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Why I Dont Play Sortie


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The lenses are not fine. Lenses are worthless, and as far as I can tell they are 90% of the drop table (after weights). If the sortie has any non-endless mission at all, you're looking at, what, probably 30 minutes of not-actually-difficult-just-bullet-spongey gameplay for what will realistically be 5 platinum. Sorties are worse than void defense. It's an absolutely abysmal reward : time investment ratio.

I don't know why you're comparing a reward to the amount of platinum it's worth and justifying that as making it fine or not.


I don't mind getting lenses. I think they are a perfectly fine reward.

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I did not compare it to any amount of platinum. Though if you want to talk platinum, you could probably earn platinum farming and selling gold cores and then use that platinum to buy the specific lens you want faster than you could get that lens from a sortie. There are five kinds of lenses, so the odds of getting thespecific lens you want are low even though you're virtually guaranteed to get some kind of lens. Or you could try trading lenses for lenses, but to be frank the community has already started to figure out that certain schools are trash and certain other schools aren't, so odds are good that if you don't get the lens you want, no one else wants it either (depending on how much time you're willing to spend in trade chat, anyway).


No, sorties are a terrible way to get lenses. Sorties are a terrible way to get anything. They're not challenging or engaging, they are time consuming, and the value of what you'll get for them is less than spending an equal amount of time on void defense. And void defense is itself already a hellish experience that devours mens' souls and leaves them empty, cracked husks.


Sorties are a good idea executed poorly. Half of the problem is that the game's current design does not easily lend itself to being made difficult - between having infinite energy and perfect CC halfway decent players simply can't be challenged, and the one-shotting bullet sponge paradigm DE is currently pursuing does nothing to change that. The other half of the problem is that the rewards you're actually going to get aren't worth blowing your nose on. It's an extension of all the problems Warframe already had wrapped up in a brand new form and turned into a daily.

Edited by DSMatticus
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Why I don't do sorties: you can earn enough money by working overtime for the same amount or less time than it takes to run sorties to buy the plat to buy the reward instead of throwing the dice, and overtime is less boring than elemental resistance defense, making everything a bullet sponge isn't challenging or interesting, just annoying.


If you expect me to play 40mins+ my reward at the end shouldn't be random, random rewards aren't fun or interesting, just frustrating when you don't want/need 90% of possible rewards and you keep getting those. And just because a bunch of stuff is listed in the rewards table doesn't mean the odds are equal, I'm willing to bet legendary cores are super rare.


DE have done something pretty wrong imo if playing the game is the worst way to access new content.

Edited by KriLL3
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Sorties are disgustingly to long and tedius to do for rewards that to disgustingly useless. I may not be a MR 22 monster with everything but I don't need 95% of the things Sorties drop. So I was going to do it for fun but 20 waves of bullet sponge is not even close to fun. Its quite antifun.


This is a game where suppose to have fun, forcing us to play a mission for a insane amount of time which basically just turns into sitting around until all the enemies are dead is not fun. I would have more fun turning off my PC and getting a ball and proceeding to play catch with myself using the wall.

Edited by Feallike
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I like sorties.


The end rewards is just a bonus, i do with my clan and we laugh alot because we die like ducks.


But the "main" reason of sorties for us ATM is... you always end with 2/3 of the rare planet drops from each missions, so yeah, we found it to be quite great when it lands on Jupiter. Free Neural Sensors.

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While i agree that the reward table needs changed, but putting platinum in the reward table is taking it too far. 

I don't think so, all DE need to do is give it a drop rate like the legendary core and hardly anyone will get it :D


I think you would have to choose between having a checklist sortie reward system or having plat in the reward pool you can't have both

Edited by viperveteran
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I don't think so, all DE need to do is give it a drop rate like the legendary core and hardly anyone will get it :D


I think you would have to choose between having a checklist sortie reward system or having plat in the reward pool you can't have both

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