorties and used it to decent effect. Corrosive + Fire tends to be the go-to setup for Infested, since you get bonus damage against both the light units and the Ancients. Viral + Fire is also a decent choice with a high enough status chance.


My personal setup is:


Split Chamber


Heavy Caliber

High Voltage

Malignant Force

Thermite rounds


Rifle Ammo Mutation


I may forma it again and replace one of the elemental/status mods with a standard elemental mod, but the extra status chance they provide is pretty handy so you can use as many of them as you prefer. Some players may also forego ammo mutation for another damage mod (and just use restore pads for ammo) but I personally prefer having it.

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